The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 445 The stingy dad is here (3)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Little D, you are indeed right, this is a cool script!"

He Tiantian said quietly to classmate Little D.

The script is very enjoyable, but the most enjoyable part is the male lead.

And the character that He Tiantian traveled through time was not the male protagonist, not even the supporting actor.

At most, he is just a top-notch cannon fodder who has some relationship with the hero - the hero's stingy father!

Oh no, to be precise, it should be the stumbling block and the first target of a slap in the face for the time-travelling male protagonist.

The original novel is a relatively typical urban novel that travels through parallel time and space.

The male protagonist He Zhuo is a wandering soul from another world who has traveled to a parallel world similar to 2015 Blue Star.

In the original world, He Zhuo was a poor loser with an average background, average appearance, and average education.

It is an ordinary male protagonist found in early male videos. This setting makes it easier for readers to feel immersed in the story.

There were three books on the crane, but He Zhuo was so ordinary that he didn't even have a girlfriend.

I finally chased one, and when I was about to graduate, I got cheated on.

"Money worship! Material things!" Regardless of whether his girlfriend really left him for money, He Zhuo seemed to have found a way to vent his anger after scolding him like this.

However, no matter how much he scolded him, he was still abandoned.

He Zhuo was ashamed, angry and depressed, so he went to get drunk.

He didn't pay attention for a moment and drank too much. As a result, he suffered from alcohol poisoning, which caused him to travel to the afterlife.

After coming to this parallel world, He Zhuo discovered that the body he traveled through was still called He Zhuo.

However, this He Zhuo is much stronger than that He Zhuo.

Not to mention anything else, just his height and appearance make the time-traveling man He Zhuo feel like he has made a fortune.

From 170CM to 183CM, which is the level of male god, from small eyes and small nose to thick eyebrows and big eyes...

After He Zhuo woke up, he looked at "himself" in the mirror and laughed to the sky with excitement.

In addition to his appearance, He Zhuo is also quite satisfied with his family situation this time.

The second-generation renter in an urban village has a seven-digit savings at home.

In the future, it may become the second generation of demolitions, with a few houses and tens of millions at every turn, and they can continue to collect rent.

It’s wonderful to think about it.

Of course, traveling through time is not always a happy experience.

For example, the biological father of this body is a very stubborn person.

Damn, for guarding such a family fortune, he is still so stingy that he is only willing to pay tuition for his own son to go to college.

The son must earn his own living expenses.

The "predecessor" was also an idiot. Faced with such a top-notch biological father, he didn't resist at all and started working since high school.

Not only does he earn living expenses for himself, but he also pays for his sister’s pocket money.

He is a son, the only male in the family, but he lives such a useless life.

The original owner could tolerate it and was willing to indulge the best dad in the family, but He Zhuo who came from time-travel was not willing.

Besides, he came here halfway. Although he accepted everything from the original owner, in his heart, he never regarded the original owner's biological father as his blood relative.

Without feelings, let alone respect, the stingy father He Shoutian is an eyesore to He Zhuo and a stumbling block to his business.

Yes, stumbling block!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Zhuo felt that if he could travel through time, he would be the son of destiny. He would be a proper male protagonist and would definitely be able to achieve great things.

And starting a business requires start-up capital.

The He family is rich, but his father refuses to give him any extra expenses other than tuition fees, not to mention starting a business fund for his son.

He Zhuo is not really a treacherous person, and he will not kill He Shoutian when he comes up.

However, if there is a conflict of interest between father and son, they may turn into enemies, not to mention that He Zhuo does not regard He Shoutian as his biological father.

Of course, He Zhuo is the male protagonist, he cannot commit a crime, let alone patricide.

So the author arranged an accident. In order to take advantage, He Shoutian rushed to the supermarket to grab eggs and had a car accident while running a red light.

When He Shoutian died, he not only left behind a building in the urban village and a seven-digit deposit, he also received compensation for the car accident from the unlucky driver.

And these were inherited by the He Zhuo brothers and sisters.

Although He Zhuo didn't want to see He Shoutian, a cheap father, he still took great care of his sister He Yue.

He did not take advantage of the fact that he was his son and take all the inheritance as his own. Instead, he divided it into two parts, with each brother and sister having a share.

Don't think that He Zhuo cares about brother-sister relationship.

