The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 469: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The Queen Mother wants to break with the Emperor? !

Such a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Wang Yuan's mind.

Soon, Wang Yuan himself denied it!

Picture what?

The Queen Mother only has one son, the Emperor, so she cannot break with the Emperor rashly!

Even if the emperor has an heir, Queen Mother He, who wants to monopolize power, cannot easily attack the emperor.

It's not about caring about flesh and blood, haha, let alone the royal family, even the aristocratic family advocates interests, not feelings.

Empress Dowager He dared to take advantage of the late emperor's illness to secretly engage in small tricks, which eventually caused the late emperor to die of illness.

It shows that this woman is by no means an ordinary woman with a soft heart.

If she kills her son and puts her grandson on the throne, she can continue to handle politics.

Queen Mother He will never refuse.

But, now, she won't do that.

Because the mother and son, Concubine Xie Gui and Prince Liang, are still alive, they are still staying in the capital.

Not to mention Queen Mother He killing her son, even the news of discord between mother and son would make Xie mother and son ready to take action.

The court has finally settled down, and Emperor Yongcheng has reached the age where he can get married and rule in person. Queen Mother He will not easily do stupid things that make her relatives happy and her enemies happy.


If Queen Mother He didn't want to break up with the emperor, why would she say this in front of Zhongshu Ling?

Wang Yuan murmured in his heart.

When he raised his head, his eyes accidentally met the eyes of "Queen Mother He".


Wang Yuan thought of it!

Although Queen Mother He would not break with the emperor, she also had the idea of ​​​​teaching him a lesson.

After talking so much, and even exposing her family scandal, Queen Mother He had only one purpose.

That is to tell Wang Yuan: Dear, the emperor is really not a good candidate for his grandson-in-law.

If Emperor Yongcheng just likes a so-called little green plum, it's nothing.

Daughters raised by wealthy families are not usually sour and jealous people.

She wants to be the matron of the house and has enough mind and tolerance.

They are not afraid of their husbands being lustful and will not stop them.

As long as they gave birth to an heir, as long as their husband gave her enough respect and dignity, they didn't care at all how many women their husband had and how many bastards they had.

Sometimes, they are more active than men in taking concubines.

It's not for the good reputation of being virtuous and virtuous, nor is it because she doesn't value her husband.

In fact, in ancient times, giving birth was a fatal job.

Breaking through the hell gate is not something you talk about casually.

Even if she doesn't die, a woman still suffers too much loss during pregnancy and childbirth, and many things will be delayed.

When their husbands have other women, the mistresses are free from these troubles and dangers.

As a legitimate daughter who was carefully cultivated by her family, Wang Shijiu naturally doesn't care about petty love affairs.

What she wants is to make profits for the family, and what she wants is honor and luxury.

Let's talk about marrying a man like the emperor who is destined to have many concubines. Even if he marries a well-matched family, Wang Shijiu is also ready to arrange concubines for her husband.

Wang Shijiu or a noble lady from aristocratic family like her are not afraid of having concubines or concubines at all.

As long as her husband abides by the rules and his family respects etiquette, she will be the unstoppable matriarch of the family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

No little goblin can shake her position, so she naturally won't argue with him.

Huh, it's just a toy. It's not a disgrace to his identity to argue with her.


Now He Tiantian wants to tell Wang Yuan——

Dear, our little emperor is not only an infatuated child, but also a "rebel" who does not follow the rules and etiquette!

It’s hard to say whether the noble lady will be treated as a childless and unloved decoration in the future, but for now, the experience of Queen Mother He has shown that the little emperor is unreliable.

Yes, the example of Queen Mother He is right in front of us.

Wang Yuan realized He Tiantian's intention and suddenly thought of many things.

Empress Dowager He was the biological mother of Emperor Yongcheng, and she single-handedly pushed him to the throne of emperor.

Putting aside family affection and kindness, just for the sake of etiquette, Emperor Yongcheng should also be filial and respectful to Queen Mother He.

To put it bluntly, a son should pretend to be a dutiful son even if he is just pretending.

But what did Emperor Yongcheng do?

Suppressing Queen Mother He's natal family and promoting a wet nurse.

Now, for the sake of marriage, he actually made his biological mother, who was planning for her, so angry that she fainted!

Is this what we should do for the Son of Man?

Of course, the head of an aristocratic family like Wang Yuan has never been a moral model.

There may not be a deep relationship between them and their parents.

But they have etiquette in their hearts and follow the rules in their words and deeds.

Again, even if it is disguise, they will behave perfectly in front of others.

