The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 450: The stingy dad is here (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Dear elderly friends, my uncles and aunts, did you receive reimbursement for your car fare and meal expenses yesterday?"

In the hotel conference room, on the podium, a young man in his thirties held a microphone and shouted exaggeratedly.

Some of the hundreds of people in the audience responded very positively and loudly, "I got it!"

With the leader in charge, the other old people all said in unison: "I did get it!"

"It's a full thirty yuan. My wife and I received sixty yuan."

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to be quite honest!"

"It's really good. He shouldn't be a liar."

He Tiantian mingled with the crowd, watching the performance of the "manufacturer leader" and cheering or applauding the crowd.

"Haha, are you all satisfied?"


"As long as you are satisfied! Today, I will make everyone more satisfied! As I said yesterday, my manufacturers and I are both real people and we don't do those fancy things!"

On the rostrum, the young man who claimed to be a leader continued to perform, "If I say I want to give everyone money, I will give it to everyone!"

"Not only did it happen yesterday, but it will happen today, and it will happen tomorrow!"

"And the intensity is getting stronger every time, and the benefits are getting more and more every day!"

"Yesterday we carried money in a suitcase, but today we just brought a small cart!"

"Everyone, please look, this is the cash we just took out from the bank..."

The "manufacturer leader" shouted hard while asking someone to push the cart.

There were suitcases after suitcases in the trolley.

He asked someone to carry one casually and put it on the table on the rostrum.

Open it, revealing stacks of red bills, filling the entire suitcase.

Under the light, so much cash placed together really irritates people's eyes.

"Yesterday we reimbursed the car fare and meal expenses, and we will continue to reimburse you for your consumption today!"

"...Uncles and aunts, did you see that we are even ready with cash!"

"Today, we have a wood carving on site worth 1,999 yuan. Our manufacturer specially hired experts to design it, and it was produced by the manufacturer we specified. It is a real work of art, a collectible, and it can maintain its value!"

"Haha, ladies and gentlemen, don't get me wrong, we are not selling art!"

"This wood carving, we specially give it back to everyone!"

"It's 1999 yuan. It's only 99 yuan today. You buy it on the spot and I'll issue you a receipt on the spot. After today's event is over, just like yesterday, you can go to our finance department with the receipt and we will reimburse you directly!"

The words of the "manufacturer leader" are extremely inflammatory and misleading. His words only make the elderly people who like to take advantage of themselves get excited.

He Tiantian couldn't help but frowned.

Sensing her displeasure, Little D asked curiously: "Tiantian, what's wrong? Did you find any problem?"

"This is a bunch of liars!"

He Tiantian answered Little D's classmate coldly.

Although she always laughs at herself as a "second-generation liar", in her heart, she does not feel that buying health care products is a deceptive act in itself.

At least for her, Stanley Ho, and Tian Zhenzhen, their family of three is not a liar.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

They have never exaggerated or even mythed the value of health care products, nor have they deceived the elderly.

That's all for He Tiantian. In the first world, her "Urban Immortal Doctor" skill was directly activated.

She wears the shell of "selling health care products\

,"Really treat diseases and maintain health for the elderly.

Ho Hongtu and Tian Zhenzhen have no medical skills, but they do business down-to-earth and take care of the elderly sincerely.

Before there was He Tiantian, the "urban fairy doctor", Stanley Ho, Tutian Zhenzhen and others mainly sold services and companionship.

Most of their customers know what health products are.

But they are still willing to spend thousands of dollars on a bunch of stuff that has no effect at all.

What they value is not the value of the health products themselves, but the companionship and "family affection" that the couple, Stanley Ho and Tian Zhenzhen, can bring them!

In the eyes of the world, they did deceive the old man.

In the eyes of the old man, it is a fair transaction that balances both money and goods.

He Tiantian has never felt inferior to her status as a "second-generation deceiver", precisely because He Hongtu and his wife have never really deceived those old people.

As for the group of people in front of them, in the words of He Tiantian, a veteran second-generation liar, "the work is too rough!"

