The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 441 The control group of true love (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"your sister!"

What the paparazzi said was really not a curse, but the truth.

However, when he finished saying these three words and heard roars of laughter from the audience, he realized that he had been misunderstood.

He quickly turned around and pointed at He Siyu: "This is the lady named He Siyu. She personally said that He Sitian's hands were damaged and he couldn't play the piano at all!"

Everyone's eyes swept over him.

Even the lights in the venue seemed to be focused on He Siyu.

He Siyu was immediately frightened.

When had she, an ordinary person, ever had such a moment of "all the attention"?

If you really stand on the stage and accept the baptism of everyone's eyes, forget it.

It happened that in this scene where everyone was asking questions with their eyes, He Siyu was frightened and panicked, and his mind went blank.

She had no other reaction except shaking her head desperately.

She wanted to explain, but she didn't know what to say.

Because the doctor has said that it is indeed difficult for my sister’s hand to return to its previous state.

In He Siyu's subconscious mind, he believed that "He Sitian" had become an angel with broken wings.

Ask her to lie in public as a kind and simple person, but she can't do it.

Therefore, what everyone saw was He Siyu who was panicked and guilty.

She didn't say a word, but she profoundly proved what the paparazzi said.


"Is it true that He Sitian can no longer play the piano?"

"No, she plays the piano really well. That rhapsody has left an afterimage in her hand, it's so fast and so good!"

"Yes, yes! What a shame!"

"...No, the point of this matter is not that she can no longer play the piano, but that she still comes to the music festival even though she knows her hand is injured!"

"Uh, yeah, what on earth is she going to do? Make a fool of herself in public?"

The audience was talking a lot and was in an uproar.

He Siyu became even more anxious. She really wanted to stand up and tell everyone: "Even if my sister can no longer play the piano, she is still an excellent person. You can't hurt her like this!"

However, Meng Hao grabbed her.

He Siyu could only shake his head desperately, tears flying left and right with the swinging movements.

He Tiantian: ...This innocent look again.

It's obvious that you've hurt others, but you still keep saying "It's not me, I didn't, I didn't mean it, I, I'm doing it for your own good."

Alas, this kind of person is the most disgusting.

He puts on a pitiful expression and says good things for you, but he always hurts you, making you feel heartbroken but unable to say anything to reprimand him!

If you argue with her, you are not kind, noble, tolerant, and generous.

But if you don't care, you will feel extremely aggrieved and resentful.

He Tiantian slowly raised her hand and made a downward movement.

The discussion in the venue gradually subsided.

Just as He Tiantian was about to speak, the paparazzi said triumphantly: "In addition, Ms. He Sitian, you said it yourself. You said that your tendons were broken and your hands became inflexible -"

This time, it was He Tiantian who interrupted the paparazzi, and she asked coldly, "My tendons are broken and my hands are no longer flexible, so I can't play the piano?"

"Don't you know there's a word called 'rehabilitation'? There's also a word called 'miracle'?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Hearing the word "miracle", there were fans in the audience who really liked "He Sitian", and their eyes instantly lit up.

The paparazzi looked hesitant, "A miracle?"

Miracles happen so easily?

Uh, no, that's not the point.

Could it be that He Sitian encountered a miracle? Her hand recovered?

"This gentleman,

I don’t know what your profession is, and I don’t know what the purpose of what you just said is! "

He Tiantian looked directly into the paparazzi's eyes and said solemnly: "But this is a music festival. Everyone comes here for the music, not boring gossip!"

The paparazzi's expression changed due to the connotation.

He Tiantian ignored it and asked politely, "Now, can you let me perform my performance?"


The paparazzi was full of dissatisfaction, but did not want to be put on fire by "He Sitian", so he had to sit down sadly.

However, after sitting down, he did not hide it anymore, but directly took out his camera.

Seeing that the scene was under control, the He couple sitting in the front row slowly exhaled.

While they secretly scolded the paparazzi, they also began to blame He Siyu.

How can you talk nonsense?

Don't know what "trouble comes from the mouth" means?

Or did she decide that Sitian really became disabled?

