The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 459: The stingy dad is here (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Hey, don't I miss home?"

He Zhuo didn't know what He Tiantian was thinking. He felt uncomfortable secretly when he heard his father's strange words.

But he still had to endure his unhappiness, deliberately giggling and being confused.

"Missing home? Humph, you also know that you have a family? It's been a few days since the winter vacation. You don't go to work, and you don't talk about going home. You just hang out outside!"

He Tiantian didn't give He Zhuo a chance to get away with it. She directly exposed He Zhuo's lies.

He Zhuo:......

He was embarrassed, ashamed and angry, and wanted to slam the door and leave.

However, when he thought of his current situation, the temper that rushed to his forehead was suppressed by him again.

For money, I endure it!

He Zhuo took a deep breath, his eyes moved around the dilapidated self-built house, and finally his eyes fell on the steaming meals on the dining table.


Why did this old bastard suddenly become so generous today?

There were neither leftovers nor Internet celebrity instant food on the table, but serious hot dishes and hot rice.

How did he know that his stingy father had just come back from outside and there were no leftovers at home?

Most of the ingredients on the table are obtained for free.

However, if there is good food to eat, He Zhuo won't think too much.

The meal on the table also gave He Zhuo an excuse to change the subject.

He pretended to be surprised and shouted, "Ah, what day is it today? Dad, you made so many delicious things!"

"It smells so good! I'm so hungry!"

He spoke in a slightly exaggerated tone and forcibly changed the topic.

"Hmph! What kind of good life can there be? Can't it be that I'm in a good mood and want to make a delicious meal?"

"Or do you think I'm just a stubborn, sugar-coated guy who can't even cook a good meal?"

He Tiantian continued to yell angrily.

He Zhuo's forced smile was a little stiff.

When he heard words such as "dead old man" and "sugar cock", a hint of guilt flashed in his eyes.

He Yue secretly observed He Zhuo's every move. She was not unwilling to give up, but was exploring the temperament of the impostor who possessed her brother.

If it's too despicable, He Yue will definitely teach him a lesson.

Therefore, He Yue accurately captured He Zhuo's fleeting guilty conscience.

"This fake guy actually thinks that dad is a stubborn old man? Is he a sugar cock?"

He Yue was very dissatisfied.

Yes, Dad is indeed too frugal.

But he was stingy and did not harm others, nor did he break the law or discipline.

Outsiders can laugh at him and look down on him, but as children, they have no right to look down on their father.

Because no matter what, my father, a disabled person with weak legs and feet, supported their brother and sister through frugality and scavenging, and even provided for a college student.

As for the fact that her father was so frugal even though her family had a building and savings, He Yue didn't understand it when she was a child. Now that she has grown up, she has gradually begun to make assumptions.

Dad must have his own reasons.

Besides, my father is stingy. He is not only stingy with his children and outsiders, he is even more stingy with himself.

Most of the leftovers at home ended up in my father’s stomach.

Most of the delicious food at home was given to their brothers and sisters.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

My father always said that his brothers and sisters spent money and were debt collectors, but he never let them starve or suffer from cold or hunger since they were young, nor did they delay their studies.

Therefore, the siblings have never disliked their father, let alone held grudges.

They are self-reliant and they all have the means to support themselves.

And these, from another perspective, are also dad’s “credit”.

He Zhuo was like this in the past, and He Yue is like this now.

It would not be wrong to say that they agree with their father's "stinginess", but they will definitely understand and accept it calmly.

The "He Zhuo" in front of him, not to mention his various flaws, just because he looked down on his father, He Yue could conclude that he was definitely not his biological brother or his father's biological son!

"Oh, dad, I just said it casually. I-I praised your craftsmanship!"

He Zhuo was made uncomfortable by the rebuke, and continued to talk with him with a sneer.

"Humph!" He Tiantian wanted to say something else, but thought of her own plan and held it back.

There will be greater excitement for He Zhuo later, but don't make this unlucky boy angry!

"Dad, it does taste delicious. Your cooking skills are getting better and better!"

He Yue secretly suppressed her dissatisfaction and took advantage of the situation to praise.

She was not helping He Zhuo to ease the atmosphere, but she finally had a delicious meal at home and her father was in a good mood, and she didn't want to ruin it.

"Of course!"

He Tiantian seemed to appreciate her daughter's praise and snorted proudly.

