The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 465: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (2)

Chapter 465: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (2)

"Mother, I don't want to marry the daughter of the Wang family!" This was the voice of a young man with a little childishness.

"Why? Do you know that Wang Shijiu was born in the Langya Wang family, the legitimate daughter of a thousand-year-old family, her grandfather was the Minister of Gu Ming, and her father was an important minister in the court!" The woman's voice was calm and majestic.

"By marrying her, you will get the support of the family, and you will be able to take charge as soon as possible!"

"...I know! I know all this. But, mother, can you keep silent about the government? Have you never thought about your son's personal happiness?" The young man's tone was filled with sadness and anger.

He seemed to have thought of something sad, and he felt more and more that his mother sitting in a high position was cold, arbitrary, and full of calculations.

"..." When the woman heard her son's question, she was funny and angry, "Happiness?"

Isn't it happy enough to be born in a royal family, with fine clothes and fine food, and being surrounded by people?

As if he understood what the woman was saying, the young man became increasingly sad and angry, "Mom, it doesn't mean that eating well and drinking well means happiness. I want to have a loving lover, and I want to have the warmth of a normal family!"

He deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "normal".

The subtext is that the family he has is not normal.

There is no extreme tone or vicious words in this sentence.

However, it was still like a thorn, piercing deeply into the woman's heart.

She finally realized that she and her son had become strangers to each other.

She is obviously the closest mother and son in the world, but her son is complaining about her, even hating her!

What do you hate about her?

Hate her for not being able to take good care of him like a normal mother, hate her for always forcing him to make progress and restraint, hate her...

A picture flashed through the woman's mind, and her heart was deeply hurt.

She is indeed strong, and she does neglect to take care of her son, but she has no choice but to do so.

Being in the royal family, while enjoying the glory and wealth, there are also too many restrictions and constraints.

She also wants to be a loving mother who has no desires and only loves her son.

But forced by the cruel reality, she couldn't do it!

If she doesn't fight for it, she won't be strong. Let alone a high position, whether the mother and son can survive in the harem is a problem.

Barely living is like an ant being trampled on.

A woman's pride makes her intolerable.

She didn't want her own flesh and blood to be wronged.

For herself and her son, she must grit her teeth and move forward!

She won, and she finally pushed her son onto the throne.

As a result, instead of being grateful, her son blamed her for not providing him with a "normal" family!

Haha, what kind of normal family?

Do you have to be like that bitch——

When she thought of "that bitch", the woman's graceful face was stained with frost.

Her heart throbbed, and the woman was unprepared for the moment, and she fainted from the sudden severe pain and anger.

"Queen Mother!"

"The Queen Mother, what's wrong with you?"


The woman fell softly on the couch, completely unaware of what kind of chaos would happen after she passed out.

After a long time, the woman slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw were layers of gorgeous curtains.

As soon as she made a slight sound, someone hurriedly lifted the bed sheet, revealing a round face full of concern.

This person is Nanny Song, the most trusted person around "him".

They grew up together, accompanied her to get married, and accompanied her to the palace. Twenty years ago, they decided not to marry anymore and have been serving her.

"Girl, you are finally awake!"

When Grandma Song saw the woman waking up, she was so excited that she wiped away tears.

In her desperation, she even forgot the honorific, and habitually called her by her previous title.

"Yes!" The woman responded softly.

There was still some fatigue and weakness in his voice.

Grandma Song felt heartbroken when she heard that the girl who had always been strong in her family made such a small voice.

"What do you think? Is there any discomfort? Old slave, old slave, go to the imperial doctor?"

Grandma Song was distressed and anxious, and asked a series of questions.

The woman shook her head slightly and looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

When Nanny Song saw the woman's little action, she felt pity in her heart, and said quickly: "Your Majesty has been staying in front of the bed just now, but seeing that it was getting late, I was worried that Your Majesty's body could not hold on, so... just——

The woman waved her hand, interrupting Nanny Song's "white lie".

"Okay, don't cover it up for him. Humph, don't I understand the son I gave birth to?"

"Not to mention, there is that 'Madam' in the palace. Whenever she sneezes, my good son will feel so distressed that he will rush to wait on her!"

The woman couldn't help but feel sarcastic as she spoke.

Nanny Song felt even more distressed, "Girl——"

Her girl, her life is so miserable.

