The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 427 The control group of true love (3)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Liancheng and He Siyu became a young couple behind He Sitian's back.

In the upcoming trip, Liancheng has been looking for opportunities to have a "showdown" with He Sitian!

He Sitian was not aware of the betrayal of her lover and sister. She was still immersed in the false happiness of having a fruitful career, love, and family ties.

Seeing that He Sitian is still the same as in the past, sincerely in love with Liancheng and caring about He Siyu.

This pair of young men and women, who did things in the name of "true love", felt guilty, guilty, and inexplicable anger and impatience.

The three people have their own thoughts, but the atmosphere is strangely harmonious.

On the way back, we passed by a small tourist town where a Taoist temple was very famous.

He Sitian and the others temporarily stayed in the small county town and hiked up the mountain to visit the Taoist temple, where they also offered incense and drew lots.

They don't believe in these gods and ghosts, but people will like to seek good luck and give their hearts a comfort.

However, it didn't seem to go well this time. He Sitian, He Siyu and Liancheng all got the lottery.

And all they want is marriage——

"Haha, these are all lies, just probabilities!"

A shadow fell over Liancheng's heart, but he still pretended to smile freely and comfort the He sisters.

"Yes, yes! It's just a matter of probability, just like a lottery. Brother Liancheng, you are so smart!"

The little fangirl He Siyu, while comforting herself, also did not forget to wildly praise her true love.

"...Yes, if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't have it! Let's go down the mountain!"

He Sitian also smiled and agreed, but there was some grudge in her heart.

The group of people lost the excitement and anticipation when they went up the mountain, and went down the mountain in frustration.

When passing a corner, a gurgling sound suddenly came from the mountain wall on the side.

Is this a rock slide?

A bad premonition flashed through Liancheng's heart.

The sound got closer and closer, and some fine gravel fell from the mountain wall.

"Danger! Get out of the way!"

The alarm bells in Liancheng rang loudly, and he shouted, crossing He Sitian, pulling He Siyu aside.

His movements are very fast and somewhat powerful.

I met He Sitian accidentally.

He Sitian only felt a strong push, and she fell in the direction of the falling rock.

Liancheng rolled to the side with He Siyu in his arms, rolling several times on the mountain road before he could stop.

He protected He Siyu very well. He was bruised and bruised by the stones on the road and cut bloody by branches. However, He Siyu in his arms only had some dust on his hair and no scratches on his skin. Son.

As for He Sitian, his right hand was hit by a rock, and he fainted from the pain.

Liancheng got up from the ground and made sure that He Siyu was not injured. Then he thought of his nominal girlfriend, He Sitian.

He Sitian was seriously injured, especially her right wrist, her Achilles tendon was smashed, and her hand bones were shattered.

After being rescued by the hospital, he barely managed to save one hand, but he was no longer as flexible as before.

There are no problems in life, but wanting to play the piano is simply a dream!

He found out that he was in trouble - if he hadn't rushed to save He Siyu, he wouldn't have hit He Sitian, and He Sitian wouldn't have been injured by the rock.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Liancheng felt guilty and guilty. He felt even more guilty when he saw He Sitian wake up and learn that he could never play the piano again and wanted to die.

Blame me!

Blame me!

As He Sitian's boyfriend, he encountered danger.

Instead of protecting her, I actually caused her harm!

Even though he has moved on to another relationship, He Sitian is still his friend who grew up together.

How could he, how could he just watch He Sitian hurt herself because of his fault, and then go to destruction?

At this time, He Sitian is no longer the perfect and noble piano princess, but an angel with broken wings.

Liancheng's sense of responsibility and mission as a man reappeared.

He wants to atone for his sins, he wants to compensate, and he wants to take care of Sitian for the rest of his life.

Si Tian can no longer play the piano, so he will work hard to support her. He will use love to pull Si Tian out of the abyss of despair.

He wants to redeem Si Tian!

With such a great thought of sacrifice, Liancheng suppressed his love for He Siyu and proposed to He Sitian affectionately.

When He Sitian lost her dream, it was the time when all hope was lost.

Liancheng's confession awakened her: Without a career, you still have love.

He Sitian no longer felt sorry for herself. She completely let go of her reluctance to leave the piano, accepted Liancheng's proposal, and married him after recovering from her injury.

