The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 455 The stingy dad is here (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Dad, are you there? There's something I want to check with you!"

The editor was very polite and did not look down upon He Zhuo because he was a newcomer. Instead, he kept shouting "big" one after another.

Of course, people have high emotional intelligence and will not easily fall into the trap of others.

However, He Zhuo mistakenly believed that the editor felt that he had potential and would definitely become a real great master, and was deliberately "investing in advance."

Instead of showing any humility, he was smug and self-satisfied.

After seeing the message, He Zhuo did not reply immediately, but deliberately delayed it for more than two hours. Seeing that it was almost five o'clock and everyone was about to get off work, he reservedly replied with one word: "Yes!"


He also has several great masters, but no matter how high they are, they are still very polite when facing his editor.

Unlike this He Zhuo, he is really "proud"!

However, it doesn't matter. If this person's work is good enough and he can become a god in one book, it doesn't matter if he is a little angry.


"Dad, have you read the comment section? If not, I suggest you take a look!"

The editor did not delay deliberately, but quickly entered the chat state.

"Comment section? Aren't they all praising my writing and urging me to update it like crazy?"

He Zhuo rarely pays attention to the comment section. He is too busy playing games and watching live broadcasts every day, so he has no time to care about this.

Even when updating, I just copy a few chapters with my mind and then publish them to the backend of the website.

At most, he just looked at the number of subscriptions and the amount of rewards. He didn't look at the rest at all.


This newcomer is not only "proud", he is also extremely narcissistic.

After a few minutes of silence, the editor finished complaining silently and replied, "Sir, go check it out, something happened!"

He did not continue to be subtle, but directly stated the problem.

Because he was afraid that he was concerned about the other person's face and did not tell the situation, and the other party would be self-righteous again.

It's a waste of time not to say anything. The point is that he will be so stimulated that he becomes speechless and chokes.

"Something happened?"

He Zhuo's heart stopped for a beat. This was his instinctive reaction when he saw the words "something happened".

But soon, his heartbeat returned to normal and he comforted himself: What could happen? This online novel of mine has achieved excellent results in my world.

It has some cool points and some bad points, but there is no poisonous point.

It doesn't involve sensitive topics, and it doesn't have broken views. It's just an urban modern novel with a simple plot but a lot of fun.

It doesn’t even have special powers, let alone ambiguous descriptions from the neck down. Even the Internet can’t fix this book!

He Zhuo muttered in his heart, but still opened the mobile app.

He was not afraid of something happening, but worried about his royalties.

After all, he had already borrowed a small loan and was waiting for the royalties to fill the hole, while also accumulating original capital for himself.

I opened the website, clicked on my work, and pulled it to the comment area——

He Zhuo's eyes widened suddenly, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Because he saw a hot post in the comment area. Although it was the latest post, the number of replies had already reached hundreds.

And the popularity continues to rise.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If it were a normal hot post, He Zhuo, as the author, would only be happy.

If there are many netizens discussing it, it means that there are many people who like this work, and his work will be more popular.

But seeing that title, He Zhuo's back broke into sweat, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"Is the author a soul that has traveled through time and space? Or is there some entertainment system in a parallel world?"

H-His secret was exposed?

Why do netizens who don’t know him say this?

He Zhuo felt that his mind went blank. He seemed to be unable to hear or see anything, only the pounding of his heartbeat.

After a long while, He Zhuo came back to his senses.

He licked his dry lips, clicked on the title with slightly trembling fingers, and opened this extremely hot post.

This reader is probably a die-hard fan of He Zhuo's novel.

He must have read everything in the novel in detail and researched it in depth.

Therefore, he found a lot of "BUGs".

It’s not the fault of the article itself, but some of the memes and Internet buzz that appear in the article, which don’t exist at all in their time and space.

At first, readers did not feel anything unusual and mistakenly thought that the author had made typos or was laying out clues for the subsequent plot.

However, as they looked at it, they discovered that some words were not written incorrectly by the author, but had special meanings.

Just like some hot memes they saw on the Internet, or reflecting a certain current hot topic.

But in reality there is no such thing.

