The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 457 The stingy dad is here (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Xuan Mingda, have you really gone to a Taoist temple to practice?"

He Yue got acquainted with a writer who specialized in supernatural and tomb-robbing articles in the group of authors.

After several exchanges, He Yue became more and more familiar with each other.

The author, whose pen name is "Xuan Ming", also admires He Yue, a polite, humble and authoritative author.

"Yes, there is a Taoist temple in our hometown. I often went to the Taoist temple to play when I was a child."

Xuan Ming replied: "At that time, I was just being naughty. When I went to college and started writing novels, I used a lot of Taoist knowledge, and I became interested in research."

Xuan Ming was straightforward and did not make any pretense of faith.

He studies these simply for the sake of food.

After studying and gaining insights, I gradually fell in love with it.

Xuanming is a professional online writer who has relatively free time. He spends one or two months every year visiting and practicing Taoist temples across the country.

In addition to orthodox Taoism, he also conducted in-depth research on many folk heresies and legends of gods and ghosts.

He wrote all these materials into his works.

Of course, in the process of collecting materials, he also met some strange people.

After seeing the message from He Yue asking if he knew an expert in exorcizing ghosts and subduing demons, Xuan Ming had an answer in his mind.

However, as an online writer in the new era, although Xuanming writes supernatural tomb robbing articles all day long, he still wants to promote the correct three views.

"Then what? You can't become a spirit after the founding of the People's Republic of China! There are no monsters in the world, and literary works are just fiction, fiction, fiction!"

Xuan Ming quickly expressed his attitude and told He Yue tactfully that no matter how wonderful the online novels were, they were all created by the author.

There are no ghosts or weird things at all in reality.

He Yue: ...There are indeed no ghosts, but there is time travel!

Of course, He Yue would never say such words.

She even hid her kiss from her father, let alone a "friend" whom she had never met in person and only contacted online.

"Sir, I'm just curious. And those talismans, since they have been passed down for thousands of years, they still have some value."

He Yue sent a cute emoticon, and then cautiously tested it.

"The talismans in formal Taoist temples do have some effects, haha. Of course, the main ones are psychological effects!"

Xuan Ming still spoke in official terms.

However, seeing He Yue's persistence, he still told her a few Taoist temples that he had personally visited and felt were more formal and reliable.

"This Qingyun Temple is not far from your provincial capital. Although it is not a well-known Taoist temple, the Qingyang Master in the Taoist temple is a member of the Taoist Association and should be regarded as a 'master of Taoism' recognized by the world."

After Xuan Ming said this, he sent He Yue a detailed address and the contact information of the Taoist temple.

He Yue: (⊙o⊙)…

Master Qingyang or something like that sounds pretty reliable.

But being a member of the Taoist Association and having contact information such as mobile phone and email address made her feel inexplicably weird.

The mysterious master who seemed to only exist in legends suddenly turned into an ordinary uncle around him!

The filter is broken all over the floor!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Yue shook his head vigorously to get rid of all the messy thoughts inside.

She quickly replied, "Okay, thank you Xuan Ming!"

Remembering the contact information, He Yue planned to use the vacation to go to Qingyun Temple.

Just when He Yue was thinking about what excuse to use to fool his father,

Dad expressed joyfully——

"Daughter, there is a health care product brand, choose me to participate in the 'three-day factory tour'!"

“Haha, not only food and accommodation are included, but travel expenses are also included, you can also visit the factory for free, try food for free, and maybe even give away a big gift package!”

"This trip will take a week back and forth. You have to stay at home these few days."

"If you want to eat, you should have rice, noodles and some dry goods at home. Make your own food and don't waste money just because you have earned some royalties!"

"I didn't collect all the money you earned. I'm already being generous. Don't worry about it!"

"And your brother, huh, that bastard is getting more and more outrageous. A belt costs thousands of dollars. You really have money to burn!"

"He'd better not go home. If he dares to come back, see how I deal with him!"

"Don't follow your brother's example. When he runs out of money, you're not allowed to support him."

"It's good for me to save food and clothing at home, but he uses the money to take advantage of outsiders. It's really outrageous!"

