The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 425 The control group of true love (1)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian doesn't care about the feud between the heroine in the capital and her male counterpart.

However, after the fourth prince was canonized as prince and Zhou Jin was promoted to prince, He Tiantian received a secret letter from the capital.

Her spy in Prince Qi's Mansion sent a message saying that He Shu and Zhou Jin had a violent quarrel.

He Tiantian looked at the date on the secret letter, and suddenly she was sure of one thing - the original heroine He Shu's halo as the protagonist had disappeared.

And He Tiantian, who was far away in the border town, felt a mysterious power in his soul that day.

This should be the so-called halo of the protagonist, and the female supporting role "He Tan" has finally been recognized by the world's consciousness.

The heroine's halo is indeed magical.

As soon as He Tiantian confirmed this, a caravan that went deep into the northwest hinterland for trade sent back good news——

He Tao, who had been missing for three months, was found.

He was luckier than He Jing. He was only injured when he disappeared and was taken in by a nomadic tribe.

It's just that he suffered amnesia due to his injury and could never remember his identity and origin.

He stayed in this small tribe, herding and hunting, and barely surviving.

When the tribe was nomadic to a certain water source, they happened to encounter the caravan from the Great Yuan.

The steward of the caravan stayed in Xicheng for a while and saw notices on the streets looking for He Tao.

The portrait drawn by He Tiantian himself is very lifelike, comparable to a black and white photo.

The steward recognized He Tao the first time he saw him.

Half a month later, He Tao followed the caravan back to Xicheng.

Seeing his sister, a blocked nerve in He Tao's brain quickly became unblocked.

He thought it all over.

However, this injury and amnesia caused trauma to He Tao.

He was tired of marching and fighting, and just wanted to return to the capital to spend time with his parents and wife.

Give birth to a few children, feed a few cows and sheep, and live an ordinary life.

He Tiantian: ...Brother is suffering from PTSD.

Of course, He Tao doesn't want to stay in the northwest, not just for psychological reasons.

What's more important is that "He Tan" took over the heavy responsibility of He Jiajun, and he did it better than his father and brother!

Without the burden of family, He Tao can do what he wants to do according to his own preferences.

In this way, He Tao returned to the capital, fell in love with his wife who had been together for a long time, and had a few children by the way.

He Tiantian continues to stay in the northwest to pursue her career.

He Tao is back, He Jing's injury has stabilized, He Shu and Zhou Jin have become enemies, and He Tiantian has no worries in Beijing.

She devoted all her energy to the great cause of defeating the Hulu.

She stayed in Xicheng for three years, launching two large-scale proactive attacks and several sporadic battles.

She trained troops and farmed, adopted orphans, and encouraged border trade.

The Hulu were beaten back three hundred miles by her, and they would no longer be able to raid the northwest border for thirty years.

And more than a dozen border towns have become increasingly prosperous.

Liu Sheng and Wang Kui successfully integrated into the Northwest Army, which does not mean decentralization, but the Northwest Army is no longer monolithic.

In this regard, neither He Jing who was far away in the capital nor He Tiantian who was stationed in the northwest did not stop him, and even pushed him secretly.

The imprint of the word "He" on the Northwest Army cannot be deepened any further.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Everything that flourishes must eventually decline, and it’s time for the He family to retreat bravely.

He Tiantian assigned military power to Liu, Wang and some generals of the He family army.

The current emperor felt the loyalty and sincerity of the He family, and appointed He Tiantian as a first-class general, commanding the 30,000 South Camp troops in the capital.

In fact, even without the military power of these 30,000 soldiers and horses, He Tiantian only had the military exploits of defeating the Hulu Royal Court, which was enough to make her prominent for decades.

In the days to come, as long as she does not participate in rebellion, and as long as the He family does not act disobediently, He Tiantian and the He family can continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

However, out of reward and compensation for He Tiantian and the He family, the emperor gave He Tiantian the military power to defend the capital.

This is the emperor showing his attitude to the world and proving his broad mind.

It is not certain whether people in the capital feel the "capacity" of His Majesty today, but everyone knows that the He family has not declined despite losing military power in the northwest.

So what if "He Tan" is a woman? So what if he is the daughter-in-law of the royal family?

His surname was He, and he inherited and preserved the power of the He family in the military!

The emperor was able to hand over the guards of the capital to the He family, which was equivalent to handing over his wealth and life to the He family.

