The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 451 The stingy dad is here (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Eh? Tiantian? Something's happening!"

Student D, who usually reacts slowly, was actually keenly aware of it this time.

"There are abnormal spiritual power fluctuations! Oh no, no, to be more precise, it's soul fluctuations!"

Classmate Little D felt it carefully and said very seriously.

"Little classmate D, have you noticed it too?" He Tiantian asked casually while sensing carefully.

"Hmm, it seems to be the system! Yes, it is the system -"

Little D has a God’s perspective, and it is a regular system assistant produced by Dianniang System.

Its perception of the world is very keen and accurate.

"Little D, if I remember correctly, this book is not a systematic text, right?"

He Tiantian asked a question in a determined tone.

"That's right! This is indeed a relatively simple urban novel. The only golden finger is the hero's time travel and the entertainment gap between the two parallel worlds!"

Student D answered seriously.

After answering the question, it realized something was wrong, "Hey, that's wrong. It's not a system document, so why did a system suddenly appear? And it's not a wild system, but a formal 'system' recognized by the Dianniang system!"

He Tiantian caught the key point in Little D's words, "Wild Tong? You mean, there are also the informal 'unions' that are smuggled in?"

"Of course! There are too many book worlds derived from our Dianniang library. Each small world contains energy. Some other systems, coveting the interests of our Dianniang library, will secretly cause trouble!"

As for the wild system, it is a small means they use to steal the energy of Dianniang's library.

In the past, there would occasionally be one or two cases like this.

This time, Dianniang's core system was infected with a virus, which was the result of some other forces' tactics.

They tried to use the virus to cause chaos, not only causing bugs in the book world in the library, but also taking the opportunity to smuggle in some wild systems.

Among the many anti-virus tasks in the library system, a large part of them are aimed at those wild systems.

"Oh, there is also such a type of anti-virus mission?"

He Tiantian suddenly understood after listening to Xiao D’s explanation.

But, soon, the problem came again——

Classmate Little D himself said that the "soul power fluctuation" that He Tiantian sensed this time, that is, the appearance of a suspected system, was not a wild system.

But it is a formal tradition recognized by the Dian Niang system!

But this is obviously not a system world, so why would a "system" suddenly appear?

The system is on the time-traveling male protagonist and is bound to his soul. It seems like someone has given him another huge golden finger!



An idea flashed in He Tiantian's mind, and she thought of it!

"Tiantian, what did you think of?"

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's mood swings and asked quickly.

He Tiantian didn't hide anything, she sneered and said, "I guess who is doing this!"

"Who?" Little D continued to ask.

It really wants to know who secretly prescribed a new golden finger to the male protagonist.

"Of course it's a world consciousness that doesn't want to admit defeat easily!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian subconsciously looked up at the sky and answered lightly.

"Huh? World awareness?!"

Classmate Little D stupidly repeated it.

However, it was not that stupid. After a moment, it slowly said, "I understand. The consciousness of the world cannot kill you, He Shoutian.

But the male protagonist needs a golden finger to succeed. So it created a system! "

The world consciousness itself is derived from the library and is part of the Dianniang system.

The golden finger it creates will be recognized by the Dian Niang system innately.

As long as it is not too contrary to nature, as long as it does not endanger the stability of the world in the book, and does not destroy the three views, it is a formal tradition.

"That's right! I guess that's the case!"

He Tiantian's brain was running rapidly. She thought of something and asked: "Little D, you are the intelligent assistant of Dianniang Library, your level should be relatively high, right?"

"Of course! I am the most official and orthodox 'tong', much higher than those wild and non-wild ones!" Little D said proudly.

"So, you should be able to explore and even break into the core of this system, right?"

He Tiantian secretly asked Little D's classmate, opened the door and walked into the living room.

In the living room, the male protagonist He Zhuo, who looked obviously high-spirited, was talking proudly to He Yue.


Little D’s classmate hesitated.

It is indeed very advanced, but it is just an assistant, not a complete system.

However, the cowhide has been blown out, and it cannot destroy its own prestige.