As a loser otaku from a parallel world, in addition to playing games and watching live broadcasts, He Zhuo also likes to read online articles.

There is a joke in some urban stallion articles called "German Orthopedics".

He Zhuo was once moved.

In his real world, he has no biological sister, and he does not dare to break the ethical bottom line.

After traveling through time, He Zhuo no longer had such worries. She was not his biological sister anyway, and He Yue was a real beautiful girl——

Of course, the author did not dare to challenge the ethical bottom line, so he assigned an identity to He Yue.

It turns out that she is not He Shoutian's biological daughter, but an orphan of his adopted workmates.

Since she was not a biological sister, He Zhuo had no worries at all and began to treat He Yue like a man.

He Yue lost her father and had only one brother to depend on.

She was only seventeen years old. Because she went to school early and was in her third year of high school, she was still considered a minor.

She instinctively relied on and trusted He Zhuo, and was unaware of He Zhuo's dirty thoughts.

As for He Zhuo, he was thinking about German orthopedics, but he never thought about giving up the entire forest for a sister.

He took advantage of the knowledge gap between the different world and the parallel world to write novels and songs, packaging himself as an "original" genius.

He also used the inheritance left by He Shoutian to invest in short video programs and online dramas, which were very successful.

He Zhuo, a former loser, actually became successful in the entertainment industry in a parallel world.

The school beauty Bai Yueguang, the female teacher who is cold on the outside but coquettish on the inside, the new star in the entertainment industry, the hot policewoman... they all became his "confidante".

He Yue, this sister, is just a member of his harem.

At the end of the story, He Zhuo naturally becomes a truly successful person, and the women in his harem are devoted to him and can still get along well with each other!

He Tiantian:......

Well, this is the plot of the original novel. And the stallion stories that were once popular basically followed this routine.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After being infected with the virus in the novel, the stingy father He Shoutian had a warning dream and knew that his son had been transported through time.

For the male protagonist He Zhuo, traveling through time and space is naturally a benefit, something natural and logical.

He just occupied a body, he didn't harm anyone, and he also assumed the responsibilities and obligations of the original owner.

For He Shoutian, He Zhuo is the evil ghost who killed his own son and the bad guy who took over their He family's property.

What the fuck is this bastard doing about "German Orthopedics"!

Even though He Yue and He Zhuo were not related by blood, in He Shoutian's eyes, these two children were his children.

And He Yue, deep down in her heart, should also regard He Zhuo as her brother.

As a result, He Zhuo took advantage of He Yue's young age and helplessness, deliberately seduced and misled him, and finally made He Yue his woman!

He Shoutian, who had predicted the future, was about to explode with rage: Incest! This is incest!

If He Zhuo was really He Zhuo, He Shoutian wouldn't be so angry. At most, he would blame his son for not living up to expectations.

But the problem is that his own son has been killed by a lonely ghost, and that evil ghost, despite his son's identity, did things that make people laugh and make his relatives angry.

He Shoutian simply brutalized the time-traveling man.

So, after He Shoutian was sure that his son was indeed "dead", he began to think of a solution crazily.

He looked for Taoist priests, monks, and anyone who could help kill the evil spirits.

However, He Shoutian himself is an ordinary citizen with no knowledge and ability, and due to the influence of the plot, he can't find a real master at all.

Not only was he defrauded of money, but he also made a lot of jokes.

Under the control of world consciousness, He Shoutian, the little cannon fodder who "sought death", still died in an accident.

The plot turned a corner here with He Shoutian and continued to return to the right track.

However, because of He Shoutian's troubles, He Yue seemed to realize that there was something wrong with the relationship between her and He Zhuo.

Although she eventually became He Zhuo's harem, He Yue never really fell in love with him.

As for current readers, they have begun to oppose and criticize the stallion novels.

German orthopedics has challenged the bottom line of most people.

They suddenly felt that although He Shoutian was the best and constantly opposed the male protagonist, one of his insistences was very correct - even if they were not related by blood, brothers and sisters who grew up together could still act mischievously? !

Therefore, there is something wrong with this book, and the writer needs to come in to decontaminate it and correct the plot!

"It's okay, they were all written a few years ago, and this routine was popular at that time!"

Little D’s classmate laughed sarcastically.

Online novels are originally the YY of the authors.

