The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 429: True Love Control Group (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The doctor "invited" Liancheng out, and the lovely nurse closed the door thoughtfully.

Quietness returned to the ward, and He Tiantian was finally able to calm down and think about things.

First, the injury to the right hand.

He Tiantian's eyes fell on her right hand wrapped in gauze. Through the plaster and gauze, she could not see the specific condition of the injury.

But both the original plot and the tampered plot have a clear result: this hand can no longer play the piano!

He Tiantian also tried to move her fingers just now, but apart from pain and a faint dullness, she felt no other sensation.

And just now, He Tiantian personally experienced the so-called power of plot.

She didn't think that the consciousness of this world would be open to He Tiantian.

Therefore, unless there is a "miracle" that cannot be achieved by human power, this right hand will never be able to return to normal.

He Tiantian is a surgeon herself, and she also carries a set of surgical instruments rewarded by the system in her portable space.

In the world of the divine eagle, He Tiantian reconnected the broken arm of Yang Guo in a germ-free environment.

He Tiantian's left hand is very flexible. Even without the assistance of her right hand, she can perform tendon suturing surgery on herself.

After all, the medical skills she has learned far exceed this ancient text's more than ten years.

However, He Tiantian didn't want to do it herself.

It's not that she can't do it, but that she wants to use another way to fight against the world's consciousness.

Closing his eyes, holding his breath and concentrating, He Tiantian began to run "Little Master Uncle's Wuji Art" in his body.

This world is a modern romance, set around the millennium.

There is no immortality, no supernatural beings, but in the end it is a fictitious small world with an independent and mysterious world consciousness.

He Tiantian felt the vague spiritual energy in the air, so she was ready to try to practice.

After running for a few weeks, He Tiantian faintly felt a trace of spiritual power fluctuations in his dantian.

He Tiantian hurriedly poured this spiritual power into the damaged tendon of her hand.

The effect is very weak, but it works.

He Tiantian was secretly happy, feeling that she had not thought wrong, and her efforts had not been in vain.

She still wanted to continue practicing, but unfortunately the true lovers around her didn't give her any quiet space.

"Sister! Sister! What happened between you and Liancheng?"

"Why is Liancheng standing alone outside the inpatient building? Did you have an argument with him?"

"Sister, I know you are hurt and must feel very uncomfortable. But if you are sad, Liancheng will only be sadder than you. How can you bear to hurt someone who loves you?"

With a bang, the door of the ward was pushed open forcefully.

He's father, his mother, and He Siyu entered the ward one after another.

Before He's father and mother could speak, He Siyu rushed to the hospital bed like an angry righteous person and started questioning him.

He's mother, Tian Huimin, is a career-oriented strong woman. She is shrewd, capable, flexible, and her outlook is within the scope of normal people.

Student Little D: ...The last half of the sentence is the key point.

He Tiantian: ...Of course, a family cannot be filled with top-notch products.

Tian Huimin didn't know that everyone was complaining, so she frowned slightly.

There's something wrong with the tone of the younger daughter's words.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

They are here to visit the sick. When they see an injured relative, they shouldn't first ask about her injury, secretly observe her emotions, and then comfort and take care of her.

Why did you come up with such a question?

After all, the younger daughter regards He Sitian as her sister.

Or do you think of her as a criminal? !

"Siyu, why are you talking? Your sister has just woken up and the anesthetic has almost worn off. It must be very painful!"

At this point, Tian Huimin, who originally just wanted to scold her little daughter, suddenly thought of business, gave He Siyu a serious look, and then asked He Tiantian softly: "Sitian, does your hand hurt? ?”

How could her daughter endure such an injury and possibly never be able to play the piano again?

As a mother, Tian Huimin knows her daughter’s love for piano better than anyone else.

This is her dream and her career.

He started learning at the age of three and practiced hard for more than 20 years. He played for no less than four hours a day, and he never fell behind even when he was sick.

After years of hard work and impressive talent, their family Sitian has achieved today's results.

She is the most famous female pianist in China and will become a world-class piano master in the future.

As a result, because of a damn accident, her right hand was destroyed!

Now my daughter doesn't know that she can no longer play the piano. If she knows the truth, she may not be able to break down.

