The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 438 The Control Group of True Love (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


He Tiantian felt the shackles deep in her soul and seemed to relax again.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, He Tiantian calmly washed her hands and fixed her hair.

But deep down in my heart, I was secretly thinking: Oh, who is awakening again?

The previous one was Tian Huimin. Could this person today be He Yannian? !

As for Liancheng and the three of them, the possibility of awakening is too low.

In other words, if they awaken, He Tiantian will not only feel that the suppression of world consciousness has been reduced, but will also be able to clearly feel the twist of world consciousness.

The heroine's true love story will turn into the heroine's anti-true love story, and the world's consciousness will change from absurd and destroying the world's outlook to normal and justice!

And this change is huge. It can't be said that the world is falling apart, but it also makes He Tiantian feel a great feeling!

At least not right now.

Therefore, it should just be that an important character has awakened.

He Tiantian tidied up her makeup and her mood at the same time.

She came out of the bathroom and returned to her seat.

"Sitian, are you hungry? The flight is still early, how about we go get something to eat?"

Tian Huimin quickly returned to her usual smile, but there was a hint of guilt and distress in the intimacy.

"Yes! I see there are both Western and Chinese food here. What do you want to eat? Let's go try it?"

He Yannian also asked gently.

The pity and self-blame in his eyes were more than Tian Huimin's.

He Tiantian understood clearly that it was his biological father who had awakened.

He Tiantian looked at her parents without leaving any trace, and couldn't help but guess: It seemed that Liancheng had done something to finally let the He family know the "truth".

Or, He Siyu returned to China, and then staged some love drama with Liancheng.

So the secret was exposed, and Tian Huimin got the news.

"Okay, let's go have some Western food. However, food at the airport must be very expensive!"

He Tiantian has already decided not to be a sensible, filial and considerate little cotton-padded jacket, but to be a little douchebag occasionally, which is actually pretty good.

"Don't be afraid! Dad's treat!"

Hearing his daughter say "expensive" and showing an embarrassed expression, He Yannian felt even more guilty.

In the past, he paid more attention to his younger daughter.

As for the eldest daughter, because she was too good and self-disciplined, He Yannian paid less attention to her.

Not to mention the fond memories of father and daughter sneaking out to eat meat, there are very few experiences of having a meal together alone.

He really owes his eldest daughter so much!

As a teacher and as a father, he made a fatal mistake - he thought he was fair, but in fact he was still biased in disguise.

"Yes! Your dad just got a project bonus, let's kill him!"

Tian Huimin agreed with a smile.

"Okay! Then let dad spend the money!"

He Tiantian smiled sweetly, holding He Yannian in one arm and Tian Huimin in the other, and the family of three happily ran to the western restaurant at the airport to eat.

There is no circle of friends these days, but there is V blog.

"He Sitian" is a celebrity, although not as popular as the stars in the entertainment industry.

But there are still many fans in their circle.

She took photos with her mobile phone and uploaded them to V-blog.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The pictures of Jiugongge include exquisite dishes and a happy smile of a family of three.

That kind of joy and happiness can be felt even by strangers who don't know each other through the screen.

If outsiders are like this, let alone being sentimental.

He Siyu has low self-esteem and is sensitive.

She finally managed to catch Liang Cheng and Meng Hao who were struggling together, and when she asked her aunt for the medicine box, she casually asked, "Where are my dad and the others? Why aren't they at home?"

The aunt looked at the two men with bruised noses and swollen faces, and then at He Siyu who was crying pitifully, and the discomfort in her heart became stronger.

If she hadn't been worried that He Siyu was the daughter of her employer, she would have wanted to scold him as "shameless" and "heartless".

However, she still had professional qualities, so the aunt had to endure her disgust and scolding, and replied coldly: "Sitian is going to Shanghai to attend the music festival, and Professor He and Lawyer Tian are accompanying her!"

Auntie's attitude is really not good.

However, He Siyu didn't notice it.

Because a "passionate person" like her will only pay great attention to the people she values.

The reactions and attitudes of some unimportant people around her were not within her scope of consideration.

At best, it means that you will not live in the eyes of others; at worst, it means that you have no basic moral restraints.

The comments and looks from outsiders are sometimes not just malicious, but sometimes they are based on social rules and etiquette.

If you don't care about other people's opinions, you either have a strong heart or you are shameless like He Siyu and Liancheng.

"My sister is going to participate in a show, why are my parents also there?"

