The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 452 The stingy dad is here (10)


He Tiantian was not polite, raised a foot-long wooden sculpture, and hit He Zhuo hard on the arm.

If it weren't for the fear of being suspected or angering the world's consciousness, He Tiantian would have wanted to hit He Zhuo directly on the head.

"You bastard! Why are you laughing? You haven't said why you suddenly ran home, but now you dare to laugh at me?"

He Tiantian pretended to be angry and did not look at the burning anger in He Zhuo's eyes, but cursed angrily.

"Dad, my brother, my brother is not laughing at you."

Although He Yue was innocent, he still felt something was wrong between his father and his brother.

In the past, my father always scolded my brother, scolding him for not knowing how to save and not working hard enough to make progress.

However, even though my father scolded me at that time, I could still feel his awkward care and encouragement.

But this time, although he still scolded him the same way, He Yue felt that his father seemed to be really angry, and "he" really wanted to teach his brother a lesson.

As for my brother, he’s a little strange too!

In the past, when I was angry at my father's weird behavior, I would complain and say: "Dad, am I your biological child? You picked me up from the trash can, right? You are too mean to me." Picked!"

After all, my brother never really cared about it.

The brother in front of me didn't say anything to complain, but his eyes became scary!

...What the hell is going on here?

In just a few days, why did things become wrong with my father and brother?

"My brother told me some good news just now. He said that the novel he wrote has been signed with the website. Once it is published, he will get royalties!"

He Yue felt uneasy, but still racked her brains to find a way.

She remembered what her brother had boasted about just now, and hurriedly said, "Brother must be very happy. He laughed when he saw you eager to share. He, he wasn't laughing at you!"

"Besides, you were not deceived by those selling health care products. Instead, you made money from them. How awesome are you? My brother has no time to admire you, so how can you laugh at you?"

He Yue tried his best to help explain,

While quietly using his hands to pull He Zhuo's clothes.

The meaning of the hint should not be too obvious.

Because He Zhuo suddenly received a blow on his arm, he suddenly felt angry in his heart.

He is no longer the poor loser who was bullied by others in the past. He is now the chosen one and the male protagonist with the aura of a king!

Let's talk about a stingy and cheap dad. No one can bully or humiliate him!

He Zhuo did not regard "He Shoutian" as his biological father. Coupled with the loan incident a few days ago, He Zhuo had long been resentful of his stingy father.

Suddenly being beaten, He Zhuo's resentment turned directly into anger!

If there wasn't a hint of reason to remind him, he would have almost made a violent counterattack.

He Yue's words finally made He Zhuo regain his senses.

Don't be angry! I'm not angry! I can't do it!

Although this dead old man is hateful, he is the biological father of this body.

If I start a fight with him, I will be ridiculed and even criticized.

I am a male protagonist who is destined to be successful and to be among the upper class. I cannot ruin my reputation because of being a top performer.

After doing enough mental construction, he took a deep breath, He Zhuo forced out a smile, and said to He Tiantian angrily, "Yueyue is right, I, I really am not laughing at you, but because of the Internet article I’m so happy about the signing!”

He Tiantian ignored this remark, but frowned and asked dissatisfiedly: "What Yueyue, Yueyue? Weren't you always 'my sister' or 'slug' before?"

Slug is the nickname given to He Yue by He Zhuo. The brother and sister often quarrel with each other when playing around.

He Zhuo would call He Yue "slug", and He Yue would call He Zhuo "big fart king".

Although they are both nicknames for exposing each other, the brother and sister are getting closer and closer as they argue with each other.

Unlike the male protagonist in front of me, who calls "Yue Yue", but it is not as close as a family member, but with a trace of disgusting ambiguity!

"Dad! I'm not a child anymore, why are you still calling me 'slug'?"

He Yue blushed with embarrassment, even though he was still calling her a slug when she made a video call to her brother half a month ago.

But she is a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old after all.

Moreover, "slug" is a special name between their siblings.

He Yue felt inexplicably embarrassed when he suddenly said it from his father's mouth.

He Yue blushed and complained to her father angrily.

He Zhuo was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

This old man is so sensitive.

He, he just changed his title, but something unusual was discovered?

No, wait a minute, does this stingy guy really feel something is wrong, or is he just saying it casually?

