The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 454 The stingy dad is here (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...You made a small fortune? Haha, you are promising. However, I am your brother, how can you invite me?"

He Zhuo tried his best to imitate the original owner.

From the memory he obtained, He Zhuo knew that the original owner had a very good relationship with He Yue.

As an older brother, the original owner takes great care of his sister.

In He Zhuo's understanding, when a brother takes care of his sister, he should be humble and pampering.

Well, to use an internet meme, it’s “girl control”.

Therefore, He Zhuo followed his own understanding and felt that as an older brother, he should pamper and care for his sister in every way.

My sister said she wanted to treat me to dinner?

How is this possible?

How can a brother ask his sister to treat him to dinner?

Even if my sister "makes a small fortune" it won't work.

"By coincidence, I also want to eat braised pork. I'll treat you to it!"

He Zhuo felt that his performance was simply perfect.

He was actually able to freely express himself on the basis of understanding the original owner's character.

He Yue's smile was a little cold——

Something is definitely wrong!

Her brother does take care of her, but in their family, the emphasis is on "equality."

Even between father and son, brother and sister, there is no such thing as humility.

The dinner table is a battlefield, and dad will not tell white lies such as "I don't like it, I'm not hungry".

As for the elder brother, he would not hold back his greed and say, "Give it to my sister."

What a family values ​​is sharing good things together.

And He Yue and his brother are also "mutual".

The brother takes care of his sister and gives her pocket money.

The sister also feels sorry for her brother and will find some excuses to treat him to a delicious meal.

Going back and forth and taking care of each other is the normal way for their siblings to get along.

"He Zhuo" on the other end of the phone showed the magnanimity and humility of an elder brother both in and out of his words, just like a good brother who dotes on his sister.

But he's just not like her brother He Yue!

"...Okay, brother, I'll go directly to the entrance of the third cafeteria and wait for you!"

He Yue held the phone tightly, her eyes were already cold, but she still tried her best to stay calm.

"Okay, it's settled!"

When He Zhuo heard what He Yue said, he thought that his acting skills had successfully deceived He Yue, and he was secretly proud.

When you are in a happy mood, you temporarily forget about the pain of spending money.

Alas, fortunately, the original owner prepaid the meal, and recently, He Zhuo always went to small restaurants outside to eat.

There is still some money left in the meal card.

Otherwise, He Zhuo would be worried about three daily meals, let alone treating cheap sister to braised pork!

"Brother! I'm here!"

Arriving at San Canteen, He Yue had already adjusted her mood.

When she saw a familiar figure in the crowd, she jumped up and down and waved her arms at the person as usual.


He Zhuo also waved at He Yue.

The "brother and sister" "met" at the entrance of the cafeteria, and then entered the cafeteria together.

"Eh? There are also wontons today, I want to eat them!"

When He Yue passed by a certain window, he shouted in surprise.

"Okay! Buy it for you!"

He Zhuo endured the pain and agreed "lovingly".

“Hey, there’s also braised eggplant!”

He Yue ordered another dish.

He Zhuo continued to agree.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Just like that, when the brother and sister took the tray and found an empty seat, the tray was already full.

"Eat it! Oh, by the way, our Xiaoyue doesn't like coriander.

Let me help you pick it out! "

He Zhuo glanced at the layer of chopped coriander floating in the wonton soup bowl and said something deliberately.

It has to be said that as a time-traveling male protagonist, He Zhuo is not really useless.

He merged the memory of the original owner and tried his best to imitate everything about the original owner.

Even inadvertently, He Zhuo did not forget to maintain the character of the original owner.

For example, the original owner felt sorry for his sister, but his sister He Yue didn't like to eat coriander.

The original owner will help my sister pick out the chopped coriander!

After hearing "brother"'s thoughtful words, he watched He Zhuo pick out the chopped coriander bit by bit with chopsticks and put it on the dining table.

There was no smile in He Yue's eyes, but instead they became colder.

She really doesn't like coriander, and her brother will help her pick it out.

But the problem is, her brother will put the picked coriander directly into his bowl.

Don't forget, the tradition of their old He family is "frugal".

Only He Yue didn't like to eat coriander or something like that.

He Shoutian and He Zhuo, father and son, don't like each other very much, but they don't dislike them either.

