The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 466: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (3)


Emperor Yongcheng was dumbfounded.


What's the meaning?

The queen mother agreed and allowed him to marry Nian'er? !

Emperor Yongcheng suddenly raised his head and looked at He Tiantian blankly.

That looks a little stupid!

He Tiantian curled her lips secretly in her heart. Apart from being disgusted, she was also a little happy——

Boy, you were dumbfounded. Instead of stopping me, I agreed right away!

Hum, let me see how you act next!

He Tiantian is not the original owner, she is an outsider, and she will not have the confusion and short-sightedness of being "trapped in the game".

Not to mention being coerced by "family affection".

He Tiantian could see clearly that Emperor Yongcheng didn't want to marry Wang's daughter. He clearly wanted to go against his mother!

Emperor Yongcheng was just "rebellious", he was not stupid.

How could he not know what kind of benefits marrying the granddaughter of Minister Gu Ming would bring to him? !

But he was used to confronting his own mother. Even though he knew everything in his heart, he still deliberately acted like a "seed of infatuation".

Because he is confident.

Because he knew that even if he disagreed, the Queen Mother would use strong tactics to "force" him to agree for his own good.

As for Zheng Nian'er, Emperor Yongcheng really liked him.

But he also knew Zheng Nian'er's shortcomings - her mother was the emperor's wet nurse, and her father was just a sidekick!

Upon closer inspection, Zheng Nian'er is considered the child of a slave, a guest girl!

That is to say, they are worse than ordinary slaves, but still not as good as commoners.

Because in these years, the emperor respected the wet nurse Hu in every possible way, and everyone inside and outside the palace politely called Hu "Mrs."

Zheng Nian'er, on the other hand, grew up with the emperor and had a childhood friendship.

Outsiders look at the emperor's face,

He will also look up to her.

However, this kind of glory due to the emperor is definitely not the same thing as Wang Shijiu's innate dignity due to his family.

The emperor has not yet taken charge personally. He needs the support of the aristocratic family, and he also needs to win over and divide the three major ministers.

Marrying Wang Shijiu would bring a hundred benefits and no harm, but marrying Zheng Nian'er would bring a hundred harms and no benefits!

The best situation is that the emperor canonize Wang's daughter as queen, and his little childhood sweetheart will be his favorite concubine.

In this way, he can not only get help from the Wang family, but also fulfill his love with Zheng Nian'er.

Emperor Yongcheng had already made plans in his mind, and he deliberately made trouble with the Queen Mother. He kept saying that he would not marry a daughter of the Wang family, but only Zheng Nian'er.

It's just a little trick.

As an ancient, Emperor Yongcheng didn't know what the "house demolition effect" was.

But he understands the principle of asking for high prices and paying back the money on the spot.

He first shouted that he would not marry the Wang family, but the Queen Mother would definitely not agree.

After a fierce battle between mother and son, the Queen Mother will "force" the Emperor to marry Wang Shijiu.

As compensation, Emperor Yongcheng made a request to make Zheng Nian'er his favorite concubine, and the Queen Mother would acquiesce!

Kill two birds with one stone, get the best of both worlds.


He Tiantian looked at Emperor Yongcheng's stunned expression coldly and cursed secretly in his heart again.

What a char siu, even playing tricks with his own mother.

Also, Emperor Yongcheng's appearance of wanting both profit and love is very similar and he is both responsible and upright.

The original owner was her own mother, and she had expectations for Emperor Yongcheng and would pamper him.

But He Tiantian can’t!

Besides, Emperor Yongcheng is just a white-eyed wolf. Even if the Queen Mother thinks of him everywhere, he will not be grateful.

You naughty child, there is no use being spoiled, you still have to beat him.

Only when the beating hurts and knows that he is afraid, will he behave like a dutiful son!

"Qingnu, my mother-in-law ignored you when you were a child. But you have to believe that she loves you!"

Seeing that Emperor Yongcheng was still stunned, He Tiantian said slowly in a gentle tone, "So, this time, I won't force you anymore!"

Her eyes were full of love, like a good mother doting on her son, "If you like Nian'er, then marry her."

"Although I have always felt that she is a guest daughter of my He family and is not worthy of my son at all. But as long as you are happy, I will do whatever you want!"

Emperor Yongcheng:...

Dear mother, this is different from what was promised!

Why did you agree?

Emperor Yongcheng was immediately stunned.

And when he heard "I am a guest daughter of the He family", he felt as if he had been slapped twice in public, and he felt a little ashamed and angry.

Because Emperor Yongcheng knew very well that Zheng Nian'er's background was definitely not good.

She's not even a commoner.

Guest girl!

She is a guest daughter of the He family!

