The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 476: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Sir, how are you doing on this journey?"

Zhao Gui didn't know that his husband Feng Shou was full of helplessness and frustration at this moment, "hating iron but not steel".

Zhao Gui missed Master Feng very much after not seeing him for several months.

The most important thing is that Master Feng is back and he has a backbone again.

His mother was not very close to him, but Master Feng was the one who loved him the most.

Moreover, Master Feng is awesome and the best at planning. With him here, can I still worry about getting married and taking office? !

The moment he saw Feng Shou, all the worry and irritability in Zhao Gui's heart disappeared.

He was like a child, chattering happily around Feng Shou.

Feng Shou: ...It’s becoming increasingly difficult to explain in words.

Emotions told him that the little emperor was only fourteen years old this year, still a half-grown child. It was normal to be naive and out-of-the-box.

But reason jumped out and said: Please, you also said that he is the emperor! How can we use the standards of ordinary people to demand the emperor?

Looking at Zhao Gui's bright smile, Feng Shou suddenly realized that perhaps he and Queen Mother He had protected the young emperor too well in the past, which was why he developed such a temperament.

So... Empress Dowager He didn't care about the emperor's wedding or what kind of maid she wanted. She didn't really want to take power, but wanted to temper the young emperor? !

Feng Shou suddenly had such a guess in his heart.

As a strategist and counselor, Feng Shou never minded using the darkest thoughts to figure out people's hearts.

Feng Shou was "looking for excuses" for the Queen Mother at this moment. He was not becoming "naive" like the little emperor.

But the Queen Mother He in the past really didn't look like she was greedy for power at all.

She devoted her heart and soul to her son Zhao Gui.

Feng Shou, who lost his mother when he was young, was moved and envious of Queen Mother He's sincerity and selflessness towards Zhao Gui.

It turns out that this is the most sincere maternal love.

Feng Shou sometimes envied Zhao Gui. Although this child was not loved by his father, he had a mother who planned for him!

When Feng Shou secretly helped the He family, although there were factors such as sympathy and debt, it was also mixed with a little selfishness. He wanted to protect such a loving mother.

Queen Mother He loves Zhao Gui so much that she cannot let him be a puppet emperor for the rest of his life.

However, these are just Feng Shou's guesses.

He had not seen Queen Mother He with his own eyes, and could not detect her true inner thoughts from her words, deeds, and expressions.

In addition, Feng Shou also wanted to "sharpen" Zhao Gui.

The fourteen-year-old emperor really couldn't be so "naive", let alone willful.

Otherwise, even if he is allowed to take charge, he will make a mess in the court.

Until then, there will be big trouble.

"Your Majesty, the old minister's matter is not urgent. Let me ask you, do you know that the Queen Mother is paying homage to the maid?"

In just a few breaths, many thoughts flashed through Feng Shou's mind, and finally he made a decision.

He asked directly, pretending to be anxious.

"I know! Isn't it just a false position to confer a female family member? It's not a big deal!"

Zhao Gui disagreed and said casually.

Seeing this, Feng Shou felt more and more that Zhao Gui needed training.

Even if you trust your mother, even if you are confident, you still have to have a minimum of political sensitivity.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Gui is the emperor, and the emperor should be suspicious.

Feng Shou didn't want Zhao Gui to become a loner, nor did he want to have a mother-son relationship among others.

However, in the palace and in the court, one really cannot be too emotional.

Emotions are the most unreliable things.

For the sake of power, fathers and sons, brothers, and husbands and wives can turn against each other.

Queen Mother He would definitely not do anything to the emperor, but Zhao Gui must take due precautions.

After a slight pause, Feng Shou did not give any more guidance or hints, but directly told Zhao Gui: "The maid itself is not important, what is important is the Queen Mother's intention!"

Zhao Gui was stunned.


What other intentions does Queen Mother He have?

Didn't she just blame him for not being close to Mrs. Hu and for not listening to her?

Therefore, you deliberately brought this up to cause trouble for him, and deliberately made things difficult for him!

Zhao Gui blinked a pair of eyes that were very similar to those of Queen Mother He, with an expression of pure confusion.

I didn’t think deeply about it, and I didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem!

Feng Shou sighed in his heart again, this child——

He no longer wanted to say the word "naive".

If he said it too much, he couldn't help but suspect that this damn thing was just a curse word!

"The Queen Mother doesn't want to return to power! She wants to continue to listen to the government!" Feng Shou looked at Zhao Gui and said coldly.

"Huh?" Zhao Gui's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"It is indeed a fictitious position as a maid, but she can go in and out of the palace legitimately, follow the Queen Mother, and handle government affairs for her!"