To use an inappropriate metaphor, He Tiantian's view of this group of people is the same as Uncle Li's view of the robbers in "A World Without Thieves" - too low-level and without technical content!

The thieves represented by Uncle Li rely on "skills" to make a living.

As for the robbers, they relied purely on brute force.

In the first world, He Tiantian relied on family companionship to win the hearts of the elderly.

No cheating, no taking advantage. Even if there is a calculation, it should be regarded as a "conspiracy", which is to exchange sincerity for real gold.

"What? Liar?"

Although Little D has been following He Tiantian since the first world, he has seen a wide variety of scams involving health care products.

However, at this moment, it looked at the passionate performance of the "manufacturer leaders" on the rostrum. Although it felt uncomfortable, it did not find anything abnormal.

"Yes! It's a liar! It's the lowest and most disgusting kind of fraud!"

He Tiantian's face was calm, but there was some anger inside.

Student Little D: ...Um, can you explain it in detail? It really didn't find anything wrong.

He Tiantian has never had high expectations for her mentally retarded assistant.

IQ and other things are just flaws.

He Tiantian quietly vomited, and then slowly explained——

"This so-called health meeting lasts for three days. On the first day, the car fare and meal expenses will be reimbursed!"

"The elderly only need to wait until the first day's activities are over and then ask the staff for reimbursement, and they will get 30 yuan smoothly!"

"The next day, that is, today, I will reimburse you for the money you spent on the art purchased that day."

"99 yuan is not a lot for frugal old people who like to take advantage of small things. Even if there is childcare in the middle, there will be some old people who are unwilling to spend money!"

"However, after the event is over, these scammers will 'reimburse' themselves on the spot. The hundred-dollar bills one after another will definitely stimulate the hearts of all the elderly."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Old people who bought art and were able to be 'reimbursed' were naturally very happy. Because not only did they get a piece of art worth 1,999 yuan that can appreciate in value, but they also made another 100 yuan."

"And those old people who didn't buy it must be particularly regretful!"

"But whether they are happy old people or regretful old people, through the experience of the first and second days, they have a 'knowledge', that is, all their consumption at the venue can be 'reimbursed'!"

"The highlight of the third day is here! If I'm not wrong, tomorrow, the third day, they will start selling products!"

"A set of so-called health products can easily cost several thousand, or even tens of thousands! Under normal circumstances, it would take business staff to spend a lot of effort and effort to discover and maintain customers before they can be sold!"

"And these people, relying on the 'preparation' made in the past two days, gave the elderly people a wrong understanding."

"Especially those old people who did not get 100 yuan the next day will actively buy products under the influence of regret, regret and other emotions!"

"Because they have been successfully misled by scammers, they think that the third day is just like the first two days. As long as they spend money, the manufacturer will 'reimburse' them. They have receipts in their hands."

"At that time, not only will they be able to get a set of health care products for free that are said to be able to cure illnesses and keep them healthy, but they will also be able to earn thousands of dollars."

"The scammers will issue receipts to the elderly on the third day. It is clearly marked as a 'shopping voucher'——"

Therefore, on the third day, the scammer refused to reimburse the old man, and the old man and his family members went to the police, but the police could not do anything.

They have issued a receipt to you. It is a normal transaction.

As for the old people's words like "they will reimburse them", it will make their children and the police dumbfounded.

to reimburse?

Why should they reimburse you?

What precedes it is just a small sweetener, paving the way for old people to be fooled.

Spend tens of thousands of yuan to make the elderly lower their defensive mentality, and then proactively fall for the scam.

On the third day, there were four to five hundred old people in the audience. Even if only one-third of them paid, it would still be one or two million.

Scammers make a profit despite all costs.

Once this batch of scams is over, the second and third batches will come.

As long as people still have the desire to take advantage, and as long as old people can be attracted by petty profits and enter their "venues", they can continue to cheat.

This is no longer selling health care products or services, but a scam by eating fruit!

