The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 433: True Love Control Group (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the afternoon, He Yannian brought bone soup to his daughter, and He Tiantian pulled out some of his father's hair.

In the evening, Tian Huimin came to visit as usual after get off work, and He Tiantian continued to take the opportunity to pull out her hair.

Classmate Little D: ...You are really going to cause trouble.

If he just wanted to verify whether He Siyu was the daughter of the He family, He Tiantian only needed to get the hair of either his father or mother.

He Tiantian got all the hair of He Yannian and Tian Huimin.

Not only did she suspect that He Siyu was "adopted", she also suspected that one of the Hes and his wife had cheated on him!

It’s not like there are no such cases in reality——

A certain wife accidentally picked up a child and found him cute and relatable, so she adopted him.

After raising her for several years, I actually found that the longer my child grew, the more he looked like my husband.

Suspicious, I took a DNA test and found out that he was really her husband's illegitimate child!

In the memory of the original owner that He Tiantian received, He Yannian was a gentle and kind-hearted person. He should not be a scumbag.

However, when it comes to things like cheating, it is definitely a matter of knowing the person but not the heart.

Wouldn't a kind person betray his marriage?

Not all cheating scumbags are heinous people.

Besides, the memory of the original owner is actually wearing a family filter.

Unless he witnesses his parents doing something wrong with his own eyes, the original owner will never think that his parents are evil people.

He Tiantian will not be superstitious about family ties, let alone bet on human nature.

Compared with these things that are easy to change, objective and impartial science is the most convincing.

He happened to be in the hospital at this moment, and it was a private hospital that only valued money. He Tiantian could completely verify it quietly.

Classmate Little D: "Tiantian, don't think so bad about human nature! According to my observation, your father in this body should not be a scumbag!"

He Tiantian shrugged, "You think it's useless, but it depends on the scientific results. Of course, I don't want to have a scumbag father!"

If He Siyu was really the illegitimate daughter of He Yannian's affair, the harm to Tian Huimin would be too great.

This is not only a betrayal, but also a kind of cruelty and humiliation that treats people as if they are fools.

Even the original owner, He Sitian, should be very hurt - the father he thought was perfect turned out to be such a scumbag!

But the harmonious family she always thought hid such a dirty truth.

Three days later, He Tiantian got the DNA test report.

Seeing the above sets of data, He Tiantian finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay, He Siyu and his parents are not related by blood!"

Student D:...

I always feel like something is not quite right, but I can’t put my finger on it.

He Tiantian Children's Shoes, are you sure it's a good thing to know that He Siyu is not a child of the He family?

Classmate Little D complained silently.

He Tiantian didn't pay attention to classmate Xiao D's mischief. Her guess was verified, so she didn't continue to dwell on the matter.

She silently destroyed several DNA test reports, pretending it never happened.

However, when the geese pass by, they will leave their mark on everything they have done.

Tian Huimin is still very shrewd and sharp when she is not facing several important characters such as He Siyu and Liancheng.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

That day, she felt as if her eldest daughter had secretly pulled out her hair, and she had a bad premonition.

So Tian Huimin secretly investigated in the hospital and found that her eldest daughter had indeed asked a doctor to test some DNA.

"...Sitian is indeed a smart child, delicate and sensitive!"

Just a few photos,

Let her discover the biggest secret of the family.

Tian Huimin didn't know for a moment whether she should be worried that her eldest daughter had exposed the secret that the couple tried so hard to hide, or whether she should be happy with "He Sitian's" intelligence!

On this day, Tian Huimin sat in the office and thought about it all afternoon, then called her husband.

The couple discussed it for a long time and finally made a decision.

"Sitian, I want to tell you something!"

As usual, Tian Huimin came to the ward, closed the door, pulled a chair and sat in front of the hospital bed.

She looked into He Tiantian's eyes and said slowly, "Maybe you already know!"

He Tiantian raised an eyebrow. Is her mother going to have a showdown with herself? !

Tian Huimin caught He Tiantian's eyes, raised the corners of her lips, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big secret!"

"Siyu is not my and your father's biological daughter, she was adopted by us!"

"This incident happened more than 20 years ago -"

He Yannian was a teacher at the university. At that time, he had a student who was very talented and hard-working, but he was a little bit love-minded.

