The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 428 The control group of true love (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Sitian, marry me!"

He Tiantian finished accepting the two versions of the plot, integrating the memories of the original owner, and the affectionate confession in his ears finally came to an end.

Liancheng raised his head, with obvious concentration in his eyes, as if the girl he was looking at was really the love of his life.

Who knew that his heart was already riddled with holes and his love had been buried by his own hands!

He Tiantian: ...who asked you to "sacrifice" on horseback? !

He Tiantian is most annoyed by this kind of self-righteous and self-motivated moral kidnapping.

They have clearly done something to hurt others, but they can still hurt each other a second time in the name of "it's for your own good", "I want to make it up to you", etc.

This kind of thing makes people disgusting and speechless. The victims are full of anger but cannot talk about it, so they can only continue to be disgusted.

"No! I don't want to marry you!"

Not being emotionally involved with the important characters in the original plot is He Tiantian’s persistence and bottom line in the world.

She didn't even bother to covet a male lead, let alone a supporting male character who was obviously a scumbag.

With the experience of the previous world, He Tiantian felt that male supporting characters and male protagonists should be with the female protagonist.

They want to be disconnected, have polyamory, fall in love and kill each other, whatever they want!

Just don't come out and cause trouble to other innocent girls.

He Tiantian finally opened her mouth, wanting to say rejection.

However, world consciousness does not allow it at all.

What He Tiantian said was immediately silenced.

In other words, He Tiantian obviously opened and closed his mouth, but could not spit out a single word.

She seemed to be a mime actor, which was somewhat funny.

Liancheng was confused. He stared at He Tiantian for a long time before he seemed to think of something: "Sitian, do you, do you have a discomfort in your throat?"

He Tiantian: ...I feel even more uncomfortable.

After completing so many missions, He Tiantian felt the resentment and helplessness she felt when she first did the mission——

The feeling of being forced is uncomfortable, and it is even more difficult to accept puppets and tool people.

However, although He Tiantian's soul has become stronger, she has just entered this world and cannot compete with the consciousness of the world.

However, He Tiantian couldn't do it if she just gave in.

Don't let me speak?

Okay, can I shake my head?

He Tiantian thought to herself and shook her head vigorously.


Unable to shake!

She seemed to have lost all intuition from the head down, and even a simple shake of her head couldn't be done.

What a world-conscious person, but she must be forced to marry a scumbag male partner?

Seeing He Tiantian's body stiffened and his expression even more embarrassing, Liancheng couldn't help but feel anxious.

He didn't think about whether "He Sitian" didn't want to marry him, but mistakenly thought that she had injured other places besides her wrist.

Liancheng was already feeling guilty, but when Liancheng saw "He Sitian" like this, he became even more worried and blamed himself.

"Sitian, just wait, I'll call the doctor!"

Liancheng couldn't care less about the appearance of proposing, he got up from the ground, put the engagement ring in his pocket, and hurriedly ran out to call someone.

Soon, a panicked cry for help sounded like a dead mother in the corridor.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian's face was numb, and she really wanted to say: Please, dear, you are also a medical student after all. Don't you know that there is a call bell in the ward?

I really think I am acting in an idol drama, I really think I am the Roaring Emperor!

Worrying or something,

Do you have to show it by yelling?

He Tiantian did not think that Liancheng was "careful and chaotic", but that this person was full of love and love and had no sense or common sense at all.

He Tiantian complained secretly, but she already understood the meaning of world consciousness in her heart.

It wants to marry Liancheng, so that the true love sister can "naturally" marry her destined rich second-generation husband.

And it was He Siyu's "sacrifice" that made the rich second generation whose mind was also confused by "true love" feel that He Siyu was so kind, so great, and so noble.

Then he said a famous saying: You just lost the piano, but He Siyu lost her love.

Yes, in the face of the heroine's great love, the dream of the heroine He Sitian is not important, nor is the piano skills that she has worked hard to cultivate for nearly twenty years.

He Tiantian didn't mean that He Siyu wanted to pay for He Sitian's injury, but she felt that if she was really so kind and beautiful, she shouldn't deceive her own sister in the name of sacrifice and compensation?

It’s even more inappropriate for He Sitian to still be entangled with Liancheng after she married him.


