The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 426 The control group of true love (2)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Sitian, we have known each other for seven thousand three hundred and twenty-one days, one hundred and seventy-five thousand seven hundred and four hours..."

The male voice in my ear continued to confess affectionately.

Listening to him converting time from years to days, and then from days to hours, and seeing that he was still converting time into minutes, He Tiantian felt that she could take advantage of this moment to absorb the plot and integrate her memories!

After all, according to this infatuated man who is full of parallelism and converts numbers at every turn, he can say a lot of words just for a proposal.

It probably won’t be over in a short time!

Classmate Little D: ...Although there is not a single curse word, I just feel like you are despising your boyfriend and fiancé!

He Tiantian: attention to your wording, the man in front of you belongs to the original owner, not mine!

Little D’s classmate: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

He Tiantian: (`へ′*)ノ

The group of people bickered silently for a while, and then He Tiantian used her consciousness to issue an instruction: "Little D, give me the script!"

"Okay!" Little D's classmate replied wearily.

A huge transparent book was directly inserted into the depths of He Tiantian's consciousness by Little D.

He Tiantian was in a daze for a moment, and large sections of the plot flooded into her brain——

This is an ancient romance novel on the Internet. How ancient is it? The writing style and the persistence of love have a touch of romance.

This should be the heyday of Wanwan Xiaoyan, and the era of online literature in mainland China has just begun. An author who was deeply influenced by Wanwan Xiaoyan created a piece of romantic online literature.

If you examine it carefully, this book is more like a "homage" to a certain classic Wanwan romance.

Don't watch anything else, just watch this familiar plot, tsk tsk, that is to say, the awareness of copyright in that era was not as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as it was more than ten years later.

There are pirated books all over the streets, as well as various street stall literature signed by Jin Kang and Jin Yong, as well as various "genuine" versions in rental book shops of all sizes that even the original authors have never seen.

He Tiantian's mind shook her head slightly, suppressed these complaints silently, and continued to organize the script.

A pair of sisters from the He family——

My elder sister, He Sitian, is smart, diligent, good at studying, and can also play the piano. She was admitted to the Curtis Institute of Music with excellent results and became a nationally renowned pianist before she graduated.

She is noble, she is elegant, she is the most dazzling and beautiful goddess on the stage.

My younger sister, He Siyu, is ordinary, unmotivated, average in studies, and has no special skills.

During the college entrance examination, I barely managed to get into a junior college, and I still majored in business administration, which is a magic bullet.

This kind of major sounds high-end, but it is impossible to find a real professional counterpart. There is not much value in a bachelor's degree, let alone a junior college.

After studying in school for three years, He Siyu changed ten jobs a year after graduation, and finally ran home to eat his old age.

She has a lively personality and loves to dream. She carries a camera every day. She calls it a hobby, but she has not made any achievements in photography.

Fortunately, although the He family is not a wealthy family, they still have a small amount of assets and can afford to raise an ugly duckling who thinks he is ordinary and stupid.

The two sisters from the He family are three years apart in age, but there is a huge gap.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Everyone in the world likes hard-working, beautiful and talented people, and parents are no longer immune to this.

He Siyu has felt since she was a child that her parents liked her sister more, and her little daughter, who was mediocre, unambitious and unmotivated, was a shame to the He family.

She smiled and laughed on the surface, as if she didn't care about being compared to her sister and became the control group.

But her heart is sensitive and delicate,

I always like to hide in my room alone in a daze and dream about the "works" I have taken.

When I was young, it was just a comparison of schoolwork.

When the two sisters graduated from college, the gap between He Sitian and He Siyu became wider and wider——

One is a young female pianist who is highly educated, good-looking, and famous throughout the country. She spends her days either attending performances or recording programs on the TV station;

One is an unemployed vagrant with ordinary appearance and little education. He spends all day either running around with a camera or huddled in the darkroom of his room tinkering with photos.

A perfect goddess who is excellent herself and whose boyfriend she grew up with is also excellent;

One is a little girl with low self-esteem who only knows secret love and has never even been in love.

Yes, He Sitian has a childhood sweetheart named Liancheng.