He Siyu also blamed herself, she was sorry for her sister, she was so bad!

She never regretted falling in love with Liancheng, but she hated herself for failing to protect her sister when she was in danger.

My sister's hands, which were hailed as "kissed by God" by the media, were destroyed. She fell from the clouds into the mortal world, and she became mutilated.

And the culprits that caused all this were her and Liancheng.

Liancheng had already atoned for his mistakes, and He Siyu couldn't just let him go.

In addition, He Siyu also wanted to completely end her hope with Liancheng.

Like Liancheng, He Siyu, with the idea of ​​atonement and compensation, hastily accepted a proposal from a rich second generation who liked him.

The two sisters got married one after another, and each had his own happiness after marriage.

However, their identities have been exchanged.

What was once the control group became the experimental group that was envied and envied.

But the once proud daughter of heaven has become an ordinary mortal that everyone pities and despises.

With the support of her rich second-generation husband, He Siyu opened her own photography exhibition. The media brought by her rich second-generation husband praised her and she seemed to be an excellent female photographer.

As for He Sitian, whose right hand is not flexible, let alone playing the piano, it is inconvenient to do housework, writing, etc., and encounters a lot of troubles in life.

However, He Sitian is a strong person. She strives to adapt to the fact that she is "incomplete" and tries to be perfect.

However, the "mutilation" of her right hand cannot be changed by human power. Her efforts sometimes not only fail to achieve positive results, but also cause trouble for others.

Among these "others", the one who was most "tortured" was Liancheng.

Because of this accident, Liancheng's study plan was interrupted. He did not continue to study for a doctorate. After receiving his graduate diploma, he found an internship in a hospital.

He is a man, and when he gets married, he has to shoulder the burden of supporting his family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not to mention being filial to his parents, he must at least be able to support his own small family.

Unfortunately, there is a huge gap between reality and ideals.

Liancheng was still a medical student. It was really hard work as an intern and he had no salary.

He was in the hospital almost twenty-four hours a day.

After finally having some rest, he had to face all kinds of troubles caused by his "disabled" wife.

He was so exhausted physically and mentally.

He had no love for He Sitian for a long time, only guilt and responsibility supported him.

A marriage without love is unbearable for Liancheng, who believes in true love.

He was suffocating.

At this time, Liancheng met He Siyu in the hospital who was accompanying his friend to see the doctor.

It is said that after the two of them got married, they tried to reduce the chances of meeting alone.

At gatherings between relatives, they have to meet each other and will deliberately avoid suspicion.

After He Siyu became a so-called photographer and Liancheng became an intern, the two had no time to meet.

Meeting again, two lovers who were in love but were forced to separate, felt like they were a world away.

And their hard-pressed feelings could no longer be controlled after seeing that each other was not as "happy" as they imagined.

They began to meet secretly, making phone calls and sending messages quietly.

Of course, they didn't do anything beyond the rules. They really comforted each other and relied on each other spiritually.

As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall in the world.

Soon, He Siyu's rich second-generation husband discovered something unusual and caught him on the spot.

When the love affair between He Siyu and Liancheng was exposed, several families seemed to have suffered a big earthquake.

Perhaps in order to defend himself, or perhaps out of embarrassment and anger, He Siyu shouted: "I'm not cheating on you, Liancheng and I have been in love for a long time!"

"If it wasn't for He Sitian, if it wasn't for compensating her, we would have been together long ago!"

He Siyu felt aggrieved. She had already sacrificed her love. Now she just wanted to meet her lover and she didn't do anything inappropriate. How could it not be allowed? !

Her cry completely defeated He Sitian.

Her self-confidence, her pride, and everything she insisted on were shattered by her sister's "truth" at this moment.

He Sitian divorced Liancheng and hid away to heal his wounds secretly.

However, Liancheng and He Siyu eventually got married. After repeated misunderstandings and conflicts, He Siyu suddenly realized that she had fallen in love with her rich second-generation husband.

As a result, she and her husband reconciled and became an enviable couple again.

Liancheng experienced several blows, so he simply applied to join the international rescue team and went to Africa to work as a volunteer.

A few years later, He Siyu became the proudest daughter of the He family's parents, while He Sitian accepted the fact that she was "incomplete" and moved from the stage to behind the scenes, doing some arrangement work to make a living.