He Siyu was immersed in his own thoughts.

In her memory, He Sitian often participated in various activities related to piano and music since she was a child.

Basically, they are her teachers and managers, and her parents rarely accompany her.

On the contrary, He Siyu, sometimes the school holds a sports meeting, and because of her "good temperament", she can be the hostess holding placards. He Yannian or Tian Huimin will participate excitedly.

Her parents accompany her much more often than He Sitian.

Now, she finally came back from country F. Her parents didn't say they were waiting at home, but actually followed He Sitian to the Magic City.

He Siyu felt disappointed just thinking about it.

A selfish person like her never thought about the fact that He Yannian and his wife accompanied He Sitian because He Sitian had just been injured, and perhaps the injury had not recovered yet.

She would only feel that her parents no longer loved her, and they loved her sister even more.

Especially after learning about his life experience, He Siyu lost the excitement and expectation he had at the beginning.

From her biological mother Qin Shiyu, she even experienced the sadness of being abandoned and abandoned.

This made He Siyu, who already had low self-esteem, become even more cranky.

"...My parents are really partial. They are not biological, but they are different!"

He Siyu did not say these words, but silently muttered them in his heart.

The helplessness and despair of being abandoned by the whole world hit my heart again.

"Yes! Siyu, have you forgotten that your sister was injured just now? Although she was discharged from the hospital, it is different from not being injured!"

Seeing He Siyu looking like everyone in the world felt sorry for her, her aunt became even more disgusted.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There was sarcasm in her tone, "This music festival is the first large-scale event that Sitian has participated in since she was injured. Professor He and Lawyer Tian were worried, so they followed -"

The aunt was no longer hinting. She almost pointed at He Siyu's nose and said: He Siyu, your sister is injured, and you are still jealous of her?


Professor He is allowed to accompany you to fool around, but Professor He and his wife are not allowed to accompany He Sitian?

Besides, even if He Sitian was not injured, being able to participate in such a large-scale event was an honor for the He family.

Isn’t it natural for family members to go to the scene to cheer up? valley

That is to say, in the past, Sitian didn't care about these things. Otherwise, if it were another family, the whole family would definitely be involved.

The aunt's attitude was too clear, and He Siyu, who was immersed in his own world, could not continue to "pretend to be stupid".

She looked embarrassed and said, "Yes, my sister is injured, her hand -"

At this point, He Siyu seemed to suddenly remember something. He stood up suddenly, stared at his aunt and shouted, "You said my sister is going to the music festival? She, does she want to play the piano live?"

The aunt was startled by her surprise. She subconsciously took two steps back, and then said with a puzzled look on her face: "Of course!"

Si Tian is a special guest at the music festival, and she is very famous.

When we get to the place, we must perform a show.

"No! No!"

He Siyu's eyes were filled with fear and she kept saying no, "Mom and Dad, what are they thinking? They will destroy my sister!"

Fortunately, Tian Huimin was not at the scene, otherwise he would have been angry again.

Liancheng questioned that they were taking advantage of Sitian, and He Siyu actually had this kind of brain circuit.

Perhaps, looking at it from another angle, He Siyu and Liancheng are indeed a perfect match!

His ideas are so unique, and he always uses his own ideas to measure others.

"No, I want to go to the Magic City!"

"I-I'm going to stop them! They can't do this to Si Tian!"

He Siyu is very much like a sweetheart, she is excited, she is angry, she can’t wait.

Auntie: ...I just suddenly felt that He Siyu had some serious illness?

But she was the only normal person at the scene.

Liancheng was beaten until his nose was bleeding, and he was stuffing his nostrils with tissue.

Hearing He Siyu's words, he suddenly felt like a "close friend". With a thick nasal voice, Liancheng shouted: "Siyu, you also think this is wrong? Don't you?"

"I tried to stop it before, but I didn't stop it!"

Meng Hao covered his head. What, when he was fighting with Liancheng just now, he was accidentally punched in the temple by Liancheng.

Meng Hao felt his ears buzzing, his head felt stuffy, and he felt nauseous.

Probably a mild concussion.

However, as a man who is crazy about love, even if he is beaten to the point of dizziness, let alone a slight concussion, he still has to protect his little girl.

At this moment, seeing Liancheng desperately agreeing, Meng Hao ignored the dizziness and nausea and hurriedly acted as the most perfect knight.

