The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 436 The Control Group of True Love (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Liancheng is gone?"

Tian Huimin calmed down and went up to the second floor. Before she reached the door of the piano room, she saw He Yannian standing in the corridor with a cordless phone.

Before she could speak, He Yannian asked with a smile.

"Well, I told him that Sweetheart will participate in the Modern Music Festival in Magic City next month and let him go and see it!"

Tian Huimin said lightly, glanced at the cordless phone in her husband's hand, and asked casually, "Is it Meng Hao calling again?"

He Yannian smiled and replied, "Yes, Meng Hao said that Siyu and Xiao Qin have recognized each other. However, due to some objective reasons, Xiao Qin cannot disclose his relationship with Siyu for the time being!"

Speaking of the latter part, He Yannian's smile was a little weak.

Although she understands Qin Shiyu, after all, she is married, has a husband, children, and a new life.

However, He Siyu was her flesh and blood after all, so even if he couldn't make it public, he should still be kind to her.

But He Yannian could still hear Qin Shiyu's indifference and alienation towards He Siyu from Meng Hao's simple narration.

It was as if he was blaming her for not having come here and affecting her life!

Alas, after twenty years of not seeing each other, the memory of that talented, well-behaved and innocent little girl has long been blurred.

From Meng Hao's words, He Yannian felt a selfish and cold-hearted woman.

And the once "crystal of love" has long lost its weight in Qin Shiyu's mind!


Tian Huimin didn't want to resent He Siyu, after all, all her thoughts just now were just her guesses.

She wasn't sure that He Siyu had really done anything to feel sorry for He Sitian.

However, there was a knot in her heart.

On the other hand, after He Siyu learned about her life experience, she didn't hesitate or be reluctant at all, and simply ran to country F to find her biological mother.

This somewhat chilled Tian Huimin.

Under the influence of these reasons, Tian Huimin's feelings for He Siyu changed.

She doesn't hate the child she raised, but she doesn't have that kind of pure, unreserved love!

When she heard her husband talk about He Siyu's current situation, she just replied with a lack of interest, not even interested in asking more questions.

He Yannian slowly stopped smiling.

He didn't know that his wife had discovered a certain truth, he just thought that she was still thinking about He Siyu's eagerness to find his biological mother.

In fact, He Yannian felt a little disappointed when he saw such a determined daughter.

But he has a kind and gentle temperament. He is more likely to repay evil with kindness, but he will not repay evil with straightness.

After all, after being with her for twenty years, he would consider the problem from He Siyu's perspective and understand her curiosity and desire for her biological mother!

Of course, He Yannian's gentleness is also reflected in the fact that he understands He Siyu, but he will not force his wife to "understand" his adopted daughter like him.

He respects every decision of his family!

Tian Huimin:......

I used to feel that my husband's gentleness and tolerance were particularly good.

However, if what she guessed was confirmed, she hoped that her husband would be selfish and narrow-minded - not to make excuses for He Siyu who betrayed his sister, but to stand on the side of his daughter who was innocent and harmed!

"By the way, I just mentioned Liancheng. He didn't make any noise this time!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

According to He Yannian's temperament, for him to say such words, Liancheng's "lethal power" is definitely strong enough.

Tian Huimin has been married to her husband for more than 20 years, and has never heard him say anything bad about anyone, let alone curse anyone.

Saying someone is "noisy"

This is already his worst evaluation of people.

"I told him that Sitian will go to Shanghai to participate in the Modern Music Festival next month, and asked him to go and enjoy Sitian's piano solo live!"

Tian Huimin said calmly, without any emotion.

He Yannian was stunned for a moment. He was not mean, but he was not stupid either.

He heard the subtext of his wife, but he was not sure whether his guess was correct.

He Yannian asked tentatively, "Do you want Liancheng to know that our Sitian has completely recovered? She still has a career to work hard for and is not in a hurry to get married?!"

Tian Huimin met her husband's gaze, nodded slowly, and then shook her head, "I really want him to know that Sitian can continue to play the piano again!"

But it's not like telling him that Sitian is busy with her career and can't take care of getting married.

"I want to tell him that he must be self-aware and know how to retreat when difficulties arise!"

Tian Huimin has always been strong, but she rarely says such harsh words.

She mostly uses reason and clever eloquence to make the other party speechless.

What happened to my wife today?