She fell in love with a married man and was pregnant with a child.

After the married man did not learn that the female student was pregnant, instead of fulfilling his promise to "divorce and marry her," he went missing.

The female student refused to give up and did not want to believe that she had been cheated. She only thought that the man had no choice but to leave her temporarily.

She couldn't let go of the man, let alone destroy their "love crystal".

So she dropped out of school, rented a house near the school, and secretly gave birth to the child.

This female student was the first batch of students taught by He Yannian. He Yannian put a lot of effort into his first batch of students.

In particular, she was a good young girl with good talent and good grades, but she was superstitious about love and made mistakes when she was young. He Yannian couldn't bear her to give up her studies.

At this time, the daughter born by the female student was almost one year old. She once went to find the man with the child in her arms, but was turned away.

After several twists and turns, the female student finally understood that she had been deceived and her sincerity had been trampled on.

He Yannian and Tian Huimin took pity on her and helped her get the opportunity to study abroad.

The female student wanted to leave this sad place, but there was no one to take care of her child.

She was a child who grew up in a reorganized family, with nominally two parents, but no one really cared about her.

With such elders, how could she trust her children to them?

Moreover, even if a female student wants to entrust her daughter to her biological parents or stepmother, they may not be willing to accept it.

In the end, it was Tian Huimin who felt that the little girl was in love with her and decided to adopt her.

"... Shiyu went to country F to study fashion design and stayed there after graduation. I heard that she got married and had a child, so she should be living a good life!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Tian Huimin said slowly.

The "poetic language" in her mouth is He Siyu's biological mother Qin Shiyu.

He Siyu's name probably came from this.

He Tiantian secretly thought in her heart that the original owner He Sixian's name was because Tian Huimin's surname was "Tian".

This is a kind of romance for He Yannian as an artist.

"It is said that?"

He Tiantian still caught the key point from her mother's narration: "So, after Siyu's mother went abroad, you and she never had direct contact again?"

Tian Huimin's smile was a little weak, "Not only me, but also your father has not continued to contact Shiyu. It's not that Shiyu is ungrateful or anything, but we don't want her to have too much involvement with domestic affairs!"

After all, being a mistress, having a daughter out of wedlock, etc. are not glorious things.

Although it was a mistake he put aside when he was young and ignorant, Qin Shiyu finally tasted the consequences.

If she regrets it, she should have a chance to start over!

Cutting off contact with the country and sealing up the past misfortunes is a very reasonable choice for Qin Shiyu.

In addition, this is also good for He Siyu.

If Qin Shiyu continues to have contacts with the He family, He Siyu's life experience will one day be revealed.

Tian Huimin is not her biological mother, but she has raised her for twenty years.

In the hearts of the He family couple, He Siyu has long been regarded as their biological daughter.

They don't want their daughter to know her life experience, and they don't want her to face the fact that she is an illegitimate daughter. This is too cruel and can easily hurt Siyu!

Therefore, whether it is for Qin Shiyu himself or for He Siyu, it is the best ending for everyone to say goodbye and become strangers.

"Mom, you and Dad are so kind!"

He Tiantian looked into Tian Huimin's eyes, she was really happy.

He Tiantian only felt relieved that her parents did not collapse the house and did not let her witness the ugliness of human nature again.

He Tiantian also had an inexplicable "sudden realization"——

No wonder the He family couple, who seem to be normal people, have such a love-first daughter like He Siyu.

Co-authored, I inherited it from my biological mother.

And He Sitian has such a righteous outlook and moral bottom line because her parents have good genes.

"Oh, what kind of person is not kind? Your father cherishes talents, but I just think Siyu is lovable!"

Seeing that the eldest daughter knew that Siyu was not her biological sister, she did not blame her parents for being partial or show any resentment. Instead, she praised them for their kindness.

In her words, the eldest daughter also expressed admiration and praise for them, which made Tian Huimin feel more and more comfortable.

She gently touched He Tiantian's right hand and said softly, "After raising her for these years, I have developed feelings for him."

"Although Siyu is not my biological child, your father and I regard her as our biological daughter. Sometimes, we even value her more and ignore you!"

