[The heroine took the villain script] []

"La la la, congratulations, Tiantian, you have successfully completed another mission!"

He Tiantian's spirit returned to the library space, and Little D jumped over.

It excitedly walked around He Tiantian and said some flattering words, "I knew my Tiantian was the best, haha——"

He Tiantian looked at it with cold eyes. Seeing the obviously abnormal appearance of this ball of hair, she knew that she had deliberately thought of renewing the contract and had irritated it.

It was deliberately being weird, trying to fool her into forgetting about the contract and continuing with the mission.

Sure enough, after little classmate D boasted a lot, she asked her eagerly: "Tiantian, let's continue with the task."

"By the way, in the last novel world, I mentioned another type of anti-virus mission, which is to kill the 'wild system'."

Little D’s classmate obviously used his brain this time, and he raised a question that should interest He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...Not to mention, she is indeed a little curious about "wild traditions" and so on.

In the mission that just ended, He Tiantian also tried to explore the system on He Zhuo.

However, she just felt a wave of soul power and knew that something was wrong with He Zhuo.

But I can't see the interface of the so-called entertainment assistance system like little D.

There is no way to know the tasks it releases and the corresponding rewards.

Moreover, classmate Xiao D said that He Zhuo's system is different from wild systems.

He Zhuo's system is a golden finger given by the world consciousness of online novels, and online novels belong to Dianniang Library.

Therefore, such a system can be regarded as half a "own system".

He Tiantian, who is also branded with a bit of mother-in-law's library, should be able to detect its existence, so it should be relatively normal.

The wild systems in the anti-virus mission are actually some intrusive bugs.

Uncontrollable and unknown.

Maybe they will also attack people or things related to Dianniang Library.

He Tiantian was a little curious about what would happen if she encountered such a wild system in her mission world.

However, no matter how curious he is, He Tiantian will not show it.

In negotiations, whoever exposes his or her weaknesses first will lose.

He Tiantian also wanted to take advantage of the contract renewal to gain another advantage from the system.

"...Tiantian, let me help you cheat. Let me choose a task for you that is not difficult, but very satisfying to kill the wild system."

Little D didn't know He Tiantian's plan, so he continued to persuade him hard.

"Little classmate D, have you forgotten something?"

He Tiantian suddenly asked coolly.


Little D’s classmate felt a tremor deep inside his core.

It's over, it's over, is Tiantian going to have a "showdown"?

Does she still want to take advantage of the opportunity for the lion to open his mouth?

I have to say that after working with He Tiantian for a period of time, Little D has gained a deep understanding of the temperament of his little friend.

It knows that its sweetheart probably wants to renew the contract.

She enjoys the feeling of experiencing a different life in the world of books.

But, this person is a master who doesn't like to suffer losses, and always wants to take advantage of the system.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He boasts that his performance is outstanding and that he can create benefits for Dianniang Library, so he wants to negotiate with the system.

Well, that doesn't mean we can't talk about it.

After all, cooperation is about your willingness and my willingness.

Party A has requirements, and Party B also has its own conditions.

Both sides find a balance point,

Do your best to achieve a win-win situation, this is the best state.

But the problem is that Tiantian is a semi-villain. He is always preoccupied, refuses to give in, never gives in, and tries to take advantage of the system.

This is a little bit——

Ahem, no one wants to be taken advantage of!

"I have completed 20 tasks and the contract has been successfully completed!" He Tiantian did not waste time and went straight to the topic.

"Hey, the contract has expired, we can renew it!"

Little D continued to act stupid, licking his face and giggling, "Tiantian, our mission world is really very colorful, right?"

"In the mission world, you can experience a variety of different lives and learn many skills."

"Look at you, ever since we had our Dian Niang library, you have transformed from a little transparent person who was ignored and bullied in the past to the radiant 'He Xian'er'!"

"Tiantian, I believe that if you continue to do the task, you can learn more and become stronger."

"Tiantian, you are the almighty queen, a full-level villain, oh no, a full-level boss, and you can easily capture her!"

Little D’s classmate tried his best to make it easy.

Although he knew that He Tiantian was a second-generation liar, he would not be easily brainwashed.

But, you have to work hard, what if you succeed, right? !