Feng Shou ignored his anger and continued, "In addition to female maids, the Queen Mother can also confer female ministers."

"And with these female officials, the Queen Mother can more easily review memorials, organize materials, and cope with the changes in the court!"

so! The Queen Mother He worships the maid = The Queen Mother wants to monopolize the power! !

Got it, silly kid!

Although Feng Shou was anxious, he did not lose his mind.

The last two sentences were the kind of words that "can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words", and Feng Shou swallowed them back.

But, his expression said it all.

Zhao Gui looked at his Master Feng blankly.

It took him a long time to digest Feng Shou's words, and he understood Feng Shou's unfinished words with extraordinary ability.

"..." He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but his mouth was so dry and his heart was so messed up that he couldn't say anything at all.

His mother refused to return the government to him?

How can it be?

I, I am her only son!

Isn't she afraid that the son of King Liang, his rival in love, might take the opportunity to have an attack?

etc! It seems that Queen Mother He is really not afraid!

They just refused to allow the emperor to rule personally, but they did not want to abolish the emperor.

Prince Liang, his mother and son had no chance to dance around.

Zhao Gui's eyes moved slowly, and his brain also accelerated.

Suddenly, a bright light shined into his mind, and he thought of it!

He is indeed the only son of Queen Mother He, but there is no conflict between this fact and Queen Mother He's unwillingness to return to power.

In history, the Lu family and the Dou family were both the emperor's biological mothers, but didn't they still suppress their biological sons all their lives?

"Master Feng, what should I do?"

Zhao Gui panicked and grabbed Feng Shou's hand, as pitifully as a helpless child.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Feng Shou didn't care to sigh and said softly: "First of all, Your Majesty, please stop messing around. The Queen Mother is your biological mother, and she is even more loving to you!"

Therefore, stop promoting Hu and others.

A wet nurse should not be treated as an elder.

It is her duty to serve the prince, not a favor!

Mrs. Hu was originally a slave of the He family. If she couldn't take good care of her little master, Queen Mother He would kill her and no one would gossip about her.

In the royal family, in aristocratic families, young masters are indeed closer to wet nurses and personal maids.

However, you should just keep this kind of thing in your mind and never show it out.

Let alone compare your slaves with your own parents.

Especially Zhao Gui, he is the emperor, and he cannot disrespect his biological mother. Instead, he values ​​a wet nurse in every aspect!

Feng Shou once said these words to Zhao Gui.

It's just that although Zhao Gui respected Master Feng at that time, he was very stubborn when it came to Hu's affairs.

Zhao Gui would get bored if he talked too much.

When Feng Shou saw this, he didn't say anything more. At most, he just stopped the emperor when he went too far.

For example, on Hu's birthday last year, Zhao Gui wanted to confer on Hu a "sainted lady".

When Feng Shou heard the news, he hurried to stop it and persuaded him to stop it.

Zhao Gui did not get what he wanted, and instead allowed the eunuchs and maids to address Hu as "Mrs."

Feng Shou:......

As an ancient man, Feng Shou didn't know the meaning of "a king cannot carry bronze", but he deeply understood the helplessness and exhaustion of supporting Adou by force!

However, at least Zhao Gui did not really canonize the Hu family, otherwise Queen Mother He would really explode!

Feng Shou: Queen Mother He did not explode at the time, but she kept the incident in mind.

No, after she was so disappointed, Queen Mother He directly launched a "counterattack".

Zhao Gui has not yet taken charge. If he wants Queen Mother He to treat him as she did in the past, he must get rid of his bad habits.

Alienate yourself from Mr. Hu and respect your mother. This is the first step!

Zhao Gui understood what Feng Shou meant. He pursed his lips and his face was as heavy as water.

"Second, Your Majesty must not alienate Wang Zhongshu Ling because of Wang Nineteenth Mother's matter!"

Feng Shou was most afraid of Zhao Gui's impulsiveness.

Not to mention being an emperor, even if you are a politician, you cannot be too "clear between grudges and grudges."

There are no permanent enemies in the court. Even if they are at odds with each other, enemies can temporarily form alliances when they have common interests.

Zhao Gui was young and spoiled.

He is too willful. In his heart, everything is black or white, enemy or friend!

Too naive, too upright, and doesn't know how to hide what's on his mind.

The marriage with the Wang family failed, and Wang Jiuniang became one of the maids of Queen Mother He. Zhao Gui would inevitably hold a grudge.

If he felt awkward in his heart, he would show it in front of Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan is an old fox, and he has a vast aristocratic family behind him.

If the little emperor rashly becomes an enemy... tsk tsk!

Feng Shou didn't want to think about it.

Zhao Gui's face turned even darker.

