The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 432 The Control Group of True Love (8)

In the original plot and the plot after the poisoning, neither version of the plot revealed that there was a problem with He Siyu's life experience.

However, He Tiantian has lived in the world of novels many times, and she has personal feelings——

The textual presentation of the novel author is one thing, but the real world of the novel is another.

He Siyu's life experience is not disclosed in the plot. This is not really a problem. It may be that the author thinks it is not important.

After all, the He family does not have the throne, and whether it is a biological daughter or not, the father and the mother do not treat her differently.

Life experience and other matters have no direct bearing on He Siyu's falling in love or counterattack.

Or maybe the author of the novel himself never thought of it, but in the plot world derived from the novel, there would be such a possibility.

"Mom, was it true that Siyu wasn't in our home after she was born? Was she brought back after she turned one year old?"

He Tiantian did not explicitly ask "whether He Siyu was adopted", but raised her question euphemistically and implicitly.

"...Uh, haha, yes!"

Tian Huimin was a little panicked, her eyes fluttered for a moment, and then she seemed to think of an excuse, and hurriedly said: "You were still young at that time, and your father and I were busy with work, so I sent your sister to your grandma's house for a while. Year!"

After Tian Huimin said this, he felt something was wrong.

Even if the child is sent back to his parents-in-law's house, the parents-in-law are not mean people. They may not pay attention to it at ordinary times, but they will take photos and keep a souvenir of the child when it is a full moon or a hundred days old.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how busy the He family is, they will still take a day to celebrate their child's first birthday.

Not to mention, Tian Huimin is really busy, and He Yannian is a university teacher. How busy can he be?

There are only two classes a day, with weekends and holidays off, as well as winter and summer vacations!

Tian Huimin only felt embarrassed. Lying or something, even a white lie, made her, a person who had been working in law for many years, very embarrassed!

"Oh, let's not talk about this anymore, it's all in the past!"

Tian Huimin quickly changed the subject and talked about other family matters.

Why did He Siyu and Meng Hao start dating?

Why does Liancheng go to He's house every day to see He Sitian, why does He Yannian want to participate in a foreign art exhibition this year...

These are all daily trivial matters, but He Tiantian still got some important information from them——

Where does Liancheng go to every day?

Haha, it should be more than just showing his intention to marry He Sitian to the He family's parents.

He mainly wanted to meet his true love He Siyu, tell each other how much they miss each other, and mourn their sacrifice of love together for compensation!

They are entangled, they are in pain, and they are reluctant to let go...but for the sake of their loved ones and for their own conscience to be redeemed, they have to reluctantly let go.

But this kind of separation is heartbreaking. They are all people who live for love. If love is gone, the heart will die.

They have become walking zombies, and they are miserable!

Two poor people who love each other but cannot stay together are immersed in the tragic world they have built together. All kinds of "touching" words come out of their mouths.

He Tiantian didn't need Little D to monitor them. He could tell just by looking at their character and behavior that when the two met in private, it would be very "wonderful"!

However, such a pair of infatuated lovers who can't let go can seem to have split personalities.

Liancheng could love He Siyu while confessing his love to "He Sitian" on the phone and proposing again and again.

As for He Siyu, she was thinking about Liancheng in her dream, but when she woke up, she was able to accept Meng Hao's solicitude as a matter of course.

Of course she knew that Meng Hao liked her and wanted to be with him.

And when they decided to make amends to "He Sitian" together, He Siyu even had the idea of ​​marrying Meng Hao.

Therefore, the relationship between her and Meng Hao had never been an ordinary friend.

There is secret love and ambiguity, but He Siyu still feels that she is as pure as a white lotus, which is a bit shameless.

"Is Siyu and Meng Hao's relationship confirmed?"

He Tiantian suppressed the disgust in her heart and asked Tian Huimin with a smile.

"Not yet! But, in the words of you young people, that means friendship has reached the end of love but not love!"

"I see, Meng Hao really likes our family Siyu. Sooner or later, the two of them will become successful!"

When Meng Hao was mentioned, Tian Huimin was very satisfied.

She is not a money worshipper, but rather calm and objective.

Even though she was wearing the filter of family affection, Tian Huimin knew that her little daughter was really ordinary.

With average looks and talents, low education, and no jobs, their He family is at best middle class.

