The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 475: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What? Mother wants to worship Wang Nineteenth Mother as a maid? And the Wang family, oh no, the royal family actually agrees?"

Just when Emperor Yongcheng was hesitant about choosing the queen, he heard such news.

Wang Jiuniang, he was familiar with her, she was the candidate for his first wife chosen by the Queen Mother He.

Emperor Yongcheng had seen this daughter of the Wang family before, but Emperor Yongcheng didn't really care about her appearance or character.

What impressed him most was Wang Shijiu's straight back and high head.


This is a woman with pride in her bones.

The nearly thousand years of heritage and glory of the top aristocratic Langya Wang family are vividly displayed in her.

She is noble, she is demure, and she is so perfect that she does not look like a real person.

Wang Shijiu would not show disdain for people whose family status was not as good as hers, let alone speak harshly to them.

However, standing next to such a noble woman, many people can't help but feel ashamed.

Emperor Yongcheng had a contradictory temperament, he was both inferior and arrogant.

The gap between the clan and the common people could not be filled even if one became the emperor.

In his heart, Emperor Yongcheng admired the aristocratic family.

But reason told him that I am the emperor and the king of a country.

Since ancient times, the king is superior and his ministers are inferior, and their status is different. Even if Wang Zhongshu Ling is a son of an aristocratic family that everyone touts, he is still just a minister.

When you see him as the emperor, you must bow respectfully.

However, Emperor Yongcheng's heart was not very strong, and his self-comfort did not really comfort himself.

Instead, he felt that he was deceiving himself.

Because women from aristocratic families are noble, because they do have the ability to be proud.

And what about him?

Apart from being an emperor, it seems that there is nothing worth showing off!

In the past, Emperor Yongcheng would be so opposed to Wang Shijiu's proposal to marry him in front of Queen Mother He. Apart from the reasons of love, there were also factors in this aspect.

As a man, a man who should be the most noble, but he feels ashamed in front of his future wife. Such a marriage is destined to be unhappy!

Emperor Yongcheng had a strong biological mother, and he particularly hoped that the relationship between his husband and wife should be a normal one in which the man is strong and the woman is weak.

Wang Shijiu is not strong, but she is too proud. Emperor Yongcheng always feels that he lacks confidence when facing her.

It was as if he was a puddle of mud on the ground, not worthy of the stars hanging high in the sky.

Nian'er is the best, she only has herself in her eyes and heart.

She is born to her and is her only belief!

Alas, it's a pity that Nian'er has caught wind and cold since she fell into the water last time. Her health has been good and bad, and she even seems to be in poor spirits.

Now she was sent to Zhuangzi outside the city. It was not as prosperous and convenient as the capital, and I didn’t know how she was doing!

I have to say that Emperor Yongcheng was truly sincere towards Zheng Nian'er.

As I think about it, I can think of Xiao Penicillium who was sent away.

But with Zheng Nian'er diverting his train of thought, he stopped studying the matter of his mother's appointment as a maid.

What maid?

It's just a false job to fool women.

If you really want to be called "Shizhong", can you really review memorials and discuss state affairs? !


Emperor Yongcheng sneered secretly and simply forgot about this matter.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Then continue to consider the choice of queen.

"Speaking of which, the daughter of Duke Dingguo's family is pretty good too!"

Emperor Yongcheng didn't have many people under his command, but he had two or three kittens who were always trying to find out some information for him.

No matter how bad it is,

He also has the Zheng family outside the palace.

Zheng Youliang is a fool, but his two sons with the Hu family are very smart.

Relying on them, Emperor Yongcheng knew a lot of gossip in the capital.

For example, who has some personal grudges with whom.

For another example, a noble noble disliked the yellow-faced woman in the family and secretly raised an outhouse, only to be blocked in the outhouse by a big female insect.

Another example -

Although there were many useless market jokes, Emperor Yongcheng was still able to extract some useful information from them.

Take Tao Yong, Duke of Dingguo, as an example. He was one of the most useful old ministers of the late emperor.

After Dayuan was established, Tao Yong was granted the title of County Duke of Kaiguo by virtue of his military exploits. He was hereditary and ranked first among the six major Dukes.

The most important thing is that he is still the general of the court, with 200,000 elite soldiers in his hands.

Of course, Emperor Yongcheng specifically singled him out, not just for military power.

After all, Emperor Yongcheng had an obsession in his heart - to marry a daughter from a noble family and become his queen!

Tao Yong was not from an aristocratic family, but his wife, who later became successful, came from an aristocratic family.

Although he is just a branch of a down-and-out family, his surname alone is enough to offset everything.

After the two got married, they gave birth to a daughter and a son.

The daughter is the sixth in the family. She is fourteen or fifteen years old and is not yet married.

"... Duke Cheng Guo is not bad. Although his wife is not from a noble family, she is also from a prominent family."