Another tradition of the He family is not to take advantage of the bastard.

The He family and his son do not hate coriander, but it is expensive and they are reluctant to eat it at home.

Occasionally, the family of three would eat out, and He Shoutian or He Zhuo would pick the coriander that He Yue didn't want to eat into his bowl.

Otherwise, they can remind the waiter or stall owner in advance: "Three bowls of wontons, one bowl without coriander!"

The "He Zhuo" in front of me only has the shape of "He Zhuo", but does not have his spirit.

"...Thank you, brother!"

He Yue pinched her palms hard, without any flaws on her face, but her heart had already fallen to the bottom.

elder brother!

Something really happened to my brother!

"Oh, why are you so polite? You are my sister."

He Zhuo said pretending to be generous.

He Yue grinned and said nothing more. Instead, he lowered his head and began to use a spoon to scoop the wontons into his mouth.

Maybe he ate too quickly, and He Yue choked.

She coughed violently and shed tears.

"Eat slowly! Here are the tissues!"

He Zhuo had no doubt that he was there, and he thought He Yue was choked to tears, so he hurriedly handed He Yue some napkins.

He Yue took advantage of this opportunity and shed tears wantonly.

Woohoo, brother!

Has my brother really been transported through time?

However, He Yue is smart after all. She is not He Shoutian. She is sure that after her brother's accident, she will not run around like a headless fly.

I had lunch with He Zhuo, during which He Yue tried a few more times.

On the surface, He Zhuo handled it perfectly.

And some details that only their brothers and sisters or the real He family could get used to, were exposed by He Zhuo.

The last trace of luck in He Yue's heart also disappeared.

She smiled and waved goodbye to He Zhuo. After leaving the campus of S University, her expression became gloomy and cold.

Although it is too absurd to think about time travel, the fact is right in front of you.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even if He Zhuo is not a time-travelling man, he is not the real He Zhuo.

Perhaps, as my father said, my brother was possessed by an evil spirit, and his body was taken over by a lonely ghost who didn't know where he came from.

Now, what He Yue has to do is to find ways to get his brother back!

It's just that He Yue is young and a senior high school student who doesn't understand anything.

Not to mention that I don’t know any wise people, I don’t even have the most basic money——

Even great people have to eat. If you want to ask others for help, you have to pay for it!

The higher the skill, the higher the price is expected to be.

He Yue used her student card to get on the bus, found an empty seat, leaned her head against the window, and thought carefully.

She only has about nine hundred yuan in her hand now, not even one thousand.

Not to mention asking an expert to do it, I probably can't even afford a serious talisman.

In addition, finding experts also requires time and money.

These are what He Yue lacks the most.

Dad is rich, but——

Thinking of his father's usual behavior, He Yue shook his head.

Another thing is that my father just suspected that my brother was sick or possessed by evil spirits, and he probably didn't realize that his core had been changed.

He Yue didn't want his father to know this.

She knew her father very well. He had a bad mouth and a bad temper. He was not someone who could hide things.

If my father knew the truth, he would lose control and run to find "He Zhuo".

Not only will it not solve the problem, it may cause more trouble.

After all, "time travel" is too bizarre. When people hear about it, they won't doubt He Zhuo. Instead, they think the person who told it is mentally ill.

He Yue has lost her brother, and she doesn't want anything to happen to her father.

If her father is thought to be a psychopath, she is still underage.

The fake He Zhuo will become the head of the He family.

By then, let alone family property, He Shoutian, who has "lost the ability to act independently", and He Yue, who is a minor, will be "guarded" by He Zhuolai.

He Yue didn't want his family to fall into such a crisis.

"You can't tell dad about this! I'll do it myself!"

With a stingy father, He Yue did not develop a weak and inferior character.

She is smart, strong, and exceptionally sober and rational.

In the past, when her brother stood in front of her, she could laugh and be happy like an ordinary high school girl.

But now, something happened to her brother, and she had to stand up and support everything in the family!

He Yue looked out the window in a daze, but began to list one, two, three in his mind:

First, make money!

Second, manage your connections!

Third, don’t delay your studies.

The first two points are for her brother and for herself.

The third point is the agreement she made with her brother - never give up her studies at any time.

Going to college is the best way out for children from ordinary backgrounds!