"I'm so fed up with these people's self-righteousness! Can't they think for a second?"

Tian Huimin couldn't hold it back and cursed angrily.

Her words not only scolded He Siyu, but also Liancheng, who was also mentally ill!

"...I thought it was a little weird that they were together before, but after seeing it today, I kind of understand it!"

He Xu Ji Yannian couldn't stand it any longer, so he blurted out such harsh words.

"Ahem!" Tian Huimin couldn't help but choked when she heard her husband's rare sharpness, as if he was secretly saying that Liancheng, like He Siyu, was a self-righteous, sick-brained bastard.

She quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound, but her eyes were full of smiles.

Although He Siyu, her adopted daughter, left her speechless, fortunately her husband woke up and no longer helped He Siyu as he did in the past.

"Okay, stop snickering, and hurry up and watch the show!"

Hearing his wife's suppressed laughter, He Yannian knew exactly why his wife behaved like this.

There was some sarcasm on his face, and he reached out and patted his wife's arm, which seemed to comfort and remind her.

Tian Huimin quickly adjusted her mood, put down her hands, and tried her best to look serious and quiet.

On the stage, He Tiantian was not in a hurry to return the microphone to the host.

She glanced at the audience and said slowly, "Originally, I didn't want to talk about the injury anymore, but since someone mentioned it, I'll waste everyone two minutes, by the way!"

"Yes, four months ago, I encountered an accident. My right hand was smashed, the tendons were ruptured, and the phalanges were fractured!"

"The doctor said that even if my operation is successful, I may never be able to play the piano again!"

"This is indeed the case. Two months ago, I was discharged from the hospital after recovering from an injury. I played the piano for the first time after returning home. I found that my right hand seemed to be shackled by something, and I couldn't do whatever I wanted as before!"

"I'm not flexible and have no strength. My piano playing is a mess. I'm not as good as a kid who just learned the piano!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...I am in pain, I am desperate, and I wish I could die."

"Fortunately, my parents have always been with me. They filled my pain with their love and soothed my soul."

"For my parents and for my beloved piano, I will never admit defeat!"

"So what if my wings are broken by fate? As long as I am determined, I will definitely be able to stand up again!"

"So, today I am here with a piano piece I composed called "Rhapsody in the Dark" for everyone to taste!"

After speaking, He Tiantian returned the microphone to the host, and then walked slowly to the piano.

The audience had not yet reacted, but the beautiful piano sound had already sounded.

The prelude at the beginning is very cheerful, like a deer jumping in the forest, it is so clean, agile, and full of vitality.

Close your eyes, enjoy the gentle breeze in the forest, the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers, as if you can feel the freshness and comfort of nature.

The sun shines through the branches, shining warmly on people's hearts.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind and dark clouds covered the sky.

it's dark!

The sunlight was swallowed up by the darkness, and the deer broke its foot.

It was stuck in the quagmire, it was whining, it was struggling, but it couldn't escape the suffocating desperate situation.

The darkness that makes people tremble in their hearts, the fear that makes people unable to escape, the helplessness that makes people want to shout but cannot make a sound...

The audience was entranced, feeling happy or sad as the piano notes jumped.

They didn't even see He Tiantian's hands playing at a speed that was unimaginable to ordinary people.

The black and white piano keys seemed to have been hit by a violent storm, the speed was very fast, and the force of being pressed was also amazing.

Just when the audience could hardly bear the pain of this darkness, a ray of light suddenly flashed through the thick sea of ​​dark clouds.

The deer, which was stuck in the mud, finally struggled to stand up.

One of its legs was still twisted in a weird posture, but it still used its other three intact legs to support its body.

It stood up, staggering out of the darkness.

The light in the dark clouds seemed to shine brighter and brighter, and finally, it finally dispelled the darkness and ushered in the light!

The sun is shining again, and the forest has regained its former warmth and joy.

The fawn was injured, but it became braver.

It may have been physically disabled, but it still survived tenaciously.

He Tiantian pressed the last key hard, and beads of sweat began to form on her head.

And her hands were trembling slightly.

The difficulty of this piece is very high, especially the climax, which is simply hellish.

