The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 423: My husband is the male partner (22)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Just call me Changsheng!"

He Tiantian touched the baby's little face and said softly.

He Tiantian said that adopting this child was not just to appease a dying mother, she really wanted to adopt him.

First of all, she was destined to this child. This was the first child she had personally delivered in this small world. It was she who saved this child's life!

Secondly, the birth of this child boosted the morale of the soldiers and civilians in the city.

No matter when or where a little life is born, it represents hope and inheritance.

Xicheng had just experienced a tragic battle, with numerous soldiers and civilians killed and injured, and a good city almost turned into a dead city.

The arrival of He Tiantian's reinforcements gave hope to the surviving soldiers and civilians.

The birth of this little baby gave everyone a "new life".

He Tiantian ordered people to find a lactating woman in the dilapidated city and asked her to be a wet nurse to feed him forever.

After settling the children, He Tiantian began to officially take over everything in Xicheng.

Clean the battlefield, collect and bury the bodies of Dayuan's soldiers and volunteers, re-establish the defense line of the West City, and appease the surviving people in the city.


He Tiantian was patrolling under the city wall with his guards, and a strong and thick city wall brick fell from a damaged section of the city wall.

The direction in which the city wall bricks fell was pointed directly at He Tiantian who was passing by.

"Tiantian, be careful!"

Little D, who has turned on God's perspective, is like a universal camera. When it detects an abnormality, it will alert it as soon as possible.

At almost the same time as Little D’s classmate exclaimed, He Tiantian moved her energy to her Dantian and poured her inner energy into the riding crop in her hand.

She raised her hand and waved the whip seemingly casually, but it hit the wall brick squarely.



The city wall bricks were whipped away by the riding whip and fell heavily to the ground, creating a pit.

Only then did He Tiantian's personal guards react. They hurriedly pulled out the swords from their waists and formed a circle around He Tiantian.

They looked around vigilantly and found that there was nothing suspicious around them. Then they separated into a few people and ran up the tower in one breath, following the direction where the city wall bricks fell.

The guards must confirm whether the brick that hit their general manager fell accidentally or was done deliberately.

If it's the former, that's fine. If it's the latter, it means that there are Hulu spies mixed in in Xicheng!

Being a spy is definitely not a trivial matter!

Today they dare to hit people with bricks from the city wall secretly, but tomorrow they dare to set fire to the city or open the door to robbers.

He Tiantian didn't say anything to stop her. She knew very well that this was not a spy or an accident at all, but a pure "plot killing".

As an outsider, He Tiantian took away the heroine's biggest golden finger, and the plot was also messed up. Only the world's consciousness is willing to let go!

In fact, this is not the first time He Tiantian has been killed in a plot.

As early as on the way to Xicheng, He Tiantian met him several times.

However, with her strong personal abilities and the omnipotent monitor of classmate Little D, she successfully survived various "accidents".

"...Tiantian, the consciousness of this world is really stubborn."

When Little D saw that his friend had once again escaped the "plot killing", he couldn't help but complain——

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Since it is an independent and complete world consciousness, it also shows that it has enough wisdom!"

"Since it is intelligent, it should be able to see that its 'heroine' can no longer bear the heavy responsibility of supporting the main plot of the entire small world.


"...the heroine is trapped in the inner house. Except for Zhou Jin, the number one male supporting actor, she has no chance to contact other male supporting characters. She cannot have the same influence as in the original plot-"

The biggest golden finger of the heroine is a group of male supporting actors who live for her, die for her, and make selfless sacrifices for her.

Now, except for one Zhou Jin, everyone else has been lost to butterflies.

Even Zhou Jin didn't seem to be so considerate and willing to sacrifice for He Shu.

The vicious villain "He Tan" counterattacked, and the heroine's halo was artificially destroyed.

If it is a smart and current world consciousness, it should choose to recognize the new heroine "He Tan".

Rather than just blindly killing the plot, trying desperately to bring back the broken plot.

"Little D, in fact, the awareness of the world is not as strong as before!"

He Tiantian has a different view from Little D’s classmate, “Compared to the original ‘plot killing’, the current ‘accident’ is actually more like a child’s play!”

"The world consciousness of this world has actually recognized me, but it is a little unwilling to do so, so it uses some small methods that are not too dangerous."

It's like being angry.