How much trust does this require?

As long as there is this favor from the royal family, the He family cannot be defeated!

Under the curious or envious gazes of the people in the capital, He Tiantian led five hundred personal guards and nine adopted sons and daughters back to the capital in a mighty manner.

She first went to the palace to meet the emperor and thank him for his kindness.

The emperor was very satisfied when he saw He Tiantian, who had lost all her tenderness and looked heroic. "Okay! Princess Qi, my General He, has indeed lived up to my expectations and respect!"

He Tiantian kowtowed respectfully, as if he had met Bole with respect and gratitude: "Your Majesty is wise. If it weren't for Your Majesty's discerning eyes and unconventional approach, he would never be the great general He is today!"

"I am indescribably grateful for the kindness I have given you. Even if I am broken into pieces, I cannot repay His Majesty's kindness!"

He Tiantian's tone was sincere, and her raised eyes were full of gratitude and admiration.

Seeing such clear eyes, the emperor was secretly satisfied——

Yes, after fighting on the battlefield, "He Tan" did not turn into a slick and cunning old fox.

She still maintains a pure heart.

Just like He Jing and He Jing's father, he may be reckless or straightforward, but he doesn't have any tricks or thoughts.

People who have such a gut that connects to the bottom will feel more at ease when using it.

Of course, if "He Tan" could give birth to the royal family as soon as possible and become a true royal wife, the emperor would no longer have any scruples.

It's a pity that the emperor's idea is destined to fail.

Not only did he not be able to see General He and Princess Qi give birth to a son and a half daughter in his lifetime, but the King of Qin who succeeded him also couldn't wait until the birth of his legitimate son and daughter in Prince Qi's palace.

Finally, amid the rumors in the capital, the emperor appointed the eldest son of the concubine of King Qi as the crown prince of King Qi.

However, no one dared to look down on the childless princess "He Tan" because she was in charge of 30,000 soldiers and horses in Gyeonggi Province, and her adopted sons and daughters had all grown up.

These orphans either became soldiers and became young generals, or passed the imperial examinations and entered the court, or went into business to open up maritime trade routes, or married into high-ranking families and became the heads of families.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

No matter what bright future they have, they have never forgotten the upbringing and teachings given to them by their adoptive mother "He Tan", and each of them regards "He Tan" as their closest elder.

As for the He family, because General He Tiantian overdid it, they neither declined nor were they suspected by the new king.

More than twenty years later, after recuperating, the Hulu came back again. He Tao's son and the orphans of the He family adopted by He Tiantian rushed to the northwest and made great achievements in battle.

The He family continues to prosper, but He Shu and Zhou Jin, a pair of infatuated men and women who were once deeply in love, have long resented each other, but have to be tied together.

They tortured and slandered each other, and at the moment of death, neither wanted to see each other again. Where could there be the infatuation and no regrets in the original plot? !

Even their only son hates them——

He hated Zhou Jin for being cowardly, a man who could endure being laughed at even though he was about to be pointed at his nose.

He hated He Shu for being so shameless and shameless. As a wife and mother, she didn't care about the face or reputation of her husband or son. She didn't know how to avoid suspicion and didn't abide by the rules. She was simply the best wife in the world.

"Ding! The anti-virus task is completed, and the reward points are 6 points."

"Ding! Earn 700 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 30,000 points, which can be exchanged for a junior gold treasure chest!"

He Tiantian lived a wealthy and distinguished life, but when he died and closed his eyes forever, a series of beeps sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The mission was accomplished, and quite successfully.

The points may be a little less, but the rewards are really huge, up to 3,000 points.

This is the biggest reward she has received since doing the task.

He Tiantian is very satisfied. The key is that it is more comfortable to do this kind of task.

You don't have to worry about the plot, and you don't have to be forced to do things you don't want to do. You don't feel aggrieved, and you can pursue your career as you please. It's so exciting.

"Tiantian, that's great, you have successfully completed another anti-virus mission!"

Little D’s classmate jumped over and chattered around He Tiantian.

The moment He Tiantian's soul entered the library space, all her emotions in the previous world were pulled away.

There is another book on the huge bookshelf.

He Tiantian scanned the cover without taking it off and reading it carefully.

Life is already over, and there is not much meaning in going back to see it.

"By the way, Tiantian, you got a reward of 30,000 mother coins this time, which can be exchanged for a junior gold treasure box. Do you want to exchange it?"

