The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 481: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

After the initial panic and doubt, Hu quickly calmed down.

"It's the Tao family! It must be their family!" she said through gritted teeth.

"Tao family? Duke Dingguo's residence?" Zheng Youliang was as honest as ever. If something happened to his children, he would only be worried and distressed.

Others, such as rational analysis, he simply cannot do.

"Why? Why do they do this to us?"

Zheng Youliang's face was full of confusion and confusion. In his opinion, the Zheng family and the Tao family were not in the same circle at all.

The Tao family was an important minister of the late emperor and held military power, and Duke Tao was a famous general.

On the other hand, the Zheng family, ahem, it’s because Mrs. Hu is the emperor’s wet nurse, so—

Zheng Youliang has always been very sober and has a very clear understanding of his family.

Their family is not truly noble, and it is reasonable for them to be rejected by the powerful.

Mrs. Hu didn't seem to hear her husband's question, but continued to speculate and analyze according to her own ideas:

"Dalang was beaten at the Qianniu Guard. Who are the Qianniu Guards? They are the attendants in charge of the sword guards, and are His Majesty's personal guards!"

Hu seemed to be mumbling to herself, slowly sorting out her thoughts.

The Qianniu Guards were the emperor's personal guards, "all of whom were made up of young and beautiful young men from Gao Yin."

This means that Qian Niuwei is either a son of a powerful person or a young and handsome person.

It had only been twenty or thirty years since the founding of the Dayuan Dynasty, and most of the Qianniu Guards were still sons and daughters of the Wu Xun family.

Tao Yong, the general and Duke of Ding, is the leader of military honors. Some of his sons, nephews or members of the clan also serve in the Qianniu Guard.

Most of Qianniuwei's generals, generals, and other generals are Tao Yong's colleagues, or even his old subordinates!

Therefore, if the Tao family wanted to teach someone who was on duty at Qianniu Guard, there was no need for Tao Yong himself to speak. He just expressed his dislike and a lot of people would "help" him.

"And Erlang, he has always been weak and rarely gets into arguments with others unless someone deliberately provokes him!"

Hu continued to analyze, and she suspected that the person who had a conflict with her second son was also someone related to the Tao family, and was deliberately looking for trouble.

Sure enough, just as Hu was concentrating and analyzing calmly, another slave came running back to report——

"Madam, uncle, let me ask you clearly. The person who was taken away by Jingzhao Mansion along with Erlang was Liu Lang from Zhenbei Hou Mansion!"

"Marquis of Zhenbei?"

Hu's eyes flashed and she pursed her lips hard!

If she remembered correctly, although Zhenbeihou was not an old member of the Tao family, Zhenbeihou's daughter was the Tao family's daughter-in-law.

The two families are related by marriage.

And that Rokuro is just a bastard.

Now, in order to help the in-laws vent their ill-will, the Marquis of Zhenbei was really good at scheming to sacrifice a concubine who was not very favored.

Mrs. Hu sorted everything out, and her chest had already been filled with raging anger - Duke Dingguo's mansion was going too far! what?

They just bully you and teach your daughter and son a lesson, so what can you do?

Can you go to Jingzhao Mansion to complain, can you rush to Dingguo Mansion to ask for an explanation, or can you go to complain to the emperor? !

Mrs. Hu closed her eyes forcefully. These thoughts flashed through her mind one by one, but she denied them all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the past, she may have had a smooth life, or it may be that the Queen Mother He did not take any serious measures to rectify the Zheng family, otherwise——

Mrs. Hu secretly smiled bitterly, "I'm really a little carried away! When people called me madam a few times, I really thought I was some kind of noble person!"

She also took pleasure in watching those ladies "suffering".

I feel like they obviously hate me, but they have to curry favor with me!

In fact, she didn't "flatter" herself at all, she just didn't bother to argue with her.

No, the Tao family hasn't gone into battle in person yet. They just briefly expressed their dissatisfaction with the Zheng family, and something happened to all three of her Hu family's children!

As for the little emperor, haha, without the full support of the Queen Mother He, he himself could not move even an inch, how could he take care of his wet nurse?

At this time, Mrs. Hu ran to Emperor Yongcheng for help. At most, it only made him more troubled and angry, without getting any solution to the problem.

If something goes wrong, the emperor will not say a word, but in his heart he will despise the Zheng family for being useless. Apart from causing trouble for him, he will not be able to help at all.

Mrs. Hu knew that the little emperor had a good relationship with her, and she valued Nian'er very much.

But things like feelings are not worth mentioning in the face of cruel reality.

Even if the little emperor doesn't become disappointed or disgusted with the Zheng family just because of one or two things, what happens if it happens too many times over time?