Is she pitying He Sitian? Are you feeling aggrieved for Liancheng?

Or does she feel that the person she has always looked up to in the past has finally become no longer perfect, and she has the opportunity to give charity and show mercy?

What kind of "sacrifice", putting herself on the moral high ground, covering up the fact that she was competing for her brother-in-law... He Sitian in the original plot was not directly darkened, because she was kind enough!

Even after the world was infected by the virus and He Sitian was forced to become evil by one series of "destinies", she did not target He Siyu from the beginning.

On the contrary, He Siyu, on the surface, looks like a "deep sister", but secretly she has always regarded He Sitian as a competitor.

She not only wants to steal her sister's lover, but also wants to steal her parents' attention, the praise of relatives and friends around her, and the adulation and envy of the world!

Such a selfish person with broken views can do whatever he wants just because he wears the cloak of "true love", and he can still be stupid and flattering. Why? !

He Tiantian sneered secretly, no wonder such an ancient article would be despised by readers. In fact, the whole article makes people feel heartbroken, depressed, and nauseated when reading it.

"Doctor! Hurry up, hurry up!"

Liancheng was still urging him outside. Looking at his anxious look, it seemed as if He Tiantian in the ward had died.

The doctors were still unaware of the behavior of these "true lovers" and mistakenly thought that the patients were really in danger, so they hurriedly accelerated their pace.

However, when they opened the door, entered the ward, and saw He Tiantian who was conscious, breathing normally, and looking calm, the doctors all felt confused——

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

I silently asked the three questions of my soul.

But at this moment, Liancheng was still urging urgently, "Doctor, hurry! Sitian doesn't know what's wrong, she suddenly stopped talking!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The attending doctor, the intern doctors and the training doctors in the team were all speechless.

The girl stopped talking?

Is this what you call "critically ill"?

Do you think those doctors are idle and have nothing to do?

Or do you think yelling like a dead person like this can better show your performance in front of girls? !

If he didn't have super high quality and basic professional ethics, doctors would all want to scold Liancheng.

Liancheng didn't know what the doctors were thinking, so he kept urging: "Doctor! Hurry, check Sitian and see what's wrong with her!"

The attending doctor resisted the urge to hit Liancheng's head with the stethoscope hanging on his chest, and took several deep breaths before he could calm down.

Walking to the bed, the attending doctor asked softly: "How do you feel? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

He Tiantian was also speechless. She looked at the doctors with some embarrassment and smiled apologetically, "No, it's just that my fingers hurt!"

"This is a normal reaction. After all, you have just had surgery and the anesthetic is becoming less and less effective, so pain is inevitable!"

When the doctor saw He Tiantian's smile, he knew that the patient was a normal person.

For a normal person, a young and beautiful patient who has just been seriously injured, the attending doctor is very patient.

He went on to talk about the post-operative situation in detail, and when he saw He Tiantian nodding obediently, he felt even more satisfied.

Finally, he comforted him: "Don't worry, the operation is relatively successful, your hand will get better slowly!"

You may no longer be able to play the piano, but you won’t really become disabled.

It is indeed a pity that such a beautiful female pianist can no longer play the piano, but being able to have a sound body is also a blessing among misfortunes.

For doctors who are used to seeing life, death and pain, they value life more - as long as they are alive, there is hope for everything.

"Thank you, doctor!"

He Tiantian felt encouraged by the attending doctor, and she smiled and apologized.

Seeing her like this, the attending doctor felt more and more that this girl was amazing. She was a pianist who relied on her hands to make ends meet.

The tendon was severed, and although it was sutured, it could not regain its original flexibility.

Her dreams were shattered and her career was ruined.

But she didn't collapse or complain, which shows her character and cultivation.

Unlike her "family members" who tut, tsk, and shout at every turn. Those who know that he cares about his patients, but those who don't know think that he has mania.

The attending doctor not only performed a good surgery, but also had a good tongue.

"Doctor, is this the end?"

After the attending doctor explained the situation, he was about to turn around and leave, but Liancheng hurriedly stopped him.

The attending doctor turned to look at Liancheng without saying anything, but his look was very clear: What? The patient is fine, but you still insist on asking me to diagnose a serious illness?

"No, I, that's not what I meant!"

After understanding the doctor's subtext, Liancheng was a little embarrassed.