In her early years, she was worried about the late emperor. After the late emperor passed away, she was worried about the current emperor.

It took a lot of effort for His Majesty to grow up and be able to govern personally, but in the end he was still unable to live a long life.

"What 'Madam' is, it's just a toy!"

As a woman's confidant, Grandma Song is firmly on the woman's side.

Hearing the woman mention 'that lady' in a self-deprecating and sad tone, Grandma Song felt the same hatred and was full of contempt.

"This person is not a plaything, but a relative of His Majesty."

The woman said as she slowly sat up.

Seeing this, Nanny Song quickly and considerately took a hidden bag and placed it next to the woman.

The woman turned slightly sideways, leaning her upper body on the hidden bag.

Feeling that this position was more comfortable, she did not continue to sit up, but continued: "Oh, by the way, in the future, I will still be His Majesty's in-laws!"

Yue family?

Grandma Song's eyes widened. What do you mean?

Hey, that's not right.

The reason why the Supreme mother and son quarreled just now was indeed because they had to choose a queen for His Majesty.

However, the Queen Mother mentioned Wang Shijiu, the granddaughter of Wang Zhongshu Ling's family.

The Wang family is an aristocratic family, and Wang Zhongshu Ling is a minister who cares about life.

Marrying a daughter of the Wang family can not only appease the family, but also gain support from the Wang family.

This is of great benefit to the emperor's personal administration, but no harm at all!

Even if His Majesty has a "Yue family", it should be the Wang family.

Why did you suddenly mention "that lady"?

Nanny Song couldn't keep up with her master's pace for a while, and her head was filled with questions.

Seeing Nanny Song's appearance, the woman couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Awu, just wait, our Majesty will be here soon!"

The woman said lightly.

Awu is the maiden name of Nanny Song. Ever since she became the most useful nanny around the Queen Mother, few people have called her that.

Only the Queen Mother would occasionally call her like this when the master and servant were chatting in private.

Nanny Song still didn't understand the woman's hint, but said in a feigned joy, "Your Majesty will definitely come to visit you as soon as he knows you are awake!"

Visit her?

Haha, it’s better not to have too many illusions about the barbecued pork son.

Why do people care about their mother's life and death? They only want to marry their sweetheart as soon as possible!

As if to confirm the woman's guess, she had just woken up and was leaning on her crotch to drink medicine when a communication sound rang outside——

"Your Majesty is here!"

Nanny Song immediately beamed with joy and said, "Madam, look, your majesty is coming now, isn't it?"

The woman raised an eyebrow, but did not directly break the illusion of her confidant.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that this kind of thing needs to be seen with her own eyes.

Otherwise, it would be the original owner who knew that he and his son were estranged, but still took chances.

"Mom, are you awake? It's great. This way, my son can feel relieved!"

The young man who had just argued with the woman was Emperor Yongcheng, the second emperor of the Yong Dynasty.

He is only fourteen years old, right between a teenager and an adult.

That is to say, he has both the childishness and willfulness of a teenager and the urgent desire for independence and freedom as an adult.

Of course, in the words of later generations, he was in a sensitive period.

If he doesn't do it right, the middle school boy will become rebellious.

That's right, the woman, oh no, it's He Tiantian to be precise. Her comment about this young emperor is that he is a middle-aged boy.

Of course, you can add one more - invisible barbecued pork!

Alas, the original owner was so pitiful that he actually gave birth to such a son. He Tiantian couldn't help but sigh when he thought of all the things his son did to the original owner in the original plot.

What was such a son born for?

It's better than raw barbecued pork, at least the barbecued pork is still edible!

A son like Emperor Yongcheng has never done anything a son should do except angering and humiliating the original owner!

Just when He Tiantian was complaining secretly, Emperor Yongcheng had already arrived at the bed.

He first pretended to look at He Tiantian's complexion, and then asked Grandma Song and other maids seriously.

He acted like a "filial son" and made sure that his cheap mother was just out of anger and had no serious health problems, so he stopped performing.

"Mom, it's all the child's fault. The child shouldn't have made you angry!"

Emperor Yongcheng lifted the hem of his clothes and knelt in front of He Tiantian.

Seeing his appearance, He Tiantian secretly said, "Here we come."

Then, she felt sad for the original owner.

You see, this is your big boy.

You were so angry that you fainted, and when you finally woke up, your son continued to come and force you!

That’s right, it’s forced!