"You can explore it, but you can't 'break it'. After all, it was created by the consciousness of the world. It can also be regarded as our own 'unity'. We can't kill each other!"

Classmate Little D racked his brains and finally came up with an excuse that was justifiable and would not damage his prestige.

He Tiantian: ...I knew this was an unreliable mentally retarded assistant!

However, He Tiantian never thought of relying on classmate Little D.

"It's great to be able to detect the existence of this system!"

He Tiantian comforted her without coming in, and then ordered, "Little D, please help me find out what the system the male protagonist is bound to is!"

Is it the entertainment system or the diaosi counterattack system?

What is its core?

What kind of tasks does it issue to help the male protagonist succeed? !


This is not difficult. Little D can still do it if he works hard.

Little D quickly opened the God's perspective and began to capture energy.

While Little D was busy "analyzing" the male protagonist He Zhuo's golden finger, He Tiantian had already arrived in the living room carefree.

"Eh? Xiaozhuo, why are you back?"

He Tiantian pretended to suddenly see He Zhuo's appearance. She was confused at first, and then dissatisfied.

"You kid, it's not a weekend or a holiday, why are you here here?"

"If you have this time, wouldn't it be better to do more work or read more books? You must waste all your time!"

He Zhuozheng was bragging about his "great achievements" to his cheap sister.

Seeing his nominal sister's big round eyes open, her clear eyes full of admiration, as a man, his vanity was instantly satisfied to the greatest extent.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Deep in my heart, a desire called "German Orthopedics" began to stir again.

By the way, He Yue, this cheap girl, is really beautiful. She doesn't have any "high-tech" ingredients and is completely natural.

The key is to be young, innocent and pure.

But it was much better than the women he met in his "previous life" who had knifes on their faces and whose hearts were all about money.

However, even that kind of guy dared to cuckold him!

But fortunately, in this life, he is the son of destiny.

First, he traveled to a parallel world, and then he was given a golden finger.

Although it is just an entertainment auxiliary system, its functions are not too extraordinary.

However, with it, he can bring the popular entertainment works from his previous life to this world one by one.

As an "original author", he can not only obtain huge profits, but also become famous and become the top among the top!

When he climbs to the top, he will definitely have as much women and money as he wants!

And the cheap girl in front of me is just one of them.

Alas, He Zhuo's heart is moved, whether he is a thief or not.

German orthopedics is not a simple word, but a symbol of ethical and moral challenges.

Although He Zhuo never regarded He Yue as his biological sister from the bottom of his heart, the body he occupied was a blood relative of He Yue.

He Zhuo thought of all kinds of practical problems and could only flirt secretly, but he didn't dare to actually take action.

However, this kind of YY, which He Zhuo thought he had concealed very well, was also caught by the keen He Tiantian.

"Disgusting! The way this bastard looks at Xiaoyue is so disgusting!"

These days, He Tiantian gets along with He Yue almost every day.

He Tiantian really likes such a well-behaved, sensible and kind daughter.

As a child who was "harshly treated" by a stingy father, He Yue didn't have any anger in him, but was very grateful.

She was able to find the bright spots among the stingy father's many shortcomings, and then felt grateful and happy.

She is a very contented girl who always maintains positive enthusiasm and yearning for her family and life.

She may not be a saint, but there are times when she complains about her stingy father.

But deep down in her heart, she is still very close to "He Shoutian", her stingy father.

Outside, He Yue has never felt ashamed of having a stingy father, let alone pretending not to know him for fear of being laughed at.

How could He Tiantian not feel distressed for such a kind and well-behaved daughter?

In addition, He Tiantian also wants to achieve another blow to the male protagonist by protecting his daughter.

"Well, his eyes are indeed not pure enough!"

Classmate Little D couldn't help but echoed while scanning.

Although he is the male protagonist, although he has the halo and golden fingers, as an older brother, He Zhuo looks at his "sister" with this body the way a man looks at a woman. It is really shameless!

Well, in the ancient Shuangwen, it was more about having fun.

