The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 443 The stingy dad is here (1)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian "blessed" the scumbag who betrayed her in public, and then completely put the matter aside.

She is busy, very busy!

"Rhapsody in the Dark" caused a huge response upon its release.

Domestic performance invitations came like a snowflake.

Even some foreign music companies or competition programs that have collaborated with He Sitian have called or sent invitations.

He Tiantian, her agent, and her assistant were so busy that they were either flying or on the way to the airport every day.

Amid such an intensive work schedule, He Tiantian still finds time to practice piano and communicate with her parents.

She wished she could have countless clones, and wished she had seventy-two hours in a day!

She is too busy with serious things, so how can she have time to pay attention to people who are no longer relevant to her? !

Therefore, no matter how He Siyu is hotly discussed on the Internet.

What white lotus, what has both sides, what will lower its head...

All kinds of unsavory remarks, as well as the alienation and indifference of relatives and friends around him, almost drove He Siyu to collapse.

In fact, the Lian family was more broken down than He Siyu.

Father, mother and the eldest sister of the Lian family, their favorite daughter-in-law (sister-in-law) is He Sitian.

Not to mention He Sitian's own talent, appearance and character, just his current reputation, if they didn't have the friendship of childhood sweethearts, they wouldn't even be able to climb up the ladder.

But Liancheng is blind and even blinder. He doesn't want the best pearls, but chooses a dead fish-eyed one!

"I think he is just spoiled and his head is full of mush!"

The eldest sister of the Lian family has a straight temper all night. Working hard in the mall on weekdays, she has developed a resolute, calm and rational temperament.

She doesn't believe in love at all, she pays more attention to practical interests.

Regardless of whether it is an individual or a family, the value that He Siyu can embody is far less than that of He Sitian.

It's just that my younger brother is a fool. He doesn't cherish the good piano princess, but he goes to hook up with a little white flower who has no talent, no appearance, and is full of scheming!

"..." After all, they are their biological fathers and mothers, so they can't say anything too unpleasant.

But they were really disappointed in their son.

The friendship between the Lian and He families for more than twenty years was completely ruined because of their son's stupidity.

He Yannian and his wife did not delete the contact information of Lian's father and mother. They would answer calls from Lian's family, but their attitude became extremely cold.

It was as if they were no longer friends for many years, but just "ordinary friends" who had met a few times.

This change made the Lian family very uncomfortable.

And Si Tian, ​​what a good choice for a daughter-in-law, sensible, motivated and so accomplished, but in the end——

"Dad, Mom, you must teach Liancheng a lesson, otherwise, he will be even more willful in the future!"

Lianye said coldly, "He wants to marry He Siyu, okay, let him marry him, but our family has no money or effort, let's see how he can do it alone!"

Li Ye is less than thirty years old, but he has been working hard in the mall for several years.

She may not have reached the level of an old fox, but she's not a fool either.

She could clearly see that He Siyu looked innocent and harmless, but in fact he was full of scheming intentions.

Also, He Siyu is not just the only man in Liancheng, there is also a rich second generation who acts as a flower protector.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He was very angry that night, not only because he picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon, but also because of the unsavory comments on the Internet.

Liancheng, an unlucky person, has become a living bastard because of the topic of "threesomes", and even mean netizens call him "cuckold brother".

The entire family has become a laughing stock.

I was glad that my family had not yet reached the stage of listing. Otherwise, if such a joke were made, even my family's assets would shrink.

Even so, the Lian family was greatly affected.

"...Isn't this bad?"

Lian's father was a little moved, but Lian's mother felt sorry for her son.

"Mom, do you really want a daughter-in-law like He Siyu?" Lianye asked politely.

Lian's mother was choked.

Of course she doesn't want to, she's not stupid!

But Liancheng is her biological son after all. He has been a good boy since he was a child. Even if he is confused about the marriage, he cannot be beaten to death with a stick!

Seeing Lian's mother's reluctance, Lian Ye sighed.

She softened her tone and changed her strategy, "Mom, I didn't mean to tease Liancheng. I did this because I wanted Liancheng and He Siyu's marriage to fall through!"

Father Lian seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up: "You mean-"

Lianye nodded, "Yes, it's Meng Hao! Although He Siyu agreed to Liancheng, she didn't break off her contact with Meng Hao!"

