The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 482: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (19)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian's guess was correct. She was whipped in public, but she did not get the "justice" she deserved. Instead, she had to watch Zheng Youliang run to Tao's house to "apologize."

Zheng Nian'er's mentality completely collapsed.

When she was beaten, she desperately wanted her rights.

But seeing all the "cowardice" behaviors of the Hu family and the Zheng family, Zheng Nian'er immediately turned black.


I must take revenge!

"Host, this system has told you a long time ago that in ancient times when power was respected, strength was the most important thing."

"You are indeed a time-traveling woman, with the supreme aura of being a heroine. But you have no rights."

"It is better to follow the tasks issued by this system and fight well in the palace. When you win and sit on the most noble throne, no one will dare to bully you again!"

"Your family will not ignore your grievances and injuries. They will be proud of you and they will stick closely behind you!"

The mechanical sound from the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness took the opportunity to escape.

Regarding this somewhat rogue "Palace Fighting System", Zheng Nian'er no longer had the initial rejection and resistance!

She is even a little sober now: OK, OK, I am not really alone in this fictitious dynasty with distinct classes and no human rights. I still have a system!

"Ding! Release the mission: Although it is far away from the capital, it can still touch the emperor's heart!"

"The mission is completed and you will be rewarded with scar removal cream, which can eliminate all scars and restore your skin to its original appearance!"

"Mission failed, scars doubled!"

The Gongdou System was very good at seizing the opportunity. It sensed Zheng Nian'er's intention and quickly issued the task.

Scar cream?

Zheng Nian'er, who was already moved, became even more excited after hearing these three words.

That day, Zheng Nianer was whipped by the crazy woman Tao Youwei. Although Zheng Nianer protected her face, her arms, back and thighs were all injured.

There are bloody streaks, although good wound medicine has been applied in time, there is still the possibility of leaving scars.

Not to mention fighting in the palace or being a beloved concubine, even an ordinary woman with so many injuries on her body has major flaws.

Scar removal cream is what she needs most.

In the past period of time, under the control of the Gongdou System, Zheng Nian'er completed several missions one after another.

And the rewards for each mission really surprised her.

The halo of "Sick Beauty", tsk tsk, that makes me feel pity for you.

Not to mention making the little emperor dizzy, Zheng Nian'er himself was dumbfounded when he looked at the person in the bronze mirror.

Slimming cream, it is true that you will not gain weight if you eat too much.

Zheng Nian'er deliberately ate and drank for several days and remained motionless on the bed.

As a result, not to mention gaining weight, her lower abdomen was very flat, as if the food she ate was thrown into a black hole.

There are also whitening pills, which really made her skin whiter by more than one shade.

She deliberately ran out into the sun and was exposed to the sun, but her skin didn't suffer any damage.

Even Mrs. Hu couldn't help but mutter to herself: "You are young after all, and your body is in good shape. No matter how hard you try, there won't be any problems!"

Zheng Nian'er was a little proud. She didn't have a good foundation, it was obvious that she had cheats.

Based on previous experiences, Zheng Nian'er was extremely confident about the scar removal cream this time.

As for the tasks issued by the Palace Fighting System - although they are far away from the capital, they can still touch the emperor's heart!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

On the surface, this task seems a bit vague and has no specific requirements.

In fact, it gave Zheng Nian'er too much room to operate.

Touch the emperor's heart?

Isn't this simple? !

She can't go back to Beijing,

But she can write to the emperor!

In order to double the emperor's affection for her, she could also include some "little surprises" in the letters.

"Is this sent by Nian'er's order?"

He went to the Ministry of Etiquette to urge the wedding. As soon as Emperor Yongcheng returned to his palace, a young eunuch came over holding a big envelope.

He asked casually, and the young eunuch replied that it was sent by someone ordered by Zheng Nian'er. Emperor Yongcheng's somewhat gloomy and tired eyes instantly brightened.

He grabbed the envelope, opened it quickly, and pulled out a thick stack of papers inside.

In addition to the letter, there is also a portrait inside.

The person in the painting is none other than Emperor Yongcheng himself.

However, the painting style of this portrait is not similar to the popular ink painting at the moment.

It feels a bit like freehand brushwork, but more realistic than freehand brushwork.

How should I put it? The moment Emperor Yongcheng saw the portrait, he was shocked——

Could it be that I'm looking in the mirror?

But even if you look in the mirror, today's bronze mirrors cannot show everything so clearly.

It's so real, so, so similar.

It was the first time Emperor Yongcheng saw such a portrait, and it was also the first time he was shocked.

After the shock, Emperor Yongcheng was slowly moved.