He Zhuo felt guilty and slightly flustered, and cautiously took a peek at He Tiantian's face.

Seeing that "he" did not continue to talk about the title, but started to show off the money he earned to He Yue, He Zhuo secretly let out a breath.

However, after this "fright", He Zhuo did not dare to get carried away.

When he talked to He Yue again, he no longer had the frivolity and ambiguity. Instead, he tried his best to imitate the original owner and "hurt each other" with He Yue.

However, imitation is just imitation after all.

He Yue has been getting along with his brother since he was a child, and the relationship between the brother and sister is very good.

Although He Yue could not think of Internet memes such as "time travel" and "seizing the body", she was still keenly aware of the anomaly.

Especially dad's complaint just now reminded He Yue——

Yes, my brother has become very strange today.

I won't mention "slug" for now, just the way my brother talks to me is a bit strange.

He seemed very deliberate.

He deliberately pretended to be friendly.

But the question is, they are actually brothers and sisters, why do they have to "disguise"?

He Yue secretly wondered. She was a smart girl. Although she was aware of the abnormality, she did not show it.

"Let's see! Maybe my brother is too happy today. After all, he successfully signed an online writing contract and he can get the writing fee!"

With this thought in his mind, He Yue was not convinced by himself.

Growing up, her brother might not be a god of academics, but he was also a child from other families that everyone praised.

He is good at studies, polite, and has a stingy father who picks up rags, but he does not feel inferior and instead goes to work openly.

Since high school, my brother has been earning her own living expenses, buying her clothes, shoes, and giving her pocket money!

My brother is a very strong man and extremely confident.

He will not be complacent or get carried away just because of a "success".

He won't even laugh at his father.

Although my dad’s behavior of collecting wool for health products is a little weird, how many weird things have my dad done in the past ten years?

The siblings have long been accustomed to it.

They are all "tested" people. No matter how ridiculous the things their father does are, they will not laugh at them.

Not to mention "laughing out loud" in front of my father!

"Your brother has changed!"

After seeing He Zhuo off, He Tiantian muttered as if complaining, "Huh, this brat used to blame me for being stingy, but now, he hates me for being so embarrassing!"

He Yue's soul trembled slightly. His father's words hit the point.

That's right, it's this kind of "from mouth to heart" change.

My brother seems to have become a different person.

"Xiao Yue, please pay more attention in the future. I think something is wrong with your brother. Don't let him fool you!"

He Tiantian pretended to be angry and reminded He Yue.

He Yue: ...Although I always feel that there is something in her father's words, he probably also feels sorry for her.

With a smile, He Yue responded obediently: "Dad, I understand. However, you may have really misunderstood your brother. He, he -"

He Yue instinctively wanted to explain to his brother, but after stumbling over the word "he" several times, he couldn't come up with any more words to defend himself!

Because He Yue also agreed with her father's words in her heart, her brother really became a stranger today.

Although he didn't want to believe that his brother had "changed", He Yue was alert.

During the National Day holiday, He Zhuo did not go to work, but returned home.

He once again had YY in his mind and flirted with He Yue intentionally or unintentionally, but He Yue finally couldn't help it.

She turned coldly, shook off He Zhuo's hand on her shoulder, and asked directly: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You've become very strange recently, do you know?!"

He Zhuo was startled again, and his whole heart was panicking.

I, I exposed my secret again?

its not right!

I, I have tried my best to imitate the original owner, why do two people say he has "changed"?

He Zhuo felt guilty and tried his best to stay calm.

However, the more he concealed it, the more He Yue's heart sank.

Something's wrong, something's really wrong!

If she had been so angry with her brother in the past, he would have slapped her in the face, scolded her for being too young and not respecting him.

But now, the familiar face in front of me didn't look so confident and playful, but instead looked apologetic and guilty.

The doubts in He Yue's eyes almost turned into reality.

Seeing such an obvious expression on her face, He Zhuo became increasingly panicked.

He no longer had any thoughts about German orthopedics, and all he thought in his heart was "stay away from this girl, so as not to lose your waistcoat."

Although he is not afraid of being skinned, because as long as he insists that he is He Zhuo, He Yue's suspicion will only make people think that she is mentally ill.

