The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 437: True Love Control Group (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What are you doing?"

After Liancheng saw the two people hugging each other clearly, he rushed in like a crazy bison.

He Siyu was startled, and when he saw Liancheng's red eyes, he felt guilty and afraid of being caught.

Meng Hao, who was still holding her, seemed to have gained confidence after staying with her in country F for nearly two months.

He patted He Siyu's back gently and said softly in her ear: "Don't be afraid! Leave everything to me!"

This sentence seems to have great magic power.

He Siyu, who was originally flustered, was comforted in an instant.

She lowered her head and sobbed quietly, seemingly still immersed in the sadness of being "abandoned". She really left Liancheng to Meng Hao to deal with it!

Liancheng saw the interaction between them, and the anger in his chest almost tore him into pieces.

How could Siyu do this?

Don't she and myself really love each other?

There is no room for a third person between them, not even He Sitian, who is very important to them both!

What's the situation now?

How could He Siyu have such a tacit understanding with a playboy like Meng Hao?

Liancheng's heart was burned by the fire of jealousy and anger, his eyes were burned red, and there was not much sanity left.

Just when Liancheng was about to lose control and rush towards Meng Hao, the "disciple", with his fist raised, Meng Hao's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on his head——

"Liancheng, I heard that you and Si Tian are getting married? Congratulations!"

Meng Hao was handsome with a bit of a ruthless air, which made him look quite interesting.

Of course, in Liancheng's eyes, his appearance seemed careless and provocative.

Liancheng became more and more angry that Siyu went to talk to him about such a cynical rich second generation——

Liancheng instinctively wanted to pull Meng Hao away and speak directly to He Siyu who was hiding behind.

But Meng Hao's words were like a slap on Liancheng's face.

As for He Siyu, when he heard the word "marriage", he raised his head suddenly. His face was full of shock, accusation, grievance, reluctance and other expressions.

It was as if Liancheng's intention to marry He Sitian was a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

She completely forgot that she was the one who tried her best to persuade Liancheng to propose to He Sitian.

And she was the one who tried her best to encourage and bless with a smile.

... Everything in the past seems to have disappeared.

Now He Siyu is just a pitiful and weak woman who is obsessed with love but was betrayed by her lover!

But Liancheng still did this, and he seemed to have amnesia.

He didn't remember the "agreement" they had made, but as if he had really done something to feel sorry for He Siyu, he desperately wanted to rush to He Siyu and explain.

"Siyu, listen to me!"

"No! I won't listen! I don't want to listen!"

"Siyu, that's not what happened -"

"No! Liancheng, you are too cruel! How could you do this to me?!"

Separated by Meng Hao, Liancheng and He Siyu staged a vigorous and bloody true love drama.

The aunt hiding in the corner, although she likes to watch the eight o'clock show, she still feels a strong sense of psychological discomfort when this kind of plot is actually played out in front of her.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What she couldn't accept the most was the identities and relationships of the people in front of her——

He Siyu is Sitian's biological sister. (Outsiders still don’t know He Siyu’s life experience!)

Liancheng is Sitian's boyfriend and fiancé. Auntie often saw Liancheng coming to propose to Sitian!

Meng Hao,

He was identified as He Siyu's boyfriend by the He family!

But now, what is the situation of these three?

He Siyu has an affair with Liancheng?

Not only did Meng Hao not feel angry, but he looked like he had known about it for a long time, and he still squeezed in between the two of them?

...Well, okay, okay, maybe the rich second generation likes this.

But, where did they take Sitian? !

This is still the He family, they just, just——

Auntie was extremely happy. Fortunately, Professor He and the others were out.

Otherwise, if you witness such a farce with your own eyes, no matter how you teach good temper, you will probably explode on the spot!

This is not to mention Lawyer Tian who doesn’t rub dirt in his eyes.

And the most pitiful and innocent Sitian.

How could she be so unlucky? A good girl met a scumbag like Liancheng and a biological sister like He Siyu!


Your shitty sister is simply more hateful than outsiders!

The aunt had never seen someone who was so dedicated to poaching her family. She couldn't help but think: If this is my biological daughter, see if I kill her!


Sitting in the waiting hall, Tian Huimin almost threw her phone away after answering her aunt's call.

She punched the suitcase with her fist, feeling as if her heart was on fire.