He Tiantian looked at classmate Little D lightly and said nothing, but her eyes said everything——

I hear your nonsense!

He Tiantian was indeed grateful to Dianniang Library for pulling her out of the abyss of reality and giving her a chance to transform.

However, if she is not afraid of being scolded as a wolf, she has also put in hard work in this process.

He was dragged into the mission world without any precautions, forced to follow the plot, and forced to be a villain.

He Tiantian was persistent enough in her heart and was not affected by the task.

Otherwise, her mind and character will definitely be affected.

He Tiantian suspected that if her views were really distorted by the plot, it would be difficult for her to successfully complete future tasks.

And once she fails continuously, she will be knocked back to her original shape.

Not standing on a high place and falling from a high place are definitely two different things.

The former is always decadent at best, while the latter is very likely to have a broken mentality.

He Tiantian felt that the system gave her not only opportunities, but also challenges.

Dianniang Bookstore gave her a platform and an opportunity. He Tiantian tried her best to seize it, and she also created value for the system.

Since the system has signed a contract with her, it shows that the relationship between the two is equal.

She is grateful to the system, but she will not burn herself, regardless of her own interests!

Classmate Little D understood He Tiantian's eyes, laughed twice, and finally opened the skylight and said frankly: "Tell me, Tiantian, what do you want?"

How can I be willing to renew my contract? !

He Tiantian did not answer directly. She looked at her personal panel.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Points: 177 points.

Achievement points: 6500 points.

Reward: 60,000 points (can be exchanged for six elementary treasure chests, three elementary gold treasure chests, and two intermediate treasure chests)

177 points doesn’t seem like a lot.

However, the points in Dianniang Library are very valuable.

If you die during the mission, only 1 point will be deducted.

Redeem goods in Diianniang Mall. With 177 points, you can already exchange for high-tech items such as treatment cabins.

Of course, if such a product is put into reality, without the blessing of the plot, the effect will be compromised.

However, the level of black technology contained in it is still many times higher than that of the real world!

I dare not say that it will be a hundred years ahead, but there will always be something there in thirty or fifty years.

If He Tiantian was ready to end her cooperation with Dianniang Library at this time, and directly exchange for such a treatment cabin, it would be enough for her to live a very good life in reality.

As for achievement points, their actual utility is not great, at least they cannot be directly exchanged for goods.

At most, it can improve the level of He Tiantian as a copywriter.

The higher the level, the greater the autonomy in choosing scripts.

When you reach the highest level, you may be able to become a partner of Dian Niang Library.

However, thinking of reaching that level, He Tiantian would probably have to work for Dian Niang Library for the rest of his life.

Big rewards from readers can be exchanged for treasure chests.

There are real rewards in the treasure chest.

Either a skill or an item.

No matter what it is, He Tiantian can use it in the mission world or in reality.

He Tiantian has opened elementary treasure chests, elementary gold treasure chests and intermediate treasure chests, and the surprises are increasing step by step.

If you want to get the intermediate gold treasure chest, you need to spend 100,000 points.

Above the intermediate gold treasure chest, there is a high-level treasure chest, which requires even more points, up to 300,000 points.

The next higher level treasure chest is the high-end gold treasure chest, and the price is simply outrageous: 10,000,000 points.

The highest level treasure chest is the diamond treasure chest. Good guy, it has 100,000,000 points. This series of zeros almost dazzled He Tiantian.

The higher the level of the treasure chest, the rarer the prizes.

He Tiantian now has 60,000 dianniang coins in his hand, and he can exchange two of them for intermediate treasure chests.

The prizes given out are basically version 2.0 of the original technology or product she obtained.

This kind of thing, even if it loses the blessing of the plot, can benefit He Tiantian a lot when it is put into reality.

If He Tiantian only wanted to be wealthy, stable, and even have some status in reality, there would be no problem in taking these rewards and exiting the game.

However, getting used to the excitement of the mission world and having adventure after adventure, He Tiantian was really reluctant to let go.

Now she not only wants to improve herself, but also enjoys the mission.

This is much better than filming.

No matter how realistic the filming is, it is still fake.

But in the world of fiction, it is real life.

Although he will continue to be a villain, sometimes it seems quite satisfying to be a bad guy who does whatever he wants.

Oh, if only I could pick script roles!