If it can’t be realized in reality, why can’t it be written into a novel?

Men want to have three wives and four concubines, and a wide harem.

Women hope that one person will be with one person for the rest of their lives, and that the man will abandon everything for her!

He Tiantian shrugged, okay, that's true.

However, online writing is becoming more and more standardized nowadays, and many articles that were popular in the past cannot be written now.

Even if there is no virus in the core system this time, the original novel about He Tiantian's time travel will probably be removed from the shelves.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Forget it, don't think about this anymore. It's here now, so let's do the task well."

He Tiantian just complained to classmate Little D.

The role in the script I got this time was still not likable, but He Tiantian was not too repulsive.

Isn't it just stingy? Oh no, it's frugal. It's not a treacherous act. He Tiantian acted it out without any psychological pressure at all.

It's just...she is also deceiving the second generation, but now she wants to take advantage of health care products. She feels a little awkward!

Classmate Little D: ...Is the impact of the first world so far-reaching? Until now, Tiantian still thinks that she is a "second-generation liar"?

Little D didn’t dare to ask, but secretly muttered in his heart.

Then, it watched helplessly as He Tiantian, who claimed to be a "second-generation deceiver," started various tricks -

"Dad! You have express delivery again!"

He Yue carried her schoolbag and a small paper box and skipped home.

"It's not another 'medical journal', is it? But this box is too small."

After He Yue entered the door, he dropped his schoolbag and curiously played with the express box in his hand.

The box is not big, about the size of a box of tissue paper.

He Yue shook it, and there was a noise in the express box.

"Oh, it should be the radio sent by the health care product company. Xiaoyue, please open it and take a look!"

He Tiantian continued to work in the kitchen.

Ahem, when I passed by downstairs today, I saw the tenant on the second floor had just returned from the express delivery station, holding a large box of things in his arms.

He Tiantian followed the original owner's appearance and deliberately walked around in front of the little girl's door.

Little girl: ...I am speechless.

She knew clearly that her landlord was very rich, richer than her parents, but she still felt soft-hearted when she saw an old man in his fifties, limping and drooling, walking in front of her house.

As a result, He Tiantian successfully received a package of red oil dough from this internet celebrity delicacy from the tenant who had just graduated and was still looking for a job.

He Tiantian: ...Actually, I am also speechless, but the character forces me to do so!

"Radio? Is it so good? People who sell health care products also give away radios?"

He Yue was a little excited.

The radio in her mind should be the thing held by old men and women in the park, where they can listen to storytelling and music.

Finding the scissors, He Yue opened the express box in three strokes.

Well, He Yue was slightly disappointed when he saw what was in the box.

It looks quite small, but the workmanship is really poor. It is not at the same level as the things that uncles and aunts play with.

Okay, you got something for free, what else do you want?

He Yue studied this compact radio and found that it needed to install batteries.

In the express box, there are two AA batteries given randomly.

He Yue did not open the package, but found two old batteries in a drawer at home.

Don't ask her why she did this, just ask "Dad taught her well"!

Woohoo, stingy, oh no, my frugal dad said, don’t throw away the battery after replacing it, it can still be used after you put it away.

He Yue found two AA batteries from a box of old batteries and pressed them into the radio.

She turned on the switch and sure enough it made a sound.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, He Yue listened for a while and discovered that this so-called health program was an advertisement for health products.

Well, it's in the form of an expert panel.

But no matter what the form is, it cannot hide the fact that it is a brainwashing advertisement.

He Yue tried turning the button to change to another channel.

As a result, no!

Depend on!

What kind of radio is this?

Even if you have to show advertisements, you can at least get some music to intersperse them.

"Dad? This, this -"

He Yue took the "radio" and ran to the kitchen, chattering a lot to He Tiantian who was cutting cucumber shreds.

The general idea is that this kind of radio that purely plays advertisements, even if it is free, is of little use.

He Tiantian rolled her eyes at He Yue and said lightly, "Of course I know you can't listen to the radio on this kind of radio."

He Yue: ...then you still want it?

"What I want is not the radio, but the batteries that come with it! Those batteries are all brand new, and two batteries cost one or two yuan!"

He Yue: (oyano)

Depend on! I knew my dad was stingy, but I still didn't expect that my dad could be so stingy? !

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