The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 467: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Erlang, is the Queen Mother feeling better?"

Mrs. Hu looked at Emperor Yongcheng's face and asked softly.

"Well, mother has woken up!"

Emperor Yongcheng was full of worries and had an inexplicable sense of unreality.

When he heard the voice that he relied on, he didn't show his usual admiring and joyful smile.

He replied casually and walked directly to the short couch.

Mrs. Hu's eyes flickered, she adjusted her expression slightly, and before Emperor Yongcheng could get in front of him, she sat cross-legged on the low couch.

When Emperor Yongcheng saw this, he habitually snuggled up to Mrs. Hu and rested his head on her lap.

Mrs. Hu skillfully untied Emperor Yongcheng's hair, and using her hands as a comb, she slowly combed Emperor Yongcheng's hair and massaged his scalp.

While fiddling with it, Madam Hu stretched out her hand to touch Emperor Yongcheng's forehead, feeling his temperature.

The warm and soft palm rested on his forehead, giving Emperor Yongcheng a familiar sense of security.

He seemed to be back when he was a child. Whenever something unhappy happened, his mother would be busy fighting with his father and would not care about him at all.

Only the wet nurse would take him into her arms like a mother, gently comb his hair with her hands, and ask him softly if he had been wronged.

These made him feel a deep sense of care, and he had the illusion of being wrapped in maternal love.


It was the familiar feeling again, and the warmth of being cared for, and Emperor Yongcheng let out the breath that was stuck in his chest.

"Erlang, did something unhappy happen to you?"

Seeing Emperor Yongcheng's appearance, Mrs. Hu knew that it was almost done.

She asked softly, like a loving mother doting on her child.

"..." Emperor Yongcheng did not open his heart directly to the wet nurse as usual.

It's not that he doesn't trust the wet nurse, it's just that he doesn't know what to say.

Because the thing itself seems to be something that makes people happy - the Queen Mother, who has been forcing him to marry a noble daughter of a noble family, suddenly changed her temper and asked him to make whoever he likes the queen!

I can finally marry my beloved Xiao Qingmei, and I can also give my wet nurse a dignity and dignity.

Emperor Yongcheng was not happy.

He even felt anxious and ashamed as if he was being roasted on a fire.

how so?

Why did the Queen Mother change her words?

Emperor Yongcheng didn't have much affection for his biological mother, let alone trust and dependence.

Just now He Tiantian said that as a mother, she felt sorry for Emperor Yongcheng, so she would let him be happy in the future.

Emperor Yongcheng didn't believe a word of it.

He even secretly thought that the Queen Mother might have a new plan.

But no matter what the Queen Mother was secretly brewing, for now, Emperor Yongcheng was in a dilemma.

"The Queen Mother still hopes that you will marry the Wang family's daughter?"

Madam Hu quietly observed Emperor Yongcheng's face and asked tentatively.

Emperor Yongcheng's body stiffened, and after a moment, he shook his head.

There was a trace of doubt in Hu's eyes, and she continued to test: "Is it possible that the Queen Mother has taken a fancy to other famous ladies?"

The late emperor Zhao Jiong left behind three assistant ministers.

In addition to the Wang family, the other two families also have daughters of appropriate age.

It's just that the Wang family still has the status of an aristocratic family, so it seems to be more valuable for marriage than the other two families.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although Mrs. Hu hoped that her daughter could marry the little emperor, she knew very well that the Zheng family's family status was too low.

In addition, the Queen Mother didn't like her Hu family, so naturally she didn't like Zheng Nian'er, who was born to her Hu family.

That is to say, the Hu family has the affection to feed and take care of Emperor Yongcheng.

In the early years, due to various reasons in the palace, Queen Mother He sent Emperor Yongcheng to be raised outside the palace.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hu not only deepened her relationship with Emperor Yongcheng, but also let her two children accompany Emperor Yongcheng.

With the friendship they had grown up with together, Zheng Nian'er was so charming and charming that the little emperor, who was just beginning to have a crush on her, immediately placed her at the forefront of his heart.

As long as Zheng Nian'er enters the palace, even if she is a low-level Baolin or a talented person, Mrs. Hu is confident that her daughter will become a favorite concubine and then shine on the lintel of the Zheng family.

Queen... Zheng Nian'er had the idea of ​​becoming Erlang's first wife, but everyone in the Zheng family knew that this was just a delusion.

Not to mention that the Queen Mother He refused to agree, even the little emperor himself probably--

Emperor Yongcheng shook his head again.

Mrs. Hu was a little confused. Did Queen Mother He not want the emperor to marry Shuyuan, a noble girl of similar family status?


Mr. and Mrs. Hu were both slaves of the He family. Because she had just given birth to a daughter, she was in good health and good-looking, so she was selected to be the wet nurse of the little prince.