Then, he couldn't help but show off, "Actually, the main thing is the quality of the ingredients. The food from this XXX farm is really good, and the rice steamed from this fragrant rice is just fragrant!"

"And this mushroom, hey, it's better than the ones I bought at the vegetable market!"

He Tiantian said nonchalantly.

He Yue was very supportive, giving a thumbs up and praising, "That's why dad is awesome! Such a good thing didn't cost a penny!"

He Yue's words scratched He Tiantian's itch.

She said more and more proudly, "Haha, of course! When have I ever suffered a loss? Others can't help but spend money when they visit health care product manufacturers!"

"What about me? I didn't spend a penny. Not only did I not make the salesmen from the manufacturer look bad, they also gave me a bunch of gifts and trial packs for free!"

"There are so many good things, enough for us to eat several meals!"

He Tiantian laughed, and the wrinkles on the original owner's face relaxed.

He Zhuo listened to the conversation between Cheap Dad and Cheap Sister for a while, and finally understood.

Oh, it turns out that my father was tricked by a health care product salesman into attending an event organized by some manufacturer.

The other elderly people who went together were all deceived by the manufacturer. Not only did they advertise for others, they also actively spent a lot of money to become members and buy products.

As for the cheap man in the family, instead of being cut off, he actually reaped the benefits of the manufacturer.

Well, as expected of him, the old bitch and the sugar cock!

Thinking of "He Shoutian's" usual style, He Zhuo could guess how "he" performed in other manufacturers even if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

Shame on you!

It must be embarrassing to stir-fry chicken!

Fortunately, he was not at the scene, otherwise, he would have found a crack in the ground and crawled in.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even if He Zhuo had no personal experience, at this moment, seeing the meals made with free ingredients on the table, he felt inexplicably ashamed.

He actually praised these things just now. If he knew how he got these things, he, he——

Suddenly I felt nauseous and suddenly didn't want to eat.

He Zhuo's expression kept changing, and there was a sense of repulsion in his bones!

Little bourgeoisie!

A proper citizen!

How is this different from going to a public toilet and taking back all the toilet paper provided for free? !

He Zhuo is a self-proclaimed high-quality human male. He feels that he is educated and classy, ​​but he really can't stand the behavior of such a small bourgeoisie.

He even looked down on He Yue.

As a beautiful girl, isn't it the time when girls of seventeen or eighteen years old should pay attention to their appearance and dignity?

Not only does she not despise her stingy father's extremely good behavior, but she also admires it very much?

To plunder people's wool and take advantage of others... She is not ashamed but proud of it.

It’s so shattering!

Of course, He Yue didn't miss the disgust and accusation in He Zhuo's eyes, and she didn't even bother to get angry.

Again, as long as the father does not harm others and does not break the law or discipline, children like him should be considerate.

What's going on with the wool? Other "sheeps" don't have a problem with it. You're a dove-stealing impostor and you're just fooling around.

If you really have any backbone, don't come back, and don't even eat these meals made by your father.

He Yue watched coldly as He Zhuo looked awkward one second, but then picked up chopsticks and quickly stuffed something into his mouth the next.

She became less and less fond of the impostor.

Although he was scolding in his heart, He Yue did not move slowly.

What, as mentioned before, their He family’s dining table is a battlefield.

It was hard to have a good meal today, and the family of three was even less polite.

Slow down a little, not to mention that the vegetables are all eaten, even the vegetable soup has been mixed with rice by dad.

No, seeing that He Yue stopped picking up food and seemed to be full, He Tiantian directly pulled the plate in front of her and put the rice in the bowl onto the plate.

With that little vegetable soup, He Tiantian actually ate another big bowl of rice.

He Yue took it for granted, and was even a little happy about his father's good appetite.

As for He Zhuo, he couldn't help but frown.

Although he was a loser in his previous life, his family was an ordinary one.

Both parents work, and they are not rich, but they will never be as stingy as "He Shoutian".

Look at what "he" eats, he can lick the plate clean.

It is said that in the new era of affluent life, unless it is a particularly poor family, how can ordinary people be like this?

He Zhuo was originally arrogant because of his low self-esteem, so he paid special attention to these so-called "education" and "respectability".

If you eat out and see someone like "He Shoutian" who seems to have never had a full meal in eight lifetimes, you will definitely despise and dislike him.

After traveling through time, I found that I had become such an excellent son!

