The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 448 The stingy dad is here (6)

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After all, He Zhuo traveled through time, and the memory of the original owner alone is not enough to understand "He Shoutian".

After hearing the answer from the cheap dad on the other end of the phone, he mistakenly thought that he had successfully deceived the other party.

He suddenly felt confident: Hey, I am indeed the son of destiny, I can even coax a deadbeat like "He Shoutian"!

Will what happens next go very smoothly?

He Zhuo's mind was racing, thinking he had found a way to control his cheap dad.

He pretended to be mysterious and said, "Dad, let me tell you, I have a very good investment project."

"It will make a lot of money and bring a huge reputation."

"I don't have enough money. Please support me a little. It doesn't need to be too much. One hundred thousand yuan is enough!"

One hundred thousand is indeed not a small amount for an ordinary junior college student.

But for the He family who owns a building, it is just one year's rent. He Zhuo feels that it is really not much.

And with only 100,000 yuan, he can set up a grassroots team and shoot a few episodes of short videos.

As long as the short video is sold for money, he will have subsequent funds.

Everything can enter a virtuous circle!

Of course, after receiving the memory of the original owner and the cheap dad’s argument he heard on the phone today, He Zhuo was deeply impressed——

The father in this body is really a money-hungry man.

So stingy!

If you want to get money from him, even your own son won't do it.

So, after saying a lot of Amway words, He Zhuo finally reluctantly added: "Dad, don't worry, I didn't ask for this money from you for nothing, I'll give you an IOU!"

"...I, I can also calculate the interest for you based on the interest rate of the bank's twenty-year time deposit!"

Really, it is not easy for a son to do what he does.

Those parents who really care about their children will try their best to help their children even if they don't have any money, even if they sell blood and kidneys.

Unlike this "He Shoutian"!

Ma De, who has a house and money, is reluctant to spend even a small change on his own son!

His biological son, the biological son who took care of him until his death, wore a sackcloth and wore filial piety, he was so stingy!

He Zhuo was pleading, but his heart was full of complaints.

He thought he was hiding it well, but little did he know that the person on the other end of the phone was not an ordinary old man, but He Tiantian, a copywriter with keen senses.

Raising her eyebrows, He Tiantian pretended not to hear the unwillingness and dissatisfaction hidden in He Zhuo's words.

She answered neatly: "No money!"

He Zhuo: ...Damn, you didn’t even make an excuse, you just said “no money”, who are you kidding?

"Dad! I, I said, I'm not asking for it, I'm borrowing it!"

"That investment project is really good. As long as you do it, you will make money!"

"Dad, you are my biological father. I finally have this opportunity, please help me!"


By the end of the shouting, the dissatisfaction in He Zhuo's tone could hardly be concealed.

Even so, He Tiantian was resolute, "If you say you have no money, you have no money! You are still a student when it comes to investing, so study hard is the right thing to do!"

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