The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 472: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Emperor Yongcheng was violently attacked by He Tiantian. He was filled with anger but could not express it.

In the end, he could only leave angrily.

Looking at Emperor Yongcheng's decisive back, Nanny Song said with some worry: "Empress, Your Majesty, he——"

This is mother and son!

Although the emperor was a little immature, he was the Queen Mother's only son.

In the past, there were always noisy moments between mother and son, but they never ended in quarrels.

But now, the Queen Mother is not tolerant at all, and the little emperor is also antagonizing Maimang. The mother and son are like enemies.

He Tiantian deliberately looked like she was trying to be strong.

The moment Emperor Yongcheng's back disappeared, his straight back softened, and his whole body swayed a little.

When Grandma Song saw this, she quickly supported her.

Oh, she knew that her master was holding on. He spoke harshly, and felt sorry for His Majesty more than anyone else.

I just hate that Mr. Hu deserves to die for sowing dissension in front of His Majesty. A mother and her son have become like this!

"...Forget it, leave him alone!"

He Tiantian looked like "there is no greater sorrow than death" and said dejectedly: "You heard what he just said!"

"I am also a failure as a mother. My only child is not close to me!"

"I asked him to advance and put him on the throne, but he thought I was too strong and blamed me for forcing him!"

"I'm following him now, allowing him to marry whoever he wants, but he thinks I'm playing tricks and deliberately making things difficult for him!"

"Awu, tell me, what should I do? How can I let him know all my painstaking efforts?"

He Tiantian said, his eyes filled with water.

I only felt extremely distressed when I saw Nanny Song.

She hurriedly took out the veil and gently helped He Tiantian wipe away her tears.

He Tiantian asked her what to do. Nanny Song had never been married, let alone had children. How did she know how to deal with conflicts between parents and children.

Nanny Song felt sorry for her master, and after thinking about it again and again, she came up with a sentence that people in the world often talked about: "Mother, your majesty is still young and ignorant. When he gets married, has a wife and children, he will You will know how to sympathize with your painstaking efforts!"

He Tiantian: ...That’s bullshit again!

Marriage is a panacea.

The bad habits developed since childhood can't be changed after more than ten years. Can they be changed after getting married?

Or do you think your daughter-in-law is more powerful than your mother-in-law?

My mother-in-law has been unable to educate her well for more than ten years, but my daughter-in-law can just come up and straighten people out? !

Of course, perhaps the power of love is greater and can change a person far more than family affection.

However, He Tiantian feels that the country is easy to change but the nature is hard to change.

Yongcheng Emperor Zhao Gui's selfishness and bastardism are engraved in his genes. He is so much like his scumbag father!

"Getting married? Humph, he kept saying he wanted to marry Zheng Nian'er before, and I agreed to it, but he suddenly sent her away!"

He Tiantian snorted coldly and said angrily, "I really don't understand my son. I really don't know what he is doing every day!"

Seeing that her master started to say "angry words" again, Nanny Song opened her mouth, trying to persuade him.

He Tiantian took the lead and said in a deep voice, "Okay, Ah Wu, don't try to persuade me. I've finally thought about it. I don't care about the emperor's affairs. Everything is up to him!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Empress, please don't get angry with Your Majesty!"

Grandma Song was a little anxious.

She was not worried about the emperor, but was afraid that the young master would act up and cause trouble.

Finally, those who clean up the mess and work hard,

She is still their Queen Mother.

"I'm not angry!"

He Tiantian waved her hand, "Awu, listen to me first. What Qingnu scolded me just now, although it hurts my heart, there is some truth in it!"

Nanny Song's eyes widened: Is my master confused by anger? Or are you talking sarcastically again?

He Tiantian continued: "In the past, I always thought he was a child, and I helped him think everything through!"

"Zhao Jiong's secret harm, Xie Guifei's various schemes, I also stood at the front and blocked them all for Qing Nu."

"He has no idea that his admiring father doesn't want him to live, nor does he know that the gentle and kind-hearted Concubine Xie is a ruthless femme fatale. He foolishly thinks that everyone is a good person!"

"I protected him so well and didn't let him experience any storm, so now he is fourteen years old, but he is still as naughty as a child!"

When He Tiantian said this, she raised her eyes to look at Nanny Song and said seriously, "Awu, Qingnu is the emperor. He shoulders the heavy responsibility of the country and the country."

"I can still protect him from wind and rain while I'm alive, but what if I die? He is so naive and willful, why won't he be bullied to death by those old foxes in the court?"

"There are also those bitches, mother and son Xie. They keep a low profile on the surface, but in fact they are constantly making little moves secretly. I know they have never given up fighting with us mother and son!"

