The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 435 The Control Group of True Love (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

If it weren't for the education he received and his own upbringing, Tian Huimin would have wanted to grab Liancheng's shoulders and shake him hard.

Also give him a Roaring Emperor: "Dear, are you unable to understand human language? Do you have a problem with your understanding! Are you stupid!"

Tian Huimin shook his head vigorously to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.

Alas, regardless of Liancheng's "ignorance", the timing of his arrival is extremely annoying.

The good atmosphere was all ruined by him.

Tian Huimin took a deep breath and calmed down. When she turned to look at He Tiantian, she resumed her gentle motherly smile: "Sitian, let me go take a look. You continue to practice!"

"Okay, Mom!"

This was not the first time that Tian Huimin was asked to send Liancheng away. He Tiantian fully believed in her own mother's abilities.

A mere Liancheng is really not something that a barrister like Tian Huimin can fight against.

"Husband, I'm going!"

Tian Huimin said something to He Yannian again and gave him a look: Take good care of Sitian.

He Yannian nodded slightly, indicating that he had received it.

In this way, Tian Huimin left the piano room and went to the living room downstairs with her aunt.

The He family lives in a villa, and Lian's family is also in this community.

It is not very luxurious, but it is also the best place for middle-class and upper-class people to live.

There are seven or eight rooms on the upper and lower floors, which are just right for a family of four. There is also a study room for He Yannian and He Sitian's piano room.

After going downstairs and coming to the living room, Tian Huimin saw Liancheng sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Liancheng's appearance, Tian Huimin couldn't help but close her eyes——

Come again!

Or a large bouquet of flowers and a jewelry box.

This child...well, Tian Huimin didn't even know how to evaluate him.

It’s been half a month, and it’s been this way every day.

At first, their Sitian would come out to see him. Although there was no clear rejection, anyone with eyes could see that Sitian was full of resistance.

Only Liancheng seemed to be blind. Oh, no, to use her husband's artistic expression, it was called being immersed in her own world.

Liancheng is so self-righteous and wishful thinking. He keeps talking about Ai Sitian, so he wants to marry her.

But between words, Tian Huimin always felt that Liancheng was giving alms, as if he believed that Sitian's hands were disabled and that she was no longer the radiant piano princess, but a poor little person who needed his mercy and redemption!

Tian Huimin: ...I really want to swear! But my own cultivation doesn’t allow it!

As a mother, in order to help her daughter get through the pain period and return to her peak, she put down her work and stayed with her every day.

Liancheng, my daughter's nominal boyfriend, doesn't say he's considerate or supportive, but he still behaves like this and is disgusting!

Yes, it is disgusting!

When she heard Liancheng's affectionate confession and sincere proposal for the first time, Tian Huimin felt a little moved.

But after hearing the same words more than a dozen times, she suddenly discovered the condescension in his attitude, which immediately moved Tian Huimin from being moved to being disgusted!

Who is that?

Even though their Sitian can no longer play the piano, she is still a young, beautiful and highly educated girl.

How could it be the turn of a medical student like De Liancheng to show mercy and charity? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not to mention, their family’s Sitian has not only risen from the phoenix’s nirvana, but has also gone one step further.

Sooner or later, their Si Tian will become a national treasure-level pianist!

How could Liancheng covet such sweet thinking?

Tian Huimin is not a snob,

She cherishes the friendship between the He and Lian families for many years.

However, this kid Liancheng is so unfavorable!

I used to think he was smart, motivated, and affectionate, but now I think he, he—

As a well-educated person and an elder of Liancheng, Tian Huimin really couldn't say anything too unpleasant.

However, the Liancheng in front of her has really changed from a son-in-law candidate that she likes to a problematic young man that gives her a headache.

"...Liancheng, next month, Sitian is going to participate in the Modern Music Festival held in Shanghai. She is a special guest performer and there will be a piano solo!"

Tian Huimin herself said she was tired of saying rejection so many times.

She looked helplessly at Liancheng, who was full of expectations, thought about it, and simply changed her strategy.

"What? Sitian is going to a music festival? And she's going to perform a live piano recital?"

Liancheng seemed to have heard something incredible, his eyes widened and his face was full of excitement.

Tian Huimin's expression was calm. She was used to Liancheng being "excited" at every turn.

She said calmly, "Yes, she will participate and perform!"

