The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 447 The stingy dad is here (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"No, Xiao Jia, did I hear you correctly?"

He Tiantian pretended to be confused and said slowly, "I'm going to attend the class taught by your expert. Not only do you not want me to spend money, but you also give me money?"

Although the car fare is reimbursed at 10 yuan per day and there is a standard lunch of 20 yuan, it is not a lot of money.

Many young people may not appreciate it.

However, for an old man who can go to the supermarket early in the morning to queue up for one or two cents per catty of eggs, it is definitely a lot of money.

Because it is given for free, it is like pie in the sky.

The elderly basically have free bus passes. They don't have to pay for taking the bus, but they still get 10 yuan in fares.

The lunch fee is nothing. When you go in the morning, you can just bring two buns and have a bite at noon. After the afternoon activity, you can get 20 yuan for the meal.

That adds up to 30 yuan a day.

And this money, for some elderly people who are saving, may be enough for several days of groceries.

If the event lasts for two or three days, well, this is not an unreasonable speculation. If a health care product brand launches such a large event, it will definitely not be completed in one day.

Basically two days, maybe three or four days.

If you want to trick someone, even an old person who is easily deceived, you need a step-by-step process.

And this process takes time.

A compromise is three days, which costs 30 yuan a day, which makes it 90 yuan for three days.

With all this free money, you can take it home and buy a few kilograms of ribs for your grandson. Isn’t it delicious? !

Not to mention, there will also be on-site raffles and gift giveaways.

After one activity, you might actually be able to get a few hundred dollars.

He Tiantian pretended to be excited, and the original owner's small eyes shone with calculation.

Seeing He Tiantian like this, Xiao Jia knew that this old man was tempted.

He quickly smiled and said, "That's right! Uncle He, you heard that right! We won't let you spend money, but will give you money instead!"

He Tiantian frowned hesitantly, "Then you will lose money?"

Having said this, He Tiantian looked at Xiao Jia like a fool.

It seems to be saying, young man, even if you are stupid, your boss should not be stupid either.

Xiao Jia:......

No matter what kind of MMP he is on the inside, on the surface, Xiao Jia is still smiling.

He even laughed out loud on purpose and said jokingly, "Uncle He, don't worry, we are not stupid, I will not do a loss-making business!"

"These are activities organized by other manufacturers, and we dealers are here to help contact customers!"

"People do it to promote their own brands. You know, publicity, right? It's the same as advertising on TV!"

"But, the boss of our brand manufacturer is a real person. People have said that it is also a waste of money. Instead of making the TV station cheaper, it is better to give back to new and old customers!"

"Old customers will get benefits, and new customers can also see with their own eyes the strength and sincerity of our brand..."

After all, this young Jia is really sharp-tongued.

If it were any other old man, he might have believed it.

He Tiantian is different. Not only is she not an old person, she is also a well-informed copywriter, and she is also a second-generation liar who has worked in sales.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, these remarks made by Xiao Jia are all leftover from Ho Hongtu's play back then.

After hearing this, He Tiantian only felt "retro", and she didn't have any trouble in her heart.

"Oh~~~" He Tiantian deliberately prolonged her voice.

It seemed like I really understood.

"I'm telling you, you can't be so stupid, that's what it is!"

Xiao Jia continued to laugh and asked quickly: "Then I will reserve a place for you?"

"Okay! Go! Such a good thing, of course you have to go!"

He Tiantian pretended to be excited, and after she agreed, she seemed to suddenly remember: "Oh, by the way, what kind of meeting do you have? How many days will it take?"

He asked "how many days", but his little eyes were full of hope.

As if to say, the more the merrier!

It's 30 yuan a day. If it lasts for ten days and a half, it's several hundred yuan.

Xiao Jia: ...Uncle, what are you thinking about?

He complained silently in his heart, but he still said politely, "Three days! By the way, don't forget to ask the driver for a ticket then. We are a formal company, and all reimbursements require vouchers!"

Xiao Jia deliberately said the matter very seriously, as if it was really the case.

He Tiantian saw that the person was working so hard, so she took advantage of the situation and pretended to "believe it". While agreeing, she did not forget to mutter a few words: "You also need a ticket as a voucher? It seems quite serious."