At the end of the sentence, He Tiantian's eyes were full of determination, as if he had made up his mind: "...It's time for Qingnu to grow up, he must face all this by himself!"

After hearing what He Tiantian said, Grandma Song understood and felt distressed at the same time.

As for the fleeting suspicion in her heart, Nanny Song threw it away.

What do you suspect?

How could she be suspicious of the Queen Mother because she was a little cruel to the Emperor?

The Queen Mother always loves His Majesty, no matter what she says or does, it is all for His Majesty!

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that you will work too hard."

There was also Nanny Song who did not dare to say anything to her master. She was worried that the little emperor would not appreciate the Queen Mother's kindness at all.

The gap between mother and son may become wider and wider!

"If you raise a child for a hundred years, you will have to worry for ninety-nine years!"

He Tiantian had a forced smile on her face and murmured in a low voice, "Maybe I really owed him something in my previous life, and I am punished to be his mother in this life!"

Grandma Song's eyes were red, wuwu, her master's life was so miserable.

father, who died young;

Husband, husband is unreliable;

Nowadays, even my only biological son is so sad and troublesome.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. Ah Wu, I have already thought about it!"

He Tiantian pretended to press her nose with a handkerchief and said slowly, "In the future, I will let go and let Qingnu do it by himself!"

"Getting married and taking office, these are the thresholds he must cross!"

"Only by relying on his own ability to overcome the problem can he truly be in charge."

Jiangshan Sheji doesn’t mean that if it is handed over to you, you will be able to carry it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If there is not enough ability, even if the Empress Dowager He and the three major ministers give up, Emperor Yongcheng's orders will still not be able to leave the political hall, let alone be issued to the whole country.

As a confidant of the Queen Mother, Nanny Song stayed with the Queen Mother all day long.

Over the years, I have watched her grow from an orphan in troubled times, to negotiating with powerful men, assisting her husband in seizing the country, and gradually ascending to the most noble throne.

Grandma Song is no ordinary servant girl.

She could understand the implication of He Tiantian's words, and she could also understand the "Queen Mother's" painstaking efforts.

Grandma Song felt even more distressed.

“The empress’s loving heart is truly touching!”

Aunt Song sighed.

She knew her master's plan, so naturally she would not try to persuade him any more.

In this way, He Tiantian successfully settled Nanny Song, laying the foundation for future "transformation".

Because He Tiantian knew that according to Emperor Yongcheng's character, at least if she let go of her hand, he would run wildly on the road to death.

In the end, Emperor Yongcheng caused great trouble or did something that even Aunt Song found unforgivable.

If He Tiantian tried to "kill relatives out of justice" again, no one would doubt that she was not the original owner. They would only think that she was heartbroken and couldn't bear it anymore!

In the next three or four months, the capital was extremely lively.

Weddings are being arranged in large numbers. The dignitaries will go to this house for a drink today and a banquet at that house in two days.

After eating and drinking too much, some people gradually develop a taste for it——


No, these married ladies are basically boudoir girls who are about the same age as the little emperor.

According to their origins and appearance, they can definitely compete for the queen.

Especially the Nineteenth Mother of the Wang family, who stands out the most among the others.

Half a year ago, there was a rumor in the palace that the current Queen Mother was very fond of Wang Jiuniang.

He called her into the palace several times to talk, and she was rewarded every time.

Originally, everyone thought that Queen Mother He had her sights set on the Wang family's daughter and wanted to marry the emperor.

After waiting for several months, without waiting for the good news from the palace, the Wang family married Nineteenth Niang to the Crown Prince of Nanping.

Although the conditions of Prince Nanping are not bad, compared with being a queen, they are still far behind.

The rumors became more and more rampant.

According to legend, it turned out that the Queen Mother wanted to curry favor with the daughter of a noble family. It turned out that the Wang family was from a thousand-year-old family. How could she be willing to give in to a lowly family member so easily?

The royal family is indeed noble, but the Zhao family, tsk tsk, is really not worthy of being on the stage.

Of course, there are also rumors that the Queen Mother likes the daughter of the Wang family, and the Wang family also intends to let their daughter into the palace.

However, the emperor didn't like it. He had another love, and he had a quarrel with the queen mother. The queen mother loved her son and had to give in.

No matter what kind of rumor it is, it is not a good thing for Queen Mother He and Wang Shijiu who are involved in it.

Especially Wang Shijiu, she is a girl after all, so she is more vulnerable to criticism.

She was obviously newly married, the sweetest and happiest time, yet she suffered such rumors.

