"No! I still want to attend Beijing University's winter camp! I want to study at Beijing University without taking the exam!"

He Tiantian was very persistent.

She lived a wonderful life in many novel worlds.

She has been a top athlete, a powerful woman from a rich family, a prince, a hero, a national treasure-level humanoid computer, and once aspired to the world's top painting circles.

But in reality, she is still just an ordinary high school girl from a small county town.

She didn't think about taking the college entrance examination, because she didn't want to be too high-profile.

But she must go to college.

And being recommended to Beijing University is also a great honor!

He Tiantian's heart is indeed very strong, and she doesn't care about other people's opinions at all.

However, people living in this world cannot escape from these.

He Tiantian herself also discovered that she (or many people) were actually very conflicted.

On the one hand, I don’t want to be influenced by other people’s opinions and opinions.

On the other hand, they hope to be envied, praised or respected by others.

Maybe everyone is vain at heart.

Didn't the ancients also say, "If you don't return wealth and honor to your hometown, you will be like walking at night in brocade clothes" for fear that others will not know your glory.

He Tiantian was once a timid and transparent little girl with low self-esteem, and her biological parents also disliked her for being a girl.

Deep down in her heart, she desperately wanted to be affirmed and praised.

She has become strong and confident now, but deep down, she still has a certain obsession - she wants to prove to everyone that she, He Tiantian, is a girl, but no worse than anyone else!

The leader \u0026 Professor Chen were speechless again.

However, this little girl decided on Beijing University and was willing to abandon such an important experiment in order to participate in Beijing University's winter camp.

There is nothing they can do——

Wait, there is nothing we can do!


All can be modified.

The leader confirmed He Tiantian's intention to go to Beijing University, and also understood that she wanted the honor of being "recommended". After thinking about it for a while, she came up with an idea.

She took out her cell phone and turned around to make a call.

A quarter of an hour later, she came back with a smile on her face.

"Okay, everything is settled. You are still on the list of Beijing University's winter camp, but you are allowed to conduct research in the laboratory."

"After the winter camp is over, the principal will personally recruit you to enter Beijing University!"

After saying this, the leader hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile, "Actually, you can also go to Shuimu——"

So what, this leader is a graduate of Shuimu, and she also wants to recruit talents like He Tiantian for her alma mater.

He Tiantian shook her head, "The last time I came to Beijing, before I handed over the artificial intelligence technology, Teacher Zhao from Beijing University approved my winter camp application!"

People gave He Tiantian a chance before He Tiantian "made a fortune".

Now that He Tiantian has achieved success, she must not leave others alone.

She is indeed selfish and likes to weigh the pros and cons, but this does not mean that she is an ungrateful person.

Besides, Beijing University and Shuimu are on par with each other and are both top universities in China.

No matter which one you choose, it will be a great honor.

He Tiantian has decided to go to Beijing University in this life!

After looking at He Tiantian for a long time, the leader suddenly smiled.

Very good. People like He Tiantian who know how to be grateful and have an innocent heart are the best!

As early as when He Tiantian handed over the artificial intelligence technology, the relevant departments conducted a detailed investigation of He Tiantian's information.

Her biological parents were both public officials, but because they favored sons over daughters, they "adopted" her to her aunt.

My aunt is not a loving elder. He Tiantian doesn't have much affection for her, let alone dependence on her.

After his aunt got married, He Tiantian lived alone in the dormitory.

She broke up with her biological parents and was a stranger to her biological aunt... On the surface, she was a cold and indifferent person.

Of course, she had extenuating circumstances.

But a character that is too decisive and not bound by family ties will still make people worried.

If He Tiantian was just an ordinary person, the relevant departments would naturally not care too much.

But the problem is, she is not ordinary.

She is an absolute genius.

Using a discarded second-hand laptop at home, he became interested in computers, and then he became self-taught and eventually developed artificial intelligence.

Because of a temporary interest, I borrowed some information from a professor I knew and went to the library to read some books, and I was able to develop a genetically enhanced liquid that was incredibly effective.

Oh, and by the way, she's also proficient with firearms.

The reason is even more ridiculous, just because she likes to watch TV series such as Anti-Japanese War and Special Forces!