Three views, moral bottom lines, etc., don’t seem to be very important.

"Little D, have you investigated clearly?"

He Tiantian secretly suppressed her shame towards He Zhuo and urged classmate Little D.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"We found it! Tiantian, this is a relatively simple entertainment assistance system!"

Student Xiao D replied, "The so-called 'system' releases some simple tasks and then distributes rewards to He Zhuo!"

"For example, if you collect popularity points, as long as he is praised by others, the system will reward him with an entertainment work that is popular in other parallel worlds!"

"The male protagonist just got the system not long ago, but through the 'newbie gift package' issued by the system, he successfully obtained all the information of an online book!"

"...Well, the male protagonist, he, he——"

This male protagonist actually didn't even want to copy. Instead, he directly copied and pasted the article and posted it on the Chinese Internet, the end of time and space.

Within three days, the number of clicks and collections of the new book skyrocketed. I successfully signed a contract and received rewards from wealthy readers.

Relying on this so-called system, He Zhuo officially started the male protagonist's sushuang route.

And with the system, He Zhuo seems to have the confidence.

He lost the inferiority and arrogance he had when he was a diaosi, and began to have the confidence and pride of a successful person.

Temperament is something really magical.

The same face, when one has low self-esteem, appears to be timid and timid.

And when he raises his head and chest, he gives people an inexplicable charm.

This will form a virtuous cycle——

The more charming you are, the higher the "popularity value" you can get.

With enough "popularity points", He Zhuo can exchange for more and better entertainment works.

The works he redeemed in the system were not just simple outlines or script summaries, but complete works with extremely detailed details.

He Zhuo didn't even have to do it himself, he could complete "creation" by directly operating ctrl+c and ctrl+v with his mind.

The successful uploading of the online article and signing of the contract this time was not just a small attempt, but also the beginning of his journey towards success.

He Zhuo finally mastered the password to success and experienced a full sense of accomplishment.

"In other words, there are no beauty creams, marrow cleansing pills, Yi Jin Jing, and Chaos Jue? Are they just entertainment works?"

After He Tiantian listened to Little D’s story, he ignored its incomprehensible nature and went straight to the core issue.

"Yes! It's just some entertainment works that the male protagonist would have plagiarized in the original plot!"

Student D answered seriously.

After saying this, it seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly said: "Although world consciousness is the god of this small world, it must also be based on the actual situation of this small world!"

"Even if it gives the male protagonist a golden finger, it can't go too far. Otherwise, this small world will collapse first!"

And the heaven-defying skills and magical elixirs mentioned by He Tiantian cannot appear in this small world at all.

The world consciousness is at most an upgrade of the male protagonist’s golden finger.

Let him become a copywriter more quickly and easily.

Don’t even think about other “rewards”! Even world consciousness can’t do it!

"That's good!"

He Tiantian nodded slowly. It was systematic but not too unnatural, and she felt relieved.

"...Dad, are you back?"

Hearing He Tiantian's scolding, He Zhuo's face darkened, but He Yue jumped up happily and came directly to greet him.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"How was today's activity? Did you give out money again?"

Although He Yue complained a lot about the so-called health meeting, she was a well-behaved, filial and good daughter.

Knowing that his father would not suffer any loss, he did not stop him anymore, but instead asked "him" some questions with great interest.

"Not bad! Not only did I pay for the bus fare and lunch today, I also made an extra hundred yuan!"

When He Tiantian looked at He Yue, the dissatisfaction on his face immediately disappeared, revealing a triumphant smile.

As she spoke, she took out a wooden sculpture from the bag.

It is said to be a work of art, but in fact it is an industrial product sold in the small commodity market for 9 yuan with free shipping.

"Here! This is an artistic wood carving worth 1,999 yuan. It can be collected and will increase in value!"

He Tiantian deliberately showed off.

He Yue: ...She really wants to support me, but, she can't tell lies with her eyes open.


He Zhuo, who had just been blushing because he was scolded by his stingy father, couldn't help but burst into laughter...

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