The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 460 The stingy dad is here (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian's expression was a little bitter, but she still managed a smile.

She looked at He Yue lovingly, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes.

It was as if she thought of the past.

After a long while, she said slowly, "Xiao Yue, you are not my biological daughter. My wife only gave birth to one son for me, Xiao Zhuo!"


He Yue felt as if a bomb had been blown up in her head, and her whole body was dizzy.

My mind went blank, and my heartbeat seemed to have stopped.

Her body trembled slightly, and it took a long time before she uttered a sentence with difficulty, "How is that possible? Dad, this is not true, is it?"

Although my father is stingy, he treats his children equally.

Therefore, since childhood, He Yue has never doubted that she is not her father's biological daughter.

"You are indeed not my biological child. Your biological father's name is He Dazhuang."

He Tiantian's eyes were full of pity and love, and his tone was full of sadness and nostalgia.

"Your dad and I are from the same hometown. We worked on the construction site together back then."

"Speaking of which, the house we live in now was bought by your father."

When He Tiantian recalled the past, he accidentally dropped a big thunder.

He Zhuo's reaction was much greater than that of He Yue.

"What? Dad, you, you said that this building in our house does not belong to you?" But to some He Dazhuang? !

If that's really the case, then, what should happen to his debts?

He Zhuo's thoughts were confused and his heart was beating wildly.

"Yes, I am a poor boy from Shangougou. I have to work hard on construction sites to support my wife and son. How can I have any money left to buy a house!"

He Tiantian said matter-of-factly, not ashamed of her incompetence.

"He Dazhuang is different. Although his parents passed away early, they left him some money."

"Twenty years ago, this area was still a suburb, and the houses were not very valuable. He Dazhuang spent more than 30,000 yuan to buy this yard."

He Zhuo \u0026 He Yue:…

They didn't know what to say.

Although the two people had different thoughts, they both suffered a heavy blow.

He Tiantian continued to tell the story of that year with mixed truth and falsehood——

"However, He Dazhuang's wife wanted him to buy a commercial house in the city or build a building in his hometown. He Dazhuang disagreed. He felt that although the yard was in the suburbs, it was close to the construction site and the price was right, so he secretly bought it!"

"I have the best relationship with Da Zhuang, so I'm the only one who knows about this."

"Later, there was an accident on the construction site. Da Zhuang pushed me. I survived, but Da Zhuang died!"

At this point, He Tiantian started to cry, "Brother Da Zhuang died because of me. If he didn't save me at that time, but ran away, he wouldn't have been killed by the falling stone! "

He Yue still looked dumbfounded.

It stands to reason that He Tiantian has made it very clear that she, He Yue, is not the biological daughter of "He Shoutian", but her biological father is He Dazhuang.

But at this moment, after hearing about He Dazhuang's death, as his daughter, He Yue should feel sad, sad, or even angry at "He Shoutian".

However, the fact is that He Yue did not react at all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's not that she has no conscience, it's not that she's unfilial, it's that He Yue doesn't have any sense of reality.

She seemed to have had a ridiculous dream, and she seemed to have listened to someone else's story.

Even if someone told her that the protagonist in the story was your biological father, He Yue would not have a deep feeling.

She couldn't even empathize with him.

It’s so incredible, so unreal!

"After Da Zhuang's death, the contractor ran away. Several people in charge of the construction site project kicked the ball. No one was willing to take responsibility for this accident at the construction site!"

"Your biological mother is still young, only twenty years old. She was sent back to her hometown to have a baby because she was pregnant."

"When Dazhuang's accident happened, your mother had just given birth to you two months ago. Dazhuang's parents have long since passed away, and there is no one close to him in his hometown."

"After hearing the news of his death, your mother came to the construction site with you in her arms, but no one took care of it. Your mother didn't know that your father had bought a house, and he pretended that he had left nothing for the two of them."

"...She knew that your father and I had a good relationship, and she also knew that your father died to save me. She left you outside my rented house and returned to my hometown alone!"

"When I called Da Zhuang's hometown to inquire about the news, your mother had already remarried."

He Yue still looked blank.

