The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 479: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (16)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

With the experience of "confrontation" with Queen Mother He several times in recent months, Emperor Yongcheng finally understood the attitude of his own mother.

When he came to He Tiantian again, he no longer dared to act arrogantly or show off his temper.

He learned to go straight to the point: "Mother, I want to marry the daughter of Duke Dingguo as my wife!"

While speaking, Emperor Yongcheng couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He still had resentment in his heart, thinking that as long as his mother showed a dissatisfied expression or directly expressed her disapproval.

He just threw back to her what his mother had said before, "Marry whoever you want"!

Humph, he wanted to see what else the dignified Queen Mother He had to say!

However, Emperor Yongcheng was destined to be disappointed.

After hearing what he said, He Tiantian directly agreed without even raising her eyelids: "Okay!"

Emperor Yongcheng:...

What does it mean to punch cotton?

He felt it firsthand.

The reason is that he can still use this matter to quarrel fiercely with Queen Mother He.

But, but——

When things went so smoothly, Emperor Yongcheng not only felt no joy, but also felt an inexplicable loss and a trace of fear.

Mother, she, she really doesn’t care about me?

Even if I didn't fulfill her wish and married a legitimate daughter of the Wu Xun family, she wouldn't object?

How could she... be like this?

I am her only son. The important matter of marriage is not only related to a lifetime of happiness, but also directly related to the stability of the court.

How could Queen Mother He just let things go and ignore her? !

Is she still my biological mother? How could she be so irresponsible?

He Tiantian:...Excuse me!

You are too damn difficult to take care of.

Discipline you, you think your mother is too strong and don't know how to show sympathy to you, a child who hasn't grown up yet.

I don't care about you, you blame your mother for being irresponsible!

Haha, let alone the original owner, even if a god were to be your mother, you might not be able to get what you want!

He Tiantian is not the original owner, so she won't feel bad, let alone spoil her son with barbecued pork.

Deliberately pretending not to see the disappointment and anger on Emperor Yongcheng's face, she said calmly, "Qingnu, my mother has already said that if you are what you like, my mother will be satisfied!"

Therefore, "Marry whomever you want" is by no means an angry statement, but the heartfelt words of the Aijia!

Emperor Yongcheng pinched his palm hard. His mother's indifference made the anger in his chest even stronger.

Originally he didn't want to say this now, but he was so uncomfortable at the moment that he blurted out: "Mother, I have already selected the candidate for the queen. When the Qin Tian Jian and the Ministry of Rites choose an auspicious day, I will get married!"

According to convention, when the emperor gets married, he should rule in person.

Queen Mother He, are you willing to take the initiative to return power?

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, oh ho, the little emperor no longer plays the "guess" game, but has learned to take the initiative to attack.

Since the other party has opened the skylight and spoken frankly, He Tiantian will not pretend to be confused while pretending to understand.

She met Emperor Yongcheng's gaze and nodded slowly, "Well, after you get married, the Ai family will unite with the three ministers to support His Majesty's rule!"

If you don’t just want to be in charge, then go ahead!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, things like government affairs do not mean that you can control them if they are returned to you!

In the past few months since He Tiantian came here, he has gotten to know this willful naughty boy like Emperor Yongcheng very well.

With this person's nature, if there is no one to help him clean up the mess, his pro-government will be an endless disaster!

And He Tiantian and some courtiers,

In fact, he was waiting for Emperor Yongcheng to make a mistake.

After all, if the emperor doesn't make mistakes, you know certain things, ahem.

"..." Emperor Yongcheng couldn't help but murmur in his heart when he saw his mother agreeing so happily.

Master Feng didn't mean that the Queen Mother had also conferred the title of female minister and appointed female minister, which showed that she did not want to return to power.

But, at this moment, he didn't hesitate at all, and even said that he would persuade the three ministers to let him, the emperor, take charge.


Emperor Yongcheng was shocked and doubtful.

On the one hand, he was worried that his cheap mother-in-law was playing some new tricks and wanted to force him to become an obedient baby.

On the other hand, there is a glimmer of hope in his heart, and my mother still loves me in her heart.

He was so indifferent before, but he was angry with the wet nurse and the Zheng family, so now——

Now, he did not choose Zheng Nian'er, but a daughter of a noble family. Although his mother was not satisfied in her heart, she was not too angry.

Therefore, my mother readily agreed to return to power.

Master Feng's judgment about his mother was actually biased!

Realizing this possibility, Emperor Yongcheng had some expectations in his heart.

And unknowingly, he had some doubts about Master Feng, his most trusted think tank.

Master Feng Xu is really old, or the death of his old wife has made him no longer as wise as before.

