The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 434: True Love Control Group (10)

He Tiantian's prediction was correct, after He Siyu heard his complete life experience from He Yannian and Tian Huimin.

Without any hesitation, she went to country F crying.

As a loyal guardian, Meng Hao naturally followed.

In fact, He Siyu was able to complete various procedures for going abroad in a short period of time, thanks to Meng Hao, a rich second-generation man who was very busy.

Looking at the two people's backs as if they were fleeing, He Yannian and Tian Huimin felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Yes, they understood He Siyu's longing for his biological mother and his desire for blood and family ties.

But for the past twenty years, the couple has always regarded this child as their own flesh and blood.

Sometimes, they put more effort into He Siyu than their own daughter.

They gave He Siyu enough love and care, as well as enough fatherly and motherly love.

As a result, after hearing that she was not the daughter of the He family, He Siyu didn't hesitate at all and ran quickly to find her biological mother.

How embarrassed is this for the Hes and his wife?

Those who didn't know, thought they had abused He Siyu to make her crave "family affection" so much!

"Husband, go back. Sitian will be discharged from the hospital in two days. We still need to cooperate with the doctor to help her with rehabilitation!"

Standing in the waiting hall, the couple was silent for a long time before Tian Huimin said quietly.

"Oh, yes! Sitian's hand——"

The youngest daughter has gone to find her biological mother. With Meng Hao, a wealthy and leisurely patron saint, by her side, there should be no problem even if she goes to Country F.

Instead, it was their eldest daughter.

Until now, they have not told their daughter that she may have "sequelae" effects on her hands.

She may never play the piano again!

He Yannian is more delicate and sensitive than Tian Huimin, and he is also more worried that He Sitian will not be able to bear the cruel reality and collapse.

Therefore, compared to their younger daughter who is healthy and cared for, their eldest daughter, who has always been sensible and self-disciplined, needs them more now.

"First, don't tell her in a hurry. Let's accompany her to recover slowly and let her have an adaptation process!"

Tian Huimin held her husband's hand. The couple came out of the airport and called a taxi. They sat in the back seat and discussed quietly.

"Yes! It just so happens that I'm about to go on summer vacation. During this time, I'll spend more time with her!"

He Yannian said gently that he had made up his mind to guard his daughter while she recovered and adapted.

He Tiantian: ...My dear parents, you don’t have to be like this!

However, seeing the cautious and caring look of the He family couple, He Tiantian's heart moved slightly.

Her plan seems to be changing slightly.

Therefore, when He Tiantian was finally discharged from the hospital, returned home accompanied by her parents, and touched the piano again, she did not show her true strength.

Yes, after more than a month of spiritual nourishment, her hand has returned to its original state.

Moreover, because she practiced Wuji Jue, her six senses became sharper and her fingers became more nimble.

Now she is far superior to the original owner in terms of physical fitness.

The original owner, He Sitian, is extremely talented. With the blessing of He Tiantian's skills, the pianist "He Sitian" has almost touched the ceiling of this industry.

In the original plan, He Tiantian wanted to give everyone a surprise and let everyone know that even if she was injured, she could still continue to play the piano.

And as long as she can still be a dazzling piano princess, Liancheng and others will no longer feel any guilt, let alone think that marrying "He Sitian" is a sacrifice!

Haha, if we look closely, without the friendship between childhood sweethearts and He Sitian focusing too much on the piano, he would not be worthy of He Sitian at all given Liancheng's conditions.

Why didn't Liancheng propose to He Sitian in the past?

Why did he have to wait until He Sitian was injured and his right hand was destroyed before he came to save He Sitian like a hero falling from the sky?

In addition to the so-called love and guilty conscience, the most important thing is his inner inferiority.

Because he himself knows that he is just an ordinary medical dog, while He Sitian is already a nationally renowned talented and beautiful pianist!

He didn't deserve such a perfect He Sitian.

He Sitian was injured and became an angel with broken wings. Only then did Liancheng gain the confidence and pride of being a man again!

When he proposed to He Sitian, it was not so much that he was sacrificing himself to redeem He Sitian, but that he was satisfying his own shortcomings and inferiority complex.