The He family is the natal family of the Queen Mother, and was also a powerful family in the previous dynasty.

There is a Wubao and a Buqu at home.

And Zheng Nian'er's biological father is Bu Lu of the He family.

Forty years ago, the last emperor of the previous dynasty fell into disarray and the world was in chaos.

Powerful people everywhere revolted.

The He family is one of these forces.

At that time, the head of the He family was the father of the Empress Dowager He. He had strong soldiers and horses and occupied less than half of the country.

The late emperor Zhao Jiong was also a wealthy man who raised troops. He was good at fighting and recruiting talents, and he occupied most of the country.

In the end, the Zhao and He families competed in the Central Plains.

But at this time, the head of the He family died in the battle while encircling and suppressing a small group of forces.

And his two sons also died on the battlefield together.

The only people left in the He family were the Queen Mother He and a pregnant concubine.

Queen Mother He was only thirteen years old, but very courageous.

She knew that in troubled times, she alone could not inherit the power of the He family. It is very likely to become a piece of fish that can be slaughtered by others.

If the father's concubine gave birth to a son, she might be able to do something about it.

However, the concubine is just pregnant, and no one is sure whether the fetus in her belly is a boy or a girl.

What if I give birth to a daughter, or even if I give birth to a son, what if...

After much thought, the Queen Mother He finally decided: the He family and the Zhao family would marry.

She brought the He family's territory and soldiers to marry Zhao Jiong. After Zhao Jiong won the country, he must make their son the new king.

In this way, we can not only avoid the tragic fight between two tigers, but also share the wealth and wealth, and everyone will be happy!

The world can also end the war as soon as possible, and the people can recuperate and recuperate as soon as possible.

Therefore, Queen Mother He, the Queen Mother, really did not rely on women's beauty or the affection of her first wife.

He brought half of his family as dowry, and was a senior partner on an equal footing with the late Emperor Zhao Jiong!

The Yong Dynasty was established, and the He family received sufficient rewards.

Among the many founding fathers of the court, several members of the He family's tribes and old tribes were awarded the title of duke or marquis.

Of course, these are people with meritorious deeds. An ordinary person like Zheng Nian'er's biological father is just a person.

Oh, no, Zheng Nian'er's biological father, Zheng Hu, is not ordinary.

His wife was chosen by the Queen Mother to be the prince's wet nurse.

Zheng Hu also changed from an ordinary servant to the steward of the farm.

Later, the prince ascended the throne and became the emperor. Although the wet nurse Hu did not have a formal title, her husband and son were all given official titles.

In the original plot, Emperor Yongcheng didn't know whether it was to vent his anger with the Queen Mother, or whether he really valued the wet nurse.

The wet nurse Hu was actually granted the title of Holy Lady, her husband was also granted the title of earl, and her son became the Qianniu Guard.

One person attained the Tao, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, and the entire Zheng family, because of the emperor's wet nurse, became one of the leading upstarts in the Yong Dynasty.

Even the Queen Mother’s natal family sometimes has to give way!

He Tiantian:......

Ma De, what kind of barbecued pork son is this?

Promote the wet nurse's family and suppress the mother's natal family?

If the emperor really wanted to prevent his relatives from interfering with the government, it would be understandable.

But Cheng'engong of the He family was frail and sick, and stayed on the bed all year round. He couldn't even get out of the house, let alone the common people.

Such a "foreign relative", that is, taking up the title of the Queen Mother's brother, really does no harm!

But the emperor still suppressed, and suppressed in a very humiliating way.

This is not out of political necessity, but purely out of hatred.

As a biological mother, the original owner might still tolerate such a white-eyed wolf.

He Tiantian couldn't do it.

She looked at Emperor Yongcheng's dumbfounded look, held back her amusement, and continued to add fuel to the fire: "Qingnu, I didn't lie to you, I really figured it out!"

"...The country, the country, the country, are not as important as my son's happiness!"

So, if you want to marry a wet nurse’s daughter, just go ahead and marry her. I support you.

Emperor Yongcheng finally found his voice and said with some difficulty, "Mother, what you said is true!"

He Tiantian was gentle and loving, nodding slowly.

Emperor Yongcheng seemed to have a bone stuck in his throat. He wanted to vomit but couldn't, and wanted to swallow but couldn't.

He felt uncomfortable being stuck, and his face was as gloomy as if he was constipated.

After a long while, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with some embarrassment, "My son does like Nian'er, but my son is worried about you -"


You are having a seizure!

Don’t you hate the wet nurse’s family the most?

And deep down, which one do you admire the most? !

You have never had any feelings in your heart, neither for your father nor for my son.

In her eyes, there is only the country, only the government, and only those naked interests!

An evil fire suddenly burst out in Emperor Yongcheng's chest.