He Tiantian took advantage of her coma to accept both versions of the plot.

Therefore, He Tiantian knew very well that Emperor Yongcheng had no mother-son affection for the original owner.

He will kneel in front of him, but he is definitely not sincerely repentant, and he will continue to "please".

Oh, how much does this sweetheart like him, or does he not take his mother seriously?

I just woke up, and before I could take a breath, just...

"Mother, I don't like the Wang family's Nineteenth Mother. I, the person I like is Nian'er!"

As expected, Emperor Yongcheng lived up to He Tiantian's disdain and quickly spoke his mind.

Before He Tiantian could respond, Grandma Song frowned.


He's not the person she thinks he is!

If this is really the person, then Nanny Song definitely has reason to believe that Emperor Yongcheng must have been stimulated in some way, or he may have a disease in his mind!

The legitimate daughter of the Langya Wang family from a thousand-year-old family vs. Zheng Nian'er who came from a humble background!

Let alone the royal family, even ordinary people know which one to choose.

"Mother, my son is begging you, please help your son!"

Emperor Yongcheng felt guilty when he saw He Tiantian not speaking but looking at him steadily.

He lowered his head, avoided the sight of his cheap mother, and continued to plead: "Oh, mother, my son has never asked you for anything since he was a child. Just this time, please agree."

Emperor Yongcheng's initial "woo woo woo" was just a fake cry.

But while crying and mentioning things from his childhood, he actually became really sad.

Tears fell down, and Emperor Yongcheng began to complain with a strong cry: "When I was a child, I didn't want to be the emperor, but you insisted on letting me be!"

"I want to be a wealthy and wealthy individual who loves mountains and rivers, but you insist on trapping me in this deep palace!"

"...Mother, you gave birth to your son, so he should listen to you and be filial to you! But you should also pity your son. Marriage is a major matter, related to the happiness of his life, so please help him!"

He Tiantian still didn't speak.

Aunt Song was a little unhappy. She widened her eyes and glared at Emperor Yongcheng with some offense!


What did the emperor say?

The Queen Mother gave birth to him and worked hard to help him ascend to the throne. He did not express gratitude, but was still full of resentment!

Don't want to be an emperor? Just want to be a wealthy and wealthy person?


Is he stupid or naive?

As a member of the royal family and the legitimate son of Empress Yuan, if he didn't become emperor, he wouldn't even be able to save his life.

Don’t know what’s good or bad, don’t know how to be grateful!

If the man who was riding the horse was not the emperor, Nanny Song would have wanted to rush up and slap him twice.

After the anger, Grandma Song was filled with heartache.

Emperor Yongcheng had little affection for the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother did love her only son very much.

It's just that the Queen Mother is strong and busy with government affairs all day long, so she has no time to spend time with Emperor Yongcheng.

As a result, some intentional bitch took advantage of her, making the already somewhat estranged mother and son become even more indifferent.

Emperor Yongcheng may not regard the Queen Mother as his biological mother, but the Queen Mother——

Alas, Nanny Song finally knew why the girl who had always been strong in her family was so angry that she fainted.

She was heartbroken by the emperor.

Now, instead of comforting her, Emperor Yongcheng actually added salt to the Queen Mother's wounds!

Grandma Song felt so sorry for her girl!

Raising her head, Nanny Song resisted the urge to shed tears and looked at the woman on the bed with pity and sadness.


what's the situation?

Their girl didn't react at all?

Not sad or angry, just calm.

Grandma Song was stunned.

Emperor Yongcheng also felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

He secretly raised his head and carefully peered into He Tiantian's expression.

He fell into the deep eyes of his "mother" at a glance.

Emperor Yongcheng felt a sense of trance, and there was an inexplicable uneasiness and fear deep in his soul.

He bit his lower lip, the pain awakened him, and he quickly lowered his head.

My heart was pounding wildly, and I was a little panicked: What happened to my mother? Instead of being angry, he was so calm?

After a long time, just when Emperor Yongcheng couldn't bear this kind of "peace" anymore, He Tiantian finally spoke——

"Emperor, are you sure you don't want to marry Wang's daughter, but your wet nurse's daughter Zheng Nian'er?!"

Emperor Yongcheng swallowed a mouthful of spit, hesitated again and again, and nodded slowly.

He really likes his childhood sweetheart Nian'er and wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

"Okay! I'll make it happen for you!"

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