[The heroine took the villain script] []

Professor Chen was shocked. After asking He Tiantian clearly about his requirements for the laboratory, he put down the phone and immediately reported to his leader.

The leader also had an impression of He Tiantian.

After all, artificial intelligence is handed over to relevant departments from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and relevant researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have also entered into the research of the project.

Now, artificial intelligence has been used in several important institutions in the country, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is responsible for corresponding technical support.

...As for the real inventor of artificial intelligence, the outside world does not know it, but the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences know it well.

It was not a scientific researcher within their Chinese Academy of Sciences, but a senior high school girl named He Tiantian.

Now this little girl has begun to study biotechnology again. Not only did she borrow some biological works from Professor Chen, she also asked to borrow a laboratory.

She has completed the theoretical construction and has begun to enter the experimental stage.

"Okay! I will find a way to prepare the laboratory and related materials needed for the experiment."

The leader immediately expressed his position and reported it to the relevant departments overnight, and urgently prepared the laboratory and other things.

After He Tiantian made the call, she fell asleep peacefully, completely unaware that many departments were in motion because of her call.

The next day, He Tiantian went to the lobby where the wine list was located to have a breakfast buffet. Before she could finish eating, she received a call from Professor Chen.

"Professor Chen, good morning! Are you already here? The car is outside the hotel?"

He Tiantian was slightly surprised. In just two or three sentences, she keenly grasped several key points——

First, it was very early, before half past eight, and people rushed over.

Second, Professor Chen said "we" rather than "I".

Third, there is a special car.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Professor Chen, oh no, to be precise, the relevant leaders believed in her, He Tiantian.

She also attaches great importance to the "gene enhancement fluid" she proposed this time.

In fact, this is very good, it saves He Tiantian a lot of trouble.

Therefore, she is most willing to deal with the state daddy. As long as what she comes up with is good enough, the state daddy can provide everything.

"Good morning, Professor Chen. It's already troublesome enough for me to ask you to help me borrow the laboratory, and I have to trouble you to pick me up!"

He Tiantian already had a guess in her mind, but when she came outside the hotel and found the car that Professor Chen was talking about, she was very grateful and said thank you to Professor Chen!

Professor Chen waved his hand without being polite or explaining too much, but went straight to the topic——

"The laboratory and related equipment are all ready, let's go quickly."

"Okay!" He Tiantian understands the integrity and urgency of these researchers. Even she herself wants to get the Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 out as soon as possible.

I got in the car and went all the way to the internal laboratory of a certain unit.

He Tiantian did not look around, but followed Professor Chen straight inside.

"Okay, here it is. Do you see if these talismans meet your requirements? Is there anything missing?"

"Oh, by the way, do you need some assistants for you?"

Professor Chen led He Tiantian through the door and asked several questions at once.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He really wanted to know whether the genetic enhancement solution He Tiantian mentioned was just a theoretical concept, or whether she had already completed a very complete theoretical research and was only in the final experimental stage.

Professor Chen believes that He Tiantian is not a person who talks freely.

However, last night he impulsively contacted the leader.

It also alarmed several departments. He still hoped that He Tiantian would not just talk casually, but could produce tangible research results.

After all, when it comes to scientific research, even if it reaches the experimental stage, it is very likely to fail.

Of course, if He Tiantian's preliminary theoretical research is detailed and complete enough, the experiment will go more smoothly.

Professor Chen is not eager for quick success, he really wants to see He Tiantian's experiment succeed.

Therefore, he is willing to help He Tiantian as much as possible - the laboratory and related equipment are ready, and there are also biology-related researchers who can serve as He Tiantian's assistant!

"No need! This is already a lot of trouble for you, I can do the rest myself!"

He Tiantian smiled and declined.

She wasn't just being polite, but she really didn't need it.

In the treasure chest space, she has thoroughly mastered the technology of Gene Enhancement Liquid 2.0, and has done experiments and so on countless times.

Now, what she wants to conduct is not a real "experiment", but just making the Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 in reality.

