The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 458 The stingy dad is here (16)

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"Little D, what did He Yue and He Zhuo do?"

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, pretending to be tired from playing, but deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, she was calling to classmate Little D.

Classmate Little D obediently came out and told He Tiantian everything about the whereabouts of the "brother and sister" in the past two days.

He Zhuo is still the same as before. He is busy using money to create various surprises to seduce girls every day, and only uses his mind to copy a few chapters of online articles in his spare time.

If you are short of money, continue to take out online loans.

Oh, by the way, he applied for several credit cards.

This one is more convenient than online lenders, and it doesn’t charge much interest.

Because he has a relatively stable bank flow, the credit card limit is actually not low.

As for He Yue, he secretly went to the Taoist temple in the small county town of Linshi.

He Tiantian fell silent when he heard that Little D's classmate said that He Yue had lit a lantern for "He Zhuo" and was planning to donate to charity in the name of "He Zhuo".

After a moment, she sighed quietly.

Entering the world in the book, He Tiantian discovered that He Zhuo and He Yue were both real people.

And, to be fair, both children have very good character and abilities.

If there is no so-called time-travel plot, they can live an extremely exciting life, not losing to the male protagonist at all.

But just because they were not the male protagonist chosen by the author, they either died early to make room for the male protagonist, or they were turned into the male protagonist's female and gunmen by PUA!


Is the world consciousness a little too unfair to them?

He Tiantian is not God. She cannot make everyone in the world fair, let alone uphold justice for everyone.

But this time, since she encountered him, she would do her best to help.

People who can't work hard to make progress will be reduced to cannon fodder and stepping stones because of the control of the plot.

But someone who has the opportunity can get something for nothing and steal other people's achievements with peace of mind.

He Tiantian secretly promoted it, making the male protagonist's shortcomings more and more exposed.

Such a person who only knows YY and only knows how to rely on, even if he has a golden finger, he cannot help him.

The world consciousness has been supported again and again, and even the "system" has been brought out, but the male protagonist still has no sign of success.

Therefore, the world consciousness is ready to give up on the male protagonist.

On the other side, He Yue's performance is getting more and more amazing, and she seems to be replacing the male protagonist as the destined girl.

Furthermore, He Yue is not He Shoutian. In the original script, she is one of the male protagonist's harem, and she can barely be considered a female protagonist.

Therefore, pushing He Yue to the top is not unacceptable to the world consciousness.

He Tiantian guessed the plan of world consciousness and was secretly satisfied.

She feels that if a person who really works hard becomes the protagonist of the story, there should be no flaws or flaws, and readers will be more satisfied.

...Well, it doesn't matter if she's not satisfied. Anyway, in this novel world, she just doesn't like stud men like the male protagonist.

He Tiantian felt very happy that the male protagonist's harem dream was shattered and that he could not gain fame and fortune through plagiarized works.

Tasks and other things are secondary.

He Tiantian has not forgotten that this is her 20th mission after signing a contract with Dianniang Library.

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