The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 478: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Ding! System binding successful!"

"Ding! Release a novice mission: have a close and intimate encounter with the emperor! The mission is completed and you will be rewarded with the 'Sick Beauty' halo. If you fail the mission, you will be punished by moving your hairline back two centimeters!"

Zheng Nian'er:...

If the hairline moves back two centimeters, wouldn't this mean that one will go bald young?

She really didn't want to do this or that with a public plug, let alone have any palace fight!

What's the point of a group of women fighting?

It's better to use her knowledge of transcending this time and space to change her own destiny, make herself self-reliant, and have a prosperous career.


Wow, Zheng Nian'er doesn't want to be a "bald girl".

Moreover, Zheng Nian'er had a hunch that she was bound to a rogue system.

If she resists death and fails to perform her mission, there may be even crueler and more terrible punishments.

In the future world, Zheng Nian'er has already died once. Now that she has the opportunity to survive in another world, she really doesn't want to miss it.

Blame her for being greedy for life and fear of death, blame her for being timid and cowardly.

But Zheng Nianer really just wants to live well!

She had just worn it and had not yet enjoyed the joy of "rebirth". She really didn't want to die just now.

Isn't it just a close contact with the emperor? Isn't it just a palace fight? She... takes every step.

As time goes by, she might be able to find a way to fight against the rogue system!

"Nian'er, Your Majesty is here!"

Two or three days ago, Mrs. Hu couldn't stand Wang Mingqi's nonsense and hid in this village.

In name, naturally she, as a mother, couldn't bear to worry about her daughter, and she always took care of her personally.

As for the real reason, only Hu himself knew in his heart.

However, at this moment, Mrs. Hu was very happy that she was on Zhuangzi.

Who would have thought that His Majesty would take the trouble to come visit Zheng Nian'er at this time?

After arriving at Zhuangzi, Emperor Yongcheng saw Mrs. Hu actually guarding Zhuangzi. He immediately felt that she was worthy of being a wet nurse. She was indeed a loving person!


She had been a wet nurse for Emperor Yongcheng more than ten years ago, and her eyes were full of this noble little master.

Let’s not talk about the husband, even the son, daughter, etc., they don’t spend much time together.

Feelings are all developed over time.

Even if the biological mother and daughter only see each other a few times throughout the year, it is difficult to have a deep mother-daughter relationship.

Mrs. Hu entered the palace when Zheng Nian'er was not yet full moon.

Before she was five years old, Zheng Nian'er had never seen Mrs. Hu several times.

Later, something happened in the palace. The Queen Mother He was afraid that her only son would also be killed, so she ordered the wet nurse and slaves to send Emperor Yongcheng to Zhuangzi of the He family. Only then did the Hu family have the opportunity to see her husband and children again.

The few years outside the palace were the few times Hu spent with his children.

In some respects, Hu and Queen Mother He are in similar situations: both are unable to take care of their children personally due to unavoidable reasons.

But Mrs. Hu is luckier than Queen Mother He——

The Queen Mother He met a Hu family with ulterior motives and ambitions. She took the reward from the Queen Mother He, but secretly instigated the relationship between her mother and her son.

As for Ms. Hu, she has a kind and honest husband.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zheng Youliang didn't have much ability, but he had a conscience. He knew that it was not easy for his wife to be a wet nurse in the palace, and he always told his children:

You must be filial to your own mother. For you and for our family, she stayed alone in the palace and looked at the scenery, and she suffered a lot inside.

Therefore, even though Mrs. Hu rarely paid attention to taking care of her biological children, these children may not be too close to her, but they did not resent her.

However, if the feelings are not deep, they are not deep enough.

Even now, the most important person in Hu's heart is always Emperor Yongcheng.

Zheng Nian'er was trapped in the quagmire of rumors. Emperor Yongcheng gave her a solution and asked the Zheng family to send her to Zhuangzi outside Beijing.

Hu, Zheng Youliang and his wife sent him away obediently.

When Mrs. Hu sent Zheng Nian'er away who was in a daze and in a trance, she was worried on the surface and wiped her tears from time to time, but she never thought about running to Zhuangzi to take care of the child herself.

Because from the bottom of her heart, Mrs. Hu didn't care much about her daughter Zheng Nian'er.

"It's not like there are no slaves and wives, and I'm not a miracle doctor, so it won't be of any use if I go there!" Mrs. Hu told herself in her heart.

Of course, the main reason why Hu refused to go was: Emperor Yongcheng was not here? Who is she performing for?

Yes, what Hu is best at is maintaining her perfect motherly image in front of the emperor.

This time...hehe, it was a mistake!

When she saw the sudden appearance of Emperor Yongcheng on Zhuangzi, Hu felt that she was right this time.

She once again "touched" His Majesty.

