The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 449 The stingy dad is here (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian completely abandoned the son of the time-travel hero and only focused on taking care of his daughter, He Yue.

Well, it's not just that she's just focusing on it. She's also focusing on shopping for various health care product brands.

Either I will pick up an egg today, or I will pick up a few packs of trial goat milk powder and yak powder tomorrow.

Plus, she has to deal with some "accidents"!


He Tiantian was carrying a fertilizer bag and picked up some empty bottles and express cartons near the trash can.

Not far away, the light box hanging on the front door of the street suddenly fell down and hit He Tiantian's head.

"Sweet, dangerous!"

Little D’s classmate gave a warning in time.

In fact, what was faster than its reminder was He Tiantian's reaction.

As early as the moment the light box fell, He Tiantian felt a feeling of palpitations, her back felt cold, and the hairs all over her body stood up!

She instinctively ducked to the side.

Almost at the same time, the falling light box rubbed the corner of He Tiantian's clothes and hit He Tiantian's feet.

Debris from the light box was scattered everywhere, some with edges and corners, and even cut He Tiantian's ankles and calves.

"Oh my God! It's so dangerous!"

"That's right. Fortunately, this man was lucky enough to escape in time."

"It was almost, just a little bit, the old man would be dead!"

"This businessman is the same. His light box is old and he doesn't know how to check it. The old man was lucky enough to escape today. If other passers-by didn't pay attention, wouldn't he have to--"

Pedestrians passing by were startled by this scene and gathered around him one after another.

Those who take videos with their mobile phones, those who point and point with their fingers.

This corner suddenly became very lively.

The shop owner was also frightened and ran out of the shop in a hurry.

"Uncle, uncle, are you okay?"

Her voice was trembling.

Although it was not intentional, her light sign almost hit an innocent passerby, so that was her responsibility.

And these old people, they are all synonymous with "trouble".

I can blackmail you for nothing, but now something is really going on... Wuwu, is my house going to be insecure? !

"Is everything okay? Is this okay?!"

He Tiantian actually didn't want to blame the shop owner.

She knew very well that this was a "plot kill".

When other people pass by this store, the light sign will not fall off.

Only she would hit her head directly, even if it was a newly installed light sign!

Because only if "He Shoutian" dies, the male protagonist can get the inheritance.

Only with money can the male protagonist have the capital to build his entertainment empire and reach the top of his life.

After He Tiantian came here, she was very careful not to run the red light, and she would also pay special attention when crossing the road.

But, "He Shoutian" must die!

If you can't cause a traffic accident, then let's have a "light sign from the sky".

...From this aspect, the shop owner was actually implicated by He Tiantian.

Therefore, He Tiantian really didn't want to blame this unlucky shop owner.

However, the character of the original owner of the goose does not allow it!

This is a desperate need for money.

He won't deliberately touch the porcelain, but when encountering such an accident, he will naturally make a "soft touch".

He Tiantian silently said "I'm sorry" to the shop owner, and then she hugged her legs and fell to the ground. She screamed: "It hurts, my legs are bleeding, it hurts me so much!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Hearing He Tiantian cry out in pain, and then seeing blood stains on the other party's leg,

The shop owner felt dizzy.

It’s over!

This time it’s real pills.

Even those who are not sick or in trouble can blackmail others.

The old man in front of me was bleeding, and he didn't know why he opened his mouth.

"...Uncle, I, let me take you to the hospital!"

The female shopkeeper in her thirties was about to burst into tears. With a crying voice, she discussed with He Tiantian angrily.

He Tiantian groaned, and then she continued to howl, "I'm so pitiful, I'm just picking up rags, why do I still encounter this kind of thing?"

"My leg hurts so much. Is it broken?"

She complained that it hurt and deliberately exaggerated the extent of her injuries, but she refused to go to the hospital.

After a short period of panic, the female shopkeeper finally understood something - this uncle should be fine, he just wants money.

have to!

Let's waste money and eliminate disaster.

In fact, if you really go to the hospital and get it checked out, it will cost thousands of dollars.

Just give the money directly to the old man, maybe give him a little less.

"Uncle, how about I give you two thousand yuan and you go back and take a good rest?"

The female shopkeeper knelt down, leaned close to He Tiantian's ear, and whispered.

Two thousand is not too little!