As for Emperor Yongcheng, he didn't even bother to do superficial things!

Such an emperor is indeed not worthy of their family's investment.

Wang Yuan lowered his eyelids slightly, already making a decision in his heart.

The Wang family is not trying to climb up the royal family, but is exchanging interests with Queen Mother He and her son.

Wang Yuan helped the supreme mother and son divide the three major ministers, so that the little emperor could grasp the real power as soon as possible.

In this process, Wang Yuan even had to sacrifice some of his own interests so that the emperor could establish his prestige.

As for Queen Mother He and her son, they want the daughter of the Wang family to enter the middle palace to ensure that the blood of the Royal family flows in the body of the future heir to the throne!

This is a fair deal that's good for you and good for me.

The Wang family has never been a low-class family that relied on women to rise to power.

Naturally, the daughter of their Wang family cannot suffer any humiliation.

You don’t have to be pampered by your husband, but you must have the dignity and respect of a real wife.

It's a pity that the little emperor can't give these!

At least for now, the little emperor can't do it.

The daughter of their Wang family also grew up with a noble family, so there was no reason why she should be sent to the palace to be punished even though she knew that the little emperor "disobeyed the rules".

Not just the daughter of the Wang family, but other aristocratic families, haha, if they knew the little emperor's behavior, they should also make a decision!

"...I understand what the empress means. Thank you very much for your kindness. I thank you on behalf of the Nineteenth Mother!"

After realizing what He Tiantian meant, Wang Yuan made his decision and only sincerely thanked "Queen Mother He".

Although Queen Mother He's actions also had her own purpose.

But no matter what, with her "reminder", my granddaughter didn't stupidly jump into the mud!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"The Ai family really likes Nineteenth Mother. It's precisely because she likes her that--"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian suddenly seemed to be alert that she should not reveal her true feelings in front of a foreign minister.

She stroked her hair slightly and changed the topic, "In the final analysis, Your Majesty is still too young to take on such a big responsibility."

"The Ai family is thinking of letting him fool around for another two years. After he understands the responsibilities and rules, they can then consider the wedding for him."

Although He Tiantian revealed to Wang Yuan the conflict between herself and Emperor Yongcheng, she would not tell him everything.

For example, she once told Emperor Yongcheng to marry whoever he wanted.

He Tiantian didn't want outsiders to know that she had completely given up on the emperor, her biological son.

She wants to maintain the character of the original owner - although she is strong, she can be wronged and give in for the sake of her only son.

She is a great mother who can sacrifice herself for her son and country!

"Your Majesty is still thoughtful!"

Wang Yuan quickly complimented.

Secretly, he was sighing: Sure enough, the Queen Mother He did not really want to break with the emperor, but wanted the emperor to learn a lesson!

The emperor was already fourteen years old. Although he looked still immature, he had been sitting on the dragon throne for four years.

Wang Yuan uses himself to judge others, feeling that no matter who he is, sitting in that position, he will want to control everything and be powerful and dictatorial.

As for Emperor Yongcheng, he could only be used as a decoration.

All matters in the court, large and small, were decided by the Queen Mother He, the three ministers and the Political Affairs Hall.

Emperor Yongcheng could only read the memorials and occasionally approve some less important ones.

The person who can really decide the court is never him.

A fourteen-year-old boy is a passionate and proud age.

As an emperor, Emperor Yongcheng was even more eager to be a real emperor and take charge as soon as possible.

However, because of his marriage, he has made the Queen Mother sad, and has also offended Wang Yuan, the Minister of Guan Ming, and other aristocratic families in Beijing who want to invest.

Tsk tsk... It's conceivable that Emperor Yongcheng still has to wait if he wants to take charge.

Every day he was a "puppet" was another day of pain in his heart.

As time goes by, he will naturally understand the cruelty of reality.

The little love he was chasing was worthless in the face of real interests!

Wang Yuan felt that he understood the Queen Mother He's thoughts. He never thought that He Tiantian would give up Emperor Yongcheng.

First of all, Emperor Yongcheng was the only son of Empress Dowager He. If he gave up on him, would he be supporting his enemy's children and grandchildren to become emperors?

Secondly, in these years, the Queen Mother He has really devoted herself to Emperor Yongcheng.

For the sake of her son, she even tolerated her biggest love rival, Concubine Xie Gui, and allowed her son to confer a royal title on Zhao Yao and enjoy the brotherly love to the fullest!

Thirdly, throughout history, there have been women who served as emperors, regents, and overlords, but there has never been a queen!