But his worry about "He Sitian" took over, and he hurriedly said, "Sitian suddenly couldn't speak just now. What's going on?"

The attending doctor looked at Liancheng doubtfully, then turned to look at He Tiantian.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Wasn’t what this girl said just now quite normal?

Could it be——

The attending doctor thought for a moment and asked, "What did you just say to them?"

The crux should be here.

It's not that girls can't speak, it's that they don't want to speak.

"Propose!" Liancheng did not understand the underlying meaning of the attending doctor's words, but said confidently.


The symptoms are indeed here!

The attending doctor looked at Liancheng with caring eyes. His good cultivation prevented him from "adding insult to injury".

But Liancheng did not feel the doctor's kindness, and instead continued to urge: "Doctor, why don't you give Sitian a brain CT scan to see if there is any injury to her head, which will affect her vocal cords -"

The attending doctor was speechless and choked.

After enduring it again and again, he finally couldn't hold it back anymore and said, "Maybe this girl's vocal cords are not damaged, but she doesn't want to agree to your proposal?"

Not speaking sometimes is not acquiesce, but simply a matter of not having the heart to express your rejection.

People, it is important to have self-awareness and not to live in your own world all the time.

I have to say that the attending doctor is also very good at seeing people.

Don’t “true lovers” like Liancheng and He Siyu just live in their own world?

I simply cannot listen to what others say, and I cannot feel the constraints of normal morality and three views.

They have the courage to "sacrifice" and are good at self-movement, and they often have a double-standard face of "I am kind and I am beautiful, you are cruel and you are ruthless!"

People like them, to put it nicely, are called crazy about love.

To put it harshly, they are selfish, cold-blooded, shameless, scumbag men and bitches!

"Don't want to agree? How is that possible? Si Tian and I have known each other for almost twenty years, and I have loved her for twenty years. I love her, and she loves me. How could she be unwilling to marry me?"

Liancheng, however, looked greatly irritated and began to perform a crazy drama of "I don't listen, I don't believe it, this is not true."

When the attending doctor saw Liancheng's attitude of acting out an idol drama every minute, he suddenly understood why the girl refused to agree!

Tsk, I'm a normal person, how can I be like this kind of "passionate person" who yells and yells, opens and shuts his mouth and talks about "love"?

"Sitian, you love me, right?"

"You, you should also be willing to marry me and spend your life with me, right?"

Liancheng had a fit for a while, then suddenly rushed to the bed again, reaching out to take He Tiantian's hand.

It seemed that He Tiantian's right hand was covered with a plaster and a bandage.

Liancheng went crazy, but He Tiantian would not let him hurt her "unintentionally".

She quickly raised her right arm and avoided Liancheng's big hands.

Liancheng didn't realize what he was doing, but continued to try to grab He Tiantian's hand.

Or are the doctors more reliable? They rushed over and grabbed Liancheng, "What are you going to do? Do you know that you will hurt the patient?"

His hands were held by someone and a harsh scolding sounded in his ears, and Liancheng regained some sense.

"I'm sorry, Sitian, I'm sorry a million times, blame me, blame me! I was so excited, I, I almost hurt the person I love the most!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Forgive me, okay, Sitian, please forgive me!"

Liancheng transforms from the Roaring Emperor into an affectionate and self-reproaching male supporting actor in a true love drama, and talks about disgusting and classic love stories.


I really wanted to prick my ears, forget about all the life-and-death, crying and fussing true love dramas at home with my girlfriend, but when I came to the hospital, I still couldn't get the peace I wanted.

This is more uncomfortable than watching TV. This is a more lively and exciting live version!

He Tiantian: ...What is this! There are two, oh no, three true love drama brainiacs around me!

"Okay! This is the ward! You need to keep quiet and don't disturb the patient's rest!"

When the doctor saw He Tiantian with a numb face, he felt extremely sympathetic. He quickly used the momentum of a doctor and used professional terminology to temporarily drive Liancheng out of the ward.

Liancheng still didn't give up, and while passively leaving the ward, he turned to He Tiantian and continued to shout:

"Sitian, I won't give up. Today my proposal failed, but I still have tomorrow!"

"I will definitely let you know my love for you, my sincerity towards you, my sincerity towards you..."

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