The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 473: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (10)

Little D opened the God's perspective, so he immediately knew the rumors about Wang Shijiu in Beijing, and it was Zheng Nian'er who was behind the scenes.

The Wang family does not have such a heaven-defying cheat, but they are a thousand-year-old family. They have been in the capital for many years, and their connections and secret power are not too huge.

When Wang Zhongshu Ling realized that there was someone behind the rumors, he ordered someone to investigate secretly.

As for Zheng Nian'er, she was just a spoiled boudoir girl, and the Zheng family had become a new rich.

They didn't act too carefully, and after careful investigation by the Wang family, they were quickly discovered.

"Okay, what a bitch!"

Wang Zheng, Wang Shijiu's father, was so angry that he blew his beard after receiving the investigation report.

His nineteenth daughter could have been a queen.

But it was because the emperor was unreliable and his maidservant was so charming that she had to marry into Prince Pingnan's palace.

Nineteenth Mother has been wronged enough, but she didn't expect that those bitches from the Zheng family would not let her go, and actually created many messages to try to ruin Nineteenth Mother's reputation!

It's really unbearable.

Because Wang Zhongshu Ling is a minister who cares about orders, the Wang family has been keeping a low profile in recent years, for fear of being known as domineering.

Unexpectedly, they kept a low profile here, but they were misunderstood by the bitches as easy to bully!

"Dad, Mrs. Zheng is really hateful!"

This is no longer a simple friction between children, but an insult to their Wang family!

Wang Zheng felt that he couldn't let it go easily, whether it was for his daughter or for the family's reputation.

"...Well, she really should be taught a lesson!"

Wang Zhongshu Ling learned about the young emperor's willfulness and absurdity from He Tiantian, and conveniently arranged another marriage for his granddaughter.

But deep down in his heart, he still felt somewhat regretful.

After all, it is the position of queen. If the future prince has the blood of the Wang family flowing in his body, the Wang family can continue to sit firmly on the throne of the top family.

these years,

The Wang family carefully trained Nineteen Niangs for the purpose of——

As a result, many years of hard work were wasted. It is strange that Wang Zhongshu Ling was not angry.

He doesn't have the temperament to anger others, and he won't argue with a cheap servant.

However, this cheap maid is restless and insists on jumping out to disgust others. Then we really can't blame the Wang family for "bullying others"!

"Tiantian, Tiantian! Just now, Cheng Guogong's house held a chrysanthemum appreciation party, and Zheng Nian'er 'accidentally' fell into the lake!"

On this day, He Tiantian continued to review the memorial.

Little D, on the other hand, was like a turtle running wildly in the melon field, shouting excitedly.

He Tiantian wrote the last comment with a brush dipped in cinnabar, and then slowly put down the pen and memorial.

She asked consciously, "Oh? Is she alone?"

Classmate Little D secretly gave He Tiantian a thumbs up from deep inside.

As expected of Tiantian, she just knows the key points.

"Of course not. There was also a student from a poor family who fell into the water with her. The important point is that he is really from a 'poor family'!"

Little D’s classmate deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of certain words.

He Tiantian raised his eyebrows, is he really from a poor family?

This is different from what is now called "poor family".

In the Dayuan Dynasty, a poor family did not mean literally, it did not mean a really poor family.

Rather, some small landowners and even petty officials were classified as poor by the aristocratic families because of the time when they became prosperous and their family accumulation was small.

Therefore, the poor family at this time is really not the same as the poor family in modern times.

However, Xiao D specifically pointed out the word "true", which is worth pondering.

"Haha, I heard that he is a poor boy. Because he has a talent for reading, all the clans in the village tighten their belts to support him in studying..."

Little D’s classmate chirped and introduced.

After listening to it talk a lot, He Tiantian could sum it up in one sentence - poor, very poor ancient Phoenix man!

Such a person, once he seizes the ladder that allows him to advance, he will never let go.

In the eyes of the real powerful, Zheng Nian'er is just a slave girl, lowly and humble.

In the eyes of those poor families, she is a distinguished legitimate daughter of an uncle. If she marries her, she will directly transcend class.

"This person was chosen very well!"

He Tiantian nodded slowly and said quietly: "The Wang family has taken action!"

"Huh? Tiantian, how do you know?"

Classmate Little D originally wanted to show off to He Tiantian.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he introduced the situation of the poor student, He Tiantian gave him the answer directly before he could ask the question.

He Tiantian: ...Isn’t this obvious?

It was a wonderful chrysanthemum appreciation banquet, but the daughter of the uncle's house who attended the banquet accidentally fell into the water.

