The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 431 The control group of true love (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Tian Huimin, the biological mother, is quite reliable.

Except for being forcibly subdued by the consciousness of the world in detecting the little mess between her youngest daughter and Liancheng, in other aspects, she maintains the shrewdness and ability that a character should have.

After understanding her eldest daughter's intentions, but not wanting her to know her "sequelae" prematurely, Tian Huimin, who originally supported Liancheng's proposal, turned into a staunch opponent.

As for Liancheng's "excitement", He Siyu's complaints and confusion were all blocked by Tian Huimin.

He Tiantian's ward has restored the tranquility that it should have, instead of being a bloody drama of noisy, crying, life and death, and love and love every day like in the original plot.

In this rare silence, He Tiantian practiced crazily.

Half a month later, He Tiantian recovered well from her injury, and the doctor suggested that she could go home to recuperate.

He Tiantian did not agree, but continued to stay in the hospital.

First of all, He's father and He's mother have their own jobs, and they can't stay at home every day and watch over themselves.

Secondly, Lian Cheng and He Siyu haven't given up yet. They are only thinking about compensating others and sacrificing themselves. As for other people's persuasion, they don't listen at all.

There was also a rich second generation who liked He Siyu and joined in the fun.

Mentioning this rich second-generation Meng Hao, He Tiantian couldn't help but want to complain a few words.

Meng Hao comes from a good family background. His father is a billionaire. More than ten years ago, having assets of over 100 million was considered relatively unfair.

Although it was not a wealthy family, it was still able to allow Meng Hao, the only son, to live comfortably and do whatever he wanted.

And in ancient Chinese writings more than ten years ago, there was a popular routine——

The romantic, bohemian rich man, or the unsmiling, unreasonable and overbearing CEO, will not fall in love with a well-matched, talented and beautiful female partner.

I just like an ordinary heroine who comes from an ordinary background, is pretty at best, has average learning ability and is reckless.

Although this book about He Tiantian's time travel is not a domineering novel, it is an ancient novel that is biased towards true love.

But the routines are actually common.

He Siyu is so ordinary, but he can attract the favor of a rich young man who once wandered among flowers.

For He Siyu, Meng Hao washed his hands in a golden basin and "turned back the prodigal son."

He cut off contact with those Yingying Yanyan, and didn't care about his studies or family business. He stayed around an ugly duckling like He Siyu as a guardian all day long.

He Siyu and Liancheng reluctantly broke up, and Meng Hao tried every means to use his "money power" to make He Siyu happy.

He Siyu sacrificed love to help his sister, and had to find someone to marry. Meng Hao knew that the other party didn't like him, but he still actively cooperated with the fake marriage!

He Siyu...

Anyway, no matter what speechless and ridiculous things He Siyu did, Meng Hao could help him like an all-purpose tool.

He had money, leisure and sincerity, so he spoiled He Siyu into a little princess that women envied.

And He Siyu's transformation from low self-esteem to self-confidence was all due to Meng Hao's hard work.

In the original plot, at the last moment, He Siyu suddenly realized that he was slowly falling in love with Meng Hao.

He Tiantian felt that in addition to true feelings, there were also reasons why Meng Hao was too rich, too considerate, and too pampered.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Siyu has become accustomed to all the conveniences and honors "Mrs. Meng" brings to her.

She also enjoyed immensely the fawning and compliments from people around her as a wealthy wife.

Because he has a good husband, He Siyu, who has no talent, can become a photographer praised by the media.

Because she has money, even if she is mediocre, she can compare the once proud female sister to a pitiful control group!

True love is always just a fig leaf and shield for selfishness.

Of course, this is He Tiantian's personal speculation. Maybe He Siyu really fell in love with Meng Hao over time.

It didn't matter whether He Siyu loved Meng Hao or not. What mattered was that this man seemed to be bowed down by He Siyu.

He obviously looks like a normal human being at ordinary times, but once he encounters something related to He Siyu, he becomes mentally retarded.

The classic words spoken can even shake people's outlook on life.

He Siyu's own "destructive power" is already strong enough, and there is also a loyal guardian with "money power" beside him. He Tiantian feels that once she returns home, she will not be able to rest in peace and recover from her injuries.