If the Empress Dowager He was really ambitious, wouldn't it be better if she would not have chosen to marry the late emperor and directly conquer the world and become the emperor herself?

You know, all the things that violate the rules are best done during the founding of the country!

If there is a precedent at this time, the world will be able to accept it faster.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

...So, the Queen Mother is still the loving mother who loves her only son and is willing to plan for him.

Wang Yuan and the knowledgeable and intelligent people in Beijing all believed that Queen Mother He was a loving mother.

The only one who disagreed was the biological son of Queen Mother He.

"She is deliberately trying to embarrass me!"

After leaving the Hu family, Emperor Yongcheng came to the bedroom alone.

He did not rush to sleep, but walked around the spacious room leisurely.

"She kept saying she felt sorry for me and was thinking about me, but in the end, she wanted to use this incident to teach me a lesson!"

The more Emperor Yongcheng thought about it, the angrier he became.

Seeking to marry the Wang family's daughter and cooperating with the Wang family is definitely the most powerful arrangement for him.

He refused in front of the Queen Mother just because he wanted to negotiate terms and wanted the Queen Mother to agree to Zheng Nian'er's entry into the palace.

Emperor Yongcheng didn't have much affection for the Queen Mother, but he understood his cheap mother-in-law.

Although the Queen Mother He was a woman, she was smart and courageous, good at strategy, and proficient in government affairs.

Emperor Yongcheng did not want to belittle himself, but he knew very well in his heart that there was still a huge difference between him and the Queen Mother.

In the eyes of Queen Mother He, the emperor was just a child who would not grow up.

And Queen Mother He could easily see through his thoughts.

"On purpose, she must have done it on purpose!"

"She clearly knew what I was planning, but she deliberately pushed things along and put me in a dilemma!"

"She, she——"

Thinking of this, Emperor Yongcheng felt hatred in his heart.

He has always resented his mother since he was a child, blaming her for not being as gentle and kind as Concubine Xie, blaming her for being unpopular with his father, which made him an existence that his father hated.

He is also the son of his father. He also wants to be held in his lap by his father and be taught hand-by-hand how to write and shoot arrows!

The wet nurse is right, women can't be too strong.

Empress Dowager He drove away the late emperor with her bad temper. It was just that she was not favored. As a result, Zhao Gui, the legitimate son of Empress Yuan, could not even be accommodated in the palace.

He could only hide in the He family's village like a bereaved dog.

Later, when their brothers grew up, their father wanted to make the eldest prince Zhao Yao the crown prince.

For Zhao Yao, the father really worked hard and doted on him in every possible way.

But he, the one who most deserved to be the prince, could only secretly hide in the corner, watching eagerly as his father was kind and his son was filial.

His biological father's partiality and indifference made young Zhao Gui feel resentful.

The biological mother only cared about fighting for power and profit from the front, fighting openly and secretly with her father, without caring about him at all.

The only person who gave him warmth and comfort was Hu, who had ulterior motives.

Slowly, Zhao Gui's heart was won over by Mrs. Hu, but he was alienated and resentful towards his mother, Mrs. He.

He Tiantian: ...It is indeed a piece of barbecued pork.

The original owner was indeed at fault. It was not that she ignored her son, but that she underestimated the villain and overestimated her ability to control everything.

But Emperor Yongcheng was really not a good person.

I was misled by Mr. Hu when I was young, but over the years, I have been taught by so many great Confucians and famous teachers, and I have received the best elite education.

The result is still so confusing.

Okay, even if the relationship doesn't come through forcefully, you still have to be smart enough.

Even if you are selfish, for your own benefit, you should know how to disguise!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian thought back to Emperor Yongcheng's behavior. Whether it was in the original plot or the second version of the plot influenced by the "wild system", this emperor was really not a wise man.

Stupid and cold-hearted, even with the aura of the male protagonist, his flaws cannot be concealed.

The author has an explanation for this: The emperor belongs to politicians, and for politicians, the world is not black and white, nor can it be judged blindly by right or wrong.

A good person does not necessarily mean a good official, and a wise king does not necessarily mean a saint.

"Yes! The author is right. Therefore, if the Ai family does something that is not kind enough in the future, it cannot be judged by pure right or wrong!"

He Tiantian received two versions of the plot, and through the plot, she understood some of the author's ideas.

Although the author is suspected of whitewashing her male protagonist, her words are not completely unreasonable.

After all, everyone knows that "history is written by the victors."

From now on, the history books of the Dayuan Dynasty will be written by her, He Tiantian...

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