"Sitian, fortunately you are sensible and never complained to us. However, after this incident, mother has realized it!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you in the future. I won't be too reassured just because you are excellent and self-disciplined. No matter when or what you become, you will always be my parents' precious daughter!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Tian Huimin's words were not too impassioned, but every word she said came from the heart.

He Tiantian felt warm in her heart when she heard it. Some of the shortcomings of the original owner seemed to have been completed.


Just at the moment of tenderness between mother and daughter, there was suddenly a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside the door.

Tian Huimin and He Tiantian were both shocked.

They are all quick-reacting people, and they even thought of some not-so-good situation.

Tian Huimin stood up in a hurry, walked quickly to the door, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

He Tiantian leaned forward, stretched her neck, and tried to look toward the door.

Sure enough, outside the door, He Siyu was stunned and stunned.

At her feet, there was a huge gift box.

But the packaging box fell to the ground, and the box was broken, revealing the crystal piano inside that was also broken.

Crystal piano?

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Oh, her ugly duckling sister is not as kind and harmless as she usually behaves."

Give a crystal piano to the pianist sister who even doctors sentenced her right hand to death?

Is this intentional, or intentional, or intentional?

Of course, if someone is being held accountable, He Siyu will say aggrievedly: "My sister likes the piano the most. I just wanted to buy a gift to make her happy, but I forgot that her hand was injured! Blame me, blame me!"

She herself had admitted her mistake, and the people around her certainly couldn't "blame" her.

Otherwise, you are not kind enough, tolerant enough, or generous enough.

As for He Tiantian, her sister innocently sprinkled a handful of salt on the wound. Not only could she not be angry, but she also had to force a smile and say: "I don't blame you, I know you are doing it for my own good!"



He Tiantian had previously felt that it was a bit unkind to always want to find out He Siyu's life experience.

But now it seems that He Tiantian thinks that she is kind enough and kind enough.

She shouldn't even tear up the DNA test report and flush it into the toilet, but send it directly to He Siyu.

However, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Seeing He Siyu's face as if struck by lightning, He Tiantian bet that she must have heard Tian Huimin's words.

For example, "Although Siyu is not my biological child, your father and I regard her as our biological daughter."

"Mom, I, I'm dreaming, right? How could I hear you say that I'm not your biological daughter?"

He Siyu looked dazed and asked anxiously, "Or maybe I heard it wrong? You, you didn't say such a thing just now, right?"

"Impossible! It's impossible! My parents are usually so good to me. Although they scold me occasionally, it's because I'm disobedient and unmotivated!"

"My parents usually love me the most. How could I not be their biological child?"

"Mom, tell me quickly, what is going on?"

He Siyu collapsed a little. She first yelled at the man and then yelled.

Finally, she closed her eyes, her feet went limp, and she fainted.


Tian Huimin shouted anxiously, and then shouted desperately to the corridor: "Doctor! Help, doctor!"

Soon, the corridor became noisy.

He Tiantian wanted to get up to help, but was stopped by Tian Huimin: "Sitian, you are still injured, don't move! I will take care of your sister!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Okay, I understand! Mom, go quickly!"

He Tiantian quickly nodded obediently.

She did not forget to add in a tea-like tone, "Blame me! It's all my fault. If I hadn't been curious and investigated secretly, the matter wouldn't have been exposed!"

Taking retreat to advance, rushing to reflect and so on, is not the patent of little white flower He Siyu.

She "He Sitian" can do it too!

"Oh, how can I blame you for this? If you want to blame me, it's your father and I who shouldn't have kept it from you!"

"Things have already happened. No matter how much you say, it won't help. Sitian, don't blame yourself too much. I don't blame you!"

"It's a fact, and it's not something shameful. In the past, I was worried that Siyu was young, had an unstable temperament, and would be rebellious in adolescence or something like that!"

But now, He Siyu is an adult, and she has the right to know her life experience.

Tian Huimin watched the medical staff lift He Siyu onto the cart. While comforting her eldest daughter, she followed him to the emergency room.

He Tiantian smiled slightly. In fact, it was good for He Siyu to know her life experience.

A sensitive and emotional person like her would definitely look for her biological mother if she knew such a secret.

He Siyu has other things to distract himself from, so he shouldn't be in trouble in front of He Tiantian...

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