...Well, she should stay in the hospital first. Anyway, she lives in a private hospital and will not occupy or waste public medical resources.

As long as she has money, she can stay as long as she wants.

"He Sitian" may not be a rich person herself, but she is a pianist.

Since college, she has started to participate in some competitions and performances, and she has received a lot of bonuses and appearance fees.

Neither father nor mother is short of money, so they will not suck their daughter's blood.

In addition, He Sitian is a pianist. She has joined one top circle after another with her talent and achievements.

Among the people He Sitian knows, there are big bosses in finance and investment.

He Sitian did not want to get rich overnight, but met a professional and asked them to provide normal professional investment consultation and use her savings for financial management.

Investment is risky, and there have been gains and losses over the years, but overall, you have made more.

Therefore, "He Sitian" is not short of money, at least not for the cost of hospitalization.

As for why there was a scene in the original plot where Liancheng supports his family and He Sitian becomes a waste?

He Tiantian can only say that in the world of true love, there is no reason or logic.

The author believes that pianists are just elegant artists and have nothing to do with money or philistinism.

Once he can no longer play the piano, He Sitian will only become a waste that needs to be raised!

He Tiantian:......

Sure enough, the plot presented is just what the author wants to express.

But when He Tiantian truly enters the world, she discovers that the character in the movie is just a paper person, but actually a real person.

In places that the author did not mention or ignored, they did not die, but still had a colorful life.

Some practical problems that will not be mentioned in the book will also appear one by one.

"Tiantian, you can't always stay in the hospital!"

Little D’s classmate is a little boring.

Living in a weird world of true love, the bloody drama of "you love me, I love you, but we can't be together" is constantly going on next door.

As a "victim", He Tiantian was tortured and slapped in the face, but he couldn't even watch.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I stayed in the quiet ward every day, either meditating or doing exercises.

She has almost been forgotten by those top guys, okay? !

He Tiantian replied coolly to Little D, "Little D, I think you are just watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal!"

"Don't you feel the suppression of world consciousness? The original monitoring scope has also been greatly reduced?"

When Little D heard this, he shook his hair and said a little aggrievedly: "Yes, the world consciousness of this small world is too overbearing, and it actually suppresses me!"

Why did Little D urge He Tiantian to leave the ward?

Because its God's perspective is suppressed by world consciousness, it cannot monitor or peep as it pleases.

If you want to see the excitement "next door", you can only let He Tiantian be in it.

Otherwise, don’t even think about going to the theater.

"Because this is a world of true love, which is about being ruthless, shameless and unreasonable. In front of love, there are no rules, no family affection, and no morality at all!"

There is a problem in itself, and the world consciousness derived from it is naturally not normal.

"Are you going to be suppressed like this forever? Tiantian, I, I'm not happy!"

Little classmate D muttered, full of reluctance.

"No! It won't always be like this!"

When He Tiantian was arguing with classmate Little D, she did not forget to continue practicing.

After more than half a month of practice, He Tiantian's dantian has gathered a strong spiritual power.

After He Tiantian completed a Zhoutian Wuji Jue, he slowly instilled spiritual power into his injured right hand.

The spiritual power follows the meridians and slowly nourishes the sutured tendons, allowing the nodules and scars on them to be repaired to their best condition.

After repeated spiritual repairs, the tendons on his right hand have basically returned to their original state.

He Tiantian can guarantee that when she leaves the hospital and plays the piano again, she will be more perfect than before.

So, want to see the piano princess fall from the altar? If you want to compare "He Si Tian" with the control group, just dream!

"Tiantian, how are you recovering today? Do you still feel itchy from the wound?"

After coming out of the office, Tian Huimin didn't change her clothes and came to the hospital in exquisite professional attire.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "It's much better. I think I should be able to be discharged from the hospital in a few days."

"When I went for rehabilitation today, the doctors said that I was recovering very well!"

After hearing her daughter's words, Tian Huimin let out a long breath, "That's great! That's great!"

It has been almost a month since her daughter was injured, and Tian Huimin feels like her heart is hanging in the air.

She has been worried that her daughter's hand may really be disabled, and the proud daughter will not be able to bear this blow, and then suffer a mental breakdown.