The Lian family is a neighbor of the He family. Unlike a pair of sisters from the He family, the Lian family's parents are relatively "perfect", with a son and a daughter.

The daughter is the elder sister overnight. She inherited her father's business after graduating from college and is a very happy and strong woman.

My son, Liancheng, is my younger brother. He doesn’t like doing business. He chose medicine when he was in college. He is a few months older than He Tiantian. He Sixian has become a famous pianist in the country, but he is still studying in graduate school. .

I heard that finishing a master's degree is not enough, you have to continue studying for a Ph.D.

After all, majors like medicine often involve a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and a Ph.D.

If you just get a bachelor's degree, you won't even be able to find a good job in your major after graduation.

Of course, the Lian family, like the He family, is a small business. Liancheng is not under financial pressure and can continue studying according to his own goals.

He Sitian and Liancheng are the same age. They went to kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school together, and they didn't separate until college.

One went abroad, and the other continued to study hard at home.

But their relationship did not change because of distance. Instead, they became closer as both parties grew up and began to understand love.

He Sitian and Liancheng are a couple recognized by their parents, classmates, neighbors and relatives.

Now that both of them are twenty-four years old, they have already passed the legal age for marriage, and the two families have begun to urge them to get married.

It's just that He Sitian is busy with his career, while Liancheng feels that he is still a student and cannot bear the burden of a family.

A pair of young people are enjoying their sweet love while fighting guerrillas with their parents - they don't want to get married yet, at least not in the last two or three years.

However, just this year, an accident happened!

He Sitian finally finished her national tour and got a rare vacation.

As for Liancheng, he is about to graduate from graduate school and has finished his thesis. He has nothing important to do for the time being.

So, the well-established pair planned a trip.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If it were just the two of them, there might not be any subsequent tragedy.

But the He family still has a little daughter who has nothing to do.

He Sitian is a good sister who loves her sister. She can't bear to see her sister stay at home and be scolded by her parents every day. When she goes out with her boyfriend, she takes her sister He Siyu with her.

The two's love journey turned into a threesome.

Although both parents felt it was not good, they did not stop it too much!

Because the three of them grew up together, Liancheng has always regarded He Siyu as his biological sister.

"Let's go together. After all, Sitian hasn't married Liancheng yet. If Siyu follows, he can help us keep an eye on things!"

This is the idea of ​​He's parents.

As for Lian's parents, they also have this consideration.

After all, both families are people who stick to rules and respect face. Even as the man, they don't want to be blamed.

In this way, the young couple He Sitian and Liancheng embarked on their journey with He Siyu.

They headed west, covering almost half of the country.

Although He Sitian was on vacation, she was really busy.

TV stations will ask her to record programs, and music conservatories from various places will ask her to perform, participate in school celebrations, and do some commercial performances or cooperation.

Her Nomouya mobile phone rang almost all day long.

At times like this, He Sitian would hide aside to answer the call, leaving He Siyu and Liancheng alone.

In addition to phone calls, He Sitian will also meet fans or piano enthusiasts when he is in hotels or shopping malls.

Parts such as taking photos and playing on the spot are even more essential.

At first, seeing He Sitian like this, Liancheng could only feel proud and proud, and at the same time, there was also a faint sense of pride——

Hey! See, this radiant, popular and perfect girl belongs to me. She is my true love and my life partner!

However, as time went by and the same drama was played out every day, Liancheng's mentality slowly changed when he saw those fans looking at him with "You are so lucky to be favored by our piano princess". Change.

A negative emotion called "inferiority" quietly grew in his heart.

He is a man. He has also excelled in studies since he was a child. He is a child of someone else's family.

However, standing with the talented and beautiful He Sitian, he became a foil. Maybe some people laughed at him for being a toad eating swan meat! could the always proud Liancheng endure this.

Unknowingly, a rift seemed to appear between Liancheng and He Sitian.

And at this time, He Siyu would say pitifully: "Sister is so amazing, unlike me, I can't study well and I don't have any special skills!"

“I went to a shabby junior college, and I didn’t even get a proper job after graduation!”