But the character of the original owner——

He Tiantian said "Sorry" in her heart again and continued to moan.

The female shopkeeper gritted her teeth, "Three thousand! I'll give you three thousand! Uncle, I, I'm from out of town. I finally opened a small shop. I really have no money!"

At the end of the story, the female shopkeeper actually cried.

He Tiantian couldn't bear it, but she still showed greedy on purpose.

She looked at the female shopkeeper and then at the small shop not far away, as if she was evaluating whether what the female shopkeeper said was true or false.

After a long while, she said reluctantly, "Okay, just three thousand. Humph, you are really cheap. If you go to the hospital, an MRI will cost more than two thousand!"

Seeing that He Tiantian finally relaxed, the female shopkeeper hurried to a nearby ATM to withdraw 3,000 yuan in cash.

She didn't give the money in a big way in public, but quickly stuffed a wad of money into He Tiantian's pocket with her support.

He Tiantian sighed secretly, but still had a painful look on her face that said, "I'm taking advantage of you."

However, when she stood up, He Tiantian quietly danced her fingers and used her spiritual power to draw a "wealth gathering charm" on the female shop owner.

In order to maintain her character, she extorted three thousand yuan from others.

But she had her own three views and moral bottom line, so she turned the spiritual power she had finally developed after wearing it into a talisman and returned it to the female shopkeeper.

This novel is not an urban supernatural novel, but it still has a thin aura.

He Tiantian's magic talisman cannot be of any real use, but it can help the boss gather some money and can always save a loss of three thousand yuan.

The passers-by who were watching did not see the "transaction" between the female clerk and He Tiantian, but they were relieved when they saw that the "injured" uncle stood up and did not take advantage of the situation to blackmail him.

He Tiantian dragged the fertilizer bag and continued to pick up rags, and the shop owner hurriedly cleaned up the mess.

Seeing that nothing happened, everyone dispersed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Tiantian, is this a 'blessing in disguise' for you?"

Classmate Little D couldn't hold it back and complained in a mean tone.

He Tiantian:......

Is Little D making fun of himself?

Said that not only did she successfully escape the "plot killing", but she also made a small fortune?

To be honest, if it weren't for the bullshit character, how could she do such a shameless thing? !

It doesn’t matter if others don’t understand, Little D’s classmate actually does——

Uh, forget it, this is a retard, what does it know?

The talisman that He Tiantian drew with her spiritual power would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in the supernatural world.

Even in this novel world, if the effect is compromised, there is still no problem if it sells for ten or twenty thousand.

Therefore, she did not harm the female shop owner!

He Tiantian has a clear conscience.

Seeing that he was being ignored by He Tiantian, Little D shook his hair, but finally did not have the guts to continue teasing.

After a moment of silence, classmate D said again: "This wave of plots has been avoided, will there be more?"

"There will definitely be one!"

There is no doubt about this.

He Tiantian replied with certainty.

In the previous world, such a ruthless, shameless and unreasonable world consciousness suppressed He Tiantian several times.

Now switching to an urban novel, the world consciousness seems to be even more powerful.

In order to maintain its main plot line and favor its male protagonist, it will definitely do more "plot killings".

Until He Tiantian's soul is strong enough to resist the world consciousness, the world consciousness will compromise - give up the original male protagonist and allow He Tiantian, the "cannon fodder", to successfully counterattack!

As if to confirm He Tiantian's words, in the next few days, He Tiantian encountered another plot killing.

She didn't go out, let alone cross the road, or even stay close to the edge of the road.

She just stayed at home well, but an "accident" still happened.

The circuits in the urban village are aging, and the original owner, He Shoutian, is a stingy person.

When the house was built, the circuit was not re-planned or the wires were replaced.

Fortunately, in the past, there were not so many energy-consuming appliances.

Now, young tenants have air conditioners, induction cookers, and rice cookers.

It was still very hot at noon in September.

Young people are not as frugal as older people, and they do not feel distressed at all when using high-power electrical appliances.

As a result, during the peak power consumption period at noon, the fuse in the home circuit blew.

He Tiantian didn't think much and took the spare fuse to replace it.

She cut off the circuit, and logically, there would be no problem.

But world consciousness is unreasonable. He actually forced He Tiantian to get an "electric shock" while replacing the fuse.

His hands were numb, He Tiantian's mind went blank, and the original owner's not-so-healthy body kept twitching.