He didn't just yell like Liancheng did, but proved it with practical actions: "Siyu, I'll book a flight and a hotel!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Siyu grabbed Meng Hao's hand excitedly, "Meng Hao, I knew you understood me best! Yes, let's go to the Magic City quickly, I want to stop them!"

Liancheng: ...What a cunning Meng Hao, what a philistine dandy, how rich he is!

Meng Hao: ...Having money is great!

He playfully booked two first-class seats and one economy-class seat.

Originally, he didn't even want to book the economy class ticket.

However, his little girl was the most kind-hearted, and Meng Hao had long known the love story between Liancheng and He Siyu.

He still respects He Siyu's true love.

Although Liancheng is a little weak, he is still an excellent person.

Being a competitor with such a person was not a humiliation for Meng Hao, but an encouragement!


She was completely speechless because she really couldn't understand what the three men and women in front of her were saying or doing.

A second ago he was in a ball, crying and shouting.

The next second, the two grown men, with bruises on their faces, coaxed and accompanied He Siyu to the airport!

Before, Auntie was still scorning Liancheng and He Siyu for their character problems.

But now, she seriously doubted that these people not only had character problems, but also had big brains.

Taking a deep breath and watching the three people leave, the aunt quickly found the cordless phone at home and called Tian Huimin again.

Tian Huimin was eating and chatting happily with her husband and daughter. After answering the call from her aunt, her good mood was instantly wiped out.

It’s really haunting!

However, it would be better if they rushed to the Magic City.

Let Sitian give them a critical blow in public, letting them know that the poor He Sitian they mistakenly thought was still the proud and noble piano princess.

At this moment, Tian Huimin really had no warmth for He Siyu, and only had endless regrets and complaints.

And Liancheng has nothing to do with their He family.


Tian Huimin was worried that their family, Sitian, was too kind. She knew everything and was unwilling to marry Liancheng, but she did not refuse directly.

Tian Huimin knew that Sitian was taking into account the friendship between the He and Lian families for more than 20 years.

She also didn't want to make the matter too big. Even though she and Liancheng couldn't be a couple, they still had the friendship that they grew up with.


A cold reply sounded in Tian Huimin's ears.

Tian Huimin was stunned for a moment, and it took her a long time to realize that she had unknowingly spoken out what was on her mind.

And that "no" should be the answer to her sentence "Even if we can't become husband and wife, we still have the friendship of growing up together"!

The person who said "no" was none other than her precious daughter Si Tian.

"Sitian, you, what did you say?"

Tian Huimin was worried that she heard wrongly, so she asked cautiously.

"I mean, I don't have any feelings for Liancheng anymore. Not just love, but also friendship!"

After practicing these days, He Tiantian's soul itself has been able to fight against the consciousness of the world.

Coupled with the successive awakenings of Tian Huimin, He Yannian, and the aunts at home, the world's consciousness has become less and less suppressed by He Tiantian and the entire small world.

He Tiantian can already easily say things that go against the world's consciousness.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She looked at Tian Huimin, then at He Yannian, and said extremely seriously, "Mom and Dad, you may already know that Liancheng and He Siyu betrayed me together!"

"That day I was playing the piano in the hotel lobby, and when the chandelier accidentally fell down, Liancheng and He Siyu were having a private meeting in the room!"

"I don't want to marry him, and I won't be friends with Liancheng. As for He Siyu, parents, please forgive my selfishness. I can't continue to be good sisters with her!"

"We are not related by blood in the first place. She betrayed me so she doesn't have to bear the stigma of family ties, and I don't have to be fettered by family ties. It's good!"

He Tiantian slowly said what was in her heart.

However, she did not force her parents to make a choice.

On the contrary, it was Tian Huimin, whose eyes were filled with distress. She grabbed He Tiantian's right hand and wanted to rub it, but was afraid of hurting her.

Although Tian Huimin knew that his daughter's hand had already healed.

However, she must have been very, very, very painful when she was seriously injured in the accident and when she learned that her boyfriend and her sister had betrayed each other!

"Okay, we don't want Liancheng, and we will have nothing to do with the Lian family in the future! And Siyu, I have a clear conscience towards her. From now on, I only have a daughter like you, Sitian!"

After Tian Huimin finished speaking, she did not forget to look at her husband.

He Yannian sighed in his heart and put two hands on his wife and daughter's shoulders respectively. His voice was gentle but his attitude was firm: "Yes, we only have one daughter, Sitian!"

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