Without painting in person, Nian'er was still able to draw such a realistic and expressive portrait, which shows that she is sincere to herself.

It's hateful that in order to be able to be in charge and hold the power, not only could he not marry Nian'er, but he also allowed the Zheng family to send her away when he knew that she had been bullied.

As for him, not only could he not help Nian'er take revenge, he also wanted to marry that murderer and poisonous woman as his queen.

He, he still had to endure the hatred and deliberately look happy in front of Tao Youwei...

It’s really frustrating to be an emperor and do what he does!

But, for the sake of the overall situation, he endured it!

But he still couldn't help feeling sorry for Nian'er and missing her.

"Ding! Mission accomplished, rewarded with a box of scar removal cream!"

"Host, you have done a great job. You have become the white moonlight in the emperor's heart, and it is not a problem to become a peerless concubine in the future!"

Gong Dou is very satisfied with the system, and there is a bit of joy in the stereotypical mechanical sound.

Zheng Nian'er couldn't care less about being happy. She hurriedly redeemed the prize and applied the scar removal cream directly to the injured area.

I have to say, "Produced by the system must be a high-quality product."

After applying the scar removal cream, Zheng Nian'er's skin became extremely smooth and tender in less than two days.

Well, although the Gongdou system is a wild system, it also has all the magic that the system should have.

It’s just that it has no energy of its own, but is supported by the energy stolen from the world of the novel.

The more powerful it is, the more power it loses from the world of fiction.

When it really comes into contact with the male protagonist who has the aura of an emperor, it will absorb more "dragon energy".

It will be more powerful and can even control the consciousness of the world in turn.

At that time, it is estimated that the entire small world will collapse!

Little D felt the energy fluctuations and rolled out worriedly, "Tiantian, that wild creature seems to have become stronger again!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian was not too anxious, "Just wait! The time has not come yet."

It wasn't that He Tiantian wasn't in a hurry, but that she had no choice.

Originally, she estimated that Zheng Nian'er could return to Beijing as soon as possible.

When she enters the palace, He Tiantian will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with that wild tradition.

Whether it's to explore carefully or to draw energy, He Tiantian can always find a way.

However, Hu wanted to commit suicide and deliberately spread the news about "the little emperor's visit to Zheng Nian'er" to everyone in the capital, which directly angered the Tao family.

Gu\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;The Tao family is not a well-known family like the Wang family, and they will not formulate strategies in a roundabout way.

Someone came directly to "subjugate people with force", whether it was whipping Zheng Nian'er, injuring Zheng Dalang, or dragging Zheng Erlang into a lawsuit, it was all so simple and crude.

This operation of the Tao family frightened Mrs. Hu and made her completely alert.

Therefore, within three days of returning to Beijing, Zheng Nian'er was sent out again.

He Tiantian:......

The distance was too far, and she knew that the feral system was developing obscenely in secret, and she couldn't stop it.

"When is the time? Are you waiting for the little emperor's wedding?"

He Tiantian's calm demeanor made Little D even more anxious.

He Tiantian shook her head, "It's not just a wedding. Zhao Gui already knows the cruelty of reality, and he has begun to know how to tolerate and plan!"

"The Tao family are not fools. They will not show their cards right away. They should wait until Tao Youwei is pregnant, and then help Zhao Gui take control of the government step by step."

"Of course, the Tao family is not just 'putting on airs' and deliberately trying to tease Zhao Gui. Tao Yong is weak-minded!"

"The Tao family is indeed the head of the martial arts and holds military power, but Tao Yong is just a general in the end. He is not a minister who cares about orders, let alone a Zhongshu Ling!"

He Tiantian said slowly, "Feng Shou would agree, but Wang Yuan and Zhao Shuo may not agree!"

Return the government, return the government!

To put it lightly, what was handed back was not a specific treasure of gold or silver, but a supreme right.

In addition, the big bosses of the political hall are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The little emperor is a young emperor. He is young, has no political achievements, and does not have much prestige.

During the reign of the late emperor, how strong was the suppression of the courtiers.

The backlash the little emperor suffered at this moment was huge.

These courtiers did not deliberately "revenue private revenge", but there was a conflict of interest between the emperor and the courtiers themselves.

Either the imperial power occupies the dominant position, or the courtiers evade the emperor.

Not everyone is Zhao Gui's biological mother, and no one will hand over the power in their hands easily.

Even the martial arts class headed by Tao Yong is not monolithic.

Tao Yong can indeed help the young emperor fight for power, but with the strength of his family alone, it will be difficult to achieve results in the short term.

Therefore, if Zhao Gui wants to "do whatever he wants" like a real emperor, it can't be solved by just a wedding.