The little emperor himself also needed the support of the Tao family and other martial arts heroes. He himself had to "squeeze in the compromise" to marry a woman he didn't like, and ended up with the Zheng family who was closest to him.

Not only can't you help him at all, but you can also cause him trouble and hold him back!

Let alone a selfish and willful person like the little emperor, even a person with an ordinary temperament would sooner or later feel disgusted.

Mrs. Hu was able to stand out from several wet nurses. She is where she is today because of her scheming and planning.

Before, she was blinded by the little emperor's favor and the anger of the Queen Mother He, thinking that she had really defeated the Queen Mother He and became a real master.

The Tao family's repeated attacks completely woke up the Hu family.

As a person who has climbed up from the bottom, Hu is not only scheming, but also flexible.

Not only did she not go to the little emperor to complain, but she prepared generous gifts for Zheng Youliang and asked him to go to the Tao family to plead guilty in person!

In addition, she very neatly sent Zheng Nian'er, who was whipped and had a high fever, back to Zhuangzi.

The eldest son directly asked Qian Niuwei for a long leave.

Mrs. Hu was even ready to let her eldest son quit his job at Qianniu Guard.

As for the second son, Mrs. Hu readily paid a large ransom and also compensated the Hou family of Zhenbei a large amount of money.

After bringing him back from Jingzhao Mansion, Mrs. Hu had him withdraw from school at the Imperial College and sent him out of the capital.

It was said to be a "study tour", but it actually meant that he was allowed to go outside to recuperate and avoid the news.

After some operations, the originally bustling uncle's mansion became lonely and empty.

Mrs. Hu felt that she was not low-key enough, so she ordered people to close the door of her uncle's house. Even if invitations were sent to weddings, weddings and banquets in Beijing, Mrs. Hu would carefully refuse them.

... She and the entire Zheng family lay flat and allowed the powerful to beat, scold, and humiliate them.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Seeing Hu's behavior, the old subordinates and in-laws who originally wanted to help the Tao family vent their anger were a little reluctant to do so.

They wanted to help the Tao family before, in addition to "favor" and other factors, there was another point - the Hu family and the entire Zheng family always behaved too abominably.

Humph, they are just a bunch of slaves, but after receiving some praise from the emperor, they really regard themselves as a person.

For such a lowly person to break into their circle rashly is offensive in itself.

As a result, instead of being polite and honest, they still acted arrogantly and recklessly!

It’s true that all the dignitaries in the capital are good-natured people.

Civil servants, perhaps weaker, would be more concerned about the emperor's preferences.

As for these martial arts heroes, they don't rely on flattery at all. They show their piety with real swords and guns.

A thief, isn't she just a nanny? How dare such a despicable person show off in front of them? !

This time, all the martial artists just took advantage of the Tao family and unanimously punished the Zheng family severely.

If the Zheng family is still so arrogant and ignorant of "rules", everyone will have more and more ruthless tricks.

But Mrs. Hu immediately gave in...

Gu\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;Forget it!

What do you care about with a group of tribesmen and guest ladies? !

You don't have to insult your own identity!

In this way, the turmoil caused by the Hu family and the Zheng family quickly subsided.

As for the little emperor, he secretly went to the Zheng family to stay for an afternoon. After returning to the palace, he did not help the Zheng family to "justice".

Instead of pursuing the Tao family, the young emperor rewarded Tao Youwei with some brocades and jewelry in the name of Queen Mother He.

The Tao family was satisfied and felt that the little emperor was still very wise and knew his priorities clearly.

Even Tao Youwei was very happy and felt that she had gained face.

She doesn't care who the little emperor likes, she just wants to be a noble queen.

Anyway, she has a father and a natal family. As long as the Tao family survives, the little emperor will still fawn over and please her even if he doesn't like her or even hates her!

"That's right, my son with barbecued pork is growing up!"

He Tiantian lives deep in the palace, but because he is in charge of government affairs, he is particularly aware of the trends in the capital.

Not to mention, she also has the "eye of the sky" called Little D, and He Tiantian can also learn some secrets that cannot be seen by spies. He Tiantian can also learn from the gossipy Little D.

He Tiantian even had an "epiphany" and often used Little D's "universal camera" to compare and test the abilities and loyalty of the school's spies!

Classmate Little D: ...I knew it would be like this. As expected, their Tiantian family will not waste any opportunity.

Deep in the core, he silently complained, but little D was very happy to be able to help his friends.

At this moment, when he heard He Tiantian commenting on Emperor Yongcheng with a chuckle, Little D, a classmate who loves gossip, quickly jumped out to make his presence felt.

"Tiantian, do you think the little emperor did a good job?"