There is a young, wealthy and considerate male mistress beside him, Liancheng has no family support, and He Siyu is not really pure and simple. It is only a matter of time before Meng Hao takes over.

Sure enough, when the turmoil on the Internet subsided and Liancheng was happily preparing to get married, He Siyu had a heated fight with Meng Hao because of the "Photography Exhibition".

Liancheng even caught them kissing on the spot!

"Liancheng, we are just drunk!"

"Liancheng, I love you, you, why don't you believe me so much?"

"Liancheng, you have changed! How tolerant and kind you were before? But now, you are suspicious, sensitive, and selfish!"

Facing He Siyu's explanations, cries, and accusations, Liancheng only felt ridiculous and ridiculous.


Did he, Liancheng, change, or did He Siyu change?

Do you really think he knows nothing?

Meng Hao is rich and can indulge in romance, so why should he pay for Siyu's "dream"?

As for Liancheng, he was cut off from financial support by his family and had to rely on his own work-study program for food and drink, not to mention the "surprise" that He Siyu was looking forward to.

Liancheng finally realized that love is never simple, and love also needs the support of money!

He had no money, but Meng Hao did, so He Siyu fell in love with Meng Hao.

"Liancheng, let's break up! I thought I loved you, but after getting in touch with Meng Hao, I realized that my admiration for you is just the admiration of a little sister for a big brother, not the love between a man and a woman!"


Six months ago, when Sitian confessed to him behind his back, why didn't He Siyu say that there was some ridiculous "brother-sister relationship" between her and him?

"Liancheng, you know best. There is no room for compromise in the world of love. I love Meng Hao——"

"...Siyu, do you love Meng Hao, or do you love the surprises and glory that Meng Hao can bring you?"

After all, Liancheng was not a saint. He couldn't help but defend a woman after being abandoned.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He glanced at the figures flashing outside the door and said coldly, "I admit, I am indeed not as rich as Meng Hao, but my love for you has never changed."

"You say I have changed, but you are the one who has really changed! You are indeed your mother's biological daughter. No matter how pure and innocent you appear, you are still the same greedy and vanity-minded at heart!"

After saying this, Liancheng walked away without caring about He Siyu's shocked and aggrieved tears.

After returning home, Liancheng apologized to his parents and sister, and said: "I have applied to a foreign medical university and I want to study abroad!"

It’s great to go abroad, but it’s even better to continue studying medicine!

The Lian family couple was happy that their son had "returned from his lost ways", while the eldest sister of the Lian family was very satisfied that her younger brother did not compete with her for inheritance rights.

Everyone is happy!

After He Siyu broke up with Liancheng, he did not get the happiness he imagined.

I don’t know if Liancheng’s words had an effect, or if Meng Hao is really as a certain netizen guessed—

He didn't love He Siyu as a person, but he loved the process of "saving ordinary Cinderella".

When He Siyu and Meng Hao actually got together, the two went through a brief sweet period and then started to quarrel.

Meng Hao fell in love with a girl who was of ordinary origin and appearance.

Different from He Siyu's "simple" and "sensitive", that girl is lively and cute.

If you act recklessly, you will always make small mistakes unintentionally.

After being poured a cup of hot coffee, Meng Hao was moved when he saw the cute way the other person secretly stuck out his tongue after making a mistake.

He met true love again.

He Siyu, who also understands love, should withdraw with consideration, right?

Just like Liancheng back then.

If He Siyu is not considerate and withdraws, then she is not kind enough or tolerant enough.

He Siyu: ...I'm going to knock your "considerate" off! You are cheating on me!

And that little bitch, she’s already in her twenties, why is she pretending to be cute?

He also loves to get into trouble. When will doing something wrong become something worth boasting about?

He Siyu finally experienced that feeling of resentment.

She was unwilling, she was noisy, and she refused to let go.

He Siyu felt that she was defending love, but Meng Hao felt that she had become vulgar and was no longer the crystal girl she used to be!

And when a man is determined to break up, no matter how much the woman refuses, it won't help.

In the end, He Siyu lost to reality and had to break up with Meng Hao.

Fortunately, Meng Hao was really generous. Even if he abandoned He Siyu, he didn't go too far.

He gave He Siyu a house and some savings, and published a book for her, which completely confirmed her identity as a "female photographer".

With this name, although He Siyu became an abandoned wife, she could still make a living in the art circle.

