The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 468: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


"Kneel down!!"

It was as if Mrs. Hu heard the word "old witch" from her daughter's mouth for the first time, and she was filled with fear and anger.

She reprimanded loudly without caring about the relationship between mother and daughter.

Zheng Nian'er was frightened and almost didn't react at all. She instinctively fell to her knees with a plop.


In the quiet side hall, there was a tooth-ache-inducing sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Zheng Nian'er's eyes were filled with tears from the pain, and her petite body could not help but tremble slightly.

Mrs. Hu, however, seemed not to notice her daughter's pitiful appearance, and continued to reprimand her coldly: "Zheng Nian'er, how brave are you to be disrespectful to the Queen Mother?"

"Is this what I teach you all the time? Even if the Queen Mother is a bit strict, she is still the Queen Mother of the Dayuan Dynasty and His Majesty's mother!"

The last sentence is the key point of Hu's attack.

While scolding Zheng Nian'er, she secretly observed Emperor Yongcheng with the corner of her eye.

Sure enough, seeing the actions of Mrs. Hu, Zheng Niner and her daughter, Emperor Yongcheng's gloomy expression finally changed.

Mrs. Hu took the opportunity to give her daughter a look.

Zheng Nian'er looks innocent, but she's not really a fool.

She suddenly received such a beating from her mother and was forced to kneel on the cold, hard bluestone floor.

Both knees hurt terribly, and you could tell without looking that they were definitely bruised.

Ever since she was little, has she ever suffered like this?

Zheng Nian'er felt aggrieved, and also complained a little about her mother.

However, seeing the look in Hu's eyes, she was astute and quickly understood.

With a strong cry, she said pitifully, "Auntie, I was wrong! I, even for Erlang's sake, I should respect the Queen Mother more."

"But I just feel sorry for Erlang. In the past few years, the Queen Mother has been so indifferent to Erlang, and she doesn't regard him as her biological son at all-"

Zheng Nian'er was admitting her mistake on the surface, but her words were full of the flavor of tea to sow discord.

"Presumptuous! How dare you talk nonsense?"

Mrs. Hu was secretly satisfied. She was indeed the daughter she had trained with her own hands. She was indeed smart enough.

But on the surface, she still looked annoyed.

She seemed to be holding back, as if if she hadn't been worried that Emperor Yongcheng was still lying on her knees, she would have stood up and rushed directly to Zheng Nian'er to teach her a lesson.

"Aunt~~~" Zheng Nian'er originally had tears in her eyes, but after being ignored and scolded like this, her tears flowed down.

When Emperor Yongcheng saw this, he couldn't help but feel distressed. He raised his head, stood up, came to Zheng Nian'er, and looked at her with pity in his eyes.

The familiar person took a handkerchief to wipe her tears, and instinctively defended her, "Nurse, okay, stop scolding Nian'er!"

"She has been like this since she was a child. She is innocent and outspoken. She will just say whatever is on her mind!"

As Emperor Yongcheng talked, he couldn't help but think of his childhood.

When he was just four years old, he was suddenly sent outside the palace by his mother.

There were only a few wet nurses, personal eunuchs and palace maids around.

Emperor Yongcheng was frightened and aggrieved. He didn't know what happened. He was even more worried that he was in trouble. Why was he suddenly sent out of the palace?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

They are both his father's sons. The eldest brother is several years older than him, but he can still cling to his father's side and act coquettishly.

As for him, he could only watch from afar with envy.

It was said that there was an epidemic in the palace and he was sent out of the palace to escape, but his eldest brother was raised by his father in the Tai Chi Hall.

……Nobody knows,

Emperor Yongcheng was so envious and jealous of his elder brother.

People around him said that he was the most noble legitimate son of the queen, but he would rather not be the legitimate son. He just wanted to be like his elder brother, with a majestic but loving father and a gentle, noble and kind mother.

Unlike him, his father disliked him and his mother was also very cold to him.

Apart from forcing him to study and practice martial arts, there is no other tenderness.

Emperor Yongcheng once doubted whether he was the biological child of his parents.

Fortunately, he still has Hu as his wet nurse.

During the four or five years after he was sent out of the palace, he relied on Hu's wholehearted care.

Mr. Hu and his family were extremely sincere to him.

Mrs. Hu gave him the maternal love he longed for most, while Zheng Nian'er was a warm light in his obscure childhood.

Until now, Emperor Yongcheng still clearly remembers——

He left the palace and stayed in the He family's village for only two days. Because of his heavy thoughts and acclimatization, he fell ill.

It is the wet nurse who takes care of her day and night without taking off her clothes.