He Tiantian reacted quickly. The moment he felt the current flowing through his body, he used all his strength to "tear" his hand off the wire.


He Tiantian fell heavily to the ground and couldn't move for a long time.

After a full quarter of an hour, He Tiantian was able to slowly get up from the ground again.

She silently raised her middle finger to the sky: Well done, World Consciousness, we are at odds!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The second "plot kill" failed.

Little D's classmate felt a little throbbing deep in his core. Oh my god, the world consciousness in this novel is so cruel.

And the frequency of things happening is too high, right? !

It’s only been a few days, and the second wave has come.

He Tiantian seemed to hear the "voice" of Little D's classmate, and said lightly: "Because the male protagonist is anxious!"

This time-traveling man really wants to have a career.

But they are unwilling to make money down-to-earth.

If the world consciousness does not kill "He Shoutian", He Zhuo, the time-traveling male protagonist, will be nothing.

He will still be the same as his previous life, a loser otaku who only knows fantasy.

"...That's too cruel!"

Classmate Little D understood what He Tiantian meant, but couldn't help but mumbled.

Subsequent facts proved that world consciousness can be even more ruthless and bizarre.

I was going to the bathroom when I accidentally slipped and hit my head on the toilet.

He Tiantian reacted quickly. The moment the back of her head hit the edge of the toilet, she supported herself with her hands.

Taking a nap at noon, I was reluctant to turn on the air conditioner, but the temperature in the room was only over 30 degrees, but He Tiantian who slept in the room suffered from heat stroke due to the heat.

If she hadn't used strong willpower to open her eyes, this body might have died of heat.

I choked on drinking water, and my mouth and nose were suffocated...

In just one week, He Tiantian encountered five fancy "plot killings".

Each time it becomes more urgent, each time more senseless.

He Tiantian finally couldn't help it. She sat cross-legged and started running Wuji Jue crazily, mobilizing the spiritual power around her and assuming a posture that she wanted to die with the world's consciousness.

The consciousness of the world trembled slightly, and although there was no expression, He Tiantian still felt its concession.

Okay, just give in!

Of course, the world consciousness doesn't really admit defeat, it just doesn't want to push He Tiantian to the point where it can't bear it.

There will still be subsequent plot kills.

But it won’t be so dense, and it won’t be nonsensical.

World consciousness will use a more "reasonable" way to revise its main plot!

He Tiantian is not afraid of world consciousness causing trouble, but it cannot be so unreasonable and unruly.

Go with the flow, He Tiantian can accept it.

If he acts wantonly, He Tiantian will rise up to resist.

In this regard, He Tiantian has a tacit understanding with the world consciousness.

Therefore, in the following days, He Tiantian encountered no more weird "accidents".

"Uncle He, I am Xiao Jia!"

The time soon arrived for a large-scale health conference held by a health care product manufacturer.

Salesman Xiao Jia, as agreed, called He Tiantian one day in advance.

"Oh, Xiao Jia. Is it tomorrow? I'll remember it!" He Tiantian said cheerfully.

"Oh, I know Uncle He has a good memory. I just want to remind you again."

Xiao Jia coaxed sweetly, and he said enthusiastically, "By the way, I sent the hotel's address and bus route to your mobile phone. Take a look!"

"Hey, okay, okay!"

He Tiantian readily agreed, but she did not forget to confirm something again:

"What about that, Xiao Jia, if I go tomorrow, can I really be reimbursed for my travel expenses and receive lunch money?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Xiao Jia seemed to be used to the way these old people behaved, and he didn't mind it, so he quickly agreed, "Yes! It's really possible!"

"Okay! Okay! Hey, I'm just asking casually. Actually, I'm mainly going to support your work tomorrow and learn some health knowledge by the way!"

He Tiantian deliberately acted a little sarcastic, and finally said some nice words in a duplicitous manner.

"I know! Uncle He is the kindest and most supportive of our work. I am very grateful to you!"

Xiao Jia also instantly entered the state of acting, and his tone was full of gratitude, "When you get to the venue tomorrow, you must recommend our products to other members!"

If you don’t buy anything, you have to be a sitter anyway, okay!

"No problem! Oh, Xiao Jia, don't worry, I will definitely 'tell the truth'!"

He Tiantian also replied with something in mind.

In this way, two people with different plans reached an inexplicable agreement...

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