As the original creator, He Tiantian has to make great efforts to perform perfectly.

Fortunately, she completed it successfully.

He Tiantian slowly raised her hands and placed them gently on her side.

Inside the venue, there was deathly silence.

Everyone has not woken up from the music just now.


Bang bang!

Crack, crackle!

After a long time, fierce applause broke out, and excited fans stood up, applauding desperately, and bursting into tears.

So awesome, so contagious.

Everyone has their own misfortune, and they may not be able to empathize with "He Sitian".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But hearing the vagueness of He Tiantian's performance, they thought of their own past pain or depression, and they felt empathy with He Tiantian.

They seemed to feel the emotions expressed by He Sitian in the music.

Her pain, her despair, her unwillingness, her hard work.

In the end, the night was finally repelled, the pianist who was sentenced to death by the doctor was reborn, and they who were once unfortunate were also redeemed!


Not only is the piano music itself excellent, but the performer "He Sitian"'s skills have also reached the level of proficiency.

The audience, especially those professionals and music critics, who had woken up from the music, began to slowly reflect on the piano music just now.

They are all professionals and have a certain understanding of piano.

The crazy playing in the climax is simply a show off of skills.

With such fast notes and such rapid force, let alone a female pianist who has just been injured, even male pianists who are in good health and in their prime may not be able to perform perfectly.

Tian Huimin and He Yannian stood up even more excitedly. They clapped wildly, with tears flowing freely on their faces.

Others only saw the amazing performance of "He Sitian", but they didn't know how much effort their daughter had put in for this performance and to sit in front of the piano again!

It was really full of blood and tears.

Physical pain, psychological pressure, despair of cutting off dreams, desire to take off again...

Without personal experience or witnessing, no one can imagine what their daughter "He Sitian" has endured!

He Tiantian stood up slowly amid thunderous applause and walked slowly to the center of the stage. She stretched her arms slightly and bowed in thanks.


"so amazing!"

"That's great!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible!"

The applause and cheers were mixed with the praises of the audience.

The atmosphere at the venue was instantly pushed to a climax.

The organizers were also very satisfied.

Not only did "He Sitian"'s piano solo win the house, their music festival also gave birth to a "divine song".

This song "Rhapsody in the Dark" is destined to become a classic.

Not only is the value of the music itself, but the story behind it is also inspiring and positive enough.

And "He Sitian", a new generation of pianist, will also become an instant hit!

Because she is so story-telling, even the media likes to report such news.

"...Sister, you are always so outstanding!"

The few people with strange expressions at the scene were probably Liancheng, He Siyu and Meng Hao.

He Siyu listened to the continuous applause ringing in his ears, and the shouts of "encore" after the applause, and couldn't help but murmured with some inferiority.

Her originally ordinary little face became pitiful at this moment, like an ugly duckling who would always live under the dazzling glare of her sister.

She has low self-esteem, she is sensitive, she is ashamed of herself.

Of course, this was her superficial expression, but inside, she was crazily gnawed by jealousy!


Why does God favor He Sitian so much?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Hasn’t she already destroyed her right hand and can no longer play the piano?

How come after experiencing such a disaster, He Sitian not only did not fall, but instead became stronger?

He Siyu didn't understand music, but after listening to He Sitian's playing for more than ten years, she could tell whether it was good or bad.

In fact, even if He Siyu couldn't tell, just by looking at the cheers and praises of the people around him, He Siyu could understand that He Sitian's piano was really great!

Not to mention, the piece she just played was composed by herself!

He Sitian is not only a pianist, she is also a musician who can compose music.

"Yes, she has always been so outstanding! She is so outstanding that people can only look up to her!"

Lian Cheng couldn't help but murmur to himself, and when he said the word "look up", his handsome face turned red instantly.

He finally understood why Tian Huimin asked him to come to the music festival that day at He's house.

They just wanted him to see He Sitian's stunning performance with his own eyes, and then let him quit in spite of the difficulties!

Ha ha!


It was so ridiculous for him to think that such a talented and dazzling He Sitian needed his salvation and his sacrifice!

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