"Uncle He, let's make a deal then! Don't worry, I will call you again the day before the meeting and send you the address and bus route!"

Xiao Jia was very considerate, "If you don't understand the bus route, just ask the bus driver directly. Our master driver will be responsible for it and will remind you when you get to the stop!"

"okay, I get it!"

He Tiantian agreed simply.

It happened that the bus also came at this time, He Tiantian got on the bus and went straight home.

As soon as he entered the house, before He Tiantian went to the kitchen to cook, the original owner's super loud copycat senior phone rang.

The ringtone is the iconic Phoenix Legend music, loud, crisp, and incredibly down-to-earth.

Regardless of whether you know it or not, as long as the music plays, you can sing along. They are indeed a national group.

It's just that the volume of this elderly phone is too loud and there's a bit of distortion. He Tiantian just wants to frown.

She lowered her head and glanced at the screen. Oh wow, the caller was none other than her son who had been transported through time.

"Hey, Xiaozhuo, why did you remember to call me? Another waste of phone bills!"

He Tiantian maintains the character of the original protagonist, and she doesn't have much fondness for such a time-traveling male protagonist.

When speaking, He Tiantian showed a sense of disgust.

He Zhuo:......

He has the memory of the original owner and knows that his cheap dad is stingy.

It is absolutely normal for someone to dislike his son because he is worried about the phone bill!

"...Dad, this is a package, even if you don't make a call, the fee will still be deducted!"

He Zhuo is not the original owner. He will not spoil the best dad, so he just rudely criticized him.

"Package? What kind of package are you looking for? The ones in the past were so good. There were no messy fees. It was just a phone fee and a caller ID fee. A call cost 30 cents, and the phone bill only cost a few yuan a month. !”

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian is much more "dedicated" than He Zhuo. Not only does she have the memory of the original owner, but she will also do her best to maintain the character of the original owner.

She can also freely develop according to the character and habits of the original owner!

"The cheapest mobile phone package costs more than 20 yuan. That's more than 20 yuan a month, which is two to three hundred yuan a year!"

He Tiantian scolded angrily, "You kid, you used to be quite sensible, why did you suddenly become so lavish?!"

He Zhuo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words "suddenly changed".

Could it be that he had changed so much that the cheap dad in this body noticed something unusual with just one phone call?

However, He Zhuo thought about it again and felt that he was a little surprised.

He Shoutian, an old man, was always a bitch. Even if the original owner changed his mobile phone plan rashly, He Shoutian would scold him.

This "sudden change" should be just a casual saying to express the surprise and dissatisfaction in my heart.

Besides, what if you really notice it?

He is now He Zhuo, and the idea of ​​his soul traveling through time is too incredible.

Even if He Shoutian shouted to go out, no one believed him.

As for the relevant departments taking slices and so on, do you really think that the relevant departments are so idle that they even pay attention to the nonsense of a stingy old man?

He Zhuo tried his best to persuade himself in his heart, don't be afraid, don't feel guilty, as long as you don't admit it, even if someone suspects it, it won't matter.

There was no way, he really couldn't stand the original owner's "savings".

A college student, a young man in his twenties or two, doesn’t play games or watch live broadcasts, and he doesn’t even have data on his mobile phone!

That copycat phone looks so low that even the more fashionable old man might not want to use it.

"He Zhuo" is so easy to use for people born in the 1990s. He usually only makes phone calls and sends messages. He even has to run back to his dormitory to send a special WeChat message.

If you really have no money, forget it, but your family is renting to the second generation.

As for the original owner, he worked and studied hard all year round. Not only was he able to pay for his own living expenses, but he also had enough money to take care of his sister.

What’s even more outrageous is that he actually still has deposits in his bank card!

Is he still a junior in college? !

The day after He Zhuochuan arrived, he went to a nearby business hall and bought a data package.

If it weren't for the fact that there wasn't enough money in his bank card, he would have wanted to buy the latest fruit machine.

...Humph, it's so shabby, not even as good as those students who actually passed the exam from remote mountainous areas.

No wonder the original owner's height, appearance, and studies are good, but he doesn't even have a girlfriend.