He Tiantian sighed silently in her heart, and then said to Xiao D, "Don't rush about the contract renewal. I'm going to return to reality and rest for a while."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After doing several tasks in succession, He Tiantian was a little tired again.

She will be more motivated after returning to reality, debugging it, and then challenging new types of tasks.

Furthermore, she should take a break and go on a "vacation".

If you have "unification", you will be anxious.

Perhaps, we can also ask Little D to take the initiative to send a contract renewal gift package.

"...that's fine!"

Classmate Little D was also in a dilemma. Seeing He Tiantian, he did not refuse, nor did he redeem all the points and rewards in one go.

It knew that Tiantian wanted to renew the contract.

She is probably waiting for the system's "sincerity".

Alas, I just don’t know that this time I can use my life to impress Tiantian, a half-step villain.

As long as it's not too much, it can still be fought for.

After all, in recent times, Tiantian has not been able to collect the wool of the system.

As for Little D, he did not break the rules and ran to the main system to complain.

Tiantian's "performance" is very good, and Little D's classmates have been promoted accordingly.

It is no longer the rookie it was back then. Maybe, maybe... ahem, at worst, it will hug the system's lap and cry hard again.

"Back to reality!"

Little D had an idea deep in his heart, so he stopped entangled with He Tiantian.

It restored its normal mechanical sound and sent He Tiantian's soul back to reality.

Opening his eyes, He Tiantian found that she was still in the hotel in the capital.

The Chinese New Year was about to come, and she went to the capital alone to attend Beijing University's winter camp.

The winter camp hasn't started yet, so He Tiantian checked into the hotel first.

He Tiantian slowly stood up and stretched.

She had already contacted Teacher Zhao from the winter camp, and she would go directly to Beijing University after the camp started in three days.

The winter camp lasts for two weeks and ends before the Spring Festival.

He Tiantian has a plan for a long time. Even after the winter camp is over, she will not rush to the county seat.

What are you going back for?

She doesn't even have a "home" there.

Do those who celebrate the Chinese New Year still have to live in the school dormitory?

Even Chen Nan, who had fallen out with his family, had to go home to celebrate the New Year.

He Tiantian herself is not afraid of loneliness. In fact, she is not alone.

She also has a classmate named Little D. Although she is a bit silly and cute, she is close to him and always online.

With Little D's classmate chatting with her and having things she wanted to do to kill time, He Tiantian didn't feel lonely at all.

However, she is not afraid of loneliness, but she cares a little about the pitying looks of others.

This is very strange. She is obviously living a good life alone. Even during the New Year, she is not miserable.

But some people (of course, more people are kind-hearted) still feel that she obviously has a father and a mother but no one wants her. It is really pitiful that she is alone on New Year's Eve.

He Tiantian: ...I'm speechless, okay!

She didn't want to see that kind of sympathetic look, and she didn't want to become the subject of other people's gossip.

Alas, that's what small counties are like, small places but many acquaintances.

No matter how big the deal is, it will be spread to everyone.

It's better to stay in the capital, where you can avoid being the center of attention and discussion, and enjoy freedom and solitude.

Thinking of "what she wants to do", He Tiantian thought about it, took out her mobile phone, found Professor Chen's number, and sent him a voice message.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After He Tiantian finished sending the message, she felt a little regretful. It was getting late. It was not disturbing others to send messages at this time.

However, He Tiantian did not expect that almost a few minutes later, he would receive a reply from Professor Chen——

"...You want to borrow or rent a biology laboratory? Oh, by the way, you asked me to borrow some biology-related books and magazines before!"

"Tiantian, are you really going to study biology again? Are you going to do experiments?"

He Tiantian replied, "Yes, I got a recipe for genetic enhancement liquid and want to try it myself!"

"Gene enhancement fluid?"

If such a word were spoken by other people, such as his students or his descendants, Professor Chen would definitely find it ridiculous.

These children have really watched too many science fiction movies. Even if there is Captain America, it will take decades to realize it in reality.

However, these words came from He Tiantian's mouth. Although this child is young, he has developed true artificial intelligence.

In addition, I heard that she also has innovations in firearms, and the military has listed her as a key target of attention.

So... Professor Chen was shocked when he thought of a certain possibility...

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