"My sister is the pride of my parents, and I am the shame of the He family!"

"...I really envy my sister. Not only is she so outstanding, but she also has an equally outstanding boyfriend!"

Hearing He Siyu's "murmurs", Lian Cheng felt pitiful and at the same time felt a strange sense of "common destiny".

How good is he?

At least for now, compared with He Sitian, he is just an ordinary medical dog.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even if he becomes a good doctor in the future, he may not be able to reach the heights of He Sitian - nationally famous and slightly famous around the world!

When they were still ordinary people, He Sitian had reached a height that everyone would look up to.

Liancheng doesn't think he will surpass He Sitian one day.

So, does he want to live under He Sitian's light all his life?

Liancheng does love He Sitian, but he loves himself more.

If she couldn't feel happiness in her lover, but only felt a deep sense of inferiority and frustration, Liancheng felt that she would rather give up.

Of course, Liancheng had not thought of this at this time.

He just has a bit of low self-esteem.

And He Siyu's admiration, admiration and secret love for him satisfied his frustrated male self-esteem to the greatest extent.

Lian Cheng hasn't moved on yet, but his feelings for He Siyu have changed slightly.

In Liancheng's view, He Siyu was no longer a follower or brat following him and Sitian.

But a young girl who is youthful, lively, innocent and kind.

His eyes were separated from those of chasing He Sitian and used to enjoy He Siyu's gaze.

As a sensitive and delicate girl, He Siyu naturally felt the changes in Liancheng.

She said she didn't dare to compete with her sister, but when He Sitian went to answer the phone or was surrounded by fans praising and admiring her, she was secretly having an affair with Liancheng.

The three of them arrived at the Holy Land in the Snowy Land and saw with their own eyes the local people's admiration for their faith. They felt the strong power of faith and felt as if their souls had also been cleansed.

He Sitian is a musician, and after being exposed to these, a lot of inspiration came to her mind.

She was obsessed with watching the locals kneeling in worship and listening quietly to the sound of the prayer wheels. For a moment, she forgot about her boyfriend and sister.

She didn't even notice that behind her, a small white hand quietly hooked up with a pair of big men's hands.

The two hands tested, resisted, and finally secretly held each other.

Perhaps when they arrived at the Holy Land, many people secretly said things to the gods that they could not say to others.

When Liancheng knelt down to pray with the tourists, he vaguely heard the girl beside him whisper softly in a shy voice: "I know I'm not worthy of Liancheng, but I will always stay by his side!"

"No matter when he turns his head, I will look at him, love him, and wait for him!"

"...I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't steal my sister's lover, but my sister is so good and everyone likes her, but I only have Liancheng!"

When he heard "I only have Liancheng", an inexplicable sense of pride suddenly rose in Liancheng's chest.

He is He Siyu's one and only!

He is He Siyu’s belief!

He is He Siyu’s god!

As for He Sitian, she is a goddess flying in the clouds, highly respected and admired by thousands of people.

In front of He Sitian, Liancheng would always be just an ordinary medical dog.

He could never cover up He Sitian's dazzling light for the rest of his life!

Maybe the atmosphere was just right, He Siyu was fiery enough, or maybe there were too many negative emotions accumulated over the past few days, but Liancheng's heart actually moved at that moment.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He discovered the beauty of He Siyu and began to have the love and desire between men and women for her.

"...Siyu, don't worry, I will talk to Sitian!"

"She's too good. I'm not good enough for her. I, I like you!"

"When we leave the snow-capped mountains, I will find an opportunity to have a showdown with her. This is not to hurt her, but to tell the truth!"

"I think, based on Sitian's pride, she doesn't want to be deceived by us, right?"

When the two were alone, Liancheng held He Siyu's hand and spoke affectionately and willfully.

"Well, then you have to tell your sister carefully and don't make her angry!"

"If sister is really angry, she will blame everything on me. Originally, it was not your fault. It was my fault. I shouldn't have fallen in love with you!"

"Actually, I fell in love with you very early on."

"The time I have loved you is no shorter than that of He Sitian. And my love for you will only be purer and more intense than that of He Sitian!"

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