Emperor Yongcheng pondered to himself and filtered out the few daughters of noble families in Beijing who could barely make it to the stage.

Looking at this one and considering that one, he could never make up his mind.

Alas, he was powerful and loyal enough to the late emperor, but he just hated that he was not from a noble family.

Emperor Yongcheng sat down on the couch slumpedly, feeling a little upset.

"Your Majesty, Feng Zhongshu Ling is here!"

Just when Emperor Yongcheng began to express his anger at "Queen Mother He" again, the little chamberlain ran back to report.

"Master Feng is here?"

Emperor Yongcheng's eyes lit up, yes, he also had Master Feng.

Feng Zhongshu Ling, also known as Master Feng in Emperor Yongcheng's mouth, was named Feng Shou.

He was one of the three assistant ministers left to Emperor Yongcheng by the late emperor, and he was also the person whom the late emperor trusted and valued most.

When the army was launched, Feng Shou was a military advisor, knowledgeable and good at making decisions.

Feng Shou was born in a wealthy family, but due to some reasons, he broke with the family and became an abandoned son of a wealthy family.

Fall into the world and become a wild man.

He suffered a lot, and even experienced life and death several times. He was full of resentment towards his family and even the entire aristocratic family class.

The late emperor had not yet raised an army. As the deputy general leading the army, when he was exterminating the stronghold, he met the cynical and rebellious Feng Shou.

Then the world was in chaos, and heroes rose up everywhere.

Feng Shou actively persuaded the late emperor to "plan for big things."

Of course, that is rebellion!

The late emperor did have his own ambitions in raising troops, but Feng Shou's instigation and planning also played a certain role.

When the late emperor was fighting in the north and south, Feng Shou even offered suggestions and strategies.

He was said to be the number one hero under the late emperor, but none of the founding heroes were dissatisfied at all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This Mr. Feng Shou is really a strange person.

After the establishment of the Dayuan Dynasty, Feng Shou did not seek power and gain or accept high-ranking officials and generous salaries from the late emperor, but devoted himself to learning.

The late emperor felt that talents were wasted, but he did not want to disobey his good friend and rebel companion.

It happened that not long after, Concubine Xie gave birth to the eldest prince.

The late emperor asked Feng Shou to be the prince's teacher.

Later, the second prince Zhao Gui was born. The late emperor did not want him to study with Feng Shou because the He family did not want to see his biological son.

But although Feng Shou always talks about hating the family's bad rules, he is the most disciplined person in his heart.

Although Zhao Gui is not the eldest son, he is the Queen's legitimate son and the true heir to the throne.

Moreover, when the Zhao and He families formed an alliance, it was Feng Shou who brokered the alliance and tried his best to persuade the late emperor.

Feng Shou's loyalty to the late emperor was unquestionable, but he did not hate Queen He because of his loyalty to the late emperor.

On the contrary, seeing Queen He being suppressed by the late emperor, Feng Shou felt some sympathy and secretly provided some help.

...For several reasons, Feng Shou tried his best to teach Zhao Gui.

As for Yongcheng Emperor Zhao Gui, he was particularly thirsty for father's love because of the late emperor's partiality and indifference.

Although Feng Shou could not replace his father, he also gave Zhao Gui the care of a male elder when he was a child.

The two are called master and apprentice, but their relationship is even deeper.

So later, when Feng Shou found out that Empress He was the one who killed the late emperor, he did not target or retaliate.

He even persuaded the late emperor, who was seriously ill and dying, to make Zhao Gui the crown prince.

Of course, Queen He already had an absolute advantage at that time, and the late emperor's failure to agree would not affect the overall situation.

However, it is more justifiable to get the late emperor to speak.

After Emperor Yongcheng ascends the throne, he will not suffer criticism and slander.

As the late emperor's die-hard adviser, it was not easy for Feng Shou to do this for Emperor Yongcheng!

In addition, he also swore before the late emperor's bedside that he would assist the prince well and not let the Zhao family be cut off in his hands.

In this way, Feng Shou, who had been an idle worker for more than ten years, was granted the title of Zhongshu Ling by the late emperor, and assisted the new emperor together with Wang Yuan and Zhao Shuo.

Feng Shou is estimated to be the only one among the three ministers who is willing to let Emperor Yongcheng take charge as soon as possible.

He is also the only person who does not mix personal interests or family glory, but only thinks about Emperor Yongcheng.

"Sir, you are here!"

Emperor Yongcheng walked out quickly and met Feng Shou outside the palace gate. He bowed deeply.

Seeing Emperor Yongcheng's respectful and admiring look, Feng Shou, who was anxious and angry, immediately suppressed all his emotions.


Although the emperor was a little "naive", he was pure in nature, and since he was young, his actions were inevitably imperfect.

