The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 440: The Control Group of True Love (16)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Tian Huimin and He Yannian kept their information strictly confidential. When He Siyu arrived in the Magic City, he could not find He Sitian.

Meng Hao used his contacts to find out the venue, opening time, and guest performance program of the music festival.

He even got tickets to the music festival.

However, if they want to see He Sitian, they have to wait until the music festival officially starts, and they can only sit in the audience.

"...My parents are really angry! What should I do?"

During the two days waiting for the opening of the music festival, He Siyu became increasingly panicked.

Tian Huimin didn't answer her call, but when He Yannian answered, his voice was cold, and he was not at all moved by her coquettishness.

He Siyu finally felt the fear and panic of being abandoned.

She really didn't mean it. When she learned that she was not a child of the He family and that her biological mother was in country F, she, she wanted to go and visit.

After going to country F, the process of finding and getting to know my biological mother was not smooth.

She was anxious and in pain every day, suffered from jet lag, and had to adapt to the difference in diet... She had no contact with her family.

But even so, in her heart, her parents are always her parents and her closest relatives.

How could they get angry and distance themselves from her?

"Do they want me anymore? I really don't want to abandon them. I just want to know what kind of person my biological mother is. Is this wrong?"

Arriving at the music festival and sitting in the audience, He Siyu was still surprised and sad.

"..." He said too many words of comfort, and Meng Hao, who was extremely patient with He Siyu, became a little annoyed.

But, after all, she was the girl he liked, so Meng Hao endured his impatience and said, "No, Siyu, you are so kind and cute, your parents will definitely not want you!"

"Stop thinking so wildly, let's watch the show first, and when we see our uncle and aunt, we'll have a good talk with them!"

Liancheng, who was sitting on the other side, tried his best to behave in front of He Siyu, even though Meng Hao arranged a bad position.

He stretched his body and stretched his neck, his posture was a bit awkward, but he still comforted softly: "Siyu, although you are not the biological daughter of your uncle and aunt, you should know how they have treated you over the years!"

"You are a family. Even if you are not related by blood, you are still a child of the He family. Your name is He Siyu!"

Liancheng knows He Siyu best, and he can always find the "key points" of He Siyu's attention with the same words of comfort.

Sure enough, hearing Liancheng's words, He Siyu was touched by a certain heartstring. She said with some surprise, "Yes! We are a family, I am He Siyu!"

It's not like her parents didn't know from the beginning that she was not their biological daughter.

In the past twenty years, unless someone deliberately investigated, He Siyu had never doubted that she was not a biological child of the He family.

It can be seen from this that the He family really loves her very much.

Although in the past, He Siyu always pitifully said that she was the ugly duckling of the He family, not as good as her sister and not as good as her sister.

But she knew very well in her heart that she was not really pitiful, she was indeed not smart enough or beautiful enough.

But her parents, especially her father, love her the most.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even my mother, perhaps not as delicate and considerate as my father, is more concerned and tolerant of her.

Sometimes, when she was loved by her parents, she would feel that the sister she envied and envied seemed to envy her in turn!

He Siyu didn't say anything, but she was secretly proud in her heart: He Sitian, so what if you are good enough?

My parents’ favorite daughter is me!

But now, after being reminded by Liancheng, He Siyu forgot about the alienation of his parents and gained inexplicable confidence: He Sitian, it doesn't matter that you are a biological child of the He family. My parents prefer me, who was adopted!

Realizing this, He Siyu seemed to have found a place where he could crush and stimulate He Sitian.

Her desire to compare with He Sitian was fulfilled to the greatest extent.

"Yes, you are He Siyu!"

Seeing the light in Siyu's eyes again, Liancheng felt satisfied.

And out of the corner of his eye, he caught Meng Hao's dark face, and Liancheng felt even more proud in his heart——

You rich second generation, so what if you have money?

In this world, the person who understands Siyu best is me! The person Siyu loves is me too!

Meng Hao:......

He clenched his fists hard and suppressed the anger in his chest. He didn't care about Liancheng.

Anyway, the person Siyu relies on the most now is him, not Liancheng!

When Liancheng meets He Sitian, and when they confirm their relationship, Siyu can only belong to him, Meng Hao.

