The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 453 The stingy dad is here (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

No matter whether the roommates were "bullying" or not, no matter how sad and angry He Zhuo was, there was only one result - no one was willing to lend him money!

Thinking about it, He Zhuo didn't know how to hide it at all. He felt uncomfortable and it showed on his face.

And his roommates are all young people in their twenties.

He is proud and wants face, and his roommates are equally high-spirited and passionate.

Borrowing money or something like that is just a matter of asking for help. Even if you are not being coy, you cannot be arrogant.

He Zhuo, on the other hand, calls himself the "Son of Destiny" and acts condescending when borrowing money.

It seems that he is willing to borrow money from his roommate to give him face and a chance to show his favor to his future boss!

Roommates: ...Excuse me?

This is S University, the best double first-class university in the local area.

Those who can get into this school, even if they are not top academics, are still among the top children from other families.

They have their own pride and reserve.

They have not yet entered society and have not completely stepped out of the ivory tower. They have the simplicity and persistence of students.

Not to mention that He Zhuo has not succeeded yet, even if he has become a master of Internet literature and a student elite, those roommates will not really "kneel down and lick" him.

You may be envious and admired, but that's all.

As for He Zhuo, he has not yet succeeded, but he always has an inexplicable sense of superiority.

The roommates did not directly fall out with He Zhuo. It was the friendship that the original owner had carefully cultivated over the past two or three years that took effect.

Even so, the good foundation laid by the original owner is about to be completely destroyed by He Zhuo.

The roommates and even the classmates in the class began to have opinions and even dislike "He Zhuo".

He Zhuo: ...Humph, you are all a bunch of snobs!

Do you really think that I have left you?

Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu's books have done so well that they have been in the top ten of the list of potential new books.

As long as the number of words is reached, I can put it on the shelves and make money.

At that time, if you want to "invest in advance", I won't give you a chance!

"...Tiantian, this time-traveling male protagonist is really hard to describe!"

Classmate Xiao D will monitor He Zhuo's whereabouts from time to time.

Seeing him fall out with his roommates in the shortest possible time, even if it doesn't understand human emotions, it feels incredible.

"What is this? Without the golden finger that forcibly opens the world consciousness, he will always be just a LOSER after traveling eight hundred times!"

He Tiantian replied disdainfully.

Classmate Little D: ...Well, although Tiantian’s words are a bit harsh, they are also very reasonable.

However, is it really okay for them to complain so wildly about the male protagonist who is recognized by the world’s consciousness?

If the world consciousness discovers that He Zhuo has a "system" and still cannot succeed, will it bring the plot back again?

For example, continue to have a "plot kill"?

Sensing the worry of Little D, He Tiantian thought for a moment and said, "It's possible, but it won't be too big!"

World consciousness will not give up easily, but it is not a fool either.

If it is determined that He Zhuo is an Adou that cannot be helped up, it will be unwilling to help him and will force him to help him again.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, if He Zhuo still can't do it, and other performances are too amazing, the world consciousness will choose to change the "protagonist"!

For example, in the previous world, He Tiantian successfully turned the vicious female supporting character "He Sitian" into a counterattack and inspirational queen.

There is also the suppression of world consciousness in the process.

He Tiantian overcame everything.

But compared to the previous world, the world consciousness of this novel is too "killing and decisive".

He wanted to kill "He Shoutian" at every turn, if He Tiantian hadn't relied on his powerful soul to assume a posture of dying with the world's consciousness.

World consciousness will not give up easily yet.

It is the god of this novel world. It is aloof and cannot be challenged.

But He Tiantian's soul is powerful and possesses many heaven-defying skills.

Even if there is a plot to suppress it, once she ignores it and would rather fail the mission than fight the world consciousness to the end, the world consciousness will be afraid.

Isn't it better to just change the protagonist, than the small world collapses, and its god completely dies?

Of course, this also requires a process.

The world consciousness will definitely not give up easily. It may take the opportunity to kill in the plot, but it will not be too deliberate, let alone too frequent.

He Tiantian frowned slightly, her brain running rapidly.

She thought of many possibilities and also made predictions about the consciousness of the world!

Soon, she had an idea.

"Xiaoyue, has your brother not given you pocket money recently?"