Mrs. Hu was happy, but she also deliberately pretended to be worried about her daughter.

She suppressed her joy, with a trace of sadness on her face, and led Emperor Yongcheng into the inner courtyard.

Zheng Nian'er:...

Woohoo, she really doesn't want to have close contact with that rotten cucumber.



Close contact?

It doesn't have to be kissing or sex.

This is ancient times. Although the dynasty is rigid, the people's customs are relatively open.

However, no matter how tough the ancients were, they couldn't just gnaw at each other.

A touch of a small hand or an "accidental" hug should be considered close contact.

Zheng Nian'er had an idea in her mind, and she continued to lie on the couch pretending to be weak.

After hearing Hu's voice, she pretended to be surprised, supported her sick body, and struggled to get up from the couch.

When Emperor Yongcheng stepped in, he happened to see this scene.

He was worried, lest Xiao Qingmei, who was still seriously ill, would fall off the couch.

After walking a few steps quickly, Emperor Yongcheng stretched out his hand to protect Zheng Nian'er.

Zheng Nian'er, on the other hand, is still worried that it is not "safe" enough.

She gritted her teeth secretly, rolled hard, and her body fell to the ground.

Emperor Yongcheng reacted quickly and directly hugged Zheng Nian'er!

His back was pressed tightly against the emperor's chest, and his whole body seemed to be curled up in the man's arms.

Zheng Nian'er felt that such an action could be regarded as "intimate contact" even if it were left to future generations.

Sure enough, the moment she rolled into the emperor's arms, she remembered a mechanical sound deep in the sea of ​​consciousness——

"Ding! The novice mission is completed, and you will be rewarded with the 'Sick Beauty' halo once! The halo is in use, please experience it carefully, host!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Sick Beauty" halo?

What the hell?

Could it be that using such a halo, she can be like Xi Tzu, even if she is sick, she will not be haggard and unkempt, but will look pitiful and extraordinarily beautiful? !

Zheng Nian'er murmured secretly, without her being able to see it, her entire temperament had changed.

The original owner developed Xiao Baihua's temperament under the guidance of his mother, Mrs. Hu.

But, in the past, she pretended to be pitiful and innocent!

But at this moment, with the blessing of the "Sick Beauty" aura, Zheng Nian'er's whole person has changed.

His appearance remained unchanged, but he gained a distressing charm.

The same pale face and emaciated figure due to illness, on ordinary people, would be simply pitiful, and even a little ugly.

But if it were Zheng Nian'er who had opened up the aura of "Sick Beauty", that would be morbid beauty, that would be heart-wrenching frailty!

Emperor Yongcheng was attracted. He had never noticed that his little green plum looked so lovable and heart-warming.

Nian'er has also been sick in the past, but more often than not, she looked unattractive.

Now, even though she still has messy hair and a bare face, she looks particularly heart-warming.

"It must have been a long time since I last saw Nian'er. I, I miss her so much!"

The emperor did not suspect that his little green plum had had its core changed, or that he had encountered some adventure.

He just thought it was because he hadn't seen her for too long, and Xiao Qingmei lingered on the hospital bed for several days, which was why he changed now!

Realizing this, Emperor Yongcheng felt even more distressed and guilty, "I'm sorry, Nian'er, it's all my fault! I waited until now to see you!"

"But don't worry, it will be over soon -"

As soon as Duke Dingguo's youngest daughter entered the palace, he got the support of the warriors headed by Duke Dingguo. After successfully taking over the throne, he could not only take Nian'er back to the capital, but also formally include her in the harem!

Emperor Yongcheng has finally made progress after hard work in recent months.

He finally knew his priorities.

Getting married and taking office are the most important things for him.

True love and wet nurses need to be temporarily aggrieved.

"...No grievance! How can it be regarded as grievance?"

When Mrs. Hu heard Emperor Yongcheng's explanation, she quickly said with distressed eyes: "I know that my Erlang treats me well, and he is sincere to Nian'er!"

"But, you are the emperor, you shoulder the responsibility of the country, the country, and the country, and you have the great trust of the late emperor!"

"So, you must put the overall situation first in everything!"

Mr. Hu is really good at sowing discord.

She knew clearly that the Empress Dowager He and the late Emperor were at loggerheads, but she still mentioned the late Emperor from time to time in front of Emperor Yongcheng.

Emperor Yongcheng, who longed for his father's love, developed a deep admiration for the late emperor's scumbag father.

The more he wanted to get close to the late emperor, the more harm he would do to Queen Mother He.

Emperor Yongcheng knew very well in his heart that his father did not love him, he loved Prince Liang more.

However, the late emperor still made him the crown prince before his death, leaving the world of Dayuan in his hands.