Readers have a strange feeling: the person who wrote this work does not seem to be a person of their time.

Some of the views or allusions reflected in his articles make people feel that they have "origins", but they don't know the specific origins.

Readers are even stranger.

In fact, some readers discovered the problem before this book was even put on the shelves.

It's just that although the book was popular at that time, because it was not on the shelves, many senior book fans were worried that it would be a eunuch or unfinished, and they were unwilling to get involved easily.

After the novel was put on the shelves, there were continuous updates, and the author's writing still maintained an extremely stable level, so more old fans started to quit.

And these book fans are all senior acquaintances in the online literature circle.

They have read countless online novels, have rich experience, and have extremely exciting ideas.

And after reading more online articles, I have enough "common sense".

For some Internet articles, old fans can guess the ending just by looking at the foreshadowing.

Some book fans are more familiar with the routines of online literature than the authors.

Therefore, these old book fans quickly discovered the problem after reading He Zhuo's novels carefully.

Some book fans who are sensitive and good at summarizing even joked: "This novel is either a work that does not belong to this time and space, or it is a 'universe' constructed by the author."

The humanistic environment reflected in the article is no longer a simple world view.

It's the majestic universe.

There are even some haters who are jealous of the performance of this novel and clamored in the comment area, "There is another possibility, that is, the author plagiarized it. He didn't even correct the typos, he just copied and pasted it!"

Copying and pasting a few words also stimulated He Zhuo's heart.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It made him suddenly feel inexplicably guilty and regretful!

Yeah, me, why am I so stupid? (or lazy)

Even if I have to copy and paste, I really want to modify the words and allusions in the novel that are not suitable for this time and space.

Or simply delete it directly.

Anyway, those are just to improve the word count, and deleting them all will not affect the story line and plot details.

Just because of overconfidence, just because I wanted to be lazy, I ended up in such trouble.

Whether they are jokingly suspecting that he is a time traveler or accusing him of plagiarism, it will cause trouble for He Zhuo.

If He Zhuo does not deal with it in time, he will fall into a wave of public opinion.

Maybe even new books will be taken off the shelves!

Now He Zhuo no longer cares about being skinned, he values ​​his royalties more.

Online loans and the like have high interest rates and repayment deadlines.

He Zhuo never thought that he would overturn, and he left almost no escape route for himself.

Now that something really went wrong, He Zhuo was going crazy.

"...Oh my god! Have you read the comment section? Some netizens have already complained about your plagiarism. You must provide evidence!"

The editor saw that He Zhuo had not recovered for a long time and that he was about to get off work, so he urged him a few words.

The beeping message tone finally woke up He Zhuo.

He shook his head to get rid of all the messy thoughts in his head.

After readjusting his mood and steadying his heartbeat, He Zhuo clicked on the message dialog box of a certain communication software.

After reading the editor's words almost word for word, He Zhuo finally calmed down.

"You say I plagiarized? Okay, then point out which book I copied from! Or just put it on the palette!"

You can't plagiarize just because you say someone plagiarized.

Although He Zhuo got into trouble because of his overconfidence and laziness, he was extremely confident that he did not plagiarize.

At least in this time and space, there are absolutely no online novels similar to mine.

As for the hot memes or allusions that netizens question that are inconsistent with the current world, He Zhuo can just accuse them of "mistakes" and delete them or modify them in time without causing too much trouble.

As for their speculation about time travel, even they themselves thought it was a joke, and He Zhuo would not admit it.

Perhaps, with the speculation that "the author is suspected of being a time traveler", there will be a wave of advertisements for his works.

When the editor saw He Zhuo's reply, he felt a surge of confidence and felt slightly relieved.

Just don’t plagiarize!

In fact, long before the editor came to find He Zhuo, he had searched on the Internet.

This online article by He Zhuo is quite innovative in some plots.

It is an exaggeration to say that he created a genre, but he also led a certain trend.

In the past two days since He Zhuo's book was released, there has been a new book that seems to be following the trend.

To say that he plagiarized is more like the slander of some black fans or netizens suffering from pinkeye.

However, He Zhuo's novel does have some problems.