At noon that day, He Yue went home for dinner as usual.

The food is still leftovers + Internet celebrity fast food that I don’t know which tenant I ordered from.

He Yue had long been accustomed to it and didn't even have the slightest intention of complaining.

She was eating silently, but her father's question rang in her ears.


He Yue was stunned for a moment, and then she stopped grabbing food in a somewhat frustrated manner.

She looked at her father and shook her head slowly.

Recently, her brother did not give her any pocket money.

She doesn't necessarily want to suck her brother's blood, but it's just that their brother and sister have always been like this over the years.

My brother felt sorry for her because she was young and a girl.

As for the father, he will only bear the tuition fees, and the siblings have to figure out their own daily expenses.

He Zhuo feels that he is an older brother and should take care of his younger sister.

He has suffered enough of not having the love of his elders or relatives, and he doesn't want his sister to go through this too.

Therefore, He Zhuo earned money from working and would give He Yue some pocket money every week.

Not a lot, 20-50 yuan per week.

Basically, it was to allow He Yue to have spare money to buy some gadgets that girls like, or to deal with emergencies.

He Yue is also frugal.

Her brother felt sorry for her and gave her pocket money. She would accept it, but she was reluctant to squander it lavishly——

These are all the hard-earned money my brother earned by distributing flyers and delivering express delivery.

Unless there is a real need, He Yue usually saves the pocket money given by his brother.

It’s not much every week, but it adds up to a lot.

In the past two years, He Yue's bank card also has several hundred dollars in deposits.

In the past two or three weeks, He Zhuo has not sent any red envelopes to He Yue.

He Yue murmured in her heart, but she would not run to question him confidently.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Her brother gave her pocket money as a sign of affection.

If my brother doesn't give it, then, that's my duty.

She doesn't have such a big face, let alone feels that her brother owes her.

She was just worried, "Dad, my brother came back last time and said that the novel he wrote did very well and he will make money soon!"

"But, he didn't send me a red envelope. I didn't insist on my brother giving me money, but, this is not normal."

He Yue's big eyes were full of worry, "Dad, is my brother in trouble?"

Although the last time they met, her brother gave her a bad feeling.

But He Yue didn't expect that his brother's core had been changed.

"I don't know if you have encountered any difficulties, but I went to S University to take a sneak peek. Your brother has become very strange!"

He Tiantian looked gloomy and spoke in a very bad tone.

She glanced at her daughter's worried look and continued, "It's been almost a month, and he doesn't go to work. He often goes to small restaurants outside to treat girls to dinner!"

"...I finally saved some money, but I guess I squandered it all!"

"Ah? No way? Brother is not like that!"

He Yue opened her mouth in shock, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Not working part-time, but also inviting girls to eat at a small restaurant. These behaviors are not like the brother she knows.

If it were anyone else, He Yue might still guess:

Maybe after dating a girlfriend, people who have always been frugal began to know how to spend money.

But, my brother is different.

As early as when my brother first entered college, a girl had a crush on him.

The girl was fair, rich and beautiful. Although she didn't show it off deliberately, her elegant demeanor and her inadvertent behavior proved that she came from a good family.

He Zhuo did not accept the girl's overtures.

He said to He Yue very rationally, "I have my plan, and in my plan, the four years of college are the stage for me to learn and accumulate."

"I don't know how to fall in love. Even if I have a girl I like, I will wait until I have a certain strength before pursuing her!"

"Otherwise, that's not love, it's irresponsibility!"

Perhaps because he has a stingy and seemingly "irresponsible" father, He Zhuo, as the eldest son of the family, is unusually courageous and responsible.

He is extremely clear-headed, not only regarding his own conditions, but also has very clear plans for the future.

He Yue believed in his brother's self-control and rationality.

She firmly believed that even if her brother met a girl he really liked, he would not have any plans at all.

You may spend money for the other person, but you will never give up on making money.

Therefore, not working part-time or anything like that was simply more incredible to He Yue than taking a girl to a small restaurant for dinner.

"...Xiao Yue, I think your brother is either sick or possessed by an evil spirit!"

He Tiantian saw He Yue frowning and looking serious.

Obviously, He Yue was also thinking seriously and realized that something was wrong with He Zhuo.

She just dropped a bombshell.