Fortunately, he didn't go out to eat with his stingy dad after he came here, otherwise, he would have been so ashamed and angry that he would have been embarrassed.

Even if he didn't embarrass himself outside, He Zhuo couldn't help frowning and curling his lips now that he had witnessed his father's "good-for-nothing" appearance.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

That kind of disgust shouldn't be too obvious.

He Yue couldn't help clenching her fists.

He Tiantian didn't seem to feel it. She swallowed the last mouthful of rice, slumped on the chair with her bulging belly.

"Hiccup! This meal feels so good!"

He Tiantian didn't think it was enough, so she took a break in a very imageless manner.

He Zhuo turned his head away.

He Yue: ...Ma De, I really can’t bear it anymore!

However, He Yue cares more about his father and doesn't want to ruin his good mood.

She took a deep breath and looked away from the annoying fake.

"Dad, you feel comfortable eating today, let's eat more often in the future!"

He Yue restrained herself sharply and said to He Tiantian with a sweet smile.

He Tiantian deliberately rolled her eyes at He Yue, "How many more times should you eat? What are you thinking!"

"Huh, you young people just don't know how to live your life!"

"Even if you don't spend money on those things, you can't mess with them. A steady flow of water, do you understand?"

He Tiantian gave a crackling lecture.

The meaning is very clear, the food is delicious, but you can’t eat it every day!

Today is just a meal. In the future, how can their family save money? How can they save money?

"Understood! Dad, I know!"

Of course He Yue understands what her father means. What she says is just a casual chat with nothing to say.

He Zhuo was a little angry. He endured it again and again, but he couldn't hold it in anymore and blurted out: "Dad, it's not like our family has no money, why do we have to be so frugal?"

After all, he wanted something, and He Zhuo didn't dare to say anything "stingy" in front of his cheap dad.

Although the words were not too harsh, He Zhuo seemed to have opened up the conversation after shouting these words.

He stamped his feet and pointed at the ceiling, "Six floors, our house has six floors, and the monthly rent is more than 10,000!"

"I'm not saying that I want to eat delicacies from the mountains and the sea, but like an ordinary family, eat some fresh vegetables and have a meat dish with every meal. This request is not too much!"

"Dad, why are you saving so much every day?"

He Zhuo really didn't understand, and he was also really sad and angry.

If when he first borrowed money from his father, his father readily gave him the money, he could go and shoot the video.

Instead of thinking about borrowing money at usury.

Now he is fine. He is used to "advanced consumption" and is carrying tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

The system disappeared, and his ambitions were exhausted by repeated failures.

He is obviously the time-travelling hero, the chosen one of this world.

Why is it getting worse and worse as time goes by, so damn bad that it’s even worse than in the previous life?

In his previous life, although he was a poor loser and a nerd, he was honest and did his duty and did not contract any bad habits.

After traveling through time, he...

He Zhuo felt that he would become what he is now because he was by no means too self-righteous and too enjoying the success.

But the cheap dad is too stingy and doesn’t know how to care for his son!

It's okay if the family has no money, but the He family has a house and savings, but "He Shoutian" is reluctant to give his son even a mere 100,000 yuan to start a business.

What kind of father is he?

"Why? Because these are not ours!"

He Tiantian seemed to be stimulated by He Zhuo's accusation, and she shouted out regardless.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What? It's not ours? Dad, what do you mean?"

He Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and then became angry again.

He didn't think that the cheap dad was telling the truth. He felt that the other party was deliberately making excuses to shirk.

"What do you mean? It means that this building and this deposit do not belong to us, but to Xiaoyue!"

He Tiantian shouted angrily.

Before he finished speaking, He Zhuo and He Yue were both shocked.

Especially He Yue, she looked at her father steadily and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Dad, what's going on?"

He Yue asked slowly with a trembling voice.

Isn't she her father's biological daughter?

No! impossible!

How could she not be her father's daughter? !

Seeing He Yue's appearance, He Tiantian seemed to realize that she had said the wrong thing.

However, if you say it out loud, it will be hard to recover the water that is thrown out.

He Tiantian let out a long sigh, looked at the angry He Zhuo, and then at the red-eyed He Yue, and said quietly: "Originally, I wanted to wait until Xiao Yue's eighteenth birthday to discuss this matter! "

"Today I was so angry that I actually said it. I might as well just say it all..."

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