As for Zheng Nian'er, it is estimated that he will stay at Zhuangzi for another two or three years.



Zhao Gui is not an ordinary person. He has the Hu family "making suggestions" by his side. He may have magical tricks.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian suddenly thought of this.

Of course, the most important thing right now is the emperor's wedding.

Emperor Yongcheng was more anxious than anyone else and urged the Ministry of Rites almost eight times a day to formulate the process as soon as possible.

The Tao family was also very active and helped their daughter prepare the dowry with great fanfare.

On the contrary, the Empress Dowager He and the three ministers, the big bosses who really controlled the court, remained silent.

In this weird atmosphere, Qin Tianjian finally selected an auspicious day - February 16th.

The Ministry of Rites has also formulated a complete set of etiquette and procedures for canonizing a queen.

As a result, Emperor Yongcheng and the Tao family began to count the days on their fingers.

He Tiantian only paid attention to it briefly and then threw the matter aside.

She continued to review memorials and sort out government affairs with Wang Shijiu and other female officials.

"The Queen Mother——"

On this day, after reviewing the memorial, He Tiantian also wanted to discuss the issue of salt and iron reform with Wang Shijiu.

Wang Shijiu was a little absent-minded. She hesitated for a long time and finally spoke, "In two months, His Majesty will get married!"

After the emperor's wedding, he wanted to rule personally.

As the emperor's biological mother, the Queen Mother should be the first to set an example - to return power to the emperor.

However, not to mention Queen Mother He, Wang Shijiu, who had only been a maid for a few months, became obsessed with the feeling of guiding the country.

Her political ambitions and her lofty ideals seem to be realized one day.

If he didn't get it, Wang Shijiu might not be willing to let it go.

But she has already tasted the taste of power, and it is really difficult for her to give up.

"I know. After His Majesty's wedding, I will retreat from the former court to the harem!"

He Tiantian seemed not to notice Wang Shijiu's confusion, she said calmly.

Wang Shijiu bit her lower lip. She knew that in her capacity, she should not express any opinions on this matter.

But, she really couldn't bear it. Why is she so unhappy with the Queen Mother!

After working as a waitress for several months, Wang Shijiu came into close contact with Queen Mother He and experienced firsthand her wisdom, determination and broad-mindedness.

Wang Shijiu felt that if Queen Mother He were not a woman, if she sat in that chair, she would definitely become a wise king.

It just so happens that fate has a way with people!

A person as knowledgeable and decision-making as Queen Mother He could only give in to the harem!

"Mother, I shouldn't talk too much, but -"

Wang Shijiu suddenly turned over and knelt down, with her back straight. She decided to persuade the Queen Mother He to "burn the boat"!

However, before she could say anything "treasonous", He Tiantian stopped her.

"Nineteenth Mother, the Ai family understands what you mean!"

He Tiantian smiled and looked at Wang Shijiu. This was also a talent delayed by gender.

However, that was then and now!


When Wang Shijiu heard He Tiantian's words, she suddenly raised her head and looked at her with a pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes.

He Tiantian met Wang Shijiu's eyes and said slowly, "Don't worry, I have plans! Since I want you to be the maid, I won't leave you without a solution!"

On the surface, He Tiantian seemed to be comforting Wang Shijiu.

However, the clever Wang Shijiu still heard the deep meaning of the words of "Queen Mother He" - so what if the emperor is in charge? As the Queen Mother Regent, she can't just retreat!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And those who follow her "Queen Mother He" will not become a lost dog.

"My lord, thank you Queen Mother for your grace!"

Understanding what He Tiantian meant, Wang Shijiu felt relieved.

Not only her, but also the female minister He Tiantian canonized and others also knew that "Queen Mother He" had other plans.

They were no longer restless, and were even willing to help the palace hold the New Year's Day banquet and the Queen's Conferment Ceremony after the new year.

On February 16th, the New Year had just passed, and the festive festivities still remained in Beijing.

God is also kind. It is a sunny and warm day.

In accordance with the etiquette established by the Ministry of Rites, Zhao Gui canonized Tao as queen in Taiji Hall.

After the wedding, as the Queen Mother, He Tiantian took the initiative to hand over the jade seal that was kept by her and returned to the harem from the former court without waiting for Zhao Gui to urge her.

Feng Shou followed closely and proposed that the emperor take charge of the government as a minister of Gu Ming.

Wang Yuan was not too resistant, but was very cooperative in supporting the proposal.

There was only one Korean king, Zhao Shuo, who could not seem too special. Although he was reluctant, he could only agree.

In this way, when Zhao Gui turned fifteen, he could finally take charge...

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