The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 444 The stingy dad is here (2)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Dad, your delivery!"

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old ran in from outside carrying a schoolbag.

Holding a black express bag in her hand, she entered the door. While changing her shoes, she asked curiously, "Dad, what did you buy here?"

"I didn't buy anything! I don't believe those things on the Internet!"

An old man in his fifties walked out of the kitchen in a hurry.

The clothes he wears are very distinctive——

The top is a blue short-sleeved T-shirt with the words "XX Nucleic Acid" on it, and the bottom is a pair of patched shorts.

Yes, patch!

If you just wear advertising shirts given by merchants, it’s not too weird.

But, clothes with patches!

Gee, it’s already 2010. In a second-tier city like a provincial capital, it’s incredible that there are still people wearing patchwork clothes!

Not only were the clothes patched, but the socks the old man wore also showed two thumbs.

As for the slippers, they were glued on and off again.

Looking at the style, it’s the style from 20 years ago at least!

The girl was not too surprised when she saw her father like this.

Because she was used to it. From the time she could remember, she knew that she had a very stingy biological father.

To what extent?

There is no such thing as a "shelf life" for food at home!

Food that is close to its expiration date is the best. Those juices and drinks that are not expired for three to five months are not worthy of appearing at home!

Fruit is always the ugliest, rottest, and smallest.

The vegetables must have been processed at the vegetable market in the evening.

There are also patches on the clothes at home, underwear, socks or clothes at home. It is common for them to have patches.

I never watch TV at home, the refrigerator at home is powered off for twelve hours a day, and the water heater is not used when possible.

Anyway, just one word - save!

Save money even if you die. After death, money cannot be wasted!

"Then what is this?"

The girl didn't look at her father's weird clothes, but shook the express delivery in her hand.

There was no sound. I felt through the express bag and found that it was hard and somewhat thick. It should be something like a magazine.

This is even more impossible.

With my father being so stingy that he is reluctant to buy books, how could he possibly buy magazines that are even more useless and expensive? !

"I don't know either, just take it apart and take a look!"

The old man scratched his head. He didn't shop online, and he had no relatives or friends to send him anything.

He Yue: ...Dad, with your stubborn character, it’s strange that you have relatives and friends!

The old man didn't know about his daughter's complaints, and it didn't matter if he did.

He's just stingy, what's wrong?

If he hadn't been stingy enough, how could he, an uneducated and unskilled rural person, be able to buy a house in a provincial capital and own such a large family property?

The young girl is He Yue, the daughter of the stingy old man.

After hearing her father's words, she tore open the courier bag with all her strength, revealing a thick "magazine"!

"Report on the health of Chinese people?"

He Yue frowned slightly when he saw the cover.

This, this style, this title, it is obviously not a regular magazine.

She looked carefully at some of the titles that appeared on the cover——

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"The medical value of Snow Lotus!"

“Experts warn diabetics about two things!”

"Be alert! The XX virus is harming the health of Chinese people!"

"Medical authority recognized,

The value of goat milk powder is much higher than that of cow milk powder! "

This is nothing.

It is exactly the same as those shocking things on the Internet.

Moreover, He Yue also smelled some kind of "virus".

She stared at the old man with wide eyes, and asked eagerly: "Dad, are you superstitious about some health products?"

Even though her father is very stubborn, he usually doesn't even want to eat meat.

But the news also said that many elderly people who usually live frugally are deceived by health product salesmen into buying health products that cost thousands or tens of thousands of yuan.

There are also some scammers who are engaged in collecting, taking advantage of the elderly's thrifty and petty advantages, and tricking them into buying some rags.

Her dad, ahem, loves to take advantage!

People who are often deceived originally originated from the word "greed"!

He Yue was really afraid that his father would be shrewd in small things but be fooled in big things.

"What about health products? I just saw someone setting up a stall in the park, so I left my phone number and address. Then they sent the magazine to my house!"

Seeing the "Medical Journal" in his daughter's hand, the old man finally remembered this incident.

He doesn't believe in health products or anything like that.

However, this kind of magazine is very good.

He took it over and turned it over in his hand, "Hey, it's quite heavy. You can keep it and sell it for scrap!"

When he heard the first two sentences, He Yue's heart was lifted.

