The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 446 The stingy dad is here (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Yue was stunned.

Then, she saw her father come to the living room, open the drawer of the TV cabinet, and take out a box from inside.

There were rows of batteries in the box, brand new and unopened.

There are size sevens and there are size fives!

And there are more than a dozen red and green "radios" of different shapes piled in the drawer!

"...Dad, you, you!"

After swallowing hard, He Yue wanted to say something, but after "you" for a long time, he still didn't say a complete sentence.

What else could she say?

Her dad is so amazing!

It's funny that she was worried that her father would be deceived by people selling health care products!

With his father's stubborn character, it would be nice if he didn't lie to others.

He Yue gave He Tiantian a thumbs up, expressing sincere admiration.

Seeing He Yue's confused and admiring expression, He Tiantian couldn't help feeling secretly happy.

This kid must have been really shocked by his saucy behavior.

"Okay, don't be poor! Hurry up and eat. I've got you some of your young people's favorite internet celebrity foods today!"

He Tiantian closed the drawer, stood up and entered the kitchen.

While she was busy, she showed off: "The pony on the second floor just graduated this year. Alas, he is a nice person, but he spends money lavishly!"

"I've been looking for it for half a year and haven't found a job yet, but I still buy stuff online every day, and I buy a whole box of stuff!"

"Xiao Yue, let me tell you, these Internet fast food are okay to eat once in a while, but you can't eat them every day!"

"It's all preservatives and waste oil. It's unhygienic and unhealthy——"

He Yue listened silently, and when he heard the familiar lines, he couldn't help but quietly add "it's still expensive" in his heart!

Well, the previous ones are all nonsense, "expensive" is the key point.

"How much does a small package of noodles cost? How much does a pound of noodles cost?"

He Tiantian continued to chatter like the original owner.

She came out carrying a porcelain bowl given by the supermarket. In the porcelain bowl were red oil dough, cucumber shreds, bean sprouts and other ingredients.

The red spicy oil and "fresh" vegetables look really appetizing.

"smell good!"

He Yue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Dad, you can eat too!"

"Of course I want to eat together, this is our lunch dish today!"

He Tiantian knew that the original owner would not tell a white lie like "you can eat it, dad doesn't like it".

It’s not that the original owner doesn’t love his children, he is also willing to make sacrifices for them.

But he won't burn himself out completely.

His greatest love for his children is probably the leftovers and expired food at home. He eats most of them and asks the children to eat less or not at all!

As for leaving all the good things to your children, haha, what are you thinking about?

He is just picking, not stupid!

If there is something good, of course the whole family should eat it together.

At most, the children eat more and he eats less.

He Yue: ...I knew it would be like this.

She actually wanted to say that red oil dough is a staple food, not a vegetable.

But for the stingy dad, he can still use steamed buns with cold noodles and treat the cold noodles as side dishes. The dough and other things are just another form of "cold dishes".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Sure enough, He Yue was complaining secretly when she saw her father take out a plate of steaming steamed buns from the kitchen.

This steamed bun is not bought, but steamed at home.

In my father's words, two steamed buns cost one yuan.

One dollar can buy a pound of noodles and steam a basket of steamed buns!

"Eat quickly. I have to attend an event this afternoon. I heard that as long as I go, I can receive a bag of flour, which is a full five kilograms!"

He Tiantian said excitedly while urging her daughter to eat.

He Yue's face was numb.

have to!

Now that there are "events" organized by health product salesmen, dad can even save money on noodles!

He Yue took a bite of the steamed bun, and then started to compete with his father for the "cold dishes".

After finishing a large bowl of red oil dough mixed with side dishes, He Tiantian followed the original owner's example and dipped the steamed buns into all the red oil.

He Yue burped comfortably.

"Okay, hurry up and go to class after eating. I'm still busy going out!"

He Tiantian urged while cleaning up.

He Yue had no choice but to put on her schoolbag again and continue rushing back to school.

After seeing He Yue off, He Tiantian changed into the clothes she had worn outside. Ahem, they were not good clothes, just clean and without patches.