With such conditions and family background, it is not easy for He Siyu to marry into a good family.

As for Meng Hao, although he is a rich second generation, his character is not bad. He has not stepped on any red lines and has no stains.

At most, he was spoiled by his family and acted willfully and wildly.

But the prodigal son had already turned around. Looking at nothing else but his sincerity towards He Siyu, Tian Huimin was a little moved.

Tian Huimin and He Yannian had the same idea. They did not covet the Meng family's money, but only hoped that Meng Hao would treat He Siyu well.

Meng Hao's recent performance has made both the He family and his wife very satisfied.

In other words, He Siyu is still young, only 21 this year, and has just graduated from junior college.

In two years' time, the He family and his wife will observe carefully. If Meng Hao can keep it up, they will be very willing to marry their daughter to him!

"...That's it."

He Tiantian deliberately looked thoughtful. After thinking for a moment, he said slowly, "I haven't seen Siyu in the past few days. If they have time, they can come to the hospital and I will help Siyu check it out!"

Since the last time they met, He Tiantian has been rejecting He Siyu.

Tian Huimin considered He Tiantian's attitude. In addition, she also found that her little girl was a little ignorant and didn't care much about her sister.

In order to let her eldest daughter recover from her injuries, Tian Huimin not only blocked Liancheng from the ward, but also did not allow He Siyu to come to the ward rashly.

Tian Huimin felt a little sad after making such a decision.

As a mother, she really didn't want to see the gap between her two daughters.

Now, Tian Huimin finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing He Tiantian relented and offered to help her sister.

Her smile became brighter and she said hello repeatedly: "Okay! Okay!! You are both young people and can understand each other's thoughts better!"

Great, the eldest daughter no longer has tantrums, and the two daughters can get back together again.

Of course, Tian Huimin also thought that after returning home, she would definitely tell Siyu: "Don't ignore relatives and friends, and love your own sister more."

"Liancheng is indeed suitable for your sister, and they really love each other. But now that your sister is injured, she must be in a bad mood. You must pay attention to your words and don't make your sister unhappy!"

After hearing Tian Huimin's nagging, He Siyu felt very unconvinced.

Why doesn't she distinguish between relatives and friends? Don’t you know that you feel sorry for your sister?

If she hadn't worried that He Sitian was her sister, would she have felt so guilty and self-blame after He Sitian was injured?

Will he not hesitate to give up his own love to fulfill her happiness?

My parents don’t know at all, they don’t understand anything.

They only saw that He Sitian injured her right hand, but they couldn't see that He Siyu's heart was already riddled with holes.

And Liancheng, how kind and noble he is.

In order to save He Sitian and pull her out of the abyss of despair, she proposed marriage again and again and ran to He's house again and again.

It's okay that He Sitian was injured and his temper became weird.

Why did his parents stop him and not allow him to see He Sitian?

Seeing Liancheng's humble proposal, He Siyu's heart almost broke!

Liancheng was her god, but now he was so disliked.

He just fell in love with her, He Siyu, so what crime did he have? !

He Siyu felt aggrieved and felt sorry for Liancheng.

However, He Siyu was still a little happy to hear that her mother allowed her to visit He Sitian in the hospital.

She had already saved up a lot of things to say to He Sitian. She wanted to remind He Sitian: Cherish the people in front of you! Don’t let down Liancheng’s sincerity!

As for his mother's reminder, He Siyu didn't take it to heart at all.

Early the next morning, Meng Hao drove his sports car to pick up someone from He's house.

"Meng Hao, look at Siyu for me. She is too childish and has been spoiled by us. I'm afraid that she might say inappropriate words in the ward and irritate Sitian!"

Tian Huimin was not at ease after all, so she pulled Meng Hao to give him a few more words.

"Aunt, don't worry, I will take good care of Siyu!"

Meng Hao agreed enthusiastically.

He is twenty-six years old and has studied at university abroad.

Although he is not a top scholar, he is not the kind of playboy who is ignorant and incompetent.

He is handsome, tall, well-spoken, and has an air of nobility that comes from a wealthy family.

His only shortcoming in the past was probably that he was too romantic, and he changed girlfriends more diligently than he changed clothes.

But they are just romantic, but not obscene.