If you fall into the water, you will fall into the water, but a poor student who came to live in a rich and powerful family came out and "acted bravely when he saw justice".

Tsk tsk, such an obvious routine can be seen through as long as you read a few ancient Chinese books in Dianniang Library.

It was obvious that Zheng Nian'er had been framed.

And looking at the entire capital, who hates her the most?

Oh no, to be precise, it was recently. Who has she offended?

To actually force the other party to use such a simple and crude way to retaliate?

Thinking about the recent rumors in Beijing, and seeing that although this plan was a little vulgar, it was very effective, He Tiantian had a guess in his mind.

Besides the Wang family, who else is there?

After all, the powerful people no longer want to see the Zheng family, and they know that the little emperor is standing behind them.

Unless the other party provokes him, he will not take action easily.

As for the Wang family, it is a thousand-year-old family, and there is also a minister who cares about life.

They are not afraid of the emperor, and they have enough ability to find a poor student to frame Zheng Nian'er.

After sorting through these situations, it was not difficult for He Tiantian to guess the main messenger behind it.

It’s only because Little D’s classmate is worried about his IQ that he thinks such a problem is a problem.

Little classmate D shook his fur all over and said with some shame and anger: "Tiantian, are you complaining that I am mentally retarded again?"

He Tiantian: ...Oh, little D has learned to answer questions quickly.

"Ho, sweet, sweet!"

Woo hoo, the Lun family should stop playing with He Tiantian, this guy is so good at humiliating people, oh no, he is humiliating "tong"!

Little D's self-esteem was greatly hit, and he went away crying and shut himself up.

As for what gossip, what excitement, what to watch? It almost became a "joke" in itself.

Er Genzi finally calmed down.

The Wang family plotted against Zheng Nian'er and wanted her to marry a Phoenix man who was eager to climb up the ladder.

Not to mention that the "virus" didn't agree, even the emperor didn't agree.

Zheng Nian'er was Emperor Yongcheng's childhood sweetheart, the one he held dear to his heart.

At most, the emperor would find a way to silence the poor student, and then send Zheng Nian'er to Zhuangzi or a nunnery outside the capital.

Escape this storm and bring the person back.

Even so, it was quite troublesome for Emperor Yongcheng who had not yet taken charge and did not have many useful people.

Not to mention anything else, just to "appease" the ambitious Phoenix man would require the emperor to provide enough benefits.

But the problem is that the emperor has no real power, and his imperial edict is just a blank piece of paper!

He Tiantian's fingers gently clasped the table, and she suddenly had some bad thoughts——

How about adding more fuel to the fire and making Emperor Yongcheng even more miserable?

He Tiantian's eyes flashed, ready to execute one of his plans ahead of schedule.

Fortunately, Little D had gone to squat in a corner and draw circles. Otherwise, seeing He Tiantian's calculating look, he would have called him a half-step villain deep in his core!

Isn't he just a villain? He takes pleasure in the male protagonist's misfortune and further plots against him.

Two days later is the first day of the Lunar New Year, the day of the great court meeting.

As usual, He Tiantian went to the former court to listen to politics. After the court meeting, she went to the political hall to discuss politics.

I was busy until the afternoon before finishing discussing the latest government affairs.

"The king has written an order, please go slowly!"

He Tiantian did not rush back to the harem, but ordered someone to call Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan was beating a drum in his heart, why did the Queen Mother leave him to talk?

Could it be that the emperor has done something wrong again? !

Thinking of Emperor Yongcheng, Wang Yuan couldn't help but think of Zheng Nian'er who had just been punished by the Wang family.

He lowered his eyelids, hiding the dark eyes under his eyes, and sat down respectfully.

He was not in a hurry to speak, but wanted to hear what Queen Mother He meant.

Sure enough, as soon as he sat down, he heard He Tiantian, who was above him, speak: "The reason why I stay in Zhongshu Ling is not for anything else, I just want to chat about home affairs!"

He Tiantian sat cross-legged.

The fictional dynasty written by the author refers to the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties in terms of its historical background and folk customs.

Therefore, in this novel world, daily life is basically filled with short furniture, and most people sit on their knees.

Some elderly people, or in more relaxed and informal situations, will also sit cross-legged.

After He Tiantian came here, he adapted well to everything else in the Dayuan Dynasty, but this kneeling, tut-tutting posture was really a test.

Fortunately, He Tiantian is in the body of the Queen Mother and has a distinguished status. Unless it is a very formal occasion, she can be more casual at other times.

No one criticized her etiquette whether she was sitting cross-legged or lying down half-ly.