This was the time when Sitian needed the comfort and company of her family the most. As a younger sister, He Siyu didn't comfort her sister properly, but instead yelled at her for the smallest things.


Liancheng was standing outside alone, lonely and desolate, and he did look a little pitiful.

But he is a grown man and Sitian's boyfriend. It's not right for him to feel a little wronged in front of his injured girlfriend.

Why is he still fussing over it?

Doesn't he love Sitian at all and don't know how to be considerate of a patient? !

Tian Huimin is different from people like He Siyu who often talk about love. She is rational and sober.

If you look at the problem, you can always hit the nail on the head.

In addition, it was her daughter who was injured, so she instinctively defended others and showed partiality.

Liancheng is indeed a good boy. Tian Huimin has watched him grow up and is very supportive of his marriage to his daughter.

But no matter how much I like her, Lian Cheng is just an outsider. Compared with his own daughter, she is far away from her!

The real reason Tian Huimin was angry was not just because Liancheng was not tolerant enough and pretended to be pitiful, but because He Siyu "disowned his relatives"!

This child is really spoiled, too innocent, and always deceived by some illusions!

Although Tian Huimin was angry with her youngest daughter, she was her biological mother after all and was unwilling to think too badly of her own flesh and blood.

What she didn't expect was that her little daughter, whom she thought was innocent and straightforward, had already betrayed her own sister for the sake of so-called "love."

"...I'm sorry, sister, I, I just felt so pitiful when I saw Liancheng standing there alone, I thought there was some misunderstanding between you two!"

Hearing his mother's words, He Siyu seemed to realize that he had just lost his temper.

She felt guilty and guilty, and apologized to He Tiantian profusely: "Sister, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ten thousand times--"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian: ...As expected, they are a couple. Listen to these lines, they are not exactly the same. They are simply carved from the same mold.

"It doesn't matter! There is no misunderstanding between Lian Cheng and I. He was too excited just now. The doctor was afraid of hurting me, so he let him out temporarily!"

He Tiantian is not a virgin who repays kindness with kindness. Although Liancheng didn't hurt her, she was disgusted.

Mental harm is also a kind of harm.

He Tiantian had no obligation to defend or cover up for him, so she directly told the truth.

"What? He, he wants to hurt you?"

Before He Siyu showed an expression of disbelief, Tian Huimin became angry.

Her Sitian has been injured, and Liancheng, as her boyfriend, didn't say she would take good care of her, but still, dared to——

"he did not do it on purpose!"

"Mom, he probably didn't mean it!"

He Siyu and He Tiantian, the "sisters", had a rare tacit understanding and actually spoke at the same time.

However, He Siyu looked like a fighter defending his lover. Each of his few words revealed firmness and belief.

He Tiantian, on the other hand, is much softer and has a hint of speculation.

"He Siyu! That's enough for you!"

Tian Huimin couldn't help scolding He Siyu when he saw that He Siyu was still indifferent and disowned his relatives.

He Siyu pursed his lips, his delicate face filled with grievances.

"Mom, I, I just don't think Liancheng is this kind of person. Don't you always praise him?"

"Besides, if he loves his sister so much, how could he hurt her so cruelly?"

Although He Siyu felt wronged, he still did not give up defending his lover.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. By the way, does the world consciousness in this book have the effect of deceiving and lowering intelligence?

He Siyu's performance was already so obvious, but Tian Huimin, who has a shrewd and strong woman character, didn't notice anything was wrong.

Oh, and He Yannian, the father of He.

He has a gentle temper and is a university teacher.

The professor also teaches art majors, exuding an atmosphere of elegance and culture.

He is keenly observant, introverted, has the sensitivity of an artist, and the tolerance and kindness of a teacher.

He is like soft water, like warm jade, playing the role of a loving father in the He family.

I mention him here not to praise him.

But as a man, he has an extraordinarily delicate and gentle heart.

Unexpectedly, he is such an observant, considerate and considerate man, an intimate father to his two daughters.

At this moment, it seemed that she didn't see any abnormal behavior from her youngest daughter, but looked at her strong wife reprimanding her wronged daughter very tolerantly.

He Tiantian: ...It’s probably not that they are blind, everything is the world’s consciousness playing tricks!

"Mom, don't be angry! Siyu, don't rush to defend Liancheng. Just listen to what I have to say, okay?"