Are you speaking so rudely?

Liancheng is not her competitor yet, but the future son-in-law they have watched grow up!

After understanding He Yannian's eyes, Tian Huimin said in a deep voice, "Husband, didn't you notice?"

"Every time Liancheng comes to our house, he talks about Ai Sitian and wants to marry her. But his attitude is not sincere or enthusiastic!"

"When he talks, he always has an inexplicable sense of superiority. It's as if he thinks that our Sitian's hands are useless and have become incomplete!"

"And he, even though he is just a medical graduate student, wants a career but not a career, wants status but not status, he can still look down on Sitian from a high position!"

He Yannian's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this.

He is really very smart. In the past, he was suppressed by world consciousness, which made him dull and confused when facing He Siyu, Liancheng and others.

Now being exposed by his wife, He Yannian felt as if his vision suddenly became clearer and brighter.

Certain fragments of the past flashed through his mind. After a brief moment of daze, He Yannian also realized the problem his wife had mentioned.

He nodded slowly, "Although I don't think you should rashly doubt someone, there is something wrong with Liancheng!"

"I just want him to know that even if our Sitian is injured or falls, she can get up again and even fly higher!"

"We Sitian don't need his mercy or his sacrifice at all!"

Tian Huimin became more and more excited as she spoke. At the end of the sentence, tears rolled out of her eyes.

For more than two months after their daughter was injured, they witnessed their daughter's pain with their own eyes.

After their daughter recovered from her injury, she started practicing piano, and they experienced her tenacity and hard work firsthand.

Such an excellent daughter deserves the best man in the world.

Why does Liancheng treat Siyu like this?

"...Yes, no need."

Seeing that his wife was really angry and was wiping tears sadly, He Yannian quickly took his wife into his arms and comforted her softly: "Lian Cheng has indeed become a little strange in recent times!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"He seemed to have entered a dead end, or fallen into a tragic story that he had spun -"

He Yannian was not just speculating.

When he carefully recalled Liancheng's recent performance, he discovered some problems.

Not to mention anything else, just his persistence in proposing again and again is very strange.

Even if He Sitian didn't explicitly refuse, she never agreed.

Sometimes not speaking is acquiescence, but sometimes not speaking is a polite rejection.

If Liancheng had sense, or if he respected He Sitian enough, he wouldn't come to He's house every day to "check in" like completing daily tasks!

"Let him go to the music festival to see it! Our Sitian is even more shining than before!"

He Yannian would not say anything to make Liancheng "quit in spite of the difficulties", but he did have opinions on Liancheng. valley

Seeing her husband's reaction, Tian Huimin was secretly satisfied.

I hope that in the future, after He Siyu’s matter is settled, her husband can have a calm and fair attitude!

He Tiantian didn't know what was happening outside the door, but she made a guess because she felt the change in world consciousness——

It should be my biological father or mother who has "awakened"!

The biological mother is more likely.

It's not that He Yannian is not vigilant enough, but that he is too gentle.

Just like in the original plot, the "love" between He Siyu and Liancheng was exposed, and everyone knew that they had hooked up a long time ago.

He Sitian instantly became a joke, and Tian Huimin and He Yannian were angry, anxious and distressed.

But, in the end, I don’t know if it was the power of the plot, or He Sitian was too kind, and the He family and his wife were too tolerant.

He managed to cover it up easily.

They reprimanded He Siyu and asked her to apologize to He Sitian.

Then, there is no more.

To He Siyu, He Yannian and his wife were truly loving fathers and mothers.

For He Sitian, it was the second round of hurt - her own sister betrayed her, but her parents still allowed her to tolerate it.

Didn't do justice, didn't take her side.

The parents wanted a harmonious family and hoped that the sisters would not really turn against each other.

But the damage has been done. Forcing a "happy ending" is in Lingchi He Sitian's heart!

The original plot did not describe He Sitian's pain and sorrow, but He Tiantian, as the person who took over He Sitian's identity, can empathize with it.

If possible, He Tiantian would not only make He Siyu's wish come true, but she would also make it fair for the He family and his wife!

However, these can be done slowly. Anyway, she has planted the seeds in advance, just waiting for them to sprout and bloom in the future.

The most important thing right now is the music festival in September.

He Tiantian made up his mind to make the name "He Sitian" famous again in China and even the global piano industry on this day.