At first, He Tiantian just told her daughter that she went to a health care product manufacturer to cheat on food and drink, oh no, to participate in an event.

As he talked, he mentioned He Zhuo, who had been "missing" for more than three months.

She was swearing, and just by the tone of her words, it was clear that she was very dissatisfied with her son who had become disobedient.

However, He Tiantian did not continue to reveal her doubts about He Zhuo's identity.

She just seemed to feel that her son had grown older and had a messy heart, and he was no longer as obedient and sensible as before!

As for being possessed by evil spirits or evil spirits, I have never thought about it.

Seeing her like this, He Yue felt relieved.

It is enough for her to know about "He Zhuo".

She will find a way, she will get her brother back.

As for dad, he might as well continue to be a happy old man.

I go to the health care product club every day, occasionally attend health meetings, and do activities like visiting manufacturers... I am busy and happy, which is good!

"Okay, Dad, I've written it all down, I'll pay attention!"

He Yue didn't tell her father that she would take advantage of his father's absence to go to the Taoist temple to visit the master.

She agreed obediently and said that she would be obedient.

He Tiantian seemed not to notice the twinkling look in He Yue's eyes. Seeing that her daughter was so well-behaved, she nodded with satisfaction.

Then, she packed her simple luggage, let a marketer of a certain health product brand drive, and then left the urban village and went straight to the high-speed rail station.

He Yue saw her father off without any delay. She put on her luggage and rushed to the long-distance bus station.

The Qingyun Temple that Xuan Ming was talking about was in a small county under the jurisdiction of the city next door to He Yue.

There is no high-speed rail, so you can only take a long-distance bus, which takes about three hours.

He Yue bought the ticket, got on the bus, holding her mobile phone, checking information, and secretly making plans in her heart.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At ten o'clock noon, He Yue arrived at the county seat.

She found another tricycle and drove up the mountain road.

After forty minutes of bumping along the winding mountain road, we finally arrived at the foot of Qingyun Mountain.

Qingyun Temple is located halfway up Qingyun Mountain.

He Yue paid the fare and watched the tricycle driver leave.

She found a flat stone, sat there and ate some bread.

After filling his stomach, He Yue began to climb the mountain.

It took another hour before He Yue arrived at Qingyun Temple.

Xuan Ming was right. This Taoist temple was indeed very small, and the incense was not very prosperous.

However, when He Yue stepped into the Taoist temple and came to the main hall, there was an inexplicable silence.

It was as if her soul had been soothed.

He Yue was shocked. There seemed to be some tricks here!

That kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling was hard to explain, but that was how she felt.

After meeting Master Qingyang and looking into his old and deep eyes, He Yue felt as if he had been seen through.

Such a pair of eyes, wise and compassionate, seem to be able to see through all things.

He Yue was nervous and excited. She swallowed and was about to open her mouth to speak.

Master Qingyang shook his head slightly.

He Yue's heart sank.

What's the meaning?

Did Master Qingyang not let her speak, or had he figured out what she was going to ask and directly gave the answer?

Wait, what did she want to ask just now?

Oh, by the way, she wanted to ask if there was any way to save her brother! !

Master Qingyang was shaking his head. Did he want to tell himself that his brother was hopeless? !

He Yue was flustered and tears had already burst into her eyes.

No, I, I work so hard just to get my brother back.

Why did you just reject it without even giving it a try? !

"Master Qingyang, my brother——"

In his desperation, He Yue ignored the pleasantries and directly shouted out what was in his heart.

Master Qingyang shook his head again and sighed, "He has been reincarnated!"

He Yue's eyes suddenly widened.

In fact, she once had such speculation.

But she still didn't want to believe it.

After all, in the online articles she had read, most of the people who were time-traveled basically died.

Even if there are a few who still have residual souls, it has been several months now, and it is estimated that...

"...Your brother's situation is quite strange. Logically speaking, he should have suffered a disaster, but a trace of his soul was saved by a mysterious force and sent to reincarnation!"

Confusion flashed across Master Qingyang's clear eyes.

However, seeing He Yue crying with tears streaming down her face, the old man couldn't bear it.