Although I know that He's father and mother may not be blind, can these people stop interrupting others and making all kinds of assumptions? !

He Tiantian's voice was soft, but the words he spoke seemed to have a thorn in them.

Tian Huimin was stunned for a moment and looked at his eldest daughter intently.

She didn't blame He Tiantian for her bad attitude, but felt sorry for her: This injury really hurt Sitian a lot. Her eldest daughter, who had always been sensible and generous, started to lose her temper.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Siyu was a little unhappy. What did he mean by "rushing to defend Liancheng"?

She said it as if she had some shady relationship with Liancheng.

They did do something sorry to He Sitian before, but they couldn't help it.

When love came, they hesitated and resisted, but in the end they couldn't escape.

Moreover, there is nothing wrong with love. Their only fault was that they failed to tell He Sitian in time.

Now He Sitian was injured, but it was not caused by them.

They are kind and they value feelings, so they take the initiative to compensate He Sitian.

However, their sacrifices cannot be trampled on by He Sitian like this.

Fortunately, He Tiantian didn't know what He Siyu was thinking at this time, otherwise he would definitely not be able to control his hands.

However, even if he couldn't hear He Siyu's thoughts and just looked at her unhappy look, He Tiantian also knew that this self-proclaimed kind-hearted and beautiful person would never be able to reflect on herself in this life, let alone admit that she was wrong. !

He Tiantian glanced at He Siyu who had puffed out his cheeks. He didn't say anything, but slowly stated the facts——

"Liancheng proposed to me an hour ago."

But I disagree.

Of course, He Tiantian couldn't say this at all.

The consciousness of the world is determined to let "He Sitian" marry Liancheng. This not only prevents He Tiantian from directly rejecting the scumbag, but also prevents He Tiantian from telling others her true feelings.

Therefore, even if Lian Cheng is not around and only the He family is in front of him, He Tiantian still cannot express her thoughts clearly.

"I didn't say anything. Liancheng misunderstood and thought I was feeling unwell, so he ran out to find a doctor..."

He Tiantian told it truthfully.

In fact, when she said "I didn't speak", according to the author's character description of Tian Huimin - smart and calm, Tian Huimin should have noticed a problem.

Unfortunately, the consciousness of the world was still at work. Tian Huimin seemed to have been forcibly subdued and could not understand the meaning of He Tiantian's words.

As for why He Tiantian didn't agree directly but didn't say anything, Tian Huimin and He Yannian both felt: "You kid, you must have been so happy that you forgot to react for a moment, and Liancheng felt sorry for you, so you made a mistake!"

Hearing that Liancheng made a scene in the ward because he was worried about his daughter, Tian Huimin instinctively felt that it was indeed a bit rash, but young people are passionate and caring.

Ultimately, Liancheng liked their Sitian and took her too seriously, which led to the misunderstanding.

He almost hurt "He Sitian", but it was unintentional. At most, it was just "good intentions doing bad things".

He Tiantian was speechless when she saw the He family and his wife looking happy and satisfied.

And the one who was even more speechless was He Siyu.

After listening to He Tiantian's story, she had the biggest reaction.

First, as if he was struck by lightning, he muttered to himself in disbelief: "Proposal? He proposed to you?"

The shocked look in her eyes was as if a loving wife had caught her husband cheating on her.

Immediately afterwards, He Siyu seemed to react again, holding back the sadness in his eyes and forcing a smile——

"That's right! Sister, you and Liancheng grew up together. They were in love during college. It's been several years, and it's time for them to get married!"

"Liancheng should indeed propose. He, he must have thought about it for a long time, planned for a long time, and expected for a long time before he made such a decision!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Sister, I, I wish you all the best!"

By the end of the sentence, He Siyu had tears in his eyes.

Although they were tears of sadness and despair, she still pretended to be "crying with joy" and said movedly: "Sister, I'm so happy!"

"I-I'm so touched! You and Liancheng showed me that love is like this!"

"You love each other deeply, and you will definitely be happy!"

Although he was saying blessings, He Siyu's heart seemed to be cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

She said silently to herself: Farewell, Liancheng! Farewell, my love! Farewell, my faith!

He Tiantian: ...If I am guilty, please let the law judge me instead of letting me meet such a group of "true lovers"!

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