Every time we broke up, it was amicable. None of his ex-girlfriends had much resentment towards him. Instead, they thought he was a handsome, wealthy and generous ex.

He just can't control his heart and is a prodigal who can't stop.

But this is such a playboy, but under the power of the plot, he is completely devoted to an ordinary girl, and is willing to curb his feathers for her, becoming a peerless and affectionate man.

He Tiantian: ...the vulgar plots of ancient Chinese novels are really full of flaws.

He Tiantian couldn't help but want to complain when he saw with his own eyes that the passionate young man turned into a loyal dog in an instant and surrounded He Siyu tightly.

"Sister, your complexion looks much better! Is your mood also much better?"

Although He Siyu didn't really listen to Jintian Huimin's instructions, she still remembered that He Sitian was her sister.

As a younger sister, of course she feels sorry for her sister.

Therefore, when she saw "He Sitian" again after not seeing her for a few days, she did not mention Liancheng as soon as she came up, but asked with concern.

"Well, I've almost recovered. I'll be discharged from the hospital in a few days!"

He Tiantian smiled lightly, answered softly, and turned his gaze to Meng Hao.

"Is this Meng Hao? I've heard Siyu mention you a long time ago, and today I finally met you in person. You are indeed very handsome and talented!"

There was a hint of intimacy in He Tiantian's words of praise, as if her mother-in-law was considering and reviewing her future sister-in-law.

Feeling He Tiantian's closeness, Meng Hao, who was a bit arrogant at heart, couldn't help but smile sincerely.

Love the house and the wuma.

The woman in front of him is no longer a famous pianist, but the sister of his lover, and will also be his relative in the future.

Therefore, Meng Hao was willing to show his cultivation and sincerity, "Hello Sitian, although this is our first meeting, I have already heard of your name!"

As a female pianist, she is still a young and beautiful woman. She can show her prominence in the world of art and will definitely bring honor to her country.

Meng Hao's family is a wealthy businessman, but they are still somewhat distant from the art and cultural circles.

Meng Hao still had at least respect and admiration for truly talented pianists.

Not to mention, He Sitian is not an outsider, but her future sister-in-law.

"What's famous but not famous, it's just a false name!"

He Tiantian replied lightly, without mentioning the glory of the past.

It's not that He Tiantian is pretending to be cool. She has traveled through so many book worlds. She has been a hero and a prince. She once aspired to the world's painting world and had a glorious record of commanding thousands of troops.

Compared with these, a famous pianist in China is really nothing.

The original owner, He Sitian, does not have the amazing achievements of He Tiantian, but she is modest and reserved, and has never made public because of her talents and looks.

With her character, when she hears high praise from others, she will only smile and say "absurd praise".

However, neither He Tiantian nor He Sitian knew that this indifferent expression was what He Siyu hated the most.

Deep down in He Siyu's heart, she was actually envious of He Sitian.

Jealous of her beauty, jealous of her talent, jealous of her ability to shine on the stage where everyone is watching...

It was such a person who made her extremely jealous, but he always looked calm and calm when faced with praise.

It seems that her achievements are so natural and even a little worthless.

And He Siyu, who was secretly jealous, was so ugly and twisted!

He Siyu became more and more jealous.

Of course, the heroine is kind and beautiful, and the darkness in her heart is only a tiny bit, leaving no impression on her character.

It won't make her really turn into a hateful person.

At most, when her sister was praised, she felt even more inferior and self-pitying.

Especially today, the person who praised He Sitian in front of her was actually Meng Hao, who was unrequitedly in love with her.

This made He Siyu feel even more uncomfortable.

In a bad mood, she even forgot to be a lobbyist for Liancheng.

After absent-mindedly chatting with He Sitian for a few words, and then helping her to the bathroom, He Siyu hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Watching the awkward He Siyu and Meng Hao, who didn't know why his lover had a bad temper, leave, He Tiantian slowly stretched out her left hand and spread her palm, revealing a few long chestnut hair.

"Tiantian, you actually took the opportunity to go to the toilet and secretly pulled out He Siyu's hair!"

Classmate Little D pretended to make a fuss, "You, you are going to cause trouble again!"

"Wrong!" He Tiantian took out a paper bag from the bedside table and carefully put her hair in it.

"I'm not trying to cause trouble, but I just want to verify my guess!"

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