The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 471: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Oh? The emperor sent Hu and Zheng Nian'er out of the palace?"

He Tiantian received the news quickly. She still held the memorial in her hand. After thinking about it for a while, she guessed what Emperor Yongcheng was thinking.

"He is so anxious! He wants to send away Hu's mother and daughter to express his love for his mother."

He Tiantian snorted secretly, looking down on the emperor Zhao Gui even more.

If it was the original owner, maybe he would have forgiven him and reconciled with him as quietly as possible.

It's a pity that He Tiantian is not the original owner. She is not the biological mother of Emperor Yongcheng. She will not pamper him, let alone be soft-hearted.

"Tiantian, the emperor has given in, will you give him a chance?"

Classmate Little D took on the attitude of a melon-eating crowd and gossiped with He Tiantian out of curiosity.

"What do you mean by giving in? It makes me sound like a vicious mother-in-law beating up mandarin ducks!"

He Tiantian smiled coldly and said with a hint of ridicule, "I am a loving mother. For the sake of my son, I will not even give up the dignity and dignity of the royal family!"

"He was the one who said he didn't want to marry Wang's daughter, and he was the one who said he was deeply in love with Zheng Nian'er and wouldn't marry anyone other than Qing!"

"I tried my best to fulfill him. I am truly a 'loving mother but often a failure'!"

Classmate Little D: ...When did "a loving mother often loses her son" become a compliment? !

Silently vomiting in her heart, Little D knew what He Tiantian meant - she had really given up on the barbecued pork son of Emperor Yongcheng!

"Tiantian, what if the little emperor comes to apologize to you? He is heartbroken, crying and begging, will you-" forgive him.

After all, for now, the little emperor is really Empress Dowager He's only support.

"..." He Tiantian was silent for a moment, and then said coolly, "No!"

"Huh? You hate him so much? You won't forgive him?" Little D rarely saw He Tiantian hate the male protagonist so much.

It was the stallion male protagonist who had just ended, and the true love male protagonist from the previous one. He Tiantian was speechless at most, but he didn't treat them like enemies.

He Tiantian saw that little classmate D had misunderstood, and added, "What I said no is not that I will forgive him. It is that he will never come to apologize to me!"

"Ah? How could it be? Didn't he feel the cruelty of reality and send both the Hu mother and daughter away?"

Classmate Little D asked in surprise.

"Yes! They have already sent Hu's mother and daughter away!" What else do you want from Emperor Yongcheng?

He is a naughty child who was spoiled by his own mother, and he is the majestic Emperor Dayuan.

Classmate Little D looked at He Tiantian intently and took a long time to react.

He blinked his big eyes and said speechlessly, "He, he shouldn't be so willful, right?"

Do you really think that you are destined to be your own mother, "Queen Mother He"? As a son, you feel humiliated even when you kneel down in front of your mother to repent?

"You don't believe it? Just wait and see!"

He Tiantian said lightly, then put the matter behind her and continued to review the memorial.

In other words, she has been a prince and a general in the mission world, but this is the first time for her to be a queen regent.

There is no small matter in the country. In ancient times when transportation and communication were not developed enough, memorials were one of the few ways to obtain information.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

On the surface, these memorials may be colorfully written or sharply spoken, but some useful information can always be captured between the lines.

What He Tiantian has to do is to improve his political sensitivity and have a sufficient perspective on the overall situation.

Just like what the author of the original novel means in the plot: There is no absolute black and white, right or wrong for politicians.

When you are in charge of a country, you cannot incorporate too many personal feelings, let alone look at ancient things with modern people's three views, morals and laws.

He Tiantian needs to adjust herself to the position of a "politician", weigh the pros and cons, and strike a balance!

While completing the task, this overhead dynasty must also be properly managed.

Thinking of the mission, He Tiantian held the memorial hand and paused slightly.

The wild leader hasn't arrived yet, and the cannon fodder female supporting character hasn't been transported through time yet.

Do you want to push it yourself?

"Let's forget it. I'm too busy with serious things, so how can I care about anything else?"

He Tiantian shook her head secretly and gave up the idea.

In the past few days, except for the first day of "confrontation" with the emperor, He Tiantian was busy getting familiar with government affairs and alienating the connections and influence in the hands of the original owner.

When the late emperor was still alive, the original owner was suppressed and the old members of the He family were divided into camps.

Some "understood current affairs" and took refuge with the late emperor.

Some choose to remain neutral, not wanting to become cannon fodder in the battle between emperors and empresses.