Setting up a stall in a park, offering free gifts or free physical therapy, and then defrauding the elderly’s contact information, isn’t it just the routine of health product salesmen?

But after hearing the second half of his father's words, He Yue's anxious heart instantly relaxed.

"Saving scraps to sell?"

He Yue couldn't help but repeat it, sighing in her heart: As expected of my biological father, he is indeed as calculating as ever!

"Yeah, I didn't pay attention to it in the past. Hey, this is a good idea. I have to work hard to pick up junk or something. This kind of health supplement magazine is so good. I just leave an address and they will send it to my home directly. !”

The old man became more and more excited as he talked, with a pair of small eyes shining brightly.

It was as if he had discovered some kind of wealth code!

He Yue:......

Well, she should have gotten used to having a father like this.

"Dad, what are you having for lunch?"

Not wanting to continue this topic, He Yue threw her schoolbag on the sofa and asked casually while going to the toilet to wash her hands.

"There are still leftover dishes from yesterday. I heated them up. In addition, the tenant downstairs gave me some dumplings. You can eat them!"

The old man put the magazine in the corner, turned around and entered the kitchen again.

Leftovers from yesterday?

Continue to eat after two hot meals? !

Well, gay fuck!

He Yue was not surprised at all.

As for his father's statement that "the tenant gave dumplings as a gift," He Yue was skeptical.

It’s not that I suspect that the dumplings are not a “gift” from the “tenant”; I still suspect that the dumplings are not a “gift” from the tenant.

It's a mouthful to say, isn't it?

The emphasis is different. The former is about doubting the origin of the dumplings, while the latter, ahem, is also about doubting the origin of the dumplings - I guess dad "forced" it to come.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Their family was in a village in the city. When her father was young, he bought a bungalow in the suburbs, whether because of good luck, a sharp vision, or lack of money.

Within a few years, urban planning and universities located in urban areas moved to the suburbs.

Suddenly, this originally remote place became prosperous with thousands of teachers and students.

With night markets and shopping malls, the economy of the entire region has been boosted.

People in the village have converted their houses into buildings, divided them into single rooms, and then rented them out to college students or small traders who came to do business.

Their family also took advantage of the opportunity to build an additional house, and the bungalow became a six-story self-built house.

There are six rooms on each floor. Apart from the two-bedroom and one-living room where they live (that is, three rooms), all of them are rented out.

The rent is very cheap, only two to three hundred yuan a month, but it adds up to a lot.

The annual rent alone is over 100,000 yuan, and this is 2013.

The average salary in the city is only about 3,000 yuan.

As for the He family, there is only one father and two children, a total of three people.

With such a large amount of rent as support, even if Old Man He does nothing, the family can still have enough food and clothing.

In addition, when he was making money, Old Man He was injured. One of his legs was lame and he could not do heavy work.

He is uneducated, only at the level of the third grade of elementary school.

Apart from manual labor, there was no job to be found.

If he were a normal old man, his family had such "real estate", his son went to a famous local university, and his daughter was a well-behaved and obedient child, he would have retired early.

But old man He is different. He is very stingy.

Although I can't do heavy work, it's okay to pick up trash and sell scraps.

Therefore, although the He family has a seven-digit savings, Old Man He still looks like a shabby old beggar.

The living standard of the He family is also extremely frugal.

If you can save, save, if you can, use it, if you can, rob, ahem, why the old man dare not break the law and discipline.

But he is still very skillful in asking his own tenants for something shamelessly.

Most of the residents in this urban village are young people.

He is soft-hearted, thin-skinned and easy to talk to. Old man He said some pitiful words and gave away the things.

After delivering the things, I closed the door and looked at the ten-square-meter house I rented, and suddenly realized——

Fuck fuck fuck!

I am a poor person who rents a house in a village in the city and feels sorry for the rent of less than 300 yuan a month. How can I "pity" a landlord who owns a building? !

I regretted it afterwards and felt that I was a bad person.

However, once again I saw my landlord, who was about the same age as my parents, wearing patched clothes, carrying rags picked up from outside, and swallowing hard at the frozen dumplings I bought, I still couldn't help but "be fooled" "!

This kind of situation happens in the He family all the time.