After watching the original plot, He Tiantian didn’t know how to evaluate it!

She couldn't help but wonder how jealous the author of this ancient article was of her excellent "love rival".

Looking at the whole story, although it is cloaked in the guise of "true love", more emphasis is placed on He Siyu's counterattack, comparing the original experimental group to the control group.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

An ordinary girl who is pretty, has no talent, and refuses to work hard to make progress has actually trampled under her feet the beautiful, talented, hard-working, proud girl of heaven!

He Tiantian: ...It’s really hard to describe.

This author probably has too low self-esteem in reality, so he tried his best to suppress it in his works.

Of course, this is the plot of the original plot.

After the core system was infected with a virus, this book was also affected.

He Sitian was "reborn" and knew the subsequent plot in advance.

She wanted to try her best to reverse her destiny, but this book also gave rise to an independent world consciousness.

He Sitian didn't want to travel, but accidents always pushed her out of the house.

He Sitian didn't want to take He Siyu with her, but He Siyu always lingered for various reasons.

He Sitian refused to come to this mountain or go to any place related to the mountain or Taoist temple.

As a result, with such caution, He Sitian was playing the piano in a good hotel, but was hit by a chandelier that suddenly fell.

He Tiantian: ...Shameful plot killing, it is so ruthless, shameless and unreasonable!

When He Sitian had an accident, Liancheng secretly had a tryst with He Siyu in the room.

It was the hotel staff who sent He Sitian to the hospital.

Liancheng felt guilty and blamed himself, feeling that if he had not stayed in the room with He Siyu but stayed by He Sitian's side, he would have been able to save her in the critical moment.

Due to guilty conscience, Liancheng still gave up his love with He Siyu and went to the ward to propose to He Sitian.

After being "reborn", He Sitian tried hard to avoid his own tragedy, but suffered setbacks one after another.

When the chandelier hit her right wrist accurately, He Sitian was in severe pain and her whole body turned black!


She didn't hurt anyone, she didn't even take revenge on the scumbag who betrayed her, she just wanted to live a good life, was this not okay? !

God, you are so unfair!

He Sitian was filled with resentment, and her whole body was wrapped in a rich black energy.

Hearing Liancheng's affectionate confession and seeing what he thought was a great sacrifice, He Sitian felt extremely sick.

She decided that since she couldn't change her fate of marrying Liancheng, she would "accept her fate".

It's just that she won't be fooled like she was in her "previous life". She wants revenge, and she wants everyone to suffer with her.

Therefore, He Sitian married Liancheng and began a journey of seeking death in heaven and earth.

She was acting like a madman, torturing Liancheng, humiliating He Siyu, and finally caused everyone to betray their relatives and commit suicide.

But after all this trouble, He Siyu was able to see her feelings clearly earlier than in the original plot and get back together with her husband.

However, He Sitian died, and no matter how well He Siyu lived, she still had no control group to serve as a foil, which somewhat left a gap in her perfect life!

He Tiantian: Ouch, I vomited, you can do whatever you want!

Classmate Little D was also a little speechless. What kind of bullshit plot is this?

The outlook on life is already very crooked, okay?

Of course, compared to the original plot, the virus-infected version will make readers feel a little better.

After all, this is not the same as it was twenty or thirty years ago. "True love" is no longer a shameless shield. Readers have become more and more correct in their views and can stick to the bottom line.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, after being infected with the virus, this ancient novel has become more popular among readers. If the ending is more "cool", most readers will be more satisfied.

Now, what He Tiantian has to do is to satisfy the readers' great wishes and revise this ancient text with dangerous views to suit current reading tastes.

After He Tiantian accepted the plot, he merged it with the memory of the original owner.

In fact, after understanding the plots of the two versions, He Tiantian also had a detailed understanding of the original owner's life.

Memory, etc., are more about professional knowledge about piano.

He Tiantian moved her fingers slightly and felt the feel of playing the piano.

There was severe pain in her right hand, but He Tiantian endured it. Slowly, she absorbed all the piano skills from the original owner.

However, there are flaws in the repaired tendon. In the absence of a "miracle", He Tiantian can only say goodbye to the piano like the original owner...

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