The little prince has a distinguished status. Hu is not the only wet nurse, but she is the one who respects him the most.

After so many years of dealing with her, Mrs. Hu also got to know Queen Mother He.

This most noble woman in the harem has always been strong.

Not only was he strict with the young emperor, but he never backed down even in front of the late emperor.

Sometimes, Mrs. Hu thought that if the Queen Mother had been softer and could be as gentle and gentle as Xie Guifei, the Queen Mother and the late Emperor might not have been in such a tense situation.

The late emperor was more than ten years older than the empress dowager, so to empress dowager he, she was definitely not a yellow-faced woman or a lousy wife.

She and the late emperor were originally an old married woman.

It is said that when the two first got married, they were very affectionate and affectionate.

In the first five years of her marriage, the Queen Mother gave birth to two children.

Unfortunately, they all died one after another.

By that time, the late emperor had already established himself in power and was past his thirties.

Not only the late emperor himself, but also the courtiers were worried about the successor of the newly established dynasty.

The late emperor began to recruit a large harem for the sake of heirs.

A noble daughter from a noble family, a noble queen, or a woman from a poor family.

The beautiful ladies have different backgrounds, and their appearance is even more unique.

For a time, the Tai Chi Palace was full of people singing and singing, and it was very lively.

Among the many beautiful ladies, Concubine Xie was the most favored and the fastest promoted.

From the surname, you can tell that this person's maiden family is the Xie family of Chenjun, named after the Wang family of Langya.

Although Wang Xie's reputation has not been as good as before in recent years, Xie is still a well-known brand.

The late emperor said this in order to appease the aristocratic family, and the Wang and Xie families were the leaders of the aristocratic family.

The most noble person in the harem is the queen. She is not a spoiled wife, but takes half of the country as a dowry to marry the late emperor.

The queen's position cannot be shaken unless the queen herself commits a major crime such as treason.

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Those below the queen are concubines, so within three months of entering the palace, Xie became the concubine second only to the queen.

The late emperor's favor towards Concubine Xie reached its peak after Concubine Xie gave birth to the prince.

It was not the first time that the late emperor became a father. In fact, he had also married wives and concubines before marrying He.

These wives and concubines all gave birth to children for him.

It's just that during the war, his wives, concubines, and children died and disappeared. When he and the He family announced their marriage, he became a person again.

It was not his first time to be a father, nor was it his first time to have a son, but the late emperor was extremely excited.

Because the prince born by Concubine Xie has a different meaning. This is the first prince he gave birth to after establishing the Yong Dynasty.

It can be regarded as a "successor" in a sense!

The late emperor almost doted on the eldest prince to the heavens, and even Concubine Xie became the number one person in the harem.

Judging from the importance he attached to the eldest prince, he seemed to be grooming the child as his heir.

He: is unbearable.

She had an alliance with the late emperor.

The empire of the Great Yong Dynasty can only be inherited by their own flesh and blood.

However, He didn't make any noise.

Because she does not have a son under her knees, it is easy to fall into the inferior position if she fights for it at this time.

So, He tried every means to recuperate his body, and finally succeeded in getting pregnant when the eldest prince was four years old.

It was just the pregnancy that was particularly difficult for He.

Not only did she have to resist Concubine Xie's various methods, but she also had to guard against the late Emperor.

Yes, you read that right, it seems that the late emperor did not want to see He give birth to a son from the bottom of his heart.

I don’t know that he really loves Concubine Xie, and for the sake of their mother and son, he would not hesitate to secretly hurt his first wife and legitimate son.

I don’t know that he had already calculated that he would not tolerate the blood of the He family flowing in the body of his son who would inherit the throne!

From pregnancy to delivery, He went through eighty-one disasters, each of which was fatal.

Fortunately, the He family is smart enough and has the support of the nobles and civil servants of the He family in the court. She also has a mysterious secret guard in her hands.

Only then did she give birth to the prince without any risk.

However, having a son doesn't mean everything will be fine.

The late emperor did not like to see his legitimate son at all, and often reprimanded him for being weak and incompetent.

Concubine Xie and many concubines framed the He family and their son. Even if the He family got the evidence, the late emperor would just kill a scapegoat to get rid of the matter.

When the eldest prince was fourteen years old and the marriage negotiations began, the late emperor even went as far as to choose a princess and selected several wives and concubines for the eldest prince who were powerful from her natal family.

At this time, the Great Yong Dynasty had been established for more than ten years, and the late emperor had already taken complete control of everything.

And those nobles and court officials who came from the He family faction gradually moved closer to the late emperor.

Some of the late emperor's confidants, or officials from aristocratic families, began to clamor in the court about the establishment of an heir.

The candidate they want to recommend as the crown prince is naturally the eldest prince Zhao Yao.