He Tiantian has a keen intuition, and the recent "accidents" have indirectly confirmed her guess - the world's consciousness has given way!

Little D thought about it carefully, "Huh? That's really the case. So, more than half of your task has been completed?!"

For this "antivirus task", the system does not have clear restrictions.

But through He Tiantian’s explanation, Little D has already understood the techniques for doing this kind of task——

The ancient articles written more than ten years ago no longer meet the aesthetic preferences of current readers.

If you want to be recognized and rewarded by readers, then you need to adjust the main plot - the heroine can have flaws, and she can even be a black lotus with a strong personality, but she must not be the disgusting scheming bitch or green tea white lotus.

For such an ancient plot, it would be better to just have a vicious female supporting character "take the lead" and become another style of "female supporting character counterattack story".

In this way, the reader will be satisfied and rejuvenated, and He Tiantian, as a writer, will have successfully completed the task.

"Roughly the same!"

He Tiantian said lightly, "The world's consciousness has recognized me, but I haven't become a real heroine yet!"

If she is not a heroine, she will not have the aura of a heroine.

Therefore, He Tiantian still needs to work hard to make the character of "He Tan" more refreshing, so that readers can enjoy watching it!

And what do today’s readers prefer to read?

She is not a love-minded person who believes in true love first, but a heroine who can truly pursue a career.

He Tiantian clenched the riding whip in her hand and looked deeply at the vast and barren sand and grassland.

After staying in Xicheng for half a month, He Tiantian thoroughly took care of things in Xicheng.

After choosing the right route, shooting the Hurutou and other incidents, Liu Sheng, Wang Kui and their soldiers have realized that——

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although their coach is a young woman, she also has the qualities and abilities of a general.

It may not be certain whether she can be as good at fighting as the previous generals of the He family, but she is definitely not a facade person.

This General Manager He is worth looking forward to.

He Tiantian used the abilities given to her to temporarily win over the hearts of his soldiers. At this moment, He Jing, who was seriously injured, led his troops back to Xicheng.

"Huan'er, you, you--"

Seeing his precious daughter in heavy armor with a solemn face, He Jing was filled with emotions.

Heartache, surprise, reluctance and hope... all kinds of emotions are mixed together.

In the end, He Jing sighed helplessly and agreed with the fact that "He Tan" would inherit the mantle of the He family!

He was missing a leg and his internal organs were severely damaged.

Even if he barely survives, he is still a useless person and cannot lead troops to fight.

And the outstanding eldest son He Tao... is still missing.

Maybe he died, maybe he was captured by barbarians, maybe he was seriously injured but desperately waiting to die.

But no matter what the situation was, He Tao could not continue to lead the He family army.

As for the second son——

It's better to let "He Tan" come to the northwest.

The daughter has this ability, but the second son may not be able to survive the hardship of marching thousands of miles.

In addition, there was another reason that He Jing could not explain to others: the tolerance of the royal family and the court towards the He family army had reached its peak.

I don't look at anything else but the food and salary payments in recent years. I always find that they are in arrears for no reason.

The He family has been operating in the northwest for more than a hundred years. Even if the He family has no thoughts of rebellion, it cannot stop the royal family from fearing it.

In fact, even without this "accident", He Jing was still considering finding a way out for his family.

The He family is no longer suitable to stay in the northwest, and the Northwest Army should not be forever branded with the word "He".

Unless the He family really wants to rebel!

He Jing: ...Do you really think rebellion is so easy to start?

Without the right time, right place, right people, and only one hundred thousand troops, you want to change the dynasty?


Besides, the He family has been loyal and loyal for generations, and they really can't afford to be known as traitors and traitors.

"He Tan" appeared in the northwest as the general manager of the march, which opened up a new way of thinking for He Jing.

Otherwise, just take advantage of the situation and hand over the military power.

The He family withdrew from the northwest and lived as wealthy idlers in the capital.

Anyway, with a title and a daughter who continues to lead the army, the He family will not decline.

With the transition of "He Dan", the He family has been silent for twenty or thirty years.

The reputation of the He family is no longer prominent, and the He family is not as prosperous. If the next generation rises, the roots of the He family will not be completely cut off!

In just a brief moment after seeing his daughter, many thoughts had already appeared in He Jing's mind.

Finally, he made a decision and completely handed over the military power to He Tiantian.