The whole process is estimated to take no more than half a day.

Otherwise, she would not have rushed to experiment two days before the start of the winter camp.

He Tiantian had already made a plan, and in terms of time, she had arranged it well.


Professor Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw He Tiantian's confident look.

Although I am still worried, I am not too positive.

After all, He Tiantian only "borrowed" the laboratory in a private name, and was somewhat interested in playing tricks.

It was not a planned and time-limited experiment like that of their unit, nor was there a "military order" issued.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian fails and wastes a lot of time, it will still be her personal loss.

But... Professor Chen suddenly regretted that he should not have called the leader rashly.

However, without the leadership and support from relevant departments, he would not be able to obtain such a top-level biological laboratory in the shortest time.

Not to mention anything else, the genetic sequencer in the laboratory is the best at the moment.

If an individual wants to borrow it, it is basically very difficult.

There are many other equipment and consumables, etc. Unless approved by the relevant department leaders, even if Professor Chen comes to borrow them, it will be difficult to achieve it easily.

...Oh, it’s troublesome!

Professor Chen felt anxious and couldn't help it. Before he left, he told He Tiantian: "Tiantian, if you need anything, please call me at any time!"

"Okay, thank you, Professor Chen!"

He Tiantian agreed obediently and thanked her again.

Professor Chen waved his hand casually, turned around and went out, closing the door smoothly.

He Tiantian changed her clothes and began to conduct "experiments" according to the familiar process.

In less than an hour, she prepared the genetic enhancement liquid.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The next step was to conduct experiments with white mice.

I have to say that Professor Chen (or the relevant department) is really awesome, and the mice they prepared for He Tiantian were also screened.

These mice either suffered trauma or were born with genetic defects.

He Tiantian numbered and recorded several white mice, and then began to experiment one by one.

At noon, He Tiantian had a simple takeout meal in the office next to the laboratory.

She even lay down on her desk with her clothes on and took a nap.

Professor Chen was worried and took the time to come over to check, only to see a girl lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

Professor Chen:…

He didn't know whether to call this child big-hearted or confident enough.

Professor Chen only hopes that He Tiantian's experiment can go smoothly.

Thinking of this, Professor Chen laughed first.

He was so anxious.

For things like biological experiments, let alone success or failure.

Even if it succeeds, it will take time to observe.

No matter how powerful the gene enhancement solution is, biological genes can be improved, and cell renewal is cyclical.

Reality is not science fiction, let alone myth.

It is impossible to administer a dose of medicine and the "experimental subject" will change instantly.

Shaking his head, Professor Chen left quietly.

However, Professor Chen was soon "slapped in the face".

He thought He Tiantian's experiment would take at least a few days.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, Professor Chen was getting ready to get off work when he received a call from He Tiantian.

"What? You, you have already configured the finished product and conducted experiments on mice?"

Professor Chen couldn't believe his ears.

He even took the phone off his ear and looked at the time carefully.

Yes, it is January 26, 2021, 17:05 pm.

It's not that a few days have passed, and the time has not been messed up.

But it has only been less than a day. Not only has He Tiantian produced the finished product, but he has also conducted experiments on mice?

This, this is the rhythm that will lead to success soon.

too fast!

It’s incredible! !

Originally, Professor Chen thought that it would be very difficult for He Tiantian to make the finished product during this time.

The mice prepared in advance in the laboratory are just due to the careful thinking of the relevant departments.

I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, He Tiantian actually——

Professor Chen was shocked again.

He was even more curious.

He really wanted to see what the genetic enhancement fluid He Tiantian was talking about was.

What magical effects it can have!

Yes, amazing!

Professor Chen now has inexplicable confidence in He Tiantian, and subconsciously thinks that this child is a magical child, and she can create real miracles!

"Just wait, I, I'll go to the lab right now!"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, Professor Chen said eagerly.

He Tiantian:......

She also wanted to say that the mice were responding well and that the mice that had suffered trauma were healing quickly.

And in those mice born with genetic defects, the cells in their bodies began to repair frantically.