This is a terrifying genius, with a high IQ that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Such a genius can not only contribute to society, but also cause huge danger to the world!

If she has family ties, friendships, etc., she is still a kite.

But if there is no bond and she becomes a lone ranger, then she will become an uncontrollable and dangerous person.

Once there is any stimulation or dissatisfaction...the relevant departments have no doubt that He Tiantian can create a terrible weapon to destroy the world.

However, another survey showed that although He Tiantian has no expectations for family relationships, she is extremely grateful to those who have helped her.

That Zhou Zixuan's mother, Zhou Zixuan, and roommate Chen Nan.

There are also Teacher Guo from the AIIC Interpretation Group, Professor Chen from the Chinese Academy of Sciences...

These people have all helped He Tiantian, and He Tiantian is also grateful for them.

And her previous behavior of directly handing over the technology also shows that this child is still very kind at heart and has great trust in the motherland.

It's just that her original family has done too much harm to her, which makes her have no expectations for the blood relatives who should be close to her.

Now, the leader has personally experienced He Tiantian's "repaying kindness" and feels more and more that this child has an innocent heart.

She has the correct outlook on life and adheres to her moral bottom line... Well, she should not become a lunatic in the "newspaper office".

Of course, they will continue to pay more attention to He Tiantian.

Let her have a strong sense of belonging and intimacy towards society, the country, and the people around her, and never let her go to the opposite side!

"Okay! Then go to Beijing University! I have already contacted you, and you can continue to do experiments in the laboratory!"

The leader smiled and said to He Tiantian, "If you have any needs, just ask. As long as it doesn't violate the laws and rules, I will find a way to satisfy you!"

"Thank you, leader!"

He Tiantian smiled with crooked eyebrows, and her whole person looked as "sweet" as her name.

The leader who is now a mother is very fond of such a well-behaved little girl.

She felt even more inexplicable sadness and anger: "What a wonderful child, how could her biological parents be willing to abandon her?"

Does gender really matter?

I heard that those two people are actually highly educated and hold positions within the system!


How can they really "serve the people" if they can even abandon their biological daughter?

In the bottom of his heart, the leader drew a big cross on the names of He Shengli and his wife.

Of course, the leader is from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so she can't interfere.

However, her connections are wide enough.

Besides, once the genetic enhancement solution is successfully tested, He Tiantian will become a nationally protected talent.

Her parents will naturally receive "preferential treatment"!

With the leader's promise, He Tiantian then received a call from Teacher Zhao of Beijing University.

On the phone, Teacher Zhao's tone was obviously excited, "Classmate He Tiantian, just go and work on the project. I have made arrangements for the winter camp!"

Teacher Zhao didn't know what project He Tiantian was working on.

But since the phone calls have been made to the principal and the principal has personally spoken, it shows that what He Tiantian is doing now is very important.

He Tiantian, who can undertake such an important thing, must also be a talent that the country should focus on.

Now, such talents have identified their Beijing University.

Even Mizuki's poaching was rejected.

Haha, Teacher Zhao feels so cool for no reason.

And the person who introduced such a talent to Beijing University was none other than Zhao Mingchang.

Without mentioning any credit, just talking about the principal's attitude and admiring gaze when he spoke to him, teacher Zhao Mingchang felt that he had embarked on a smooth road.

Oh, by the way, I have to call Lao Guo later.

This guy is interesting enough, he deserves to be one of our own.

Knowing that He Tiantian was a potential stock, I recommended it to him in advance.

Otherwise, he would miss such a talent.

Teacher Zhao was in a good mood, and his attitude towards He Tiantian became more and more cordial.

"Thank you, teacher, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

He Tiantian politely thanked her.

With the double guarantee from the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Teacher Zhao, she knew that she no longer needed to pay attention to the winter camp.

As a result, He Tiantian calmed down and continued to conduct experiments in the laboratory.

The experiments on mice worked very well.

However, this kind of thing cannot be easily applied clinically.

Three more rounds of experiments were conducted, and mice in various conditions and some small animals were selected as living subjects.

Half a month later, when the winter camp was almost over, the superior leaders officially decided to prepare for clinical trials.