However, troublesome things like this should be avoided if possible.

Isn't she just a pretty girl with yellow hair? When he succeeds, what kind of beauty will he want?

And He Yue, after all, is his "blood relative", he can see or not eat!

Why bother deliberately making things difficult for yourself? !

He Zhuo made up his mind and did not dare to tease He Yue anymore.

"...Why are you going home again? Golden Week, what a great opportunity to make money? Why are you becoming more and more ignorant?"

"Not only do I think about going to work, but I still go home every day. Watching TV and playing with mobile phones do not consume electricity!"

He Tiantian saw that He Zhuo had "backed off", but still refused to let him go.

Whenever I see him, I feel disgusted and nagging, and I always say that he has "changed"!

He Zhuo:......

Damn it, not only does he want to stay away from He Yue, but he also wants to go home less often!

work to earn a living?

What kind of job do you do?

His online articles have all been signed up, and his collections have exceeded 10,000. The number of collections and comments are increasing every day!

Even the editor who signed the contract was very polite to him, as if he regarded him as a potential stock who could become a god with one book.

As long as the word count is enough, his book will be on the shelves.

Once it's on the shelves, you can get royalties.

And the real Internet literary masters can earn tens of millions of dollars a year. After selling various copyrights, the amounts are even more staggering!

It's just that the Internet article "created" by He Zhuo this time is not the kind of sacred article that creates a genre.

There was nothing he could do about it. His "popularity value" was not much, and he was in urgent need of money, so he could only exchange this book first.

However, this book is not bad, if he remembers correctly, it was in his time and space. This urban novel has always been in the top ten of the best-selling list on the website.

The author of this online article is still in college and has earned enough money to own a house from the royalties!

The level of entertainment in this time and space clearly lags behind the world He Zhuo once lived in.

He Zhuo is more confident that he will make his first pot of gold from this book and has enough entrepreneurial capital.

He can earn millions, so why bother handing out flyers, working as a waiter, or tutoring naughty children? !

I only earn two to three hundred if I work hard every day, or my liver hurts because of the naughty kid.

And when he "creates" online novels, he can easily get high royalties without even moving a finger!

With such an obvious contrast, He Zhuo would be foolish to choose the former.

It's a pity that he has a very stingy father who doesn't want him to have any leisure time and forces him to work to make money even if he opens his mouth or shuts up!

He Zhuo:......

I won’t come back, so that’s okay, right? !

If I can't see my people, I won't believe that "He Shoutian" is so stingy that he would be willing to call and teach him a lesson!

Without the care of German Orthopedics and the verbal bombardment from his cheap dad, He Zhuo really couldn't find a reason to go home.

He simply hid in school, and besides copying works with his mind every day, he also played games.

Well, he wanted to continue flirting with girls.

But there is no money in my pocket.

The original owner's little savings were all wiped out by He Zhuohuo.

Although he believes that his online articles will definitely become popular, it takes a process and time to put online articles on the shelves.

As little as two months, as much as three months.

For a newcomer, even if the early data is very good, if the word count is not reached, the editor will not let the work be published.

Therefore, He Zhuo can only wait!

However, instead of working, he spends money playing games.

In just one week, He Zhuo was somewhat stretched.

Not to mention spending money to pick up girls, it’s just difficult to eat on a daily basis.

He Zhuo began to borrow money from his brothers in the dormitory.

As for money, it must either increase revenue or reduce expenditure.

He Zhuo's "treasury" can only be viewed, not opened.

He doesn't know how to save.

The money I borrowed from my roommate was quickly spent.

It's not difficult to borrow money or something. Once you borrow something, you can borrow it again.

He Zhuo borrowed money and didn't even think about finding a way to repay it, but he still ate and drank well every day, played games, bought skins and equipment...

The roommate is not a fool. Seeing him like this, he didn't say anything but felt uncomfortable in his heart.

They took into account the friendship of two or three years and did not take the initiative to ask for money.

But when He Zhuo borrowed money again, they all chose to refuse.

He Zhuo: ...a group of snobs!

You are all people who read online articles, don’t you know that classic line——

Don’t bully young people into poverty!

He Tiantian: ...could this be a snake syndrome?

Don’t bully young people into being poor. Is this how you use it? !

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