He did not go out of his way to vent his anger on the Zheng family like in the past, nor did he cancel the marriage with the Zheng family willfully.

The little emperor has almost reached the point of "bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden".

"Endure the humiliation? Haha, that's a good word!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian felt the fluctuation deep in the core of Little D, and commented with a smile, "Little D, your gossip during this time is indeed not in vain!"

He has become more capable, and his IQ seems to have improved.

Student D:...

The first half of the sentence is obviously a compliment, but in the second half, it becomes a joke? !

Humph, Bukaisen!

He Tiantian saw that little classmate D was a little angry, so he suppressed the thought of continuing to tease him.

She brought the topic back up and said calmly: "I guess in Zhao Gui's heart, he is Gou Jian who is doing his best to survive."

"The more he gives in to the Tao family, the more he hates the entire Tao family!"

Once he takes charge in the future and holds great power, the first thing he will do is seize the title of the Tao family and confiscate the property.

"During this period, I completely let go. Feng Shou seems to be trying hard, and Zhao Gui is running into obstacles everywhere!"

Sure enough, reality is the best teacher. Teach the naughty child clearly and obediently.

After being severely beaten by reality, Emperor Yongcheng naturally did not dare to mess around anymore.

The desire for power in his heart also reached its peak amidst repeated frustrations.

He began to weigh the pros and cons, began to know how to disguise, and slowly developed towards a qualified politician.

"Of course, Mrs. Hu should also have said something to Zhao Gui——"

He Tiantian sat with her legs straight and her body leaning against the hidden bag. She looked very relaxed.

When she said this, little classmate D couldn't help jumping up and down, "I know! Tiantian, I know everything Hu said to the little emperor that day!"

It is a universal monitor.

"Little D, you can guess it without even telling me!"

He Tiantian interrupted Xiao D's words. It would be easiest to get accurate monitoring content.

However, He Tiantian still enjoys the fun of "reasoning" more.

"The Hu family is just kneeling down and crying, asking the emperor to be patient and not to have a dispute with the Tao family and the entire martial arts class because of the Zheng family!"

"She would also cry and apologize, saying that her family was useless. Not only did she fail to help the emperor, but she always caused trouble for the emperor!"

Taking retreat in order to advance, saying apologetic words, but in fact, every word is a source of anger!

This is old white flower Hu's specialty.

As for Zhao Gui, he also liked her the most.

Perhaps, when he first heard that the Zheng family had provoked the Tao family, Zhao Gui felt distressed and angry, but also felt a trace of disgust——

Why are they in trouble again? !

Don't the Zheng family know about my plan?

In order to be in charge of the government, I have to make such sacrifices. As a true confidant, the Zheng family is not considerate, but it still causes trouble everywhere!

However, precisely because of Hu's performance, the dissatisfaction in Zhao Gui's heart disappeared.

"The Hu family will probably continue to show their loyalty in front of Zhao Gui and bind themselves and the Zheng family to Zhao Gui!"

Of course, Mrs. Hu was not only showing her loyalty by doing this, she was also secretly piercing the little emperor's heart——

Dear, let’s beat the dog to see if it’s the master. We, the Zheng family, are indeed the slaves of the royal family, but we are His Majesty’s people.

The Tao family and those other martial arts families were so reckless in punishing and humiliating the Zheng family.

They are not simply targeting the Zheng family, but they do not take the emperor Zhao Gui seriously!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Gui has lived in the shadow of his strong mother since he was a child. He has low self-esteem and arrogance, he is self-respecting and sensitive.

He is particularly concerned about other people's eyes and cares about his own "dignity".

Unfortunately, the Tao family accurately stepped on Zhao Gui's pain point.

Zhao Gui also felt this in his heart, but when Hu made a fuss about it, Zhao Gui would only hate Mrs. Tao more and pity Mrs. Zheng.

On the surface, Hu has lost both face and face.

But in fact, she was closer to the little emperor.

The temporary silence is nothing, I just have to wait for the little emperor to take charge in the future... She, the Hu family, will take back all these accounts with interest!

"Tiantian! You guessed it right again!"

Classmate Little D complimented somewhat helplessly.

Alas, when you meet a smart little friend, it doesn't even have the fun of "showing off".

Although the specific content of the conversation between Hu and the little emperor was different from He Tiantian's guess, the meaning was quite different.

"..." He Tiantian didn't say anything in response to Classmate D's praise. She just curled her lips.

Well, the little emperor has grown up and is no longer naive and silly.

As for the heroine Zheng Nian'er, after suffering this series of "blows", will she also "go dark"?

I'm really looking forward to seeing how Niu Hulu Nian'er will perform with the help of the Gongdou System...

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