Secretly vomiting in her heart, He Tiantian continued to say: "How is Nineteenth Mother lately?"

Hearing the Queen Mother mention the Nineteenth Mother, Wang Yuan couldn't figure out what the other party meant.

He replied cautiously, "Nineteenth Mother is already married, so she can't always go back to her parents' home. However, two days ago, when Zhuo Jing attended the banquet, he saw Nineteenth Mother. She looked very good and looked very good. It’s a good time!”

Wang Yuan took the initiative to mention the chrysanthemum appreciation feast two days ago, and peeped at He Tiantian's reaction out of the corner of his eye.

He Tiantian still looked like she was chatting away.

He didn't show any strange emotions because he heard about the "banquet held two days ago".

"That's good!"

He Tiantian pretended to be reassured and said with some relief on her face: "Speaking of which, the Ai family really likes Jiu Niang's child!"

"I'm of noble birth, and my appearance and character are beyond words. But -"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian showed a look of regret and helplessness.

Seeing this, Wang Yuan secretly thought: The Queen Mother must not be acting.

Regardless of whether the Queen Mother likes Nineteenth Niang or not, the Queen Mother must be very upset that Nineteenth Niang failed to enter the palace.

After all, this concerns the vital interests of their mother and son.

Only when the Wang family marries their daughter to Emperor Yongcheng will the Wang family try their best to help Emperor Yongcheng govern.

When the little emperor takes charge, his throne will gradually become more stable.

In this way, Queen Mother He could relax and not worry that the throne under her only son's butt would be snatched away by Prince Liang!

It's a pity that such a smart and decisive person as Queen Mother He gave birth to a confused son.

Wang Yuan sighed in his heart.

"It is her blessing that the Empress values ​​Nineteenth Niang!"

At this time, Wang Yuan still did not guess what "Queen Mother He" was thinking. When he responded, he also said some polite words that were not true.

"Ke Aijia really likes her!"

Seeing that the preparation was almost done, He Tiantian didn't waste any more time.

She went straight to the point, "The Ai family wants to worship Wang Shijiu as their maid!"


Wang Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked straight at He Tiantian.

He was confused and wanted to get some clues from the face of "Queen Mother He".

However, He Tiantian looked serious and did not seem to be joking.

Among the maids?

The corresponding official position of the female maid is the prime minister, but the female maid is not the female prime minister, but the title given to some noble female family members during the former dynasty.

They are used to assist and take care of the queen's female relatives.

Most of the time, it is an honor rather than an actual official position.

Queen Mother He liked Nineteenth Niang, but because of the little emperor's nonsense, she felt ashamed of Nineteenth Niang and wanted to give the Wang family an attitude.

Especially recently, rumors about Nineteen Niangs are flying all over the capital.

The reputation of Nineteen Niang and the entire Wang family has been affected.

Out of comfort to the Wang family, Empress Dowager He appointed Jiu Niang as a maid, which was an excellent arrangement.

Among the many messages, there was one saying that although Wang Jiuniang was a daughter of a noble family, she was disliked by the royal family.

Well, although these words hurt the hearts of the Wang family, they also have a certain degree of truth.

The royal family did not dislike Wang Shijiu, but the emperor did not like her.

Although this is not Wang Shijiu's fault, but Emperor Yongcheng's ignorance.

But the world is always harsh on women. Even if Zheng Nian'er hadn't made trouble and spun rumors, the emperor and the queen mother's quarrel over their marriage would have spread.

Wang Shijiu will still be laughed at by the world.

At this time, Empress Dowager He proposed to "worship Wang Shijiu as the maid", promptly appeasing and compensating the Nineteenth Niang and the Wang family, and also showed her attitude to the world——

The Ai family liked Wang Shijiu very, very, very much. For her, they even gave her a title that had not been used for many years!

Wang Yuan believed that if the Queen Mother He really issued the decree, and the Nineteenth Niang really became a maid.

The rumors in the capital will definitely be eliminated, and the Nineteenth Niang will also become the envy and jealousy of all the female relatives.

However, Wang Yuan is a minister who cares about life and is an old fox in the court.

He considers problems and does not just take the situation at face value.

He can't help but think more about the same thing, and even explore the conspiracy aspect.

Among the waitresses, it is indeed just a false position, "to serve the queen".

Queen Mother He is not a queen, but she is a queen mother, and she is also a regent.

Among her maids, she should not be just a decoration, but a powerful helper who can help her organize memorials and handle government affairs!

Thinking of a certain possibility, Wang Yuan's heartbeat accelerated... Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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