What He Tiantian has to do is to tear off the masks of scumbag men and bitches and expose their selfishness and shamelessness.

Even though the world of this novel has world consciousness and the characters in the novel are controlled to identify more with "true love", readers will definitely like it.

What He Tiantian wants is for readers to like her greatly.

Besides, the world consciousness is not static. When she is able to resist and is recognized by the world consciousness, maybe this will become another style of novel - an anti-true love story.

And "He Sitian" will make a counterattack from a vicious female supporting character to a strong heroine!

This was He Tiantian's original plan. After coming out of the hospital, she showed off her more exquisite piano skills.

However, seeing the appearance of He Yannian and Tian Huimin, He Tiantian suddenly thought of the original owner's regrets and made temporary adjustments.

She hid her strength and suffered side effects on her right hand!

"How could this happen? How come my, my fingers have become so inflexible?"

He Tiantian sat in front of the piano, looking forward to it mixed with a bit of anxiety a second ago, but when her fingers actually touched the keys and she played just a few times, her expression changed.

"Sitian, don't worry, your hand is still recovering. It's normal for it to be inflexible!"

He Yannian saw that what he was worried about finally happened, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

He tried to maintain a gentle smile and comforted his daughter softly.

"That's right! You were just discharged from the hospital yesterday, so there's really no need to be in such a hurry!"

Strong woman Tian Huimin also rarely put down her work and stayed at home with her eldest daughter with her husband.

"...Dad, Mom, how can I not be anxious? There is a music festival in September, and I am a special guest!"

He Tiantian deliberately looked worried, "I have wasted more than a month in the hospital, and now my fingers have become so inflexible, how can I go to the music festival?"

The Internet in this era has just emerged and is not very developed yet.

When "He Sitian" was injured, several media reported it, but it did not have much impact.

In order to appease their daughter, the He family said to the outside world: "He Sitian was indeed injured, but the operation was successful!"

She saved her hand, but she couldn't show He Sitian's original level.

In addition, He Sitian is a pianist, not an entertainment star. Except for some industry insiders and piano enthusiasts, most media and the public will not pursue her too much.

Therefore, the outside world does not know the true situation of "He Sitian".

For example, the organizer of the September music festival mentioned by He Tiantian did not cancel the invitation to "He Sixian".

It's already July, less than two months until the festival.

"He Sitian" is a person who attaches great importance to her career. She will definitely be extremely anxious when she finds that her hands are not as flexible as before.

"Sitian, let's take our time! Didn't the doctor say you are recovering well? Don't be impatient, there are still two months until September!"

He Yannian racked his brains to comfort his daughter.

"Yes! Your parents will stay with you. Let's practice piano while doing rehabilitation!"

Tian Huimin also hurriedly agreed and tried to lighten the atmosphere with a relaxed tone.

She said with a nostalgic look on her face, "Speaking of which, when you were practicing piano when you were a child, your parents weren't always with you."

"Now, your dad is on summer vacation, and I don't have any urgent cases on hand. Let's just watch you practice the piano and have a good experience of 'staying with your parents'!"

He Tiantian seemed to have listened to her parents' consolation, and seemed to feel the attention of her parents that she had never experienced before. Her mood was not as excited as before, but with a hint of expectation, "Okay! I listen to my parents!"

"Hey! That's right. No matter what happens, don't worry, your parents are still here!"

"That's right, Si Tian, ​​don't bear everything on your own. No matter how old you are or what achievements you have made, in the eyes of your parents, you are still a child who needs our protection!"

Tian Huimin and He Yannian, the couple said something to each other, not only to comfort their daughter, but also to remind themselves——

Don’t be like in the past. Just because your eldest daughter is sensible, self-disciplined and excellent, you can’t ignore that she is also a child!

In this way, a family of three accompanied their daughter to do rehabilitation in the morning, and watched her play the piano in the piano room in the afternoon.

Without He Siyu in the He family, the atmosphere of the whole family has changed.

Instead of the restlessness and noise of true love, it feels more like a family.

He Tiantian: ...This is a normal family. He Siyu, Liancheng and Meng Hao are acting in a TV series!