What kind of biological mother and biological father? She, she really doesn’t feel anything.

"I am ashamed of my brother Da Zhuang, and I also know that I shouldn't drag down a twenty-year-old woman, so I, I adopted you!"

"...The person in charge of the construction site project was unwilling to compensate, so I took you and Xiaozhuo to the construction site every day, went to the company to cause trouble, and even found a TV station."

"You also know me, I am shameless. For money, I can do anything!"

"This person is more willing to risk everything than anyone else. I put on a fight-to-die attitude, and the real estate company was afraid."

"They compensated me 200,000 yuan and arranged a light job for me at the construction site."

"Later, the university in the city was moving to the suburbs, and it happened to be near the house that Da Zhuang bought. So I used Da Zhuang's compensation to build an additional building!"

He Tiantian finally got to the point.

She did not continue, but brothers He Zhuo and He Yue had already understood——

The six-story house in an urban village was built by He Dazhuang, and the money for building the house was also used as compensation.

That's why He Tiantian said just now, "This building and this money do not belong to our father and son, but belong to Xiaoyue!"

"...I occupied the savior's house and spent his compensation, but I can't really lose my conscience!"

"When Xiaoyue turns eighteen, I will transfer the ownership of this building to her name."

"Most of the savings at home are the rent paid over the years, and I also kept them all for Xiaoyue."

After He Tiantian said this, she looked at He Zhuo apologetically.

"Xiao Zhuo, do you know why I am so frugal? Do you know why I have a building and money at home, but I am reluctant to spend it?"

"Because these things don't belong to us in the first place. We have lived for free for so many years, and we have already taken advantage of it!"

He Zhuo:......

He opened his mouth, but found that his tongue was extremely dry.

Three views told him that what Cheap Dad did was right.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As a person, you must have a conscience. If you are saved by someone, you must repay kindness instead of repaying kindness with enmity.

But, reality forced him to have evil thoughts——

Dad has raised He Yue for seventeen years, and he has taken good care of her. It can be regarded as repaying the favor.

In addition, dad helps that He Dazhuang to keep his property, which is hard work without any credit.

Even if there is no remuneration, it is appropriate to charge some interest.

It's not like some people who take advantage of the benefactor's property, abuse the benefactor's orphans, and kidnap the orphans to work as cattle and horses for their own family based on the morality of "nurturing grace".

Compared with these real villains, his cheap dad can be considered a conscience.

If all the property is returned to the original owner, he will be a saint.

They are all ordinary people. It is their nature to be selfish and greedy for money.

Obviously, my father in the past always looked like he was gnawing at everything, squeezing out every penny from his teeth.

But now, facing millions of assets, "he" behaves so honorably.

He Zhuo didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment.

He Zhuo's heart was in a mess.

And his expression kept changing.

Seeing He Zhuo's appearance, He Tiantian pretended to misunderstand and said, "Xiao Zhuo, you don't have to worry too much!"

"Although your father and I don't have the ability to make a lot of money, I can save money."

"Over the years, I have saved some from my salary and the money I earned from picking up rags, apart from your brothers and sisters' tuition and living expenses."

"I'm not old yet, I can still work, and I can save money. When you get married, I will find a way to get you enough down payment for the wedding house!"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian showed a flattering smile.

She seemed to be saying that even if she lost the building in the urban village and the savings, she would not let her only son have no money to get married.

He Tiantian vividly performed the role of an old man who has a conscience, knows how to repay his kindness, but also loves his son.

And she also completely washed away the stingy behavior of the original owner, without a trace of stain!

Even though He Zhuo was unwilling to do so, he couldn't even say a word of accusation when faced with such a cheap dad.

At this time, He Yue finally digested everything.

She wriggled her lower lip, looked at He Tiantian with a complicated expression, and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, I, I can't accept this for a while."

"However, I know that you will not lie to me. Although you are not my biological father, you have treated me like your biological daughter over the years."

"Dad, even if we are not related by blood, I am still the daughter you have raised for more than ten years. I will take good care of you in the future!"

He Yue really has no idea about biological father and mother.

However, out of blood ties, she will pay homage to her biological father, He Dazhuang, and also search for the whereabouts of her biological mother.