Tsk tsk, even a woman like Queen Mother He has not fully understood that he is no longer the world-famous number one strategist!

Feng Shou: ...Okay, as long as you are happy!

Feng Shou didn't know whether he had already made up his mind to temper the little emperor, or he was really tired. He turned a deaf ear to Emperor Yongcheng's questioning look.

The emperor chose the daughter of Duke Tao of Dingguo to be his queen!

This is definitely the biggest news in Beijing in recent years.

From the dignitaries to the common people, everyone is discussing and paying attention eagerly.

All other rumors in the market were suppressed.

Zheng Nian'er and the Zheng family really don't know whether to be disappointed or happy!

With this big news, Wang Mingqi came to the Zheng family to stage a marriage proposal, and not many people were watching.

Wang Mingqi disappeared without a trace, and no one knows where he went.

The people in Beijing seemed to have forgotten what happened to Zheng Nian'er and stopped pointing fingers at Zheng Nian'er.

In a few days, even if Zheng Nian'er returns to the capital, he probably won't be attacked by rumors again.

From this aspect alone, Zheng Nian'er and the entire Zheng family should be happy.

But, the emperor is finally getting married.

But the person to marry is not their Nian'er.

Let's talk about a person like Hu who is so busy and full of calculations. Even if he is as honest and honest as Zheng Youliang, he is still a little disappointed.


If his daughter becomes the master of the middle palace, the Zheng family will be granted the title of Duke Chengen.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

From earl to duke, although it seems that it is only a two-level promotion, in fact, it is definitely a leap in the Zheng family's class.

How the earl of the Zheng family came to be is known to everyone, not to mention the Zheng family themselves.

It was nothing more than that the mistress of the Zheng family was the emperor's wet nurse. In order to make the wet nurse more respectable, the emperor gave the Zheng family a reward.

After all, the Zheng family has always been the slaves of the royal family!

The real dignitaries don't accept it, and even ordinary people use the Zheng family as a joke.

Otherwise, when Wang Mingqi came to Zheng's house to cause mischief, the people around him would not have watched and ridiculed him so unscrupulously.

But if the Zheng family becomes Duke Chengen, the situation will be different.

The Zheng family were no longer slaves, but became in-laws of the royal family.

Although I still "rely on women", my relatives are much better than slaves.

Zheng Youliang is honest, but he is not stupid. In his heart, he also longs for the Zheng family to change its family and bring glory to its ancestors!

such a pity--

"...It's fine for Your Majesty to marry the daughter of the Tao family!"

After all, Mrs. Hu was an emperor's wet nurse who had seen the world. After a brief period of decadence, she quickly cheered up again.

She said to her husband and children: "The Tao family is no better than the Wang family. They are a newly wealthy family, and the education of the daughters in the family is also limited."

For example, Tao Youwei, who was to marry the young emperor, had been pampered since she was a child because she was the youngest daughter and the only bloodline of the Tao family's lady.

Growing up in a noble family, her food, clothing, housing and transportation were even more exquisite than those of a royal princess.

Such pampering not only gave Tao Youwei a noble air, but also made her coquettish and willful.

And the little emperor, haha, is also a spoiled brat.

When two self-centered people get together and neither one is willing to give in, life is bound to be a mess.

As the wet nurse of Emperor Yongcheng, Mrs. Hu knew Emperor Yongcheng best.

This child is a typical child who eats soft things but not hard things.

In front of him, the little white lotus is far more popular than peonies and roses.

If Wang Shijiu, a well-educated socialite from an aristocratic family, is a noble peony, then Tao Youwei, a beloved general and tiger girl, is a rose with thorns.

These two, tsk tsk, are not Emperor Yongcheng’s cup of tea.

Mrs. Hu didn't even need to see it with her own eyes, but just by thinking about it briefly, she could guess that Emperor Yongcheng and "Queen Tao" were having an affair after the wedding.

If the emperor and empress are at odds, their family's chance to Nian'er will come.

So what if I can't be the queen, as long as the woman Yong Chengdi loves most is Zheng Nian'er...

In the future, if Nian'er becomes a beloved concubine, she will also be able to benefit her parents' family.

If she has great fortune and becomes the Queen Mother in the future, tsk tsk, the Zheng family's wealth will be enough to last for three generations!

Mrs. Hu's eyes were shining brightly, and she continued to paint a very beautiful picture to the Zheng family.

Zheng Youliang and his two sons were fascinated by what he heard. The three similar honest faces shone with a strange light.

The only person who is "awake" is probably Zheng Nian'er, who had his core changed.

"..." Zheng Nian'er didn't want to throw cold water on her family.