Although there is no guarantee that my daughter's hand will be restored to its original state, I can see that she is in good spirits, not decadent or depressed, and is actively cooperating in rehabilitation.

Tian Huimin's tight string was finally able to relax.

"Huh? Your dad has been here?"

Seeing an insulated lunch box on the bedside table, Tian Huimin asked her daughter casually.

"Well, dad didn't have class in the afternoon, so he made me some bone soup."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian responded softly, not forgetting to praise his loving and gentle father, "By the way, my father was afraid that I would be bored, so he even brought me some photo albums from home."

He Tiantian has already read through books and other books.

After all, she stayed in the hospital for more than a day or two.

Father He was gentle and delicate. He was afraid that his daughter would be too bored to stay alone in the ward, and he was also afraid that showing her piano music would make her think too much, so he simply chose some magazines.

He Tiantian casually browsed through these miscellaneous books and finished them in a week.

He Yannian searched around the house again, and finally took some photo albums or videos to relieve He Tiantian's boredom.

He Tiantian understood what He Yannian was thinking. In addition to really letting He Tiantian relieve her boredom, she also wanted to remind her: Baby, you and Siyu are sisters. You grew up together. You two sisters of twenty years cannot be estranged. ah.

He Yannian is not as strong and astute as his wife Tian Huimin, but he has a sensitive and delicate heart.

Therefore, he noticed the eldest daughter's coldness and alienation towards the younger daughter.

Although he didn't know the reason, as a parent, He Yannian didn't want his two daughters to be alienated or even turn against each other.

Look at more photos of your family and recall your childhood memories. The eldest daughter is a sensible and well-behaved child. She should understand her parents’ feelings and get along well with her younger sister!

He Tiantian:......

A sensible person deserves to be hurt?

What kind of gangster logic is this?

He Tiantian is not blaming He Yannian for being partial. She has been a parent and knows what it means to be a parent - all children are their own flesh and blood, and they want every child to live a good life!

But for children, some of their parents’ thoughts are actually a form of harm to their children.

Among several children, it is often the most obedient, sensible, and filial children who suffer the greatest harm!

He Tiantian will not resent her father's favoritism, but she will not be a good and sensible child either.

"Your dad just loves organizing these things!"

Seeing the photo albums and videos placed in the small living room, Tian Huimin's eyes flickered and he said something vaguely.

"Well, it's good to see! I've even forgotten what I looked like when I was a child!"

He Tiantian followed what her mother said.

This is not entirely in agreement. The original owner, He Sitian, has been playing the piano since he was three years old.

Her time is almost filled with studying and practicing piano, and she has no time to look through the photo albums at home.

After all these years, He Sitian's memories of her childhood have become blurry.

He Yannian brought the photo album, and when He Tiantian was bored, he actually looked through it. In addition to retrieving the memories of his childhood, He Tiantian also discovered an interesting thing.

"Mom, I see in the photo album there are photos of me as a newborn, as well as full-moon photos, 100-day photos, and one-year-old photos!"

He Tiantian looked at Tian Huimin intently, not wanting to miss the slightest change in emotion in her eyes.

She pretended to be casual and asked, "But, why are there no birth photos, full moon photos and hundred day photos of Siyu!"

Immediately afterwards, He Tiantian discovered that Tian Huimin's pupils shrank significantly when she asked this question.

Oh haha!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There is indeed something wrong with He Siyu.

It was not that He Tiantian suspected that the He family did not love He Siyu enough and deliberately favored the two daughters.

In fact, even if they are partial, this couple still feels more sorry for their little daughter who has no talent or appearance.

After all, it is human nature to sympathize with the weak, and parents tend to prefer the least promising among their children.

In the He family's photo album, there are indeed no photos of He Siyu before she was one year old, but after one year old, there are far more photos of her than He Sitian.

It's not that parents treat her differently, but that there is something wrong with He Siyu's life experience.

Perhaps, He Siyu was not in the He family before he was one year old!

Or maybe He Siyu is not the biological daughter of the He family at all! !

He Tiantian has experienced too many worlds and seen too many strange stories.

She knows that reality is far more absurd and bizarre than drama...

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