He Yue's eyes widened and she looked at He Tiantian blankly.

What is Dad talking about?

Get ill? Bewitched?

Dad is thinking about what nonsense to write.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Fortunately, he doesn't read online articles. Otherwise, would he still talk about "being time-traveled" and "having his body taken away from him"?

Several ridiculous ideas came to He Yue's mind.

However, she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Perhaps, it's not that dad is ridiculous, but, but -

He Yue didn't want to think deeply about the thoughts that flashed through his mind.

It’s just that my brother has changed too much.

Even if a person suffers a huge stimulus and his temperament changes drastically, some "habits" rooted in his bones will not change.

For the He family, "making money" is the most basic persistence.

Not to mention He Zhuo, who has been copying people's homework or reselling snacks to make money since elementary school. Even He Yue, who is protected by his brother, will also find ways to take advantage of opportunities to make money.

Everyday when walking or shopping, she would habitually pick up bottles and collect cardboard boxes.

During the winter and summer vacations, she and her brother used to distribute leaflets and work as a salesperson in supermarkets.

It was her senior year of high school this year, the most critical time, when He Yue devoted all her time during the work-study program to study.

However, He Yue is very sure that both she and her brother are always thinking about working and making money.

The most persistent brother suddenly stopped working and squandered all his hard-earned money in the shortest possible time——

It doesn't seem impossible to say that he was transported through time or that his body was taken away from him.

After swallowing, He Yue instinctively didn't want to believe it.

It's not that she thinks it's too absurd, but that once her guess comes true, it means that her brother is no longer around!

He Yue didn't want to face this reality, let alone accept it!

Her brother is closer to her than her father.

Although the father is still alive, his brother and sister feel like they are "dependent on each other" because of his excessive stinginess.

Brother and sister have been the closest and most trusting people to each other for more than ten years. He Yue never thought that his brother would disappear in his life.

"Dad, maybe my brother has a girlfriend!"

He Yue heard herself saying this to her father.

In fact, He Yue knew very well that she was also saying this to herself.

Even if it was self-deception, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, He Yue wanted to give it a try.

"What's wrong with you? Dad, did you go to a health care product conference and listen to other people's nonsense?"

He Yue tried his best to force out a smile and said jokingly, "Nothing! My brother is so powerful, how could he be possessed by evil spirits?"

As he said this, He Yue had an idea in his heart.

After enduring it for two days, He Yue finally waited until the weekend.

Because he was scolded by He Tiantian and suspected by He Yue when he went home last time, He Zhuo made up his mind to stay away from the He family.

Therefore, even if it was the weekend and even if he almost ran out of money to eat at school, He Zhuo did not go home.

He started searching online for information about small loans.

Reason told him that these were loan sharks, online loans that ate people without spitting out their bones.

But, he is really short of money.

And after repeated discussions between him and the editor, the editor finally agreed to let him put it on the shelves in advance when he guaranteed that it would be updated.

That is to say, on the 1st of next month, his online novel will be officially sold for money.

After it is put on the shelves, if he persists for another month, he will receive the royalties.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With royalties, loan sharking, etc., they are nothing at all.

However, after living two lifetimes, He Zhuo was an ordinary person. He had never been exposed to such shady things as loan sharks.

He was instinctively afraid.

In the past two days, he was hesitant.

Reason and impulse are constantly in a tug-of-war.

At this moment, He Yue came.

"...Slug, you want to treat me to dinner?"

Seeing the caller ID on his cell phone, He Zhuo adjusted his mood.

After answering the phone, he pretended to be relaxed and joked with He Yue.

He Yue: ...too deliberate!

Really, although my brother likes to quarrel with himself and would call himself "slug"!

But, it’s not like just opening your mouth and screaming.

Most of the time, it was when the brother and sister had a fight and started hurting each other that they would laugh and curse.

But like this, when I just got on the phone, I didn't say anything. I just talked about "slugs", which rarely appeared.

He Yue had doubts in his heart, but now he felt more and more that something was wrong with He Zhuo.

"Yes, brother, I haven't eaten the braised pork in the third cafeteria of your school for a long time, and I really want to eat it. I just happened to make a small fortune, so I'll treat you to it!"

He Yue remained calm and said with a smile as usual.

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