She does not agree with what Hu did, but now she is "Zheng Nian'er".

If you take over someone else's body and identity, you must assume the responsibility and cause and effect of the original owner.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for Mrs. Hu, she may not be a truly loving mother, but she is not bad at treating her children.

Although he was a little more calculating, he was also sincere and gave his children the best life.

Even if Zheng Nian'er cannot regard the Hu family as a close relative, she will not regard her as an enemy.

Alas, let's just be a mother and daughter in name only. We don't have too many expectations, but we won't be able to target them either.

Keeping a certain distance but taking on due obligations is the best!

Therefore, knowing that these words of Hu's were suspected of being fanciful, Zheng Nian'er just listened casually and did not refute them.

But soon, reality gave Hu a loud slap in the face——

The rumors about Zheng Nian'er in Beijing gradually disappeared, and Wang Mingqi, the man who killed a thousand swords, also disappeared.

Zheng Nian'er's matter seemed to have come to an end. Mrs. Hu observed for a few days and felt that her daughter could return to Beijing.

Otherwise, I would always live in Zhuangzi. Although His Majesty would go out of his way to visit me every few days, it would still be inconvenient.

Especially now that your majesty is engaged and will get married soon, it will be inconvenient for your majesty to come to Zhuangzi in the short term.

If Emperor Yongcheng doesn't come, how can their family Nian'er deepen their relationship with His Majesty?

"Go back to Beijing! Let's go back to Beijing! It just so happens that the weather is getting cold. There are many happy events and banquets in Beijing at the end of the year. We have been quiet for the past few days, so we should go to the banquets to make friends!"

Hu's family background is humble, but her heart is higher than the sky.

She knew that the dignitaries in the capital did not want to see her, but with Emperor Yongcheng around, those noble ladies had to be very polite when meeting her in person, no matter how much they disliked her in their hearts.

Sometimes, he even compliments her against her will.

Mrs. Hu just likes to see those noble and glamorous ladies, who obviously don't like her but still force themselves to smile!

As for her daughter, although she failed to enter the middle palace, she was still the emperor's favorite woman.

Previously, Nian'er became a laughing stock in the capital because of Wang Mingqi's obsessive obsession.

Now that the matter is over, Mrs. Hu wants to let the female relatives of the powerful people in the capital know that their Nian'er, even if their reputation is damaged, is still charming and lovely, and is the treasure that Emperor Yongcheng holds in his hands.

The news that Emperor Yongcheng went to Zhuangzi several times to visit Zheng Nian'er, Hu had ordered people to spread quietly in the capital.

After Zheng Nian'er returned to Beijing, she made stunning appearances at banquets held by various families... Huh, let's see who dares to laugh at Mrs. Hu!

Especially Tao Youwei!

So what if she becomes the Queen?

It’s not like he can’t get the little emperor’s sincerity!

It is true that the young emperor married her because of who she is. What the emperor only valued was the power and help of Duke Dingguo.

A proper political marriage, so what if it has the honor of being a queen?

As a woman, she doesn't even have the admiration or pity of her husband. In the final analysis, Tao Youwei is just another Queen Mother He!

Mrs. Hu rejected and hated Queen Mother He, but deep down in her heart, she still had the envy of the humble towards the noble.

She just used the greatest malice to cover up her inner inferiority.

Now Queen Mother He seems to have "given in", and Hu has won the trust and admiration of the young emperor.

The fight of the older generation has come to an end for the time being, and the grudges of the younger generation have begun again.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The Hu family boasted that their daughter had won the young emperor's sincerity, but the future Queen Tao was destined to be a childless and unfavored ornament.

She couldn't help but feel proud of herself.

If you are proud, you will get carried away and do stupid things.

And deliberately sending the little emperor to Zhuangzi to visit Zheng Nian'er was the stupidest thing Hu did.

Mrs. Hu thought Tao Youwei was Wang Shijiu.

Knowing that her "fiancé" rushed to visit other women, a girl from a wealthy family like Wang Shijiu would only smile lightly and not take it seriously at all.

Tao Youwei is not a girl from an aristocratic family. Although her mother comes from an aristocratic family, she is more like her biological father Tao Yong at heart.

Tao Yong, on the other hand, was just a vulgar martial artist who gained wealth by following the late emperor with his fists.

The Tao family believes in force the most!

On this day, the second son of Duke An Guo got married, and all the dignitaries in the capital came to have a drink.

Zheng Nian'er is also here. This is the first time she has appeared in public since returning to Beijing.

She was busy cleaning up the stupid things the original owner had done, when she saw a woman in a crimson dress rushing in front of her...

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