He took the free bus pass he applied for with his disability card and stuffed the fake large-screen senior phone into his trouser pocket. He Tiantian closed the door and strolled downstairs.

This area is all self-built buildings, with various small supermarkets, fruit stalls, and fly restaurants. Most of the tenants coming and going are college students, recent graduates, or young people who have just come to the provincial capital to work hard. .

There are so many people and the self-built buildings are densely packed, it also has a strange kind of bustle and bustle.

He Tiantian walked through the narrow alley, passed by the colorful light boxes, and came to the bus stop outside the village.

Thanks to the university, there are also buses near the urban village, with buses running every twenty minutes. Air-conditioned buses only cost two yuan to reach the city center.

The one without air conditioning only costs one yuan.

Before the original owner didn't shamelessly go to the civil affairs, streets and other departments to apply for a free bus pass, he used to take the one that cost one yuan.

No matter it's winter or summer, I won't take the air-conditioned bus even if it comes. I'd rather wait half an hour longer than wait for an ordinary bus.

Even so, the original owner was easily reluctant to do it.

For a journey of less than five stops, people basically walk.

After applying for a free card, the original owner started taking buses like crazy.

When a new supermarket opens somewhere, offering free eggs or discounted products, the owner will rush there no matter how far across the city it is, or where he has to catch three or four buses.

Sometimes, when all the junk nearby has been picked up, he would take the bus and go outside to develop "business" with a sack in hand.

...Basically, young people or people who live a prosperous and generous life will do whatever the original owner thinks is worthwhile, and they will do it with pleasure and relish.

Although He Tiantian wanted to maintain the character of the original owner, she didn't want to go to that extreme.

First of all, she didn’t want to dig through this trash can anymore.

It’s not that as a copywriter, she can’t pull off that face.

But since her children are grown up, she doesn't need to care about the time-traveling man's opinion, but she still needs to care about He Yue.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's the same as taking advantage of others, but she could have chosen a more "advanced" approach.

Well, health care products are the best choice for He Tiantian.

In addition, He Tiantian also needs an opportunity to "transform"!

Of course, she didn't want the original owner to be brainwashed by health care products, but——

"Tiantian, you already have a plan?"

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's psychological fluctuations and asked excitedly.

This type of anti-virus mission itself is not extremely difficult. What is really difficult is fighting against world consciousness and correcting the plot.

Let the novel keep pace with the times and become in line with the tastes of current readers.

Some settings that would be criticized, or plots full of flaws, also need to be rewritten.

"Well, I have an idea. But I need to take my time!"

He Tiantian came here not long ago, but the timing was good. The man who can travel through time has just come here, he is still adapting to the life of "He Zhuo", and he has not yet become a demon.

It is estimated that the time-traveling man will not come back until the National Day holiday.

When the time comes, He Tiantian wants to try one of her ideas.

What He Tiantian has to do now is to lay the groundwork without ruining the character.

I didn't have to wait long at the bus stop before a bus came.

With the humility of several college students, He Tiantian got in the car first, and then found a seat to sit down.

After a few stops, He Tiantian got off the car.

According to the address mentioned by the health product salesman on the phone, we found a front door facing the street.

"XX Health Club!"

Looking at the strange but familiar sign, He Tiantian felt an inexplicable emotion.

What was strange was that she had never heard of this brand of health care products.

After all, it is parallel time and space, and even the earth has become a blue star.

The country also has different names. Except for major historical nodes, many things have become different from reality.

He Tiantian felt familiar, because whether it was reality or the book world, the style and routine of health care products were similar.

The front room is not big, only about twenty square meters.

Except for a front desk and product display cabinets, plastic chairs are placed everywhere else.

Of course, the stalls at the door are indispensable.

Blood pressure monitors and pedicure basins are standard.

"Uncle, please check your blood pressure. It's free!"

"Our club will have expert lectures later. As long as you attend, you can receive a bag of flour for free!"

"It really doesn't cost anything. We just care about the health of the elderly and give them warmth!"

"The expert is a real expert. He has even appeared on a TV program on the Imperial TV station. He is very authoritative!"