"No! No! Absolutely not!"

Liancheng didn't think about it. Since "He Sitian" decided to play, she must have some confidence.

He was still immersed in his own world, feeling that "He Sitian" was so stimulated by the injury that he made such an irrational choice in a moment of confusion.

"Why not? Sitian's father and I both agreed, and we strongly encourage her to go!"

Tian Huimin looked at Liancheng who seemed to be acting in a TV series and said this slowly.

"What?" Liancheng was startled again, as if he didn't recognize Tian Huimin in front of him.

Perhaps, in his mind, Tian Huimin, an elite in the legal industry, is an ignorant and stupid woman who dotes on her daughter unconditionally.

Or maybe Liancheng felt that Tian Huimin was too utilitarian. In order to maintain the identity of "He Sitian" as a famous female pianist, he forced his daughter to perform even though he knew she was injured.

"Auntie, how can you do this? You will ruin Si Tian!"

Liancheng was heartbroken. Listening to his almost accusatory words, it was obvious that he regarded Tian Huimin as a profit-seeking tiger mother, while He Yannian was an incompetent man who could not control his powerful wife.

Tian Huimin: ...don’t be angry! Don't be angry! I don't get angry with people who have brain problems!

After vomiting deeply several times, Tian Huimin controlled herself from exploding.

Originally, she wanted to ask Liancheng, "Why did we ruin Sitian?"

However, seeing Liancheng's appearance, Tian Huimin felt that no matter what she said, this self-righteous "infatuated person" would not listen.

Tian Huimin is just wasting her saliva, and will also make herself very angry!

"Liancheng, considering the many years of friendship between our two families and the relationship between you and Si Tian, ​​I will explain it to you again!"

Tian Huimin showed the momentum of arguing in court, released the pressure of the Queen of Law, and said coldly:

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"First, Sitian is twenty-four years old. She has been independent, strong and has her own opinions since she was a child. She has the right to decide whether she wants to participate in the music festival!"

"Second, Sitian's father and I are her biological parents. We love her more than anyone else in the world and want her to be happy!"

Liancheng seemed to be suppressed by Tian Huimin's momentum. He forgot to be excited and looked at Tian Huimin blankly.

Tian Huimin stared into Liancheng's eyes and said word for word, "So, Liancheng, I ask you to calm down and use your brain to think about the problem!"

"If you really love Sitian and really want to do her best, please respect her decision and respect her parents!"

"Even if you can't respect me, please don't question me, let alone humiliate me!"

"...Otherwise, I will doubt whether you really love my daughter."

He Tiantian: ...she is indeed a smart and capable strong woman. Not only is she powerful enough, she also knows how to use magic to defeat magic!

Sure enough, after hearing Tian Huimin's words, Liancheng's face turned a little ugly.

His face seemed to be torn apart, and his mind was revealed.

Under Tian Huimin's sharp gaze, he felt like he had nowhere to hide.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I, I'm so excited!"

Liancheng panicked, stammered an apology, and ran away with his "props".

Looking at Liancheng's hurried back, Tian Huimin did not resolve the trouble easily, and her brows furrowed even more tightly.

She couldn't help but secretly guess, did I just say it right? Is there really something wrong with the relationship between Liancheng and Sitian? !

Liancheng felt weird, as if he was mentally disturbed.

As for Sitian, she is also very cold towards Liancheng.

Not only during the hospitalization, but also when he returned home, he never wanted to see Liancheng, let alone talk to him.

Tian Huimin didn't have much suspicion before, mainly because she saw that although her daughter didn't agree to Liancheng's proposal, she didn't refuse it either.

Tian Huimin and He Yannian only thought that their daughter was injured, and they were affected psychologically and spiritually to a certain extent, which made her become a bit sharp and cold.

However, after seeing Liancheng's weirdness today and recalling Sitian's performance after being injured, Tian Huimin had a bad feeling in his heart.

It appears that, unbeknownst to her and her husband, their daughter was harmed.

Could it be that Liancheng betrayed Sitian?

But, it doesn’t look like that.

Although Liancheng became weird, it made Tian Huimin and his wife a little uncomfortable.

But after his daughter was injured, he had a cold attitude towards Liancheng, but Liancheng has always been very active and proactive.

If he was not allowed to go to the hospital, he would come to He's house every day to report.