Perhaps, as the wet nurse said, "It's not that the late emperor doesn't love you, but that the queen mother is too strong. The late emperor was afraid that his relatives would disrupt the government, so he deliberately alienated you."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Yes, it’s all my mother’s fault. Why is a woman so forced?

It harmed myself and my son.

Obviously, he is the son that the father values ​​most, otherwise the father would not entrust him with the country!

After Emperor Yongcheng ascended the throne, he respected the late emperor even more.

He also seemed to want to make some achievements so that the late emperor could see: Dad, you read that right, my son can indeed shoulder the responsibility of the country!

Therefore, whenever Hu mentioned the late emperor, Emperor Yongcheng was happy and satisfied in his heart.

It seems that as long as he obeys the late emperor's wishes, he will be the late emperor's good son!

"Nurse, you are the most sensible and considerate!"

Emperor Yongcheng was originally a little aggrieved because of his marriage to Wu Xun, but now he was comforted when he heard Hu's words.

He looked at Mrs. Hu with softer and more admiring eyes.

Mrs. Hu was very helpful and hinted at Zheng Nian'er with her eyes.

Zheng Nian'er: ...I really want to pretend I didn't see it.

Today's novice task has been completed, Zheng Nian'er doesn't want to work hard anymore to "open business".

But she couldn't really ignore Hu's hint.

Zheng Nian'er has seen many time travels in later generations, so she naturally knows the importance of "maintaining character".

She didn't want to be suspected by the original owner's relatives because she had changed so much, and then be thrown into the fire!

"Well, no grievance! Nian'er knows that Erlang has me in his heart, and that's enough!"

Enduring the psychological discomfort, Zheng Nian'er said sweet words that made her tooth ache.

After saying that, she still pretended to be affectionate and shy.


So difficult!

Sure enough, not everyone can do it.

At least for her, an independent woman of later generations, it was really a huge challenge.

Zheng Nian'er felt that her appearance was very artificial.

She was even worried that her acting skills were not perfect enough and that the emperor and Mr. Hu might see flaws.

"Don't worry! It won't happen! Now that you have the aura of 'Sick Beauty', they will only think that you are pitiful, as charming as Xizi holding a heart, with a heart-stopping morbid beauty!"

The mechanical voice deep in the sea of ​​consciousness said stiffly.

Zheng Nian'er drew three black lines on her forehead: Dear, is this how "morbidly beautiful" is used?

Are you sure you're not swearing? !

After muttering silently, Zheng Nian'er cautiously took a peek at Emperor Yongcheng's and Mrs. Hu's reactions.

Sure enough, the face of Emperor Yongcheng, a half-grown man, showed distress and even a hint of obsession.

As for Mrs. Hu, her eyes were full of satisfaction, mixed with a hint of surprise.

As if she was happy, her stupid daughter became smarter.

Tsk tsk, this acting skill is almost catching up with my mother!

Zheng Nian'er: ...Okay, as long as you are happy!

In any case, this level is over.

With the help of Zheng Nian'er's "Sick Beauty" halo, even if she was absent-minded and dealt with it perfunctorily, Emperor Yongcheng did not notice anything, only felt distress and pity.

Finally, seeing Zheng Nian'er's "weak and weak" appearance, Emperor Yong Cheng left the words "Nian'er, you are well rested, I will come to see you in the future" and left reluctantly.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zheng Nian'er pretended to lie on the couch and watched Emperor Yongcheng leave "affectionately".

But I was wailing in my heart: Ah ah, are you still coming? No!

Emperor Yongcheng didn't know Xiao Qingmei's inner cry, and was rushing back to the capital full of worries.

Originally, he thought that coming to visit Nian'er today would comfort him from his lovesickness.

Unexpectedly, he saw a sickly but still beautiful Zheng Nian'er today.

Tsk, he never knew that his own little green plum had such a charm of "not being able to withstand the disease, but making it even more beautiful".

... Emperor Yongcheng couldn't describe that feeling at the moment. Anyway, it just made him pity and like him.

He wished he could take Nian'er back to the palace right away and love her properly!

"Tiantian! The Barbecued Pork Emperor has returned from the Zheng family's village. Do you think he has discovered that Zheng Nian'er has been transported through time?"

The omnipotent monitor Little D’s classmate came out happily to broadcast the news.

While He Tiantian was reviewing the memorial, she was distracted chatting with classmate Xiao D, "Probably not!"

The time-traveling girl is not a fool to begin with, she should be careful to maintain her character.

Besides, isn’t there still a “wild tradition”?

In the second version of the plot, everyone can become a palace fighting champion.

It makes no sense that this time, the secret was discovered before it even started.

He Tiantian even had a hunch that Emperor Yongcheng might make "big moves" after he returned from a trip to Zhuangzi.

Sure enough, in the evening, He Tiantian had just finished dinner when she heard the announcement from the palace maid outside——

"Your Majesty is here!"

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