After practicing the piano for a while, He Tiantian took out a paper and pen.

While tapping the keys with his fingers, he quickly wrote characters one by one on the paper.

Yes, compose music. He Tiantian wants to compose a brand new piano music.

Firstly, it is to improve one's own career, and secondly, it is to let the world know the whole process of "He Sitian"'s rebirth from the ashes!

The original owner is really very talented. He Tiantian just inherited the memory and skills of the original owner and has the ability to compose good works.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If he hadn't encountered such a weird plot, the original owner would have become an outstanding piano master with his own talent and hard work.

Not some bullshit control group!

What He Tiantian has to do now is to take back all the glory and achievements that should have belonged to He Sitian!

In the time to come, He Tiantian will continue to hone his skills while composing new songs.

In September, when the Modern Music Festival was about to open, He Tiantian finally wrote his first work after repeated revisions.

"Sitian, your parents should go with you!"

Although Tian Huimin and his wife are sure that their daughter has returned to normal, they are still a little worried.

This is the first performance since my daughter was injured.

In addition to symbolizing her new take-off, she may also encounter inquiries from the media or insiders.

Tian Huimin and He Yannian were both worried that their daughters would encounter any "accidents."

Therefore, the He family couple, who had never "accompanied the exam" when they were young, took the initiative to ask to accompany them.

If she is a sensible and independent original owner, she will thank her parents for their concern, but she will still politely refuse.

She didn't want to cause trouble to others because of herself.

Both her parents have jobs, and they just go out for a performance. Over the past ten years, she has long been used to it.

When I was a child, I was accompanied by teachers and aunts at home.

After her fourteenth birthday, she will be able to travel on her own.

In addition, there are brokers and assistants provided by brokerage companies.

Basically, there is no need to bother the parents at home.

He Tiantian is not the original owner.

She won't be that sensible, nor will she be that independent.

Making requests to parents is not unreasonable, but a normal parent-child interaction.

"Okay, I have always had a dream. When I sit on the stage and perform, my favorite parents can sit in the audience and watch me!"

"With you here, I will be able to perform even more perfectly!"

He Tiantian said with a smile.

Her words made the He couple, who were gradually getting rid of the control of world consciousness, feel distressed and guilty.

They really neglected their daughter.

And this time's injury also made their daughter, who had always been strong and independent, become a lot softer.

It's not weakness, but something more to be cherished.

"Okay, we want to see our baby back on stage!"

Tian Huimin secretly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said to He Tiantian with a smile.

He Yannian also smiled and nodded. After the topic was finished, his lips twitched and he wanted to talk about his youngest daughter, He Siyu.

However, I saw that my wife's eyes were full of her eldest daughter, but my younger daughter had not taken the initiative to contact her family after she went abroad.

The wife became increasingly dissatisfied. Although the eldest daughter said nothing, she never mentioned anything about the younger daughter!

The delicate He Yannian knew that both his wife and the eldest daughter were estranged from the younger daughter.

He Yannian can still understand his wife's displeasure.

The eldest daughter...well, maybe the eldest daughter feels sorry for her wife and thinks that the younger daughter is a heartless white-eyed wolf!

He Yannian was a little entangled in his heart. He always felt that they were all one family and shouldn't be living like this.

However, he also didn't want to hold his wife and Si Tian accountable for his little daughter's affairs.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After all, what the younger daughter did was indeed inappropriate.

Forget it, his wife and Si Tian are so happy today, so he won't say anything bad about it.

As for He Siyu's return to China in a few days, he was looking for a time to tell his wife the day before the official date.

He Yannian suppressed the matter silently, and then happily accompanied He Sitian to the Magic City with his wife.

He Yannian didn't know that the "return date" that Meng Hao told him had been advanced by He Siyu.

Just as He Yannian's family of three left, He Siyu and Meng Hao returned to the He family.

Looking at the empty home, He Siyu, who had been abandoned by his own mother, suddenly felt like he had been abandoned by the whole world.

"My parents are really angry with me. They don't want me anymore!"

Squatting in the living room, He Siyu burst into tears like a little girl.

Meng Hao felt distressed and pulled her into his arms, "Don't worry, Siyu, you still have me!"

Coincidentally, Liancheng, who wanted to go to the Magic City with He Sitian, stepped in and happened to see such a scene of a man and a woman embracing each other affectionately...

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