After Sitian was discharged from the hospital, Liancheng became even more enthusiastic.

He proposes marriage every day, becoming more and more courageous with every setback, and "not listening to others' advice", from another perspective, it means that he is persistent enough.

As a mother, Tian Huimin was also moved when she saw a man pursuing his daughter so hard.

Such Liancheng said that he didn't like his daughter and betrayed her. Tian Huimin didn't believe it anyway.

He Tiantian: ...Mom, you are a normal person, so you don’t understand the weird brain circuits!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Liancheng is sacrificing for love!

Tian Huimin couldn't hear He Tiantian's complaints, but she was keen and finally realized that something was wrong.

She began to re-examine the daily interactions between her daughter and Liancheng, as well as their recent reactions.

Without the filter imposed by world consciousness, when Tian Huimin really became shrewd and investigated seriously, she really found some clues.

"Siyu and Liancheng? H-how is this possible?"

There is no surveillance installed at home, but there is an aunt who does the work.

But when He Siyu and Liancheng got along in private, he didn't know whether it was ignorance, fearlessness or intentionality, but he didn't have the slightest scruple.

At most, they were carrying He Yannian and Tian Huimin behind their backs.

I don't have many worries about the He family's aunt.

Therefore, Tian Huimin learned from her aunt that while her eldest daughter was hospitalized, Liancheng came to He's house in name to show his love for her eldest daughter, but in fact, he secretly ran up to the second floor and had a tryst with Siyu in the room.

Of course, Auntie would definitely not call it a "tryst".

After all, the two of them had the door closed, and the aunt had no idea what they were doing inside.


A man and a woman, already adults and not related by blood, were alone in a room.

Even if they are "friends" who have grown up together, even if they are future brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, that won't work!

Tian Huimin didn't want to think too badly of Liancheng and Siyu.

Of these two people, one is the future son-in-law whom she has grown up watching and is very optimistic about;

The other is the little daughter she has raised for twenty years and loves like her own daughter.

They, they... Tian Huimin would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe that they would get together.

Liancheng and He Siyu, do you know what you are doing?

One of you is Si Tian's boyfriend, and the other is Si Tian's sister.

How could you betray Si Tian together? !

The moment she guessed this possibility, Tian Huimin felt like the world was spinning and her legs were getting weak.

If there hadn't been a hint of reason to remind her, she might have fallen to the ground in a state of disbelief.

Even so, Tian Huimin also felt devastated and suffocated.

In addition to being shocked, panicked and even angry, Tian Huimin also felt endless heartache and pity.

Did her Sitian, her precious daughter, notice this, so——

Tian Huimin's reaction was really fast. When she realized something was wrong, she quickly thought that before Sitian's accident, the three of them went on a trip together.

Could it be that Si Tian discovered something during the trip?

Oh my gosh!

Tian Huimin felt heartbroken.

What has Sitian experienced?

Injured in an accident, her boyfriend is not around, and he is most likely with his sister.

Even though she was aware of the truth, she still had to watch Liancheng kneel in front of her and pretend to be an expression, and listen to He Siyu defending and singing praises for Liancheng in her ears!

Tian Huimin didn't dare to guess any more. Her chest was filled with anger and she was about to explode!

"...No! No no! These are just my guesses. This must not be the case! It must not be the case!"

Otherwise, their Sitian family would be too pitiful.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And she suffered all this, but she didn't talk to anyone. Instead, she endured the pain and did rehabilitation, practicing, practicing, practicing as hard as she could!

Originally, Tian Huimin only thought it was because of her daughter's personality. She was a proud and hard-working person, willing to endure hardships and refused to give up.

but now……

Tian Huimin's heart was filled with countless emotions, and she couldn't even tell what it felt like.

Just when Tian Huimin didn't want to believe it, but had already touched the edge of the truth, He Tiantian, who was staying in the piano room and continuing to practice the piano, felt a strange power.

It was as if the shackles of world consciousness that had been bound to her soul had become loose.

"I don't want to marry Liancheng!"

He Tiantian tried to say this.

Although the process was a bit difficult and she was still suppressed, in the end, He Tiantian still expressed her thoughts clearly!

Very good!

The shackles of world consciousness have indeed been pried open.

I just don’t know if it’s because of her hard work or the “awakening” of some important characters...

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