Within two days, there will be very obvious clinical manifestations.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian swallowed all these words - Professor Chen might as well come and see for himself, words are unfounded, seeing is believing!

seeing is believing?

Professor Chen couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the before-and-after comparison data, videos, and various records with his own eyes.

How can it be?

The changes in a few mice are huge!

Oh no, to be precise, it’s the so-called genetic enhancement fluid that’s so powerful!

How is this done?

Is this, is this still the real world? Are you sure you're not making a science fiction movie?

Professor Chen did not suspect He Tiantian of fraud, but he was really shocked by what he saw.

"Tiantian, this, this -"

Professor Chen was stunned for a long time before he found his voice.

But after he opened his mouth and said a few words, he couldn't say more.

Because at this moment, he himself didn't know what to ask.

"The experiment went quite well. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, these mice will see more obvious changes!"

He Tiantian didn't pay attention to Professor Chen's "fuss".

Because the Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 she took out was originally a black technology that was decades beyond reality.

Not only can it repair damaged and defective genes, but it can also regenerate genes.

With Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0, various traumas can be easily cured.

Many terminal diseases caused by genes can also be treated accurately.

Oh, by the way, gene enhancement solution can not only be used to treat diseases, but also plays a more important role in healthy people.

Genetically enhanced people in movies and TV shows are no longer a dream.

China can also truly create countless captains with beautiful butts.

... Not only Professor Chen, but any scientist would find it incredible to have so many almost "miraculous" effects.


Professor Chen's mouth was dry and his heartbeat continued to accelerate.

It took him a long time to control his excitement.

Licking his lips, Professor Chen looked at the laboratory and suddenly realized: No! This place is too important and we must strengthen our vigilance!

Professor Chen quickly took out his phone and solemnly reported to the leader.


So fast?

No, is the effect of that genetic enhancement solution really that good? !

The leader did not suspect that Professor Chen was exaggerating. She just subconsciously felt that it was too exaggerated.

Half an hour later, the leader rushed to the laboratory.

Professor Chen came forward and handed over the "evidence" while talking non-stop.

The leader quickly looked through various data and records, then ran to the cage and carefully observed the mice.

The wounds of mice with trauma healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the mice with genetic defects, their physical indicators began to return to normal.

Just in case, the leader also called in monitoring.

I saw with my own eyes that He Tiantian used mice equipped in the laboratory to conduct experiments, and there was no fraud in the process.

"Huh!" The leader let out a long breath.

Really, it’s all true!

When the leader looked at He Tiantian again, his eyes changed.

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl in front of her is no longer a talented high school senior, but a proper national treasure.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The leader had already listened to Professor Chen’s report on the previous matter.

The leader knew that He Tiantian had not studied biology systematically. She was just interested in it and borrowed some biological works and related domestic and foreign journals from Professor Chen.

Oh, by the way, I also went to the local library to borrow relevant books and materials.

However, no matter how many books she read, she could not hide the fact that she was "self-taught."

And the whole process from borrowing books to developing products takes less than two or three months!

This is no longer a simple genius, but a genius among geniuses.

"Classmate He Tiantian, are you really self-taught?"

The leader had already decided that He Tiantian was a rare talent, but she couldn't help but ask.

He Tiandessert nodded.

Later, she introduced the efficacy of Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 in detail.

When the leaders heard that they could stimulate the human body's potential and create so-called "gene-enhanced people," they were even more excited.

She directly promised He Tiantian: "Okay! Classmate He Tiantian, you just do the experiments, and I will figure out a solution for the living body!"

He Tiantian was a little embarrassed, "I can't stay in the laboratory all the time. I also have to attend Beijing University's winter camp!"

She plans to hand over the nutrient solution directly, and hand over subsequent experiments and clinical trials to the relevant departments.

And she continued to attend the winter camp as planned and got a spot recommended by Beijing University.

Leader \u0026 Professor Chen:…

My little ancestor, at your level, you can easily become a professor at the university, let alone go to Beijing University to study!

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