"...It's people like this who make the already bad reputation of health care product marketing even more infamous!"

He Tiantian secretly resented it.

Classmate Little D: ...Well, I always feel like something is weird, but I can’t put my finger on it.

However, Little D figured out the tricks He Tiantian told about scammers, and he was really disgusted with those bastards who only knew how to deceive the elderly.

As people age, their ability to respond and think begins to decline.

These scammers specifically target the elderly.

Are there no elderly people in their family?

Or do they themselves not age?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Little D’s classmates were a little angry.

It did not question He Tiantian's guess.

Although today is only the second day, the scam on the third day has not actually been staged yet.

But classmate Little D firmly believed in He Tiantian’s “judgment”.

First, it is because it thinks that its little friend is the smartest and wisest, and she will not guess wrong.

Secondly, He Tiantian's words are well-founded and sound very convincing.

Her guess was entirely based on her reasonable speculation.

Therefore, even though the third day has not yet arrived, Little D recognized He Tiantian’s guess—these people are liars!

"Tiantian, what should we do? Are we going to let these people continue to defraud us?"

Little D’s classmate asked quickly.

"...Get today's money first! When the event is over, call the police!"

He Tiantian has no better way.

And when the police come, they may not be able to stop those "brainwashed" old people.

This is the helplessness of reality. You know you are a liar and try your best to persuade them, but some people who have been deceived would rather believe the liar than the police.

This is especially true for these old people, who are more stubborn and unreasonable.

Moreover, He Tiantian can stop one incident, but not much.

Scams like this one are being staged in countless places across the country, and how many elderly people have been deceived.

As for media exposure... Haha, there are not enough scams reported in the media?

Let’s not talk about the media, but also the children of the elderly. Who has not warned and persuaded in every possible way?

But, it’s useless.

"Regular" health care product clubs can also provide a "service" to the elderly.

But the health conference organized by this kind of manufacturer is just a one-shot deal.

After cheating people and running away, the old people will get nothing but a bunch of useless "health products"!

"Yes! Call the police! Let the police catch them!"

Classmate Little D shouted with the same hatred.


Haha, when the police come, they can't just arrest people.

They sell health care products, they have a registered brand, and they rent the space in a serious manner... The whole process is in compliance with the law.

As for those old people, the more people obstruct them, the more stubborn they may be.

I am afraid that there will be a farce that will leave people speechless——

The police officers tried their best to persuade, while the old people tried their best to give money to the scammers.

Instead of being grateful for the police's obstruction, the old people blamed them for delaying their "earning money"!

The police clearly knew that the other party was a liar, but they could only watch helplessly as the old people were deceived!

The police force is limited, and there are hundreds of elderly people at the scene. If you can watch one, can you still watch everyone?

He Tiantian shook her head secretly.

Maybe the arrival of the police will have some effect, but it will not completely change the current situation of elderly people being deceived.

At the end of the second day, He Tiantian took the ticket and receipt and ran to "reimburse".

Got 130 yuan.

The staff on site didn't even "remind" He Tiantian that he must come tomorrow.

Because they know that these old people are tempted, let alone not reminding them, even if they advise them not to come tomorrow, they will still run over.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And those old people who didn't spend money to buy art because they were worried about being cheated felt extremely regretful when they saw that money was actually being distributed on the spot.

"Uncle, there is really nothing we can do today. However, you can still participate tomorrow. The amount of reimbursement tomorrow will be much higher than today. You have to prepare your bank card in advance!"

The "manufacturer leaders" were considerate and joking, and continued to coax the elderly people without leaving any trace.

He Tiantian glanced coldly, said nothing, found a deserted corner, and called Yaoyaoling.

"Tiantian, you've tried your best. If it doesn't work, there's nothing you can do about it."

Sensing that He Tiantian was not in a high mood, Little D tried his best to comfort him.


He Tiantian responded casually.

I took the bus home and as soon as I entered the house, I heard a young male voice.


Has the time-travel hero returned home?

Wait, this is not the point. The point is that He Tiantian suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power...

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