As for Zheng Nian'er, Xiaoxiao was alone, she was still a child, but she stayed by the bedside obediently, telling him stories and feeding him candied fruits.

At that time, the medicine was really bitter and the candied fruit was really sweet.

It seemed to be sweet to his heart. Even after nearly ten years, Emperor Yongcheng still remembered it fresh.

At this moment, I saw Zheng Nian'er kneeling on the ground in grievance. Her knees were so painful that she was sweating, but she still had to be scolded by Hu to admit her mistake.

Those beautiful and warm scenes from childhood flashed in his mind instantly. Emperor Yongcheng wiped Zheng Nian'er's tears and pulled her up smoothly.

Zheng Nian'er thought about it, but she was afraid that her mother would have an attack, so she finally turned to Emperor Yongcheng for help.

Seeing the familiar little eyes, Emperor Yongcheng was reminded of past memories again.

He couldn't help but curl his lips, and habitually defended Zheng Nian'er: "Nurse, please don't blame Nian'er. I know she didn't mean it!"

Isn't that just calling the Queen Mother an old witch?

In fact, when he was a child, Emperor Yongcheng secretly scolded his mother when he was forced to study and do things he didn't like.

The reason why Zheng Nian'er "dare" to be so presumptuous is also because of him!

"Nian'er feels sorry for me and wants to fight for me!"

Looking back on the past, Emperor Yongcheng's mind was filled with images from those early years, and his heart became particularly soft.

The embarrassment and anger caused by the sudden "pulling of the ladder" by Queen Mother He just now and putting him on a high platform were relieved a lot because of this "confrontation" between Hu's mother and daughter.

Emperor Yongcheng abandoned interests and started from feelings again.

Suddenly he felt that if he married Nian'er, he would be able to fulfill his long-cherished wish, and he would have an explanation and reward for his wet nurse's family!

Mrs. Hu knows the children she raised very well.

Emperor Yongcheng had just changed his mind, and Mrs. Hu felt it.

She winked at her daughter again.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zheng Nian'er understood and followed Emperor Yongcheng's strength to help her up. She held Emperor Yongcheng's hand with her backhand and said proudly: "That's right, I feel sorry for Erlang!"

After saying this, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked excitedly: "By the way, Erlang, you haven't answered my question just yet."

She carefully observed Emperor Yongcheng's eyes and pretended to be careless, "Old, oh no, it's the Queen Mother. Doesn't she object to us being together?"

After asking this question, Zheng Nian'er's heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

She, the "mean maid" despised by the noble ladies in the capital, is going to become the queen?

Can she finally become the most noble woman in Dayuan Dynasty? !

Very good!

She knew that Erlang had a deep affection for her.

When she sits on the phoenix throne, the women who once bullied and ridiculed her will kneel at her feet.

No matter how ashamed and angry you are inside, you still have to lick your smiling face and compliment and please her in every way!

Haha, she really likes everyone's look of "you can't stand me, but you can't kill me".

When Zheng Nian'er thought of such a refreshing scene, her whole heart jumped up.

Emperor Yongcheng saw Zheng Nian'er's face "red with embarrassment", and he and she had long been in love and connected with each other.

Emperor Yongcheng naturally knew what Zheng Nian'er was happy about.

In fact, Emperor Yongcheng also wanted Nian'er to be his wife, and the two of them played the piano and played the piano and played hand in hand for the rest of their lives.


After all, Emperor Yongcheng grew up in an elite education. Although he was a little willful and mentally retarded in some aspects, he still had the political qualities that a prince should have.

For example, his marriage has never been decided by feelings.

When Zheng Nian'er pretended to be innocent and asked those words, Mrs. Hu's heartbeat couldn't help but beat a few beats faster.

But soon, she noticed Emperor Yongcheng's hesitation and embarrassment.

There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, and she sighed secretly.

Putting away the last trace of fantasy, Hu began her performance——

"Nian'er, you started talking nonsense again!"

"I know you want to marry Erlang, and Erlang also likes you, but marriage is more important than just the love between children!"

"Erlang is the emperor of Dayuan. He is responsible for the country, the country, and the country, so he needs to worry about the overall situation of the court!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Hu secretly wiped away tears "feeling distressed".

"...Oh, my Erlang, he is so wronged that he has to sacrifice his own marriage for the sake of the world!"

Mrs. Hu was very much like a loving mother who only cared about the emperor. She did not rely on love to fight for her daughter, but instead considered the emperor in everything.

Hearing Hu's words, Emperor Yongcheng was moved and guilty at the same time.

He was moved by the wet nurse's sincerity, but felt guilty that he was destined to let her down!

Alas, as an emperor, he had too many last resorts.

She obviously likes Nian'er and wants to honor her wet nurse, but... she...