He slowly comforted him, "Speaking of which, your brother is unfortunate and lucky. Unfortunately, he died innocently and early. Fortunately, in his next life, he will be reborn with a good child, with loving parents, a harmonious family, a wife and children, and a happy life." happiness!"

He Yue's lips moved. She wanted to ask something else.

However, when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them again.

After a long while, she found her voice again and asked quietly, "Will my brother really have a good afterlife?"

This life is irreversible. Although the next life is elusive, there is still a glimmer of hope.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At least for grieving relatives like He Yue, knowing that their loved ones can still have a beautiful afterlife is a comfort.

Master Qingyang nodded, "Your brother is blessed and everything will be happy in the next life."

I just don't know why this person who is destined to die has such a "blessed fate".

Because those who are truly blessed should not die early.

But he still died, leaving only a trace of his soul.

It just so happened that this remnant soul was supposed to dissipate in this human world, but instead he was reincarnated.

You can also have a very satisfactory afterlife!

...I can’t see through it, I can’t see through it!

Master Qingyang sighed silently.

He Yue had already accepted this fact, but she still refused to give up and asked sadly, "Master, is there really no way to get my brother back? I can pay any price!"

Master Qingyang looked at He Yue intently for a long time, then shook his head again.

"...Thank you, real person!"

He Yue gave up completely, clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply to Master Qingyang.

The old Taoist priest nodded slightly and returned the favor.

"Ma'am, can I light a bright lamp for my brother to bless him in the next life?"

He Yue did not leave immediately. She glanced at the incense in the hall, suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly.


Although Master Qingyang is an expert, an expert must also make a living.

Although his Qingyun Temple is small, there are also a few little Taoist priests.

These children still have to eat and go to school.

Therefore, lighting a lantern for people and collecting some money for incense are also income-generating projects for their Qingyun Temple.

He Yue calculated the money in his bank card and found that the original deposit, plus royalties, was a little over 50,000.

She kept the change as pocket change, donated the remaining 50,000 yuan to the Taoist temple, and donated 20,000 yuan to light a lantern for her brother. The remaining 30,000 yuan was planned to be donated to local charities in her brother's name after she returned home.

In the past, He Yue didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but after experiencing this time travel, Master Qingyang also said that his brother had a "lucky fate."

He Yue feels that if she does more good deeds in this life, she will always be rewarded!

It was confirmed that her brother was gone. Although He Yue was sad, she had some comfort because of "reincarnation" or something.

He Yue cried hard and saw with his own eyes the ever-burning lantern that Master Qingyang lit for his brother. He Yue's heart seemed to calm down.

In the evening, she took the bus and returned home.

On the way, she carefully recalled the words of Master Qingyang, until her brother's fate seemed to have been predestined.

And that counterfeit shouldn't be some evil ghost who wanted to steal someone's body. He was just a ghost from another world who came through time and space by chance.

Therefore, He Yue does not need to take revenge.

She just secretly made up her mind that if "He Zhuo" didn't act recklessly against her brother's body, she would turn a blind eye.

In order to appease her father, she could even become a brother and sister on the surface with him.

However, if "He Zhuo" acts nonsense and ruins her brother's reputation, don't blame her for being rude!

After learning that his brother would never come back, He Yue, who was originally independent, became stronger.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She even began to regard herself as the pillar of the He family.

She wants to take care of her father, she wants to take good care of "He Zhuo", and she wants to bring glory to the He family!

When I got home, I sat silently in my brother's room for a long time.

When leaving the room, He Yue's whole demeanor changed.

She changed from a sweet and cute girl to a queen with a strong heart.


On the other side, on the high-speed train, He Tiantian, who was bragging and talking nonsense with a group of old men and women, suddenly felt that a shackle deep in his soul seemed to be opened.

This is the world's consciousness suppressing her as a writer.

He Tiantian can break this shackles with her own ability, but once broken, the entire small world may collapse.

Now, this shackles has been opened by itself, and there is only one possibility.

That is, the world consciousness no longer targets He Tiantian.

"It gave up on the established male protagonist?"

He Tiantian thought about it and came up with such a guess.

Could it be that the consciousness of the world has finally determined that He Zhuo is an Adou who cannot be helped, and that this small world has potential stocks that are more worthy of its "investment"? !

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