"Xiao Min, what's wrong? Is work not going well?"

When He Yannian saw his wife's appearance, he quickly dropped the magazine in his hand and asked softly.

"...It's not about work!"

Tian Huimin looked around. Sitian went to the bathroom, and they were the only two people in the seats.

After much hesitation, Tian Huimin decided to reveal something to her husband first.

"Auntie called just now and said that Liancheng and Meng Hao were fighting at our house!"

Tian Huimin tried her best to suppress her anger and whispered.

He Yannian raised his eyebrows. He wanted to ask, "Is Meng Hao and Siyu together? Did they return home early?"

However, seeing the way his wife was holding back her anger, she knew that the focus of this matter was definitely not that.


"Liancheng and Meng Hao were fighting? Why were they fighting?"

Although the relationship has not been confirmed yet, in the eyes of outsiders, Liancheng is He Sitian's fiancé, and Meng Hao is He Siyu's boyfriend.

These two men will be brothers-in-law in the future.

Even if they can't become "brothers", they are still relatives. Be polite, don't disturb each other, and maintain a minimum of face!

These two people actually started fighting?

It feels weird when I think about it.

"Because Liancheng saw Meng Hao holding He Siyu, so he became jealous and lost his temper at Meng Hao like a husband who caught an adulterer!"

Tian Huimin's tone became even colder.

When He Siyu was mentioned, there was not even a hint of intimacy, but he was called by both his first and last name.

He Yannian's pupils shrank suddenly. He couldn't care about this small detail. He was directly shocked by his wife's simple words.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What does "throwing a tantrum like a cheating husband" mean?

Could it be that Liancheng and Siyu——

He Yannian's eyes widened. He, who was always gentle and elegant, rarely showed such a gloomy expression.

However, He Yannian really couldn't care less at this time.

Because if what his wife said was as he guessed, then, that would be too ruinous!

He Yannian is indeed gentle and kind, but he has three views and a bottom line.

Liancheng's entanglement with He Siyu and Meng Hao challenged He Yannian's cognition too much, and he couldn't bear it. valley

Facing He Yannian's gaze, Tian Huimin nodded slowly.

He Yannian's heart fell towards the endless abyss!

He closed his eyes hard and tried his best to calm down his mood.

But he can't do it!

The two daughters were actually entangled with the same man.

Any father would probably not be able to bear it.

Not to mention, Si Tian was obviously the victim in this matter.

She suffered a double betrayal of love and family affection.

And Siyu——

He Yannian never regarded her as an adopted child, but as his own flesh and blood.

Sometimes I feel sorry for her poor talent and not being as good at studying as her elder sister, but I also think highly of her.

As a result, he endeared himself to such a bastard who has no outlook on life and no bottom line!

If He Siyu's life experience hadn't been revealed, if He Siyu hadn't rushed to his biological mother so neatly, He Yannian wouldn't have thought too much.

But with what happened before, and now that He Siyu and Liancheng's affair was exposed, even if He Yannian didn't see the scene with his own eyes, a vague scene emerged in his mind.

He Yannian thought of Qin Shiyu back then, how he was crazy about love and like a moth flying into the flame!

Everyone told her that he was a scumbag and you should not ruin your studies and future for him!

Qin Shiyu couldn't listen at all, but blamed the people around him for not understanding love!

That kind of stubbornness and infatuation may be extremely precious and pure in the eyes of true lovers.

In the eyes of normal people, it is absurd, shameless and base.

Yes, how elegance and gentleness can prolong life. I was so angry at Qin Shiyu's various performances back then.

He couldn't say such vulgar words as "cheating", but in his heart he was really disgusted with Qin Shiyu's words and deeds.

If we say that in the beginning, Qin Shiyu was deceived by the scumbag and became the third party without knowing it.

Qin Shiyu is not shameful, she is also a victim.

But then, even though she knew that the scumbag was a scumbag, Qin Shiyu still refused to let go.

In order to "prove" that she was in love with the scumbag, she even gave birth to an innocent child.

It's humble and ridiculous, but the man ignores it... What's that if it's not mean? !

He Yannian helped Qin Shiyu go abroad, and even adopted He Siyu with his wife. He not only cherished his talent, but also pitied the child.

He Yannian is a teacher, and he always has a sense of responsibility to serve as a role model.