There are three people, two men and one woman, each with their own thoughts.

However, they may have gained psychological comfort, so they did not quarrel, but began to wait quietly for the opening of the music festival.

"He Sitian" is a special guest and will definitely not be a warm-up.

Halfway through the music festival, the atmosphere got better and better, and the big names in the finale began to appear one after another.

He Tiantian was ranked in the middle, which shows that the program team attaches great importance to her.

"Come on, come on, Si Tian is next!"

The seats in Liancheng are really not that good.

There was no way, Meng Hao had obtained the admission ticket, and he was already generous enough to get one for his "love rival", so how could he still ask for a good position?

Just like when flying, Meng Hao booked first class for himself and He Siyu, while Liancheng, who had taken advantage of the air ticket, could only fly economy class.

It's not that he couldn't afford a plane ticket to Liancheng. He had no money himself, but Lian's family was not poor.

It's just that Liancheng wanted to buy a ticket on the same flight as He Siyu, but he couldn't do it himself.

It was Meng Hao who once again resorted to spending money and got an economy class ticket for Liancheng.

The same is true for this music festival.

None of them are industry insiders or partners, and ordinary audience tickets have long been sold out in advance.

Meng Hao used certain connections in his own company to obtain complimentary tickets from the music festival organizers to sponsors.

Three tickets, two in a row and one in the corner.

Meng Hao got the ticket, so it's not good for him to go to the corner alone.

As for He Siyu, she was the treasure held in the palms of two men's hands, so naturally she couldn't be wronged.

...Liancheng then took the initiative to ask to stay in the corner.

His forbearance and consideration of the overall situation naturally won He Siyu's pity and heartache.

However, neither Liancheng nor He Siyu noticed that Liancheng had become a "subordinate" time and time again, and had actually lost to Meng Hao.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And He Siyu's feelings for Liancheng are also quietly changing.

In the past ten years, Liancheng had always been her sister's boyfriend and the god she secretly loved in He Siyu's mind.

But now, with Meng Hao's "money power" showing, Liancheng always looked like he was helpless about things.

He Siyu has not reached the point where she despises Liancheng as a waste, but in her subconscious, Liancheng has fallen from the altar into the quagmire.

He was no longer the dream lover that she chased and longed for.

Meng Hao, on the other hand, was like an all-powerful Doraemon, always able to provide perfect help when He Siyu needed it most.

Now that Liancheng was there for comparison, Meng Hao seemed even more capable and charming.

Liancheng is the prince charming in He Siyu's fantasy, while Meng Hao is the omnipotent knight in reality.

If He Siyu has been living in a dream, Liancheng will naturally be her best partner.

However, He Siyu is a mortal, so she cannot live in a dream all the time. valley

And He Tiantian's unexpected revelation of the mystery of his life experience brought He Siyu into contact with the cruel reality in the shortest possible time!

Liancheng and other things become increasingly barren and useless.

Of course, these changes were subtle, and even the shrewd Meng Hao did not notice them.

But he had an intuition that as long as he was more kind to Siyu, Siyu would become more and more dependent on him.

And they will eventually be able to become partners.

"Meng Hao, Sitian should be fine, right?"

Siyu didn't hear Lian Cheng's soft call from the corner, but nervously pulled on Meng Hao's sleeve.

"Yes!" As a loyal licking dog, Meng Hao only had He Siyu in his eyes and heart.

Meng Hao didn't care at all whether He Sitian would mess up her performance.

However, since his crystal girl was worried about He Sitian, Meng Hao agreed.


He was in such an unfriendly position, unless he continued to lean forward and stretch his neck.

But the problem is, the audience around me doesn’t agree.

Liancheng could only continue to sit in the corner, watching Meng Hao and He Siyu either lower their heads in conversation or cuddling closely in front of him.

The three people's minds were not on the stage at all, but when the staff brought a piano and the host announced that He Sitian would play next, the three of them cheered up.

"What should I do? I'm so worried!"

"Oh, it's true for my parents, Sitian's hands are obviously ruined, but they still let her come to the event!"

He Siyu clenched her hands like a praying girl, but she kept mumbling.

A young man sitting in front of them moved his ears.