Zheng Nian'er received her mother's signal again and knew that her "dream of being a queen" was shattered.

She was unwilling to do so, but she did not dare to show it in front of Emperor Yongcheng.

He pinched his palm hard, and the wisps of pain reminded Zheng Nian'er.

She was crying, her eyes were full of reluctance, but she still said "magnanimously", "It was my fault, I, I shouldn't have been greedy just because I like Erlang!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Erlang, just go and marry those noble ladies who can help you. You don't need to take care of me. As long as you have me in your heart and are willing to leave a small corner for me in the palace, I will be satisfied!"

She doesn’t have to be a queen, but she must be the emperor’s favorite woman!

Zheng Nian'er's "compromise" made Emperor Yongcheng even more sad.

However, the gestures of the wet nurse and Nian'er made Emperor Yongcheng no longer have any hesitation in his heart.

Hu's consideration and Nian'er's concession further strengthened Emperor Yongcheng's heart——

He couldn't make Nian'er become the most noble woman in Dayuan Dynasty, but he could make Nian'er the most important woman in his heart!

That night, Emperor Yongcheng, Hu, Zheng Nian'er and others had different thoughts and could not sleep well at night.

He Tiantian was extremely comfortable and slept comfortably all night.

Early the next morning, He Tiantian got up according to the biological clock of the original owner.

After washing and dressing up, she took the Queen Mother's chariot to the Tai Chi Hall.

This is the Zhongchao of Taiji Palace, where the emperor held court meetings.

Emperor Chengtai has not yet got married, so naturally he does not have the power to rule personally.

As the empress dowager of Dayuan, the original owner needed to come to the court to listen to politics.

After the court meeting is over, if there is any important matter, Queen Mother He will summon Zhongshu Ling, Liu Bu Shangshu and other important ministers to discuss it in the political affairs hall.

However, there was nothing important today. According to the procedures, the courtiers reported some government affairs and then retired.

He Tiantian did not rush to Liangyi Hall to review the memorial, but ordered Wang Zhongshu Ling Wang Yuan to be found.

Wang Yuan is one of the three assistant ministers left by the late emperor. He is also the head of the Langya Wang family and Wang Shijiu's direct grandfather.

Among the three auxiliary ministers, Wang Yuan was the target of Empress Dowager He's attempts to win over and divide him.

Wang Yuan is a man who is shrewd, cunning and good at strategy.

When the late emperor launched an army, he was the first family to support the late emperor.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, the Wang family ensured the status of the Langya Wang family as the top family because of Wang Yuan's precise "investment".

However, the Xie family, who was once named after the Wang family and is also from a thousand-year-old family, missed the best time to get on the bus because she was too "reserved" and looked down on vulgar warriors like the late emperor Zhao Jiong. She refused to "complicit in the evil".

In the end, the Xie family could only use women to consolidate their power, and gradually fell into inferior position in front of the Wang family.

Wang Yuan came to the side hall and bowed to He Tiantian properly. As soon as he knelt down and sat down, he heard He Tiantian lamenting:

"...Wang Zhongshu Ling, the Ai family can't help you!"

Wang Yuan sat upright, with no obvious surprise on his face, only a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.


The Queen Mother today is a bit unusual.

Empress Dowager He had a strong temper. When she was betrayed and suppressed by the late emperor, she never showed weakness in front of others.

She always straightened her back and held her head high, like a proud phoenix.

It's very rare to suddenly lament and say "I'm sorry" like today.

"Old minister is terrified!"

Wang Yuan deliberately looked uneasy.

He Tiantian waved her hands, completely lacking the majesty of the Queen Mother.

At this moment, she is just an old woman whose heart has been broken by her son, well, even though she is a little over thirty.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But in ancient times, people in their thirties and forties were the age when they could become grandmothers.

Men, on the other hand, can call themselves "old man" humbly.

"Yesterday, the Ai family discussed the wedding with the emperor..."

He Tiantian did not sell it or whitewash it, but directly recounted the conversation between Queen Mother He and Emperor Yongcheng yesterday.

Finally, she even bluntly said that she was so stimulated that she fainted.

Wang Yuan:......

He didn't even know how to react!

He did have the intention to form an alliance with the Queen Mother and her son, but he was not considered a confidant of the Queen Mother.

Even his confidants are not so "candid".

By the way, it seemed very inappropriate to speak directly about the emperor's various unfilial and unjust actions in front of a foreign minister.

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice Wang Yuan's embarrassment. She was like an ordinary old woman who had been irritated, complaining to others.

Slowly, Wang Yuan suddenly understood what the Queen Mother meant. He was excited all over and looked at He Tiantian with surprise...

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