Wang Shijiu is not a weak person, but no matter how strong she is, she is only a fifteen-year-old woman.

Normally, that's it. When she goes out to dinner or socialize, she can always find someone pointing behind her back.

There were also the nobles and the female members of the clan who were not dealing with her. They seemed to have finally caught her, and faced her with all kinds of cynicism.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In front of others, Wang Shijiu managed to hold on without breaking the force.

But when she got home, she couldn't help but wipe her tears.

Fortunately, the Prince of Nanping was not affected by these rumors and valued her as a low-married daughter of the Langya Wang family.

"Tiantian, it's that Zheng Nian'er who is causing trouble!"

As a "tong" with a God's perspective, Little D can monitor the whereabouts of everyone in the capital at any time.

It is even more deceitful than the all-pervasive spies such as Jin Yiwei and secret guards.

He Tiantian didn't say anything. She had long expected that there was someone behind these rumors.

And Zheng Nian'er was very motivated to commit the crime.

She was envious, jealous, and resentful, and she was unwilling to accept it.

She was obviously the emperor's favorite woman, but she couldn't marry him openly.

Emperor Yongcheng, in order to sue for peace with the Queen Mother and then marry a noble daughter of a noble family, he did not hesitate to expel her and her mother from the palace.

How could Zheng Nian'er, who came from a humble background but had a high spirit, endure it?

She didn't dare to show her dissatisfaction in front of the emperor, so she secretly thought of ways to make things happen.

"These little moves of hers quite meet the standards of a vicious female supporting role!"

Little D ate the melon happily and made comments from time to time.

"It's finally understandable that after the 'heroine' comes back and faces the mess left by Zheng Nian'er, she will be so speechless and sad and angry."

Classmate Little D was gossiping and thinking about the plot of the second version.

Suddenly, it said "Hey", as if it thought of something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, the heroine seems to be coming!"

And it’s time for that “wild system” to appear.

Thinking of this, Little D got inexplicably excited.

This is the first time I have encountered a wild system in the mission world, although I have seen related plots in the second version of the script.

But there is still a huge difference between the words on paper and what you see with your own eyes.

He Tiantian's eyes flashed, "Yeah, the official plot is coming."

And her "mission target" is about to appear.

The original novel is a relatively typical ancient Chinese palace fighting novel.

The male protagonist is of course the Emperor Yongcheng Emperor Zhao Gui, while the female protagonist is a modern female elite who has time-traveled into the body of the vicious female supporting character Zheng Nian'er.

She still has basic three views and does not fully agree with what Hu and the original owner did.

But she felt that since she became Zheng Nian'er, she had to bear the corresponding consequences.

Therefore, she was very filial to the Hu family, and she was in awe and a little sympathetic to the Queen Mother He who had been secretly plotting against the Hu family.

Originally, Zheng Nian'er didn't want to have anything to do with the emperor. After all, she was an independent and strong modern woman who couldn't stand a man's three wives and four concubines.

She struggled, she tried hard to break free, but in the end she entered the palace because of a conspiracy and became Zhao Gui's favorite concubine.

She didn't want to compete with a bunch of women, nor did she want to have any palace fights.

But in the deep palace, she had no control at all.

In order to protect herself and her children, she had to fight and fight.

Sometimes, she even uses tricks to frame others.

Slowly, she realized the difficulty of Queen Mother He, and felt that although Queen Mother He was strong and hated herself, in the final analysis, she was also a poor mother.

Queen Mother He may have really neglected Zhao Gui, but she truly loved Zhao Gui.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zheng Nian'er slowly moved closer to Queen Mother He, and finally helped the mother and son Zhao Gui and Queen Mother He reconcile.

The ending, of course, is that Zheng Nian'er sits on the throne of the queen, and then the husband and wife love each other, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are harmonious, and the whole family is happy.

After being invaded by the virus, the main framework of the novel did not change much. It is still about the love between a time-traveling woman and the emperor of an imaginary dynasty.

Only this time, the time-traveling girl has an additional palace fighting system.

Under the guidance of the palace fighting system, she not only defeated the Queen Wang Shijiu like in the original plot, but also fought against the Queen Mother He.

After all, the purpose of "Palace Fighting" is to make the host the number one person in the harem.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and there can only be one mistress in a family.

After Empress Dowager He supported Emperor Yongcheng to take charge, she retired to the harem and took charge of the affairs of the palace.

The Queen had no children and no favors, and did not dare to compete with her mother-in-law for power. She was only responsible for managing the concubines, and other affairs were still controlled by the Queen Mother He.

With the palace fighting system, "Zheng Nian'er" must remove all obstacles in the palace and become the true and only mistress...

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