The father is unreliable and the family fortune is less than or equal to zero. The only thing the He brothers and sisters can count on is themselves.

He Yue kept in mind what her brother told her and resolutely fulfilled her promise.

When admitted to college, it is best to be an alumnus of your brother.

But, the problem comes again.

How can a girl under the age of 18 make money without affecting her studies? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Tiantian, your daughter has also started writing online articles!"

As a qualified "monitor", Little D not only paid attention to He Zhuo's every move in a timely manner, but also looked after He Yue from time to time.

On this day, it came excitedly to report to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"Eh? Tiantian, are you not surprised at all? Or have you thought of it a long time ago?"

Little D asked in surprise.

It knows that its friends are powerful and can always budget for many things in advance.

However, sometimes, it will still be shocked by He Tiantian's "accurate prediction".


He Tiantian responded. Seeing that Little D's classmate still looked stupid and cute, he couldn't help but sigh: "Little D, have you forgotten that in the original plot, He Yue was the woman behind He Zhuo!"

This is not a purely literal meaning, but also has an extended meaning.

In the original plot, He Zhuo has entertainment knowledge that transcends this time and space.

But he didn't have a system, and it was impossible to restore those works one-to-one by relying on his own memory alone.

For example, in online articles, he only remembers the outline of the story and some classic passages.

As for the details, descriptions of characters, dialogues, scenes, etc., he couldn't remember them at all.

Think about it, Internet articles often have millions of words, even if the original author writes them again a few years later, it will be difficult to "copy" them word for word.

He Zhuo's ability to "create" a work that is no less than that of the original author relies on the gunman behind it.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered!"

After hearing He Tiantian's words, classmate Little D recalled the original script and found the relevant plot.

"It's He Yue! She helped He Zhuo complete one online novel after another!"

Classmate Little D shouted excitedly.

"Well, He Yue's literary quality is not low. With just an outline given to her by He Zhuo, she can create a complete worldview and fill it with all the details!"

"Her works are more perfect than the original author's novels. It's not that she writes better, both have their own merits!"

"Rather, He Yue's writing is more in line with this small world!"

The same work, even in parallel worlds, will have different effects due to time, cultural background, etc.

He Yue, a gunman, helps He Zhuo not only to "create" masterpieces on the Internet, but also to turn things from other time and space into works that truly belong to this era.

He Zhuo can become the so-called "Internet giant", and He Yue is indispensable.

However, when He Yue lost her father, she was coaxed, seduced, and even PUA by the time-traveling hero. She willingly became his harem and helped him act as a gunman with all her heart and no regrets.

He Yue put in all his efforts and effort, and He Zhuo took all the fame and fortune into his arms.

In this regard, He Zhuo still feels confident: creativity is king. He gave the soul, He Yue just did some work of moving words, he is a "code slave" that anyone can replace!

"Haha, I will let He Yuezhen play this time, and let He Zhuo know whether he can succeed with his so-called 'creativity' without the gunman who helps him add words!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian said coldly.

She didn't mean to cause trouble for the male protagonist, but gave the male protagonist a chance to display his abilities.

After all, the male protagonist has always confidently believed that his success depends entirely on himself and has nothing to do with anyone else.

Now, without He Shoutian's "inheritance" and compensation, and without He Yue's "word transfer", the male protagonist has an additional "system". He Tiantian wants to see how far he can go.

"Tiantian! He Zhuo's book will be on the shelves on the 1st of next month. He is frantically 'copying' online articles in order to get enough words before it goes on the shelves!"

While Little D was paying attention to He Yue, he also did not forget to monitor He Zhuo.

It discovered an abnormality and jumped out to report it.

"So anxious? According to normal procedures, the free period should be two to three months."

He Tiantian curled her lips, already guessing the reason, but she still asked.

"Of course he is short of money! He has started to take out online loans!"

Classmate Little D said something disgusting.

"...Then he will be in even greater trouble! If he rushes to put it on the shelves, there may be big problems with this book!"

He Tiantian "guessed" in a determined tone!

As if to confirm He Tiantian's words, He Zhuo's new book was put on the shelves half a month later.

The results are very good.

On the first day, the first order was over 10,000, and all orders were over 2,000.

After being on the shelves for a week, it became a masterpiece.

However, before He Zhuo could be proud for too long, the editor came to him urgently...

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