He Jing returned to Beijing to recuperate under the escort of his personal guards, while his trusted lieutenants and tens of thousands of northwest troops stayed in the border town to listen to He Tiantian's orders.

These lieutenants are different from Liu Sheng, Wang Kui, etc.

They were all trained and promoted by the He family and were extremely loyal to the He family.

Even though He Tiantian is a woman, even though she is young and going to the battlefield for the first time, her surname is He and He Jing endorses her, so everyone will instinctively trust her.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian also lived up to the trust of the generals.

After sending He Jing away and reorganizing the army, He Tiantian began to challenge the Hulu.

The Hulu still adopted the guerrilla warfare strategy as usual.

One or two thousand soldiers and horses randomly raided a certain border town.

If the border town is in emergency, the Northwest Army will provide non-stop rescue.

After the large army arrived at the border town, the Hulu had already escaped and moved to harass the next border town.

The Northwest Army seems to have been rescuing and rescuing, but they can't even touch Hulu.

Not to mention that the men and horses were sleepy and tired, even the food and grass could not withstand such a loss!

He Tiantian didn't want to be led by Hulu, she wanted to go straight to Hulu's royal court.

Of course, He Jing and several generations of ancestors of the He family also wanted to defeat the Hulu Royal Court, but they were nomadic people.

In the vast desert and grasslands, it is really difficult to find a mobile royal court for those who are unfamiliar with the place.

Do you really think that the generals are all champions? Can you find the main force of the Hulu without a navigation?

For more ordinary generals, it is already very rare to be able to ensure that they do not get lost.

He Tiantian: ...Haha, I'm sorry, I have a cheat!

Therefore, when He Jing and his party had just arrived in the capital, and before mother and son, husband and wife were reunited and recuperating, good news came from the northwest——

"General Manager He went deep into the grassland for two thousand miles and defeated the main force of the Hulu Royal Court."

"The barbarians from all walks of life hurriedly returned to help, but were ambushed by General Manager He. The barbarians were defeated and retreated three hundred miles!"

The Hulu were defeated?

The main force of the barbarians, who were like gangrene in their bones, had been wiped out. In the short term, they would no longer be able to harass the border city of Dayuan? !

Not to mention others, even He Jing, who has a family filter and deep confidence in his own daughter, has an unreal feeling.

Uh, what, even if someone is better than someone who has always been before, even if the wave behind pushes the wave ahead, it's still, it's too much of an exaggeration.

Their family, Tiantian, led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses for the first time, launched a large-scale war for the first time, and won? !

To win such beauty and miraculousness? !

This is no longer just a glory, it is simply a rhythm that will go down in history.

The emperor was also overjoyed. The Hulu were finally wiped out?

Oh no, it's not that it was eliminated, but that the threat to the border town was temporarily lifted!

For Dayuan, who is harassed every year, it is a great thing to be able to gain peace for a few years or more than ten years.

Not to mention anything else, we can save a lot on food, wages, and military consumption.

The current emperor is not a wise king, not because he doesn't want to, but because his ability is limited.

Fortunately, the emperor was self-aware and broad-minded, and was able to tolerate virtuous ministers and good generals.

However, no one who is an emperor does not want to become the emperor of the ages.

Originally, the emperor thought that he could only be a mediocre and conservative king.

However, "He Tan" gave him a great surprise-during his reign, the Hulu who had been troubled in the northwest of Dayuan for hundreds of years were finally defeated.

His name will be remembered in history, and he will be a wise king in governing the world.

Moreover, "He Tan" was a woman, but the emperor was able to boldly promote her and entrust her with important responsibilities.

This also shows that he is wise enough, eclectic and meritocratic.

"Haha! Good! What a great manager He! She deserves to be the daughter of the He family, and she deserves to be my royal daughter-in-law! Good!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The emperor said hello excitedly, and by the way, he was a little pleased with his troubled son Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin: ...I’m completely numb.

When he married He Tan, he was suspected of being a softie.

It's even better now. "He Tan" became famous in one battle, and his achievements are no less than those of the champion.

Whether it is now or in later history, "He Tan" is destined to become a legend.

And he, Zhou Jin, a majestic prince, could only become the man behind "He Tan".

When others mention Zhou Jin again, they don’t refer to him as the Seventh Prince or Prince Qi, but as “the husband of Dayuan’s first female general”!

Zhou Jin was filled with hatred and jealousy, but he couldn't show it. He was about to vomit to death...

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