While He Tiantian continued to perform "Angel with Broken Wings" who needed parental care, she silently complained in her heart.

He Yannian and his wife were extremely lucky that they realized the problem and stayed by their daughter's side.

In the past half month, they have seen their daughter suffer from all kinds of pain and anxiety due to the inflexibility of her fingers.

Fortunately, they calmed down this strong negative emotion in time and filled it with enough fatherly and motherly love.

They also saw their daughter's melancholy, despair, and loss, but with their care, her daughter cheered up again.

I witnessed with my own eyes that my daughter went from being an angel with broken wings to climbing back to the top little by little.

They even personally experienced the entire process of their daughter’s Phoenix Nirvana!

Therefore, when He Tiantian's fingers could nimbly jump on the black and white keyboard again, and when a stunningly beautiful melody came to their ears, He Yannian and Tian Huimin were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

not easy!

It’s really not easy!

It is not easy for their daughter to practice hard, and it is not easy for them to accompany and comfort her daughter.

The couple finally had a sense of accomplishment in raising their daughter.

If they are interviewed by the media again and asked, "How did you cultivate such an excellent pianist like He Sitian?", they will no longer feel guilty or guilty.

Instead, he can answer confidently and list in detail the things that parents need to pay attention to!

"Sitian, why am I listening? Your skills seem to have improved again!"

He Yannian is not a professional piano teacher, but he teaches art after all and has a basic appreciation of music.

Besides, by staying in the piano room every day and listening to his daughter playing over and over again, He Yannian could also hear some problems.

He found that his daughter's playing became more and more fluent, and most importantly, he was able to feel different emotions from the music.

To put it in more literary terms, He Sitian's performance has become more soulful!

It is no longer a simple show off of skills, no longer static elegance, but has emotional ups and downs, allowing different people to resonate with each other!

This is very powerful.

The reason why art is called art is because of its super infectious power.

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, you can gain some insights from it. That is the real work of art!

This is especially true with music.

The same notes, the same melody, but performed by different people, can give people different feelings.

In the past, He Sitian played the piano really well and could resonate with people.

However, the works performed by He Sitian now can directly touch people's souls.

He Yannian has a delicate and gentle heart, and he has a very obvious feeling for the improvement of his daughter's playing skills.

"Yes! Yes! Although I don't understand it very well, I just think it sounds good. Look, I'm getting goosebumps!"

Compared to her artistic husband, Tian Huimin is more like a philistine businessman.

But at this moment, she was also very moved.

Quietly wiping away tears from the corners of her eyes, she deliberately pointed to her arms, smiled and said to the father and daughter, "Look, the hairs are all standing on end!"

He Tiantian: ...Okay, Mom, I know you are moved by my music, but there is no need to destroy your image like this.

You are an exquisite urban elite.

"Haha, my soul trembles and my hair stands on end!"

Seeing that his wife was speaking playfully, but his daughter was looking "hard to explain", He Yannian couldn't help but agree.

There was silence in the piano room, and then the family of three burst into laughter.

The aunt standing at the door, her raised right hand stopped in mid-air.

She couldn't bear to break such a warm and beautiful scene.

However, there were guests in the living room outside, and as an aunt, it was really hard for her to let people sit around all the time.

Whether the host wants to meet or not is the host’s business.

She must report it in time.

After hesitating for a moment, Auntie waited for the laughter in the piano room to subside before knocking on the door.

"Professor He, Liancheng is here, saying he has something important to see Sitian!"

The aunt gently opened the door, leaned half in, and said softly.


Hearing this name, He Yannian, who had always been gentle, couldn't help but frown.

Tian Huimin, who had a hot temper, couldn't help complaining, "Why are you here again?"

"I thought Liancheng was quite sensible in the past, but I don't know what's going on lately. It seems like he can't understand what we say!"

Everyone said that Sitian was doing rehabilitation recently and there was no time to see him for the time being. Why did he come here every day? !

He Yannian and Tian Huimin were close to shutting Liancheng out, and they made many hints and explicit remarks.

But Liancheng just doesn’t understand, and this happens every day...

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