"Qingnu, you don't have to worry about grandma, grandma said, she will always only care about you the most!"

"In the past, my mother-in-law was wrong and mistakenly thought that letting you be the emperor and control the world was the best thing for you!"

"Aniang has ignored your feelings, alas, but fortunately, you still have Nian'er as your sweetheart!"

"This time, grandma will not stop you anymore. If you want to marry Nian'er, go ahead and marry her! Only if you are happy, grandma will be happy!"

He Tiantian said this, and Emperor Yongcheng really wanted to refuse, but it seemed false.

He clenched his fists and forced out a stiff smile, "Thank you, mother, for your consideration!"

After saying that, Emperor Yongcheng got up from the ground and left on the pretext that he still had government affairs.

"Mother, you, you—"

After watching Emperor Yongcheng leave, Nanny Song finally couldn't help it, approached He Tiantian and asked doubtfully.

As a confidant, Granny Song certainly understands her master.

Putting aside objective conditions such as a good match and political interests, there was no reason for Queen Mother He to agree to this matter.

Her dislike of the Hu family alone was enough for Queen Mother He to refuse to let Zheng Nian'er be her "daughter-in-law".

It’s not like Nanny Song didn’t know that the little emperor and Zheng Nian’er were childhood sweethearts. At that time, she also secretly thought——

If that doesn't work, when the emperor grows up in the future, he can marry a girl from a noble family to be his queen, and then include Zheng Nian'er in the harem.

Although Zheng Nian'er still hangs around in front of her Queen Mother, it's really an eyesore.

But after all, she is just a concubine, not a serious daughter-in-law.

For the sake of the little prince, the queen mother can always tolerate a little.

But now, the Queen Mother actually agreed to let the emperor marry Zheng Nian'er as the queen.

This this--

"Awu, didn't you hear what the emperor said just now?"

Of course He Tiantian knew the doubts in Nanny Song's heart, so she asked pretending to be sad.

Nanny Song was stunned for a moment, and then carefully recalled the words of Emperor Yongcheng.

Well, it's really heartbreaking and very heartless.

Not to mention the Queen Mother as a biological mother, even a servant like Aunt Song couldn't help but feel chilled after hearing these words.

But the problem is, the little emperor has never said this in the past.

Every time there was a conflict between mother and son, the little emperor would say some heart-wrenching words.

At most, it was harsher this time, and it was particularly sad.

Nanny Song understood that, after all, it was a life-long matter for the little emperor, so it was reasonable for him to be emotional.

"Awu, I am also a human being, and I also have a heart. My heart has been hurt many times, and it hurts too!"

He Tiantian pointed to her chest and said sadly.

Grandma Song’s heart trembled!

Yes, no matter how powerful her master is, he is still a woman.

When there is a husband, the husband dotes on his concubine and wants to destroy the original covenant without conscience.

She finally overcame her husband and won the throne for her son, but her son blamed her for not being loving enough.

What else could he say, he didn’t want to be the emperor, but he was trapped in the palace by his mother!

Maybe the little emperor was really aggrieved, but wouldn't the Queen Mother be aggrieved?

Dear mother and son, I don’t know how much the Queen Mother has suffered and suffered for the little emperor.

The little emperor couldn't even show the most basic consideration, not to mention giving back.

Parents must dedicate everything to their children.

But it is always one-sided contribution, and parents will feel chilled and sad.

In the past, the young emperor always praised the Hu family, making Hu a wet nurse dare to be arrogant in the palace.

Although the Queen Mother was not bullied, she was secretly laughed at - the dignified Queen Mother was worse than a slave!

Their queen mother had been a daughter of a wealthy family since she was a child, and she had never suffered humiliation during the war.

As a result, when she became the most noble woman in the world, others respected and worshiped her, but her own son——

Thinking of the injustice her master had suffered over the years, Grandma Song's heart ached.

And today, the Queen Mother, who had always been strong, was so angry that the Emperor fainted.

The emperor did not say that he had been staying in front of the sickbed, but in the meantime he ran out to visit "Mrs. Hu" on the pretext of something else.

Nanny Song put herself in the body of Queen Mother He, and for a moment, she felt an inexplicable sadness and anger.

"Forget it, my son can't help his mother! I thought everything was for his own good, but in the end, it 'hurt' him!"

"It's up to him from now on! He can marry whoever he wants. Whether he can successfully govern himself in the future depends on his luck."

He Tiantian put on a look of giving up and said in a lonely tone.

"Empress, must take care of yourself."

Nanny Song originally wanted to cry, "Your life is so miserable," but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

Alas, let the queen mother take good care of her health. If the little emperor gets into trouble in the future, she will have to clean up the mess!

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