If the mother is in need, He Yue will fulfill her obligation to support her.

But in her heart, the person closest to her is always her father "He Shoutian"!

There used to be an older brother, but now—

He Yue pinched his palm hard.

Thinking of his brother, He Yue thought of what his father said just now.

The house and savings were all given to her by her father.

He Zhuo, his biological son, had nothing and could only wait for his father to collect the down payment for his new house.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If his brother had not been transported through time, He Yue would definitely not agree with his father's approach.

She would divide all her property in two, giving each brother and sister a share.

However, her brother was transported through time and is no longer her relative.

And the character of this counterfeit is not so lovable, and it is difficult for He Yue to regard him as a relative.

Therefore, she decided to settle on this building and this money!

At most, when the fake brother got married in the future, she couldn't bear to make her father work too hard, so she secretly collected some money for him.

More wealth, the counterfeiters don’t even have to think about it!

"Okay, okay! I know our Xiaoyue is a good, sensible and filial child!"

He Tiantian looked at He Yue with relief.

She is really happy.

Although the original owner was extremely good, he raised two good children.

It's a pity that He Zhuo is no longer here, but fortunately there is still He Yue.

Moreover, He Yue's ability and character are enough to make her the new heroine of this novel world!

As for the former male lead He Zhuo, he is in tragedy.

It wasn't until after the New Year, He Yue celebrated her eighteenth birthday, and watched helplessly that "He Shoutian" really gave all the house and money to He Yue, that He Zhuo gave up completely.

He is no longer a second-generation renter, let alone a second-generation demolition player.

He only has a stingy father who saves money from his teeth to pay for the down payment of his new house.

His dream and career no longer have the backbone of his family fortune.

He even had to work hard to repay the loan shark.

Fortunately, although his online articles are clumsy, they can still generate a certain amount of income.

Although it was not a lot, with his monthly work-study program and more than half a year of hard work, he finally paid off all his debts before graduation.

"..." After struggling for more than a year, Mingming made a lot of money from online writing at the beginning.

As a result, at the end of the day, there was still zero on his bank card!

“As long as it’s not a negative number!”

The experience of more than a year felt like a lifetime ago. He Zhuo had been confused, angry, and even thought about dying again to see if he could travel back to his original world.

The knife was placed on his wrist, but he still couldn't be cruel.

Woohoo, he's afraid of pain, and even more afraid of death!

If you don't dare to die and are reluctant to take risks, you can only continue to live in this small world.

And when He Zhuo completely let go of his inexplicable sense of superiority and his speechless self-righteousness, he began to be down-to-earth.

On the contrary, he was able to cheer up.

After all, he still had entertainment knowledge that transcended this time and space. Relying on the "prophet", he started to write the two abandoned pits again.

The results are definitely not as good as in the past, but I still get the royalties in a haphazard manner.

After graduating from college, He Zhuo continued to accumulate royalties from manuscripts while looking for a job.

He made a few short videos, which resulted in losses and profits, but overall he was much better than his peers.

With his own ability, he bought a house and a small studio, and managed to achieve some success.

His attitude towards his family has also changed. He no longer treats his father and sister as NPCs, but as people who are close to him.

Maybe we can't be true flesh-and-blood relatives, but we are less alienated and more affectionate.

Compared with He Zhuo's small success, He Yue is really shining brightly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She was admitted to S University with excellent results and continued to write during college.

During her sophomore year, one of her historical novels sold the physical and film and television rights, and it was adapted to the TV screen the following year.

By the time she graduated from college, He Yue already had her own entertainment company. Not only was she a well-known author and screenwriter in the industry, she also started making movies and TV series on her own.

He Yue has the ability and works hard enough to become a real winner in life at a young age and reach the top step by step.

He Tiantian, continue to be a happy old man.

However, she has successfully cleared the original owner. Her stinginess is no longer a shortcoming, but a touching example of self-discipline, restraint, and gratitude.

He Yue respected her more and got closer to her.

As for He Zhuo, he might have complained in his heart, but he couldn't be too harsh.

Because he no longer had a "family property" as a retreat, he began to become truly independent.

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