Instead of recruiting volunteers from outside, we found some seriously injured soldiers from the military.

There are also some patients who are terminally ill and almost incurable.

After signing the relevant agreement, He Tiantian's experimental team began to test the medicine.

The light blue genetic enhancement fluid looks very beautiful.

After being injected into the human body, it begins to work quickly.

The experts who accompanied the experiment were extremely shocked when they saw the data tested every day.

He Tiantian was very calm. She had known the effect of Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0 for a long time.

In the small interstellar world she experienced, genetic enhancement fluid was the predecessor of the treatment cabin.

To be precise, the liquid in the treatment cabin is the genetic enhancement liquid.

It's just that with the mechanical assistance of the treatment cabin, the effect of the strengthening fluid can be brought into full play.

Of course, the treatment cabin also has the blessing of the plot and can regenerate severed limbs.

What He Tiantian got was an upgraded version of the genetic enhancement fluid, which offset the plot BUFF in disguise.

The effect of regenerating severed limbs is not yet achieved, but He Tiantian believes that based on the genetic enhancement solution 2.0 she provided, researchers should be able to make a breakthrough if they continue their research.

"Tiantian, this technology——" Due to various reasons, it may not be made public. As a developer, He Tiantian will not be able to get the glory he deserves for the time being.

The leader of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to He Tiantian and said a little guiltily.

However, as soon as she started talking, He Tiantian took over the conversation with a smile, "I will hand over this technology to the country!"

She had already made up her mind that she would cling to the lap of the country's father in this life.

Use your own knowledge and abilities to make the country more prosperous and stronger.

She is not singing a high-key tune, but she understands the cause and effect better - with the support of the country, the stronger the country, the safer and more prosperous she will be.

Therefore, whether it is artificial intelligence or genetic enhancement fluid, she will not keep it as her own.

The leader was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "No! That's not what I meant!"

"The country will not ask for your technology for nothing. However, this technology is too important and cannot be leaked, and your situation cannot be made public!"

"So, the relevant departments have decided to set up a genetic project, and will also set up a corresponding biogenetic company, giving you 49% of the shares. In addition, there will be a project bonus——"

He Tiantian instantly understood what the leader meant.

The technology of genetic enhancement fluid is so unbelievable that the country needs to keep it secret.

He Tiantian cannot win any awards with this technology, nor can he make profits openly.

Of course, the state will not let He Tiantian suffer. In addition to project bonuses, it will also give He Tiantian corresponding equity.

In the future, when the country makes money using genetically enhanced liquid technology, half of it will belong to He Tiantian!

"Okay! The leaders have thought carefully, I agree!"

He Tiantian nodded cheerfully without any hesitation.

The leader looked at He Tiantian with softer eyes. He was really a good boy with upright views and pure thoughts.

The leader couldn't help but think of He Tiantian's terrible original family.

She felt a little pity and asked: "Besides these, do you have any other requests? Don't worry, you can ask for them!"

He Tiantian felt the kindness of the leader. She thought about it carefully, then slowly shook her head, "No, it's good now!"

She already has artificial intelligence patent royalties in her hands, and the numbers on her bank card are increasing every month.

Now, coupled with the project bonus of the genetic enhancement solution and the subsequent dividends, she will be able to buy a house of her own next year when she comes to the capital to study at university.

In addition, He Tiantian can also create his own career empire.

However, she has too many skills, each of which can lead to a career.

For a moment, she was a little hard to choose.

Of course, there is no rush now. He Tiantian needs to go to college first, and then slowly consider the path she should take in the future.

"..." Seeing such a well-behaved He Tiantian, the leader's heart ached a little.

Suddenly it occurred to me that the Chinese New Year was coming soon, but He Tiantian was still alone.

A thought flashed through the leader's mind and he asked casually, "Do you have any plans for the New Year? Do you want to stay in the capital for the New Year?"

He Tiantian didn't think much and nodded directly, "Yes, I plan to stay in the capital for the New Year."

"Since you are celebrating the New Year in the capital, do you want to watch the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala?"

The leader asked with a smile.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "Is it okay?"

"Of course!" Seeing that He Tiantian finally showed the excitement and joy that a young man should have, the leader couldn't help but deepen his smile... Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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