"Perhaps this was Sitian's request, but her uncle and aunt couldn't bear it, so they agreed. That's why they came with her!"

Meng Hao answered in a low voice. The main point of his words was to comfort He Siyu.

What he wanted to tell He Siyu was that your parents didn't ignore you on purpose, but because of He Sitian. After all, she was injured and she was a weakling.

The young man in the front row also listened to Meng Hao's whisper.

His eyes flickered, as if he thought of something: Yes, "He Sitian" has been playing the piano since she was a child and has participated in countless competitions or programs.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But most of the time, her parents were not seen accompanying her.

But this time, "He Sitian" is no longer a child and does not need her family to accompany her, but her parents came together.

There is indeed a problem here!

This man's mind was spinning very fast, and he had an idea in just a few minutes.

When He Tiantian came to the stage wearing the performance dress, she bowed to all the invited guests and the audience.

The guest seats and audience seats burst into fierce applause.

As usual, He Tiantian would walk to the piano amidst applause and then perform her performance.

At this moment, a male voice suddenly sounded out from the applause: "He Sitian, are you trying to deceive the audience?"

This shout was loud and harsh.

Of course, in the midst of applause, scattered shouts will not attract everyone's attention.

However, this man not only shouted, but also stood up directly in the audience.

This is very conspicuous.

The applause gradually subsided, and the guests and audience whispered.

For a moment, the scene became a little chaotic!

He Siyu covered her mouth in surprise, because the person who stood up and seemed to be looking for trouble was standing right in front of her.

Who is this person?

Why are you making trouble at this time?

He Siyu had no idea that the paparazzi in the audience had heard her mutterings and then thought of attacking in public.

He Tiantian was a little surprised, but she didn't panic.

She has experienced too many big scenes, and the scene in front of her is just a small case.

She raised her hands, made a slight downward movement, and asked the host for the microphone.

The guests and audiences in the audience were even more confused when they saw this.

However, they stopped talking quietly.

The scene fell silent.

He Tiantian took the microphone and said to the young man with a trouble-making expression: "This audience, what do you want to say?"

"As far as I know, four months ago, you experienced an accident. While you were playing the piano in the hotel lobby, your hand was hit by a falling chandelier!"

This paparazzi did not talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

"The media and fans are very concerned about you, but your parents said that you were indeed injured, but the operation was successful!"

The paparazzi raised his head and looked straight at He Tiantian, "Ms. He Sixian, is that what happened?"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Yes, I was indeed injured. The tendon in my right hand was ruptured."

While speaking, He Tiantian also raised her right hand and flipped it left and right a few times, as if she wanted the paparazzi and the audience to see clearly.

Tian Huimin and He Yannian, who were sitting in the front row, were both nervous and distressed when they saw their daughter being asked about her injury in public.

They are afraid that their daughter's psychology has not yet been adjusted properly, and they feel sorry for her daughter who exposes her own scars in public.

The accident four months ago was definitely the biggest trauma Sitian suffered in her life, and it was also a turning point in her life.

Although he had recovered, and although he was not actually disabled, the psychological damage to He Sitian still existed.

Today was their first public performance since Sitian recovered from her injury. She was already nervous and apprehensive, but someone even deliberately mentioned her injury!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The He family couple was really afraid that their daughter wouldn't be able to bear it.

Hearing the words "tendon rupture", the audience was in an uproar.

Guests and audiences who can come to the music festival, even if they are not specialized in music, still know something about music.

Everyone is also very aware of the importance of hand tendons to a pianist.

If the tendon is severed, even if it is sutured again, it will be difficult to restore it to its original appearance.

Maybe you can also play the piano or other instruments.

But playing the piano?

"My operation was quite successful. The tendons were sutured very well, but my hands are still not very flexible—"

He Tiantian continued.

The provocative paparazzi interrupted He Tiantian and asked rudely, "Since you can no longer play the piano, why do you still participate in this music festival?"

Although the audience felt that this person was too rude and full of malice.

But what he said is not completely unreasonable.

They do not discriminate against injured pianists, but as a pianist, should "He Sitian" also respect the audience?

He Tiantian looked at the paparazzi calmly and said coldly, "Who said I can't play the piano?"

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