Some continued to be loyal to the He family, becoming the original owner's biggest trump card to save himself and his son's life.

Of course, the last force was not big, with only two or three founding figures.

Fortunately, the original owner took decisive action and allowed the late emperor to die of illness four years ago.

The original owner became the Queen Mother Regent. Although she had three assistant ministers and many close associates of the late emperor, she still held the most important position.

She is the Queen Mother, and as long as she does not openly rebel, the courtiers cannot do anything to her.

As for her promoting cronies and cultivating influence in the court, Minister Gu Ming and the powerful officials in the political hall would turn a blind eye.

It's a pity that the original owner's fate was bad. He sent away the scumbag late emperor and got another son with barbecued pork.

The little emperor cannot personally govern, but he still sits on the throne. Sometimes, he will issue some decrees, or promote or dismiss some officials.

And most of these are against the original owner.

The courtiers were originally worried about the Queen Mother's monopoly, but when they saw the mother and son fighting first, they all acted like "fisherman".

Even the three ministers were happy to see the young emperor restraining the queen mother.

He Tiantian:......

Recalling what the original owner had gone through, He Tiantian really wanted to shed tears of sympathy for her.

Fortunately, the original owner was a tough man. Although he was saddened by his son's unfilial piety and disobedience, he still tried his best to manage his own power.

In addition, she also held a secret guard of the He family, which numbered only thirty thousand, but they were the most loyal and sincere.

The late emperor would be wary, and the three ministers did not push him too hard, but they were all wary of this secret guard of the He family.

After He Tiantian came through, he quickly took over the troops, sorted out the "Wu Mu's Suicide Note" he learned in the World of Divine Eagles, and handed it over to the leader of the secret guards.

He Tiantian doesn't need any royal guards or secret guards. What she wants is a rare army that can go into battle to kill the enemy.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He's secret guard will definitely be able to turn from darkness to light in her hands one day!

Of course, these take time to manage and plan.

For now, the Dark Guard is just a force hidden in the darkness.

In addition to daily training and territory management, the secret guard commander also trained some secret agents.

He Tiantian had a complete list in her hands. She selected a dozen spies and ordered them to do something quietly!

He Tiantian hid this from everyone.

Even Little D’s classmate only knew that she had hired a spy to do something, but he didn’t know her intentions.

Little D’s classmate didn’t know the plan in her mind.

This innocent child still foolishly thought that she would obediently maintain the original character.

He Tiantian thought about it for a moment and found that her arrangements were very thorough, so she didn't pay too much attention.

Relying on the memory and ability of the original owner, she continued to fight against those memorials, and then worked hard to quietly promote some newcomers in the cracks formed by powerful ministers and aristocratic families.

He Tiantian's guess was correct. Emperor Yongcheng reluctantly sent away Hu, Zheng Nianger and his daughter, but he was still unwilling to do so.

He felt that he had given in enough, and he had expressed his intention to seek peace to his mother.

If his mother really loves him, she should reconcile with him.

But... after waiting for two days, there was no movement from "Queen Mother He".

People still deal with memorials as normal, or go to the political hall to discuss politics.

It seems that he has forgotten such a son as Emperor Yongcheng.

In other words, what Emperor Yongcheng thought was a major "sacrifice" was not worth mentioning in the eyes of "Empress Dowager He".

Emperor Yongcheng suddenly felt ashamed and angry that he was being looked down upon.

On this day, Emperor Yongcheng, who had not come to pay his respects to the Queen Mother for half a month, finally couldn't hold himself back anymore, and came over with a gloomy face to calm down.

"Qingnu is here? Sit down quickly, sit down quickly!"

He Tiantian sneered secretly when she saw Emperor Yongcheng who was as awkward as a child, but his face was still gentle and loving.

Like the original owner, she shouted Emperor Yongcheng's nickname, waved to him enthusiastically, and asked him to sit next to her.

Emperor Yongcheng only cared about his anger and didn't care about this.

He did not sit down obediently, but stood upright in front of He Tiantian.

"Mother, I have sent the wet nurse, Nian'er and the others out of the palace!"

His tone was very aggressive, like a superior debt collector.

He Tiantian raised an eyebrow and asked in surprise: "Sent them away? Why?"

Emperor Yongcheng glared at He Tiantian, his eyes bursting with anger.

He seemed to be asking: Are you still embarrassed to ask? Don’t you know why I send people away?

I, I was forced by you.

He Tiantian was not frightened by Emperor Yongcheng's accusing gaze. Instead, he continued to say doubtfully: "Don't you like Zheng Nian'er? You also said you want to marry her?"