Qin Shiyu was one of the first students he taught, and he saw that she went astray because of some bullshit love.

He Yannian felt inexplicably guilty that "I did not teach the students well."

After all, Qin Shiyu was a good student who was well-behaved and hard-working before going to college.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But after one year of college, I became naive and dreamy.

...He Yannian felt increasingly sad as he recalled the past.

He didn't mean to take the blame on himself, but he was too kind and responsible.

However, everything in the past gave him a warning - Siyu didn't inherit her mother's "love gene", right? !

In order to pursue her true love, she ignored all family ties and moral bottom lines!

How familiar is the current Siyu with the former Qin Shiyu? !

Realizing this, He Yannian felt bad.

"Husband, I know that you are the most kind-hearted. You have never looked down on Siyu because of your blood relationship. On the contrary, you love her more than your biological daughter!"

"However, there is a premise for this, that is, He Siyu did not make a principled mistake!"

"But now, what has she done? She knew clearly that Liancheng and Sitian were a couple, but she still got involved with Liancheng!"

"They betrayed Sitian together. Sitian did nothing wrong, why should she endure everything!"

"Husband, I'm not going over old scores, and I'm not blaming you. But when I learned that He Siyu and Liancheng were having an affair, I really regretted it in every possible way. I shouldn't have adopted her in the first place!"

Tian Huimin was really pissed off.

When He Siyu was mentioned, resentment began to appear in his tone.

After hearing what her aunt at home told her, Tian Huimin confirmed her suspicions that she could no longer regard He Siyu as her daughter.

Besides, even if she treats He Siyu as her daughter, they may not recognize her as her mother!

Haha, as soon as he heard that he had a biological mother who was a fashion designer in country F, He Siyu went straight to country F without saying a word!

Although Tian Huimin tried her best to persuade herself to understand and be considerate, she was also a human being.

Her heart ached and she was hurt when the daughter she had raised with so much effort was so cold and cold.


This is a heartless white-eyed wolf who has followed her selfish mother from the very beginning.

Tian Huimin completely woke up. She had raised He Siyu for twenty years without asking for anything in return, just for peace of mind.

Now, He Siyu has grown up and found his biological mother. Tian Huimin feels that she is worthy of her own conscience, and even more worthy of He Siyu's mother and daughter.

From now on, she will never feel sad for an outsider again, let alone wrong her biological daughter He Sitian for He Siyu!

The moment she put down the phone, Tian Huimin made a decision in her heart.

At this moment, what she has to do is to bring her husband to her side.

She looked directly into He Yannian's eyes and said word for word: "Husband, I'm not saying this in anger, I really regret it!"

"Besides, I suspect that before Sitian was injured, she was aware of He Siyu and Liancheng's betrayal!"

He Yannian's eyes were startled, and he looked at his wife with wide eyes.

Tian Huimin did not dodge, but was extremely determined.

For a long time, a look of pain appeared on He Yannian's face.

He Yannian, who is sensitive and delicate, puts himself in the position of Si Tian and experiences it carefully. Although he cannot empathize with it, he still feels great pain and grief!

My sweet thoughts!

She is so pitiful!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What has she experienced?

His right hand was seriously injured and his piano future was almost ruined;

Both sister and boyfriend betray;

And the parents... seem to prefer the younger sister.

If it was her biological child, Sitian wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

As a result, He Siyu is not a bloodline of the He family——

These thoughts just ran through He Yannian's mind, and he couldn't stand it.

He could not imagine that his biological daughter Sitian had experienced this personally, and how much damage she had suffered physically and mentally!

"...Xiao Min, I, I'm sorry Sitian, I -"

He Yannian has never felt so self-blame and guilty. He has a good temper and good character. He is respected by others both in school and in daily life.

But such a good person and teacher that everyone praised has hurt his only flesh and blood!

"Husband, we did make mistakes in the past. Therefore, we must make up for Sitian in the future and never let her be hurt in the slightest again!"

Tian Huimin understood her husband's mood at this time very well.

Because she has a similar psychological process.

Holding her husband's hand, Tian Huimin said extremely seriously.

"Okay! Let's go together!"

He Yannian looked into his wife's eyes and said seriously.

He is indeed kind and will not repay evil with evil, but he is also a human being and cannot repay evil with kindness!

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