Classmate Little D reminded excitedly.

He Tiantian thought for a while and shook her head, "No, let's save it first."

Last time I exchanged an intermediate treasure chest, He Tiantian thought it was very good.

She would keep the reward this time, and when she had enough money, she would exchange it for an intermediate treasure chest to give it a try.

I just don’t know if the next mission world will be an ancient Chinese channel or a modern setting.

"Okay, let's not redeem it yet!"

Classmate Little D responded obediently, and then asked: "Tiantian, will you take a break next, or continue with the task?"

"Let's continue with this anti-virus mission!"

The points are less, but the process is really enjoyable.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian finally felt like she was on vacation.

Her previous psychological distress caused by amnesia while doing tasks seemed to have been cured!

"Okay! The anti-virus mission of Gu Zaowen has started!" Little D classmate announced in a decent manner.

"Sitian, I love you, will you marry me?"

"I know this is not the best time to propose, but I can't wait that long. I, I want to be husband and wife with you so much!"

"Sitian, marry me. As ordinary as I am, I am not worthy of the excellent you, but I really, really, really love you!"

"I have liked you since you were a child. I like your smile, you like your nobility, and your excellence. I have tried my best to follow in your footsteps!"

"No! Sitian, don't get me wrong. I don't think that now that you have been injured and become an angel with broken wings, I am qualified to marry you, but I really don't want to wait any longer!"

"This accident made me clearly realize how fragile human life is, and once I miss it, it may be a lifelong regret!"

"I hate myself for not being able to overcome my childish and ridiculous self-esteem earlier. I hate myself for not proposing to you earlier. I hate myself for not being able to suffer all this on your behalf..."

"Sitian, marry me. I really don't want to regret it for the rest of my life. I want to be able to stand by your side openly, take care of you, pity you, and love you well!"

He Tiantian was in a trance and found that she had traveled back to the original owner.

He Tiantian wanted to look around her out of habit, but her ears were filled with old love words that made her feel numb and make her teeth ache.

Gee, I really thought it was a true love drama starring QY’s grandma, and there were always long and parallel lines.

When you open your mouth, it means love. Even the romance novels in the past few years did not dare to write like this.

He Tiantian endured the nausea and multitasked.

While continuing to endure a certain man's expression of confession, he looked around without any trace.

This is a clean room with no home-like decoration, white walls and blue bed curtains.

The bed under the buttocks is not an ordinary single bed, but a special hospital bed.

The bed board can be rolled up.

At this moment, He Tiantian was leaning on the bed that was raised high.

There is a small table in front of him, with cups, fruit plates and other items placed on it.

Next to the bed is a bedside table with a vase holding a delicate bouquet of flowers.

There is more than just a bouquet of flowers in this room.

On the wall under the window, there are a row of flower baskets, bouquets, and various fruit baskets, packed with exquisite nutrition and health care products.

It was indeed a ward, and the body that He Tiantian traveled through should be a ward.

However, the original owner's financial situation should be pretty good, and the ward he lives in is a single room.

There is a separate bathroom, a small reception room, and simple furniture such as sofas and coffee tables.

Why was the original owner sick and hospitalized?

As soon as this question came to He Tiantian's mind, he felt a sharp pain in his right wrist.

He Tiantian resisted the urge to cry out in pain and tried to move the fingers on her right hand with a little force.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


The pain that penetrated into the bones made He Tiantian's heart seem to twitch.

No wonder people often say "ten fingers connect to the heart". At this moment, He Tiantian had the most direct and profound experience.

The fingers can move, but there is severe pain.

He Tiantian lowered her eyelids and looked at the bandage that tightly wrapped her entire right hand to her right forearm.

She used her extensive experience as a surgeon to judge that the original owner's right hand was probably injured by a tendon.

The tendon has now been sutured, but it has not healed yet.

Under such circumstances, the original owner should not be disabled, but the flexibility of his right hand is far less than before.

If the original owner does not need to perform work that requires ultra-fine finger dexterity, it should not affect his career.

But, if necessary, it would be a huge disaster.

Look at the young man kneeling on one knee in front of his hospital bed, continuing to act like an infatuated Prince Charming, and then feel the pain in his wrist.

He Tiantian suddenly had a hunch that her hand should be very important to her.

Just like the legs of a dancer, the voice of a musician, the taste of a gourmet...

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