Of course, there were still some courtiers who valued etiquette and rules and proposed that the legitimate son of the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty should be made the crown prince.

However, whether they were those who stood for the eldest prince or those who respected etiquette and law, they all "forgot" the covenant between the He and Zhao families.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He was secretly angry and unwilling, but she was not someone who only accumulated negative emotions.

For the sake of herself and her son, and for the justice of the He family, she chose to attack in secret.

Just when the late emperor personally came to help Concubine Xie in the "palace fight" and was about to bring down the queen He, the always strong and healthy late emperor actually fell ill due to a cold.

As soon as he became ill, he became terminally ill in just a few days.

He was the queen and had secret guards in her hands. Whether it was in terms of reputation or military power, she overshadowed Concubine Xie.

Concubine Xie, who had been arrogant in the harem for more than ten years, was, in the final analysis, just a beloved concubine relying on the favor of the late emperor.

Once the late emperor fell, she would no longer have the capital to show off her teeth.

The He family took control of the harem with lightning power, and controlled the seriously ill late emperor to write an edict and make the second prince Zhao Gui the crown prince.

The late emperor was unwilling to give in. Before he died, he took a deep breath and appointed three ministers to Zhao Gui.

The late emperor was afraid. He was really afraid that the He family would change the name of this huge country from the Zhao family to the He family!

But he underestimated the cruelty of the He woman and overestimated the ability of Concubine Xie and her son to face the crisis.

In this way, the late emperor died with hatred, the ten-year-old prince Zhao Gui ascended the throne, and He was revered as the queen mother.

The new monarch was still young and could not personally manage the affairs of the court, so the Queen Mother He and the three ministers who cared about his fate would assist him.

Empress Dowager He finally became the winner of the harem by relying on her tenacity and planning.

Based on her strength and hatred for Xie's mother and son, it was considered kind of Queen Mother He not to kill Concubine Xie and the eldest prince immediately.

It's not the Queen Mother He or the Holy Mother, but she has clear grudges.

She knew that the person she should hate the most was the late emperor, and she had already taken her revenge.

As for Xie and the eldest prince, it was just a sword pushed out by the late emperor.

The Empress Dowager He did not want to commit more crimes, so she planned to spare the lives of the mother and son. She wanted to send the Xie family to guard the late emperor's funeral, and give the eldest prince a random title and keep them in captivity in the capital.

Twenty or thirty years later, the eldest prince fell from being a favored prince to a down-and-out clan member.

In this way, Empress Dowager He and the successor Emperor Yongcheng can also gain a good reputation.

However, Queen Mother He ignored one person - her biological son Yongcheng Emperor Zhao Gui!

The Queen Mother He didn't want to kill Xie's mother and son, not because she didn't hate them, but because she didn't want to tarnish her reputation for a loser.

But she never expected that her biological son would actually regard his "enemy" as his biological brother.

Empress Dowager He still couldn't understand that she, Emperor Yongcheng, and Xie's mother and son were natural enemies.

Either his mother and son will die, or Xie's mother and son will become Dao Zu.

It is impossible for the two parties to reconcile, let alone become a family.

It happened that her own son felt that the powerful Queen Mother was too domineering and cold, and she actually treated the late emperor's beloved concubine harshly and imprisoned the late emperor's own children.

Queen Mother He regarded the eldest prince as a thorn in her side, but Emperor Yongcheng regarded Zhao Yao as his only brother.

He even disobeyed the Queen Mother He's will, canonized Zhao Yao as King of Liang, and directly made Liangzhou, which was very close to the capital, as Zhao Yao's fief.

Concubine Xie Gui suffered in the imperial mausoleum for three years and became seriously ill. Emperor Yongcheng took her back to the capital without authorization on the pretext of recuperating her illness. He also let her live in Prince Liang's Mansion and be a filial ancestor with children and grandchildren.

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Queen Mother He was so angry that her own son almost vomited blood.

But she still endured it.

The son has no pro-government, no wedding, and no heir.

His throne was not secure.

For the sake of her son, Queen Mother He endured her nausea and acquiesced to Emperor Yongcheng's various "disobediences".

After these events, Mrs. Hu finally understood what Empress Dowager He's weakness was - her son and country.

But now, the purpose of asking for the marriage of a noble daughter of a noble family for Emperor Yongcheng is not only to allow Emperor Yongcheng to take over the throne as soon as possible, but also to stabilize the country.

Queen Mother He really cared about her son, so she knew what was really good for her son.

There was no way she would allow her son to mess around on the important matter of marriage.


Seeing Emperor Yongcheng always shaking his head, Hu suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Mrs. Hu was worried, but her daughter Zheng Nian'er was secretly happy. She even ran out impulsively and said excitedly to Emperor Yongcheng, "Erlang, is that old witch no longer forcing you to marry those famous ladies?!"

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