As an elder, you should not always be angry or scold, but should patiently teach and advise!

Feng Shou took a deep breath and tried to comfort him from the bottom of his heart.

A few months ago, Feng Shou's old wife died of illness, and he left Beijing to take care of the funeral arrangements.

He broke up with his family, but the wife the family chose for him has been with him through thick and thin for more than thirty years.

He respected his wife very much. In the early years, he was first expelled from the clan and became a bandit. Then he rebelled with the late emperor.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The wife was frightened and had to face the pursuit by the government and the interception and killing by warlords from all sides, which really made her suffer a lot.

The only time she got pregnant was when she was hiding from the rebels.

Later, when the new dynasty was established, many of Feng Shou's "colleagues" got rid of their bad wives and married beautiful ladies.

Compared with those men who have changed their minds and betrayed their trust, Feng Shou seemed to have more reason to stop his wife and remarry - heirs!

Even Feng Shou's wife advised Feng Shou to take a concubine if he couldn't do it, as it would not cut off his family's bloodline.

Feng Shou did not agree. He asked his wife, "Bloodline? I don't even want my ancestors, so what kind of bloodline do I need?"

Having a son is to carry on the family line.

Feng Shou was already a lonely man. He even changed his surname and no longer recognized his ancestors.

He believes that there is really no need for him to continue his incense and procreate.

It's not that he doesn't like children, but he feels that if his wife is implicated by him and loses the ability to have children, that means he is destined to be childless.

The dirty and rotten families on his left and right had been wiped out in the flames of war. Feng Shou took his revenge and lost all obsession in his heart.

For the rest of his life, instead of going to Jiji camp to seek children and plan inheritance, he might as well stay with his old wife, take on a few apprentices, and live a leisurely life.

It's a pity that his hermit life was ruined by the late emperor.

The late emperor made him a prince, and before his death, he pulled him back into the quagmire of the court.

Feng Shou and the late emperor had a good relationship. They achieved each other and supported each other. One relied on the late emperor's troops to avenge his death, and the other relied on Feng Shou's decisions to seize the country.

Feng Shou was grateful to the late emperor.

Therefore, even though he did not want to enter the court, he still devoted himself to teaching the two princes.

Among the two princes, he valued Zhao Gui more.

For one thing, Zhao Gui is the legitimate son, and it is orthodox and standard for him to become the heir.

Secondly, Feng Shou sympathized with and owed something to He, and he did not want to overly humiliate such a woman.

The third reason is for the stability of the country.

If a dynasty wants to be stable and long-term, it must abide by etiquette and rules that are recognized by most people.

If the king acts recklessly and disregards orthodoxy, there will definitely be trouble in the court.

The foundation of the Dayuan Dynasty was not only built by the late emperor, but also included Feng Shou's hard work.

Feng Shou didn't want Dayuan to die like the Qin Dynasty.

He tried his best to teach Zhao Gui and always persuaded the late emperor.

Later, the late emperor died and Zhao Gui ascended the throne. Although Feng Shou resented He's cruelty, he still tried his best to assist Zhao Gui.

It was just that his old wife died of illness a few months ago, and he wanted to send her coffin to a cemetery near the imperial mausoleum for burial, so he had been away for more than half a year.

I thought that it would only be a few months, and with the help of Queen Mother He around Zhao Gui, there would be no trouble.

But... Feng Shou closed his eyes. When he thought of the things he heard on the road, he felt helpless and anxious.

Especially when he just returned to the capital last night, he heard an uproar outside——

"The Queen Mother wants to worship Wang Jiu Niang as her maid!"

Feng Shou was not Emperor Yongcheng, he was not that "naive".

Although he has not yet met Queen Mother He, he cannot find out her attitude face to face.

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However, just this rumor among the people was enough to scare Feng Shou - Could it be that the He family has changed? She refuses to hand over the power to the little emperor?

She, she wants to continue to control the government and let the little emperor live in her shadow for the rest of his life, as a puppet in name only? !

Feng Shou couldn't believe it. After all, He had always been a good mother for her son.

It was because he trusted He too much that Feng Shou could leave for several months with peace of mind.


Feng Shou hurriedly ordered people to collect information, and spent a whole night refining and summarizing these trivial information.

Then, Feng Shou was speechless and choked.

The emperor is so confused!

How could you be so ridiculous?

Even if there is a preference for the Queen Mother, she can't test it so hard.

Promote the Hu family and suppress the He family?

For the sake of a woman born of a lowly maid, he refused the noble daughter of a noble family chosen by the Queen Mother for him?

He even fainted his biological mother out of anger? !

When Feng Shou saw the news from the informant buried in the palace, he was immediately laughed out of anger.

Did Zhao Gui really think that he would be safe as the only son of the Queen Mother?

Who is the Queen Mother?

She never gave in before her husband, the late emperor!

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