After saying this, He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something again, and said "Oh" in a pretense of surprise, "I understand, you want Nian'er to go home to be married?!"

"That is indeed the case. Although she has a deep relationship with you, she is not an orphan without a father and mother!"

"Even if she is an orphan, there is no reason to marry in her husband's family!"

He Tiantian seemed to understand very well, and she was also reasonable, gentle and kind.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, to Emperor Yongcheng's ears, her words sounded strange and sarcastic!

on purpose!

She did it on purpose!

She obviously knows everything, but she still deliberately says these words that hurt people's lungs.

Emperor Yongcheng's lungs were about to explode.

The grief and anger of having no choice but to send away his wet nurse and lover, and the shame and anger of being deliberately ignored by his biological mother. Now, he finally lowered his head and came to seek peace in person, but was treated like this again.

Emperor Yongcheng was not a good-tempered person. After being provoked many times, he exploded directly.

"That's enough! Mother, are you my biological mother?"

"Ever since I was little, you have been forcing me, ignoring me, and making me do all the things I don't like!"

"I adore my father, but it's okay for you to be inconsiderate and accuse me of being ignorant and heartless!"

"I want to get along with my eldest brother and my brothers, but you accuse me of being stupid and indifferent to right from wrong."

"...Whether it's studying or practicing martial arts, you still despise me and think I'm not good enough to be your son!"

"You keep saying it's for my own good, but do you know what it is that I want?"

"I want a strict father and loving mother, respectful brothers, friends, and brothers. I want someone to love me and care about me!"

"Ugh, my father despises me, and you don't care about me. Only the wet nurse loves me the most, and yet you still blame the wet nurse for 'exceeding the rules'."

"Now you are even more... Could it be that in your heart, I am so unbearable and don't deserve to have this!"

Emperor Yongcheng is like a volcanic crater that has been pent-up for a long time. Once it erupts, it will be extremely ferocious.

His voice was hoarse and his eyes were accusing.

At the end of the story, he burst into tears and felt that he was the most pitiable person in the world.

The culprit behind all this is the Queen Mother He who sits in a high position.

As long as this woman still has a trace of warmth, she should feel guilty and be sorry for what she has done!

He Tiantian: ...Dream!


He Tiantian threw the tea cup in her hand directly.

The delicate sweet white porcelain bowl mixed with warm tea broke into pieces at Emperor Yongcheng's feet.

Broken porcelain was scattered everywhere, and tea was flowing freely.

Emperor Yongcheng was startled and jumped to avoid it.

He was not hit by the tea cup or cut by broken porcelain pieces, but there were only a few water stains on his boots and trousers.


Emperor Yongcheng was shocked. He couldn't believe that his own mother would take action against him.

When he was young, Emperor Yongcheng was scolded and beaten by his mother for studying and practicing martial arts.

But basically it’s just a slapstick.

My mother is a reserved person. She doesn't throw things around or lose her temper like a shrew.

Not to mention, he is no longer a child, he is still the emperor of the Dayuan Dynasty.

Even if the mother is the Queen Mother, she cannot directly attack him.

"I'm not your biological mother? If you were not my biological mother, would I tolerate you, indulge you, and love you like this?"

"You say I don't know what you want? Do you blame me for always forcing you?"

"Then let me ask you, which of the things you wanted to do didn't come true?"

"I hate Mrs. Hu and think she is a bitch with ulterior motives. She is not allowed in the palace. But in the end, you still kept her in the palace and asked the people below to call her madam."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Hmph, what kind of lady is she? Does she really think she has become a noble person after being promoted for two days? I still have the physical deeds of their husband and wife in my hands!"

"...and Zheng Nian'er, you said you liked her and wanted to marry her. I agreed, but you turned around and sent her out of the palace!"

"You send people away, just send them away, but then they come to me and make mischief again!"

"Zhao Gui, tell me for yourself how far I, as a mother, must go to satisfy you!"

Emperor Yongcheng had an outburst, but He Tiantian didn't let him go and also got violently angry.

She pointed at Emperor Yongcheng and cursed him loudly, which made Emperor Yongcheng speechless.

"..." What can he say?

He said that he had no intention of canonizing Zheng Nian'er as queen. What he did before was just playing tricks on his mother?

Emperor Yongcheng fully realized what it means to be "a mute who cannot tell the pain of eating Coptis chinensis"!

However, he didn't know that this was just the beginning, and something would happen later that made him so angry that he wanted to jump...

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