Relying on his so-called "artist" status, He Siyu called several "boyfriends" one after another.

There was no way, with Meng Hao as his "guardian", He Siyu had become accustomed to a luxurious life.

She could never return to the daily necessities of ordinary people.

Unfortunately, there is only one Meng Hao.

More wealthy people still prefer young girls with fair skin, beauty and long legs.

He Siyu is young, but her appearance can only be regarded as delicate.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even with the aura of being an "artist", he can only attract some men who are either talented but not rich, or rich but not handsome.

And among these men, even if there were one or two that they could barely like, they had never thought of marrying He Siyu.

After all, He Siyu's reputation is not good. He is an illegitimate daughter, ungrateful, competes with his sister for a man, and has two sides...

Anyway, she breaks through all three concepts and moral bottom lines.

That is, Meng Hao, who once regarded her as a treasure.

Most men are relatively normal. Even if they are obsessed with sex and don't care about the eyes of the world, He Siyu still needs to be "lustful"!

After hanging out with several men for several years, He Siyu never got married.

In the end, she simply broke the pot and became someone's lover.

It's just that Xiaosan's bowl of rice is really not delicious.

Always be on guard against someone's first wife knocking on your door.

More than ten years ago, people always wanted to beat up mistresses.

He Siyu was caught raping several times by his original wife, and was even beaten up and made the news.

He Siyu learned from the experience and stayed abroad for a few years. After the storm passed, she held a solo exhibition under the banner of a returned artist, and then found a nouveau riche to marry.

The nouveau riche wanted her name and connections, while He Siyu wanted money.

The two of them had a fair deal and enjoyed working together.

However, when He Siyu saw the news on the TV, which mentioned that "National treasure female pianist He Sitian was invited to participate in the 60th National Day celebration and played piano music live," He Siyu's heart surged. a deep sense of frustration.

She is indeed inferior to He Sitian in every aspect.

In appearance, talent, and achievements, none of her surpassed He Sitian.

Originally, He Siyu was proud of having stolen He Sitian's lover. However, a few years ago, Liancheng, who went to F Continent for medical rescue, told the media——

"He Sitian has always been my true love! Unfortunately, I am not worthy of her!"

As for career, He Siyu, a touted pheasant artist, cannot be compared with a master like He Sitian, who is recognized by the country and the world.

And marriage!


So what if He Sitian is so powerful? Isn’t she still unable to get married? !

He Siyu didn't think about whether He Sitian didn't want to get married, but was paranoid that no one wanted her because she was old.

Although He Siyu was not satisfied with the fact that her husband was a rustic and old upstart.

But my husband is rich, with assets worth billions, and he is considered a real rich man in their local area.

As for He Sitian, she is already in her thirties and does not even have a man.

However, within a few days of He Siyu's triumph, He Sitian had the wedding of the century.

A descendant of a Chinese family in country Y, he is young, elegant, handsome, and gentle, and satisfies the fantasies of most women in the world.

But he fell in love with "He Si Tian", and after three years of chasing her, he finally got the beauty back in his arms.

Although He Siyu was miserable in the second half of his life, he did not suffer too much.

But she was always unwilling to accept it, and she was resentful until the moment she closed her eyes on her death bed: Why? Why don't I think sweetly everywhere? !

"Ding! The anti-virus task is completed, and you got 4 points!"

"Ding! I received a reward of 10,000 points from readers!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Ding! Get 100 achievement points!"

Returning to the library space, a series of beeps sounded from the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​knowledge.

Well, the last mission was completed satisfactorily, but it did not achieve the best goal.

This ancient true love story is really frustrating and uncomfortable.

Although He Tiantian successfully counterattacked and changed the so-called experimental group into the control group, she still felt uncomfortable.

"Tiantian, do you want to continue the mission? In fact, anti-virus missions in ancient anti-virus stories are not all this kind of speechless plot. There are also some cool stories!"

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's depression and quickly jumped out to explain.

"Oh? And Shuangwen?" He Tiantian raised an eyebrow and asked curiously.

"That's right! It's an ancient novel! It was really enjoyable and immersive when I read it more than ten years ago. But after all these years, readers have found that the three views in it are very touching, and there are also flaws!"

Little D said naturally.

He Tiantian became interested, "Okay, let's have a cool article like this. It's still a live talk channel!"

"Okay! A new mission world opens..."

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