Sitting at the stall at the door was a middle-aged woman in a white coat. She was about forty years old. She had a kind face and a very talkative mouth.

People pretended to be making things up and chatted with the old people who stopped to watch the excitement.

While chatting, he pulled the person to the stall and enthusiastically took his blood pressure.

After measuring it, invite people to the store to drink water and receive a free gift.

As long as someone comes in, no matter whether they buy or not, they are still potential customers!

He Tiantian stood aside and watched, as if he was back to the beginning.

Every time you do a task, you will be emotionally drained after it is over.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But she retained the first world.

Therefore, in her subconscious mind, the scammer couple Ho Hongtu and Tian Zhenzhen, who sell health care products, are her biological parents.

The experience of opening a health care product store is also deeply engraved in her soul.

Everything she saw before her eyes really gave her an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

However, this time, she is not a liar selling health care products, but an old man who seems to be deceived, but secretly wants to make money!

"Oh, Uncle He, you're here! Come in, come in, our activities will start soon!"

A young man who looked to be in his twenties was wearing a suit and had a work badge hanging around his neck. He looked quite elite.

However, anyone who really understands the workplace knows that people like him who wear suits and have work badges are basically sales people.

Either sell insurance or be an intermediary.

Real professional elites will not be so strict. Even if they wear formal clothes, they will not be in such standard dark suits.

"Xiao Jia, I'm not too late!"

He Tiantian smiled and greeted the salesman.

"It's not too late, you're just in time!" Xiao Jia invited He Tiantian in attentively.

When they saw He Tiantian entering, one or two hesitant old men at the door also followed them in.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Xiao Jia's face became even stronger.

This is the herd mentality.

When one comes in, other old people will follow.

And as long as there are people and atmosphere, "performance" will occur.

Therefore, although He Tiantian looks like a shabby old man, Xiao Jia is not negligent at all, but is extremely positive.

Even if this old man doesn't buy it, he can just be a "sitter".

This is the so-called "if you have money, you will support others, and if you don't have money, you will support others." The ancients have always been the wisest.

Xiao Jia has not been in this business for a long time, but he is very savvy. In just a few months, he can still achieve results even though he is not a local and has no local resources, which shows his ability.

Their customers are basically all strangers.

Setting up stalls in the community, giving lectures in the park, doing morning exercises in the morning, and dancing in the square at night, Xiao Jia never missed any of these opportunities.

The old man "He Shoutian" was discovered by Xiao Jia in the park.

The old man may not buy the product, but he is very active.

As long as it is an event in their store, the old man will participate.

When he comes, he won't say nonsense like "it's all a lie", but will happily sit and drink tea and eat fruit.

Well, although it costs a little money, it is enough to cooperate.

As a sales elite, Xiao Jia not only likes fathers who are willing to spend money, but also likes fathers who are actively cooperative and willing to act as childcare.

Therefore, He Tiantian sat in the room and patiently listened to the so-called expert talk about geriatric diseases for half an hour. He did not buy any products, or showed any intention to buy.

Xiao Jia was very polite and gave He Tiantian a bag of flour.

"By the way, Uncle He, do you have time next week? Experts from our product headquarters are coming to the provincial capital to hold a health conference, and five hundred VIP customers are specially invited to attend!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Although you are not our VIP customer, you are our quality customer. I have a quota here, how about I reserve it for you?"

Xiao Jia diligently carried the flour and sent He Tiantian directly to the bus stop.

As he walked, he introduced enthusiastically, "Our health conference is very grand, and VIP customers from all over the city will attend!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, hey, this is really the same routine.

She deliberately showed a lack of interest.

Xiao Jia is very aware of the concerns of these old people.

In other words, he knows how to attract the elderly best.

He hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will pick you up and drop you off. If there is any inconvenience and you need to take public transportation, we can reimburse the 10 yuan toll!"

"In addition, our health conference will also include lunch and a tasting of our products. I guarantee you will go with peace of mind and be satisfied with your meal!"

Xiao Jia advocated desperately, "Also, we have lottery draws, cash giveaways and other activities on site. As long as you go, you can get the money..."

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