Girls nowadays are all realistic. If you don’t buy gifts for others or send red envelopes, who will care about you?

He Zhuo, who was abandoned by a "gold digger" in his previous life, feels that he understands girls very well.

And he increasingly felt that the original owner was "wasteful".

If it were him, with a house, savings, and good looks, he would have gone after school beauties and department beauties.

Speaking of which, S University is indeed a double first-class university, and the quality of the school and department beauties is much better than any of the three universities in his previous life.

It’s just good looks and figure, some of them are extremely fair and beautiful.

That temperament and attire make her look like a flower of wealth in the world.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Thinking of some of the beauties he saw after coming here, He Zhuo's mouth started to water.

But, you need money to pick up beautiful women.

He Zhuo had enough of being looked down upon in his previous life. After traveling through time and becoming the son of destiny, he wanted to rise even more.

Based on his research over the past half month, he discovered that in this parallel world, the entertainment industry lags far behind his own reality.

He could totally be a copycat, ah, no, he could be a porter in the entertainment industry.

Bringing some of his excellent works from the real world to this time and space will definitely become a hit.

At that time, money will come rolling in.

With money, beauties and a harem, are they still far behind?

He Zhuo thought happily, but soon he realized another problem——

Even if he is to be a "porter", he still needs start-up capital.

Of course, he can first copy an online article and earn his first pot of gold.

It's just too slow.

The online writing market in this time and space is similar to his reality, both have free periods.

During the free period, as long as you sign a contract, you will get a reward share.

Even so, it will not be reflected at any time, at least a month later.

There is also the biggest problem. He has indeed read some of the popular Internet articles in real life.

However, if he wanted to copy it word for word, he couldn't do it.

He didn't have a TXT file, nor did he carry a hard drive with him. He could only remember the outline of the story.

Although online articles don’t pay much attention to writing style and details, they can’t go directly to the “outline”.

He Zhuo cannot guarantee that with just a story outline, he will be able to write a work that is as good as the original author.

And once there are discrepancies in the works, will the results also be affected?

What if after two or three months of hard work, I wrote three to four hundred thousand words, but couldn't even sign a contract, wouldn't it be in vain?

He Zhuo didn't want to destroy his prestige, but in his "previous life", he was really not a successful person.

He Zhuo believes that he is a destined son favored by God, but after all, he has just come here and has not achieved any great achievements yet.

He lacks self-confidence, let alone that kind of arrogance.

After some thought, He Zhuo gave up writing online articles and prepared to shoot some short videos.

There are too many words in the online article, and he can't restore it one-to-one.

But the videos are much simpler. For example, "Unexpectedly", which was very popular in their time and space, has a simple plot, but it is impressive because of its unexpected twists.

There is no Wang Dachui in this world, but He Zhuo has watched the first, second and third seasons of "Unexpectedly" countless times because he likes it.

He was deeply impressed by every twist and turn of the classic lines in it.

Maybe it can't be exactly the same as the original version, but it's still close to ten.

That's enough!

It should be able to earn him the original capital and fame he wants.

He Zhuo's plan was good, but soon the problem returned to its original point - he had no money!

If it is the original owner, he must be used to finding ways to make money by himself.

He Zhuo doesn’t! He was used to being a gangster.

However, for a college student, it is not appropriate to ask parents for money.

"Dad, you don't understand! If I want to use my mobile phone to surf the Internet, I must have data traffic. If it is very expensive to just buy data, it is better to get a package and they will give it to me directly!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Zhuo was quite smart and found out about "He Shoutian's" behavior from the memory of the original owner.

And got inspiration from it, and accurately found a good way to deal with stingy dad——

Nothing works, just two words, save money!

" a gift? No extra money?"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be "fooled by success" and asked hesitantly.

"Yes! It's a gift. It saves money!"

He Zhuo felt that he had really hit the target of his cheap dad's life, and said with great determination.

"Oh, that's up to you!" He Tiantian said leisurely.

If it were He Yue who knew "He Shoutian" better, and heard He Tiantian's words, he would know what his father was thinking:

Anyway, it’s the money your kid earns. If you think it’s economical, then go ahead and do it.

But don’t worry about my money, not even your own father or son!

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