He understood what Master Feng meant, which was to ask him not only to be a filial and well-behaved son in front of Queen Mother He, but also to show friendship to a courtier named Wang Yuan!

He is the emperor!

How, how could you be so humble?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Frustrated! Angry!

Zhao Gui was full of hope and expected Master Feng to help him, but in the end, he got such a "good idea"!

Clenching his fists hard, Zhao Gui suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart.

He didn't give up and asked tentatively, "Sir, I want to marry Duke Dingguo. What do you think?"

Zhao Gui thought he had covered it up well.

But the moment he called himself "I", Feng Shou's eyes flashed.

Later, when he heard that he wanted to marry Ding Guogong's daughter, Feng Shou was completely disappointed.

The emperor didn't listen to his suggestions at all. Instead, he wanted to find a strong backer through marriage, and then confront the Queen Mother He and the three ministers!

This is really not a good move.

Feng Shou saw it. Until now, the little emperor had not realized the source of the problem.

It's even more of putting the cart before the horse - the Queen Mother is his real support.

Instead of counting on his mother's clan, the little emperor wanted to count on his "wife clan". He, he——

The strong feeling of powerlessness came over me again.

Tired, he was really tired!

When he rebelled against the late emperor, Feng Shou could handle so many complicated battles and crises with ease.

But at this moment, facing such a stubborn, naive, smart, and self-righteous little emperor, Feng Shou felt deeply helpless.

Suddenly, Feng Shou inexplicably understood Queen Mother He.

We really can't blame the Queen Mother for being greedy for power. It's really the emperor who is unreliable.

The tone suggested that he might as well maintain the status quo after taking charge of the cholera court.

"Tao Yong, Duke of Dingguo, is indeed one of the most valued military achievements by the late emperor. However, parents still need to make the final decision on marriage!"

Feng Shou said his words of refusal.

He decided that, like the Queen Mother He, he would teach the little emperor a lesson.

The little emperor can do whatever he wants.

At this time, he was messing around, and they elders could still help clean up the mess.

It's better than him directly breaking the news after taking office!

Zhao Gui didn't pay attention to the second half of Feng Shou's words. He said happily: "Master Feng, do you also think Ding Guogong is good?"

Feng Shou: ...I don’t, I’m not, I feel so tired.

Feng Shou had nothing to say, and Zhao Guiquan took him as his acquiescence.

However, Zhao Gui was still a little hesitant.

Because he always felt that Master Feng was alarmist.

Queen Mother He was his own mother, and she had been so kind to him in the past, although some of the "goodness" was not what Zhao Gui wanted.

However, Queen Mother He would never harm him.

All along, Queen Mother He wanted him to sit firmly on the throne.

Now that Zhao Gui has grown up and is able to take charge, how can Queen Mother He take over the power?

As for the waitress, she just has a false position and does not have any intention as Master Feng said.

The choice of queen is of great importance, and Zhao Gui still wants to marry a daughter from a noble family.

However, not long after, news came out that the Queen Mother canonized Mrs. Zheng's wife Yang as the female minister.

Master Feng's words suddenly rang in Zhao Gui's ears: "In addition to female maids, the Queen Mother can also canonize female ministers!"

You've got it!

Master Feng guessed everything correctly.

Queen Mother He is really unwilling to return to power. She wants to be Queen Mother Lu and Queen Dou!

Zhao Gui felt cold all over, and his heart instantly fell into the abyss.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He subconsciously wanted to order someone to invite Feng Shou.

But soon, he thought of the two suggestions given by Feng Shou last time.

Zhao Gui pursed his lips. He didn't want to admit that he didn't want to bend down to Queen Mother He and Wang Zhongshu Ling. He just felt that Master Feng was old and couldn't think of a better way.

"Come here! Pass on my oral instructions to summon Duke Ding to the palace!"

Zhao Gui no longer hesitated and gave instructions to the young chamberlain.

On the other side, He Tiantian didn't know Zhao Gui's little moves.

Although Little D can monitor her at any time, He Tiantian doesn't like this feeling of "cheating".

Knowing everything is not a good thing sometimes.

This will reduce He Tiantian's sense of accomplishment.

Unless it's something important, He Tiantian doesn't allow Little D's classmate to "spoiler" anything.

No, here comes the important thing——

"Tiantian! Tiantian, it's coming! It's coming!"

Classmate Little D was nervous and excited, and a ball of hair was bouncing around in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is Ye Tong here?"

As soon as He Tiantian heard "it's coming", she had a guess in her heart.

So, the time-travel heroine has arrived, and Zheng Nian'er, who was sent to Zhuangzi to recuperate, also "woke up"? !

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