Those hot memes, reflections, etc. are indeed of “unknown origin”.

In this regard, He Zhuo also thought of the wording of his response, "Well, these are an online universe that I constructed, and allusions related to them will still appear in subsequent works."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Well, in order to stop readers from questioning, I will write a special extra in the future to explain the origin and meaning of those jokes!"

"Of course, if readers insist on thinking that I am a time-travelling man, or think that I have a system or something, that's up to them!"

He Zhuoyue said he was more confident.

He was so frightened just now that he forgot to think for a moment, and then he became confused.

When he calmed down and regained his normal sense, he had a plan to deal with it.

Plagiarism is definitely not true.

If you suspect that he has traveled through time, you will only dare to complain online. No one will really come to hold him accountable.

He Zhuo has one principle in mind: he will not admit it until he is beaten to death!

Some jealous people can only watch as he becomes famous and makes a lot of money with this book!

Sure enough, after seeing He Zhuo's reply, the editor was completely relieved, "Okay, then I'll be relieved."

After typing this line, the editor still couldn't hold it back and added, "I'd better pay more attention when writing articles in the future."

"If you get a reputation for plagiarism or meme-ing, even if it is proven to be slander, your reputation will be tainted."

If you start spreading rumors, you will lose your legs if you refute them.

Netizens, on the other hand, prefer to believe what they want to believe.

They don't care about personal innocence or reputation.

Although the editor feels that the newcomer He Zhuo is too arrogant and narcissistic, his novels are indeed good.

The editor has great masters, but who would think that he has too few great masters?

One more thing is also his achievement.

The editor really doesn't want such a good young talent to die halfway.

"okay, I get it!"

The trouble was solved, and He Zhuo's heart fell back to its original place.

His pride and reserve were back.

Seeing the editor's kind reminder, instead of thanking him, he felt like he had been lectured and offended.

Slightly unhappy!

However, thinking of the expected royalties, He Zhuo still endured it.

He did not continue to show his "personality" to the editor.

With He Zhuo's endorsement, the website confirmed that the novel was not plagiarized and ignored the complaints from the backend.

Speculations about "travel" and "system" in the comment area have become increasingly heated.

On a whim, He Zhuo actually smiled back in person.

He did not give a clear answer, but he made many netizens and fans scream with excitement.

"Is this the author's acquiescence?"

"Haha, just do it, author. Which parallel world did you come from?"

"Still traveling through time? Today's authors have become impetuous. Instead of writing their works well, they use such weird things to hype them up!"

"That's right, why didn't you say you were an alien?!"

"Bullshit time travel, damn aliens, it's obviously plagiarism!"

Many discussions are still mixed with slander from one or two black fans.

He Zhuo was so angry that he deleted the comments directly and banned several netizens who were enjoying themselves the most.

The anti-fans were so angry that they simply went to some famous online forums to post.

What kind of plagiarist is shameless? Not only did he plagiarize, he also deleted the post and banned the comment.

The anti-fans also presented some specious "evidence" and seemed to want to hammer He Zhuo to death.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If there are negative fans, there will naturally be true fans.

He Zhuo's fans came to fight after hearing the news.

The forum was very lively, and He Zhuo and his novel suddenly became popular.

Mixed praise and blame, black and red, black and red!

But black and red are also red.

Seeing the skyrocketing number of subscriptions and collections in the background, He Zhuo would laugh out of his dreams.

Although it was not yet time to pay the royalties, he had already seen countless red tickets flying towards him with wings flapping.

Thinking about those real Internet literary masters, who easily earn millions or tens of millions in income, He Zhuo's whole body feels like he's floating.

He became more and more flamboyant and spent money lavishly.

Borrowing online loans over and over again, repaying loans with interest and compounding interest.

When He Zhuo finally waited until the website paid his royalties, he was shocked to find that he already owed tens of thousands of dollars in loan sharks.

And his first month's royalties were indeed not low, amounting to more than 30,000 yuan.

For a newcomer who has just published articles, it is very rare to get such a large amount of royalties in the first month.

However, he owes a total of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan from loan sharks...

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