As a daughter, He Yue could still imagine what her father was doing even if she didn't witness it with her own eyes!

Alas, I don’t know which eldest brother or eldest sister from which household is on which floor, but my own father has taken advantage of me again!

She sighed in her heart, but when Old Man He brought the cooked dumplings, she quickly picked up her chopsticks and started to eat them happily.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Eat slowly! It's all yours! You kid, it's as if someone is trying to rob you!"

Old Man He swallowed a mouthful of spit, suppressed the greed in his stomach, and cursed angrily.

He Yue rolled his eyes. What do you mean by "just like...", it is clearly that!

Her father is not the kind of person who sacrifices everything for his children. He often competes with his children for food.

Of course, dad mainly competes with his brother because his brother eats too much, which makes dad feel distressed.

The old man is quite kind to his daughter He Yue.

He Yue rarely eats the leftovers, but if there are good things, he will leave them to her.

Therefore, although his father is very picky and sometimes very annoying, He Yue has always been very close to his father.

She has never felt that her father was so embarrassed.

Uh, okay, He Yue did complain in his heart.

After all, who doesn’t like to be glamorous, and who doesn’t want to have a respected, outstanding father?

However, as He Yue grew up, she understood more truths and gradually understood her father.

He was very stingy and frugal because his family was too poor when he was young and he was afraid of hard times.

Besides, Dad was right. If he didn't save more, how could he, an uneducated and incompetent rural person, buy such a family property in the provincial capital? !

At most, it was just a few gossips, but it didn’t hurt anyone, it didn’t break any law or discipline, and it wasn’t embarrassing!

After quickly finishing the dumplings and wiping his mouth, He Yue raised his head.

When Old Man He saw her put down her chopsticks, he pulled a plate of leftovers in the middle of the dining table in front of him.

Holding the bun in one hand and the plate in the other, he quickly put it into his mouth.

After finishing the meal, even the steamed buns were dipped in vegetable soup, and Old Man He burped with satisfaction.

"Dad, let me wash the dishes!"

He Yue was obedient and had to clean up the dishes.

Old Man He waved his hand, "No need for you, it's almost time, you should go back to school quickly. It's your senior year, study more and don't waste your time on these useless things!"

He Yue's face was numb: ...Dad, you still know that I am a senior in high school.

I don’t ask you to be like the few parents who accompany children to school and send meals to their children every day in order to save time.

After all, like most parents, you just give me money and let me buy food at school.

In this way, time is saved on the way back and forth.

He Yue, it doesn't matter if he takes a short break or answers a few more questions, it will be good.


"Why eat out? It's unhygienic, unhealthy, and expensive!"

This is what Old Man He said.

He Yue expressed doubts, is the food at home more hygienic? maybe.

But healthy?

Haha, he is still a high school student after all. He Yue knows everything whether it is common sense or online health knowledge.

As for leftovers, they are not really healthy.

"Expensive" is the key point, and it is also the only reason why Old Man He doesn't want his daughter to eat out.

He was complaining silently in his heart, but He Yue didn't dare to say it out.

Dad has tried his best not to let her eat leftovers. He Yue can't blame her father too much, otherwise she will be really unfilial and supercilious.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After drinking some water and taking a short rest, He Yue put her schoolbag back on and prepared to go back to school.

On the way out, I passed by the pile of debris at the door and saw the "magazine" on the top.

Although he felt that his father could not be fooled, He Yue still felt uneasy and reminded him, "Dad, just look at these advertisements for health care products. Don't believe them!"

"Okay, okay, I'm your dad. I eat more salt than you eat rice. Do I need you to remind me?"

Old Man He's impatient shouts came from the kitchen.

"You eat a lot of salt because you have a heavy mouth, and heavy-flavored food goes well with rice and saves food!"

He Yue murmured in a low voice and rushed out of the house quickly.

"You damn girl, what are you talking about?"

Old man He seemed to have heard his daughter's words and ran out angrily, only to see the closed door.

Old Man He, oh no, to be precise, our classmate He Tiantian, looked at the door, then looked at the health supplement magazine that his daughter disliked, and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile——

Well, she